Session Date: August 11th 2018
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Possibility of Being, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia
Q: (L) This is the 11th of August, 2018. [Review of those present] Hello, hello!
A: Megijia of Cassiopaea greeting!
Q: (L) Well, I think the thing I want to open with is something Chu and I were having a conversation about a few days ago. I was telling her about a short exchange I had with Beau and then we were talking about the fact that everything just seems so horrible right now. We were wondering why it was that the kind of madness and denial of truth and reality that is going on in the world today is so upsetting to us. Why can't we just go into confluence, think about jobs and getting a pension and so forth? Why can't we just close our eyes to it and not stay stressed about it? We do tend to stay stressed...
(Artemis) High empathy.
A: High empathy plus lies tend to diminish the individuated soul.
Q: (L) So in other words, that would go with paying close attention to reality, right and left. If you can’t deal with the truth, accept it and act on it, you become a dream in the past? And when you become a dream in the past, that means you cease to exist?
A: For many, yes.
Q: (Artemis) If you have higher empathy, you have a higher sense of responsibility.
(L) But the problem is that, as Chu pointed out, things are happening rather slowly. For example, back on 9-11, I knew what it meant. I wrote about it and I said this is the beginning of what will ultimately end up with the complete removal of people's rights, censorship, and so on. As you guys said in the past, controlling people in every aspect of their lives. So, I knew that. But that was what, 17 years ago?! So, it's taken 17 years to really bring things out into the open and I expected it to happen much more quickly. While you guys say that time doesn't exist, for us here, it exists in a very real and concrete way. Bodies get older, eyes grow dim, energy lessens, the bloom of youth fades...
(Artemis) Those are like song lyrics...
(L) Ya know, are we gonna live to see this show end? Are we gonna see the final act?
A: Most likely. At a certain point a critical mass of energy build up will be reached and things will snowball, no irony intended!
Q: (Pierre) No irony intended, but it means that the final act will be closed or sealed by global cooling?
(L) Well, they've talked about that.
(Joe) It'll be one aspect.
(Andromeda) It'll start speeding up.
(L) In other words, events are likely to speed up and get crazier at a certain point?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And things won't drag out forever like they are now: this SLOOOOW, mind-obliterating insanity, it's just crazy.
(Pierre) It's not linear.
(L) I guess it's because it's nonlinear. Like an earthquake. You build up pressures, and you don't know when it's gonna break, but when it does... everything goes kaflooey.
A: Kaflooey is a good way to describe it.
Q: (Joe) In collapses of previous civilizations, they were typified by generalized chaos. People went a bit crazy. It's usually assumed that was because of the conditions of the collapsing civilization that people went crazy, right? But in our case, people are going crazy when there's no good reason to go crazy at all. They have food on the table, the basics are all there. The people who are going the craziest are the ones who aren't suffering any significant hardship. So it's almost like...
(L) If you read the history, you find out that it's actually the same: People would start going crazy for no good reason, and there would be things going on around the planet. And then it just got crazier and crazier and crazier. It's like civilizations and nations shoot themselves in the foot again and again.
(Chu) In the records, does it also show like 40, 50, or 100 years before the civilization collapses?
(L) Yeah. I would say that what's going on now started probably in 1914, or maybe even towards the close of the nineteenth century. So, we're just really kind of at the end of it. I mean, it was crazy enough according to Lobaczewski around WWI and then WWII. Then if you read that book Psychopathic God about Hitler where he goes into that extensive description of what it was like in Germany before Hitler, you see almost the same thing: people just acting freaking nuts!
(Joe) Crazy is in the eye of the beholder, as well.
(L) Lobaczewski referred to "Austrian talk", a state of mind or attitude that emerged out of Austria. And that's actually where Hitler was born. And Jung was Austrian. So was Freud and Kafka. The philosopher, Wittgenstein, Erwin Schroedinger, lot of very smart people, but some real crazy ones, too.
(Chu) It seems to be like the Tower of Babel every time things collapse. People start acting like god or thinking they're gods.
(Joe) That's what causes the craziness. By definition, that's acting crazy.
(L) We've got things that we want to try to get going, and I've just not had the energy. I'm trying to work on regaining my footing, my energy, my perspective... It's just been a real struggle.
A: Things will improve rapidly now that the energy leaks are removed.
Q: (L) It's upsetting. Okay, so I think Pierre has some questions, and I'm gonna launch into the subject and then you can kick in there. I've been really getting deeply into this evolutionary biology and origins of life. I'm telling you, I've read Freeman Dyson, and I've read John Maynard Smith and a couple others who think they have a skeleton of a theory about how life came into being from just matter. Of course, they don't get into where the matter came from. They just back up to the Big Bang which is basically the Scientific Creationism theory. But they've got the matter, and then they want the matter to jostle around and bump up against other matter - molecules and things. Eventually, something springs forth, and it's alive! Only they have some real problems with putting the theory together based on the research because every single step in the development and transitions toward just the existence of a basically living complete cell is so LOADED with problems that they must make assumptions, leap over things, and refuse to acknowledge the biggest problems in order to get there. It's furiously interesting, but it's making me think. What I want to know is: What is the foundational impetus for... What is the motive force, the push - I mean, we have an idea that there's consciousness involved and all these kinds of things, but it looks like consciousness itself developed and evolved along with matter - so, what is the impetus - the push - that crossed the barrier from a world of just pure information that was shaping and directing matter into life-bearing containers? What was the impetus?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) So gravity is the bridge between information and matter?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of life?
A: Learning by organizing information bits. Expanded being.
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of learning?
(L) Expanded being. I think that's why they added that.
(Joe) So it's a fundamental dynamic of all reality: to expand.
(Pierre) Gravity and information... So matter is...
A: Unstable gravity waves, electromagnetism/light.
Q: (Joe) Ark, do you know what a gravity wave is?
(Chu) Do you know what an unstable gravity wave is?
(Joe) If he doesn't know what a gravity wave is, he doesn't know what an unstable one is.
(Ark) I don't know what gravity is.
(Joe) Is there anything else that...
A: Electricity is a manifestation.
Q: (Scottie) Well, we knew that.
(Joe) We did?
(Scottie) Yeah, they kinda said so years ago.
(Ark) I don't know what gravity is. That's the problem.
A: Gravity is all information.
Q: (Artemis) So it's light in a way.
(Chu) So gravity is all information, but gravity is also the impetus for going from pure information into matter.
(L) I guess gravity is all information, and the unstable gravity waves are information crossing the bridge.
A: Close.
Q: (Artemis) Are you entertained when you watch us wrack our brains and try to figure things out?
A: Not applicable.
Q: (L) Alright, go to your questions, Pierre.
(Pierre) About DNA and information... A salamander that loses a limb grows exactly the same limb. Is it right to think that this organized cell differentiation cannot only be due to the DNA within the cells?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) There's an external factor. This external factor is the information field?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Information field and DNA of the salamander for example, do they interact?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Okay, how do they interact?
A: DNA is a sort of receiver.
Q: (Pierre) Is it right to assume that the information field can therefore modulate DNA activity?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Okay, so DNA is an intermediary between the information field and the organism.
(L) That's why there are people who can have terrible genetic mutations and yet manifest no symptoms...
(Pierre) Yeah, because DNA is a kind of toolbox. Only some of them are activated because of the connection, because of the information received from the information field. Two cells right next to each can do totally different things even if they have the same genetic code because the information field modulates what part of the DNA is activated and which part is deactivated. So, there is a tremendous potential in every cell.
(Chu) That's why they also said previously that viruses are thoughts made manifest. The way I understand it is that they can manifest a thought but you have to have the receiver. So not everyone will catch the same virus. Same with any disease really...
(L) Yeah, some can have the virus in their body and it's completely inactive. And other people can be taken down in no time at all. Reading these genetics books is just mind-boggling.
(Pierre) In previous sessions, the Cs mentioned that some of us (Laura and Joe) were growing additional strands of DNA. In that session, it was mentioned that the Cs were not referring to physical strands of DNA. So, can the Cs clarify what kind of additional strands they're talking about?
A: DNA codons that are otherwise truncated. Think transposons that jump and restore original or new codes.
Q: (L) So, basically you're saying that DNA can be changed? Well, we know it can, because I read the books. But in other words, you're saying that it can be changed by changes in your thinking, understanding, and level of knowledge?
A: Information is the most important factor.
Q: (L) You mean gathering information, researching, and learning is the most important factor?
A: Yes and applying what is learned.
Q: (L) So information is like filling up the gas tank, and applying what you've learned is like starting the engine and pushing on the gas pedal?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) That makes me think of something. The key for DNA transformation, the most important factor, is information. At the same time, DNA is the intermediary or the receiver to the information field. It evokes to me some kind of mirroring where the individual gathers information in the world which then improves his connection to the information field and allows him to gather even more information? Like a circle?
A: Yes. It is like building an antenna.
Q: (L) So the more knowledge you gather, your antenna changes. But it depends upon using it because building the antenna is a product of using what you've learned.
A: Yes
Q: (L) That's what makes the changes.
(Artemis) You can't just sit around and read and do nothing about what you're learning all day. You have to do something.
(Pierre) In a recent scientific paper from this year, it was discovered there is a burst of gene transcription about 24 hours after a living creature dies. I would like to know why?
A: Related to the releasing of the energy field.
Q: (Pierre) Here they're alluding to the relation between the information field and DNA. There seems to be some kind of bond. And when the...
(L) I guess when the soul releases and everything, the genes and everything are like...
(Joe) A blueprint...
(L) They're turned loose and they do one burst of...
(Pierre) The disconnection burst. They disconnect from the information field because there are no more exchanges necessary.
(L) Honey, you have questions?
(Ark) Yes. It's a mathematical question. One thing is to talk about gravity, and another thing is to do something about gravity. Apparently, geometry is important somehow for understanding gravity. We know our space is 3 dimensional. Well, why? Well, probably there is some reason. And then we know there are other dimensions. How many, we don't know...
A: Necessary for expression of thought in sequence.
Q: (Ark) I don't see any reason for that. It could be 2 or 1 or 4.
(L) Apparently, in order for it to be in sequence, maybe thoughts are something more than 2-dimensional things?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Well...
A: Geometry of thought requires it.
Q: (Ark) Yeah, geometry... So, for some reason we have 3 dimensions. It's good for some reason, but we don't understand. This is not an answer that explains anything. We don't know the geometry of thought. So, it's explaining an unknown by an unknown. It's not a good thing. So, anyhow, we have 3 dimensions. There are also other dimensions. We don't know how many are really necessary. And in these other dimensions, our world is somehow floating. We don't know. However, with mathematics and prime numbers and whatever, it has some clues. It means that there are exceptional mathematical structures that somehow have been chosen by creation because they are in some sense exceptional. Not any would do. Now, there are exceptional structures in 3 dimensions that are called Platonic solids. And there are only 7 of them.
A: Help for your problems is coming soon!
Q: (Ark) Yeah, but I didn't finish. [laughter] So, uh...
(L) What's the question?
(Ark) The question is that there are 5 exceptional Lie groups which are being used for a long time to unify physics, explain gravity using String Theory, branes, multiverses, and so on. People are using these exceptional Lie groups and there are only 5 of them. Some people, like Klee Irwin who organized a group and has made million-dollar grants and engaged Tony Smith, and you know... Klee Irwin is on YouTube talking about one of these Lie groups, E8. Okay? E8. They like it. But there are others like E6 which is 78-dimensional [Ark shows printouts of Lie groups] with such a big diagram. There is E7 with such a diagram. And this one has 133 dimensions and is a beloved structure that a friend of Jack Sarfatti, by the name of Paul Sirag, is trying to relate to gravity. There is G2, which is simple 14-dimensions only. E8, etc. Okay everybody in String Theory is doing E8. And there is F4 which is 52-dimensional and kind of nasty-looking [he's not kidding]. Now my question is: Are any of these exceptional mathematical structures of importance in my search for unifying gravity, consciousness, and everything?
A: No. Lie groups lie in wait to entrap the unwary.
Q: (Joe) His name is a lie?!
(Ark) He's Chinese, you know, like Lee. But L-I-E.
(L) They look like spider webs...
A: Indeed.
Q: (Ark) Every symmetry is described by a Lie group. So, symmetry is unimportant? Because this is a mathematical tool for description of rotations, translations, propagation of waves, so... It's all bad.
So what is good?? Which mathematics is good?
A: Geometric algebra.
Q: (Ark) Lie groups are at the foundation of geometry and algebra, and they are bad. So, I don't know what to do.
A: You need to be wary.
Q: (L) I guess that means that Lie groups are useful, but you don't need to be entrapped by them.
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Yes. Okay.
(Joe) I dunno if other people feel the same way, but these days I have a sense that the stuff going on in the world in terms of the political stuff, infighting, and that kind of stuff is increasingly kind of irrelevant in a certain sense...
A: It is. We have said that you should enjoy the show.
Q: (Andromeda) In other words, paying attention to it should be accompanied also by non-attachment. (L) I guess that's a very difficult state to achieve, and perhaps the object of the lesson?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) A lot of people are invested in it because they are attached to material existence and the material universe. They have an investment in what's going on here on the planet because this is their home and they want to protect it and make sure it all works out well. But if you can't detach from that and take a more philosophical point of view, you're going to engage more and more in the fighting and the madness.
(L) Well, on an adjacent topic to DNA, I would like to know why I feel... Um... compelled or obsessed by my genealogy database. [laughter] I'm embarrassed to talk about it because it's taken SO much time, and yet it's like I WANT TO KNOW!
A: Keep in mind that there is a certain power transmitted by awareness of ancestors.
Q: (L) How can there be power transmitted by awareness of ancestors? They're dead, first of all. Second of all, maybe those that had the potential have reincarnated and would be living other lives in other places. Or they'd be floating around in 5th density or whatever dead ancestors do...
(Artemis) Well, in a roundabout way, it's almost like knowing about your past lives.
(Andromeda) Yeah.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, knowing past lives is helpful. Knowing ancestors is helpful. Well, the ancients believed that if you remembered your ancestors, they helped you. If you didn't take care of them or you forgot about them, they could bring bad luck on you. Can it? [laughter]
A: Something like that. You can help to heal some things and draw strength via your DNA antennae which, you must remember, is also their DNA antennae.
Q: (Andromeda) Makes sense.
(Chu) You inherited their receivers.
(Andromeda) And you can learn things from their experiences thereby.
(Pierre) You were wondering about how you relate to them. They're dead, they're far away. Sharing the same DNA antennae, if we are connected via DNA to an information field, and you have other people with similar DNA connected to a similar part of the field, and time really doesn’t exist on other planes, then you can access these kinds of memories or information shared by ancestors...?
A: Exactly.
Q: (Pierre) Wow.
(Joe) There's also epigenetics...
(L) I keep saying that reading all this early American history tells me why Americans are the way they are. They are completely messed up. But then, so is everybody else!! It's terrible.
(Chu) Epigenetics is only about this life, right?
(L) Oh no! Oh no! Your parents can have methylation that gets passed on to you. All kinds of weird stuff can happen. You just would not believe it. So in other words, we're back to ancestor worship! [laughter]
(Artemis) Get some incense and a shrine!
(Pierre) Is one of the reasons for the importance of the cult of ancestors this relation to the information field via DNA?
A: Yes. They went a bit far with it and forgot why it was important.
Q: (Andromeda) Like Halloween.
(L) Yeah. It just got distorted. But then...
A: We keep telling you that we are you in the future. You are them in the future.
Q: (L) So, my present is their future.
(Andromeda) We're the Cs ancestors! [laughter]
(Artemis) They're honoring us!
(Joe) So, maybe some of your ancestors are on a Ouija board trying to contact you. They're trying to get some information.
(L) This is getting too weird... [laughter] So, it would be useful for people to at least know as many of their ancestors as they can possibly know?
A: Yes and some ancestors are stronger than others.
Q: (L) So, if you have a strong recent ancestor, that's pretty good. So, in a certain sense, you could tune in to your ancestors and derive strength from them? Kind of like... a choir of angels sort of thing?
A: Close but don't go all woowoo on us now!
Q: [laughter] (Joe) If you're gonna tune in to your ancestors, you better pick the right one. Don’t be pickin' that one guy...
(Andromeda) The cowboy?
(Joe) The one who never slept in a bed.
(L) Oh, you mean my wonderful ancestor Bone Mizell. Well, he's not exactly an ancestor. He's like first cousin 4 times removed or something. He was first cousin to my great-great grandmother. And what a character!
(Joe) Well, that's why if you're gonna commune with them, you have to know as much about them as possible. Know which ones you don't want to get any advice from.
(Pierre) About this recent drop in UFO sightings: Over the past month, sightings dropped drastically. I would like to know why?
A: Programming is complete.
Q: (Artemis) So they don't have to come here anymore, or as often?
(L) I don't think they've gone anywhere. I think their job is done, and they're just sitting back and enjoying the show!
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What about these structures in the Bermuda Triangle?
A: Atlantis!
Q: (Pierre) I would like to know a bit more about this story I shared with you. Bernard Levy getting stigmata after Dominique De Villepin told him he was a Christ without a cross... Are those stigmata real?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) What was behind this phenomenon? What happened?
A: Psychosomatic emerging from a highly egoistic belief center.
Q: (Pierre) For a Zionist that hates Jesus, that's...
(Niall) He's the Messiah in his head...
(L) Was he bleeding on his palms?
(Pierre) Yes. It lasted for weeks. He had the wounds.
(L) Nobody ever got nailed to a cross in their hands. The hands would tear loose.
(Pierre) But he believed it, and it was enough for the belief to become a reality.
A: Twisted inner being.
Q: (L) Any more questions?
(Ark) Yes. I want to ask if imagining that our 3-dimensional material universe is a kind of a brane floating in more-dimensional space, is it good picture?
A: Very close.
Q: (Ark) In that case, if this is very close, how many dimensions this external universe has?
A: Infinite.
Q: (Ark) Infinite! Very good... [laughter] I can go now happily to bed.
(L) Why?
(Ark) No, because infinity is a good number. It's not like 5 or 6 or 7. [laughter] I always had hope that it might be 12. But no, it's infinite.
(Joe) What did you say it was? A brain floating in space?
(L) Brane: B-R-A-N-E. Like membrane, not like a brain-brain! [laughter]
(Ark) So, if our universe is a brane in this infinite dimensional universe [laughter], are there other branes floating there? [laughter]
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Can they meet?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) And it has to do with unstable gravity waves?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) And the information field that you were talking about, is it going only within the brane, or is it goes also between the branes?
A: Between, outside, inside.
Q: (Ark) And electromagnetism: Is it working only within each brane, or also between branes?
A: Both if conditions are right.
Q: (Joe) Is that what's going to happen as a result of the Wave? Two branes are going to intersect...?
A: Part of it.
Q: (Joe) Will that cause a Big Bang? Was that what the Big Bang was?
A: More or less.
Q: (Chu) I thought it all comes down to information...
A: Information is gravity.
Q: (Ark) Infinite dimensions. There are two kinds: countable like 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, and uncountable like number of points on a line where you cannot count it.
A: Uncountable.
Q: (Ark) Oh! Okay. It gives me hope that other people will not get it. [laughter]
(Artemis) You say that the energy drains have been removed. So why is it that still I actually feel even more drained and tired lately?
A: Not paying enough attention to reality!
Q: (Artemis) Yeah, that's because I'm tired!
A: Read!
Q: (Artemis) Okay.
A: Sing!
Q: (Artemis) Okay, so... I need energy to do the things I need energy for.
(L) We need to organize karaoke.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What about Quinton? Is it gonna solve everybody's problems? [laughter] No, is it having positive effects for everyone who's doing it?
A: Yes. Artemis needs concentrated treatment for detox!
Q: (L) So in other words, what you're doing is you're detoxing. The reason you're feeling bad even in the recent month or so is because you started this treatment at the same time that they left. You're going through this detox. Remember your metals test was just through the roof practically. So, you're detoxing metals. You probably should do a few rounds of oral EDTA, too.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Oh, thanks.
(L) Once you get detoxed, you'll feel better, sweetie. And it will also help when you start feeling a little bit better to force yourself to go into the gym and do that 10-minute workout to see if you can generate some mitochondria.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Okay.
(L) Don't worry, you're looking better. You're looking much better, so that means you're doing better.
(Ark) So, there are these infinite number of other dimensions. Probably they're all equal, but are some of them more equal than others?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) At the end of the World Cup final, there was a very big storm. Was it just a weather event, or was there something behind that?
A: At this point "weather events" are ubiquitous and all part of the same general phenomenon of the Wave.
Q: (L) Okay, last question.
(Niall) Can I go back to Bermuda? What was this structure they found? Was it a city or something?
A: Energy station.
Q: (L) Okay, that was the last question. Is there anything we should have asked that we didn't ask, consider it asked and answer it. Please, thank you.
A: Good night ladies!
(Joe) They're not talking to the men. [laughter]
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Possibility of Being, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia
Q: (L) This is the 11th of August, 2018. [Review of those present] Hello, hello!
A: Megijia of Cassiopaea greeting!
Q: (L) Well, I think the thing I want to open with is something Chu and I were having a conversation about a few days ago. I was telling her about a short exchange I had with Beau and then we were talking about the fact that everything just seems so horrible right now. We were wondering why it was that the kind of madness and denial of truth and reality that is going on in the world today is so upsetting to us. Why can't we just go into confluence, think about jobs and getting a pension and so forth? Why can't we just close our eyes to it and not stay stressed about it? We do tend to stay stressed...
(Artemis) High empathy.
A: High empathy plus lies tend to diminish the individuated soul.
Q: (L) So in other words, that would go with paying close attention to reality, right and left. If you can’t deal with the truth, accept it and act on it, you become a dream in the past? And when you become a dream in the past, that means you cease to exist?
A: For many, yes.
Q: (Artemis) If you have higher empathy, you have a higher sense of responsibility.
(L) But the problem is that, as Chu pointed out, things are happening rather slowly. For example, back on 9-11, I knew what it meant. I wrote about it and I said this is the beginning of what will ultimately end up with the complete removal of people's rights, censorship, and so on. As you guys said in the past, controlling people in every aspect of their lives. So, I knew that. But that was what, 17 years ago?! So, it's taken 17 years to really bring things out into the open and I expected it to happen much more quickly. While you guys say that time doesn't exist, for us here, it exists in a very real and concrete way. Bodies get older, eyes grow dim, energy lessens, the bloom of youth fades...
(Artemis) Those are like song lyrics...
(L) Ya know, are we gonna live to see this show end? Are we gonna see the final act?
A: Most likely. At a certain point a critical mass of energy build up will be reached and things will snowball, no irony intended!
Q: (Pierre) No irony intended, but it means that the final act will be closed or sealed by global cooling?
(L) Well, they've talked about that.
(Joe) It'll be one aspect.
(Andromeda) It'll start speeding up.
(L) In other words, events are likely to speed up and get crazier at a certain point?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And things won't drag out forever like they are now: this SLOOOOW, mind-obliterating insanity, it's just crazy.
(Pierre) It's not linear.
(L) I guess it's because it's nonlinear. Like an earthquake. You build up pressures, and you don't know when it's gonna break, but when it does... everything goes kaflooey.
A: Kaflooey is a good way to describe it.
Q: (Joe) In collapses of previous civilizations, they were typified by generalized chaos. People went a bit crazy. It's usually assumed that was because of the conditions of the collapsing civilization that people went crazy, right? But in our case, people are going crazy when there's no good reason to go crazy at all. They have food on the table, the basics are all there. The people who are going the craziest are the ones who aren't suffering any significant hardship. So it's almost like...
(L) If you read the history, you find out that it's actually the same: People would start going crazy for no good reason, and there would be things going on around the planet. And then it just got crazier and crazier and crazier. It's like civilizations and nations shoot themselves in the foot again and again.
(Chu) In the records, does it also show like 40, 50, or 100 years before the civilization collapses?
(L) Yeah. I would say that what's going on now started probably in 1914, or maybe even towards the close of the nineteenth century. So, we're just really kind of at the end of it. I mean, it was crazy enough according to Lobaczewski around WWI and then WWII. Then if you read that book Psychopathic God about Hitler where he goes into that extensive description of what it was like in Germany before Hitler, you see almost the same thing: people just acting freaking nuts!
(Joe) Crazy is in the eye of the beholder, as well.
(L) Lobaczewski referred to "Austrian talk", a state of mind or attitude that emerged out of Austria. And that's actually where Hitler was born. And Jung was Austrian. So was Freud and Kafka. The philosopher, Wittgenstein, Erwin Schroedinger, lot of very smart people, but some real crazy ones, too.
(Chu) It seems to be like the Tower of Babel every time things collapse. People start acting like god or thinking they're gods.
(Joe) That's what causes the craziness. By definition, that's acting crazy.
(L) We've got things that we want to try to get going, and I've just not had the energy. I'm trying to work on regaining my footing, my energy, my perspective... It's just been a real struggle.
A: Things will improve rapidly now that the energy leaks are removed.
Q: (L) It's upsetting. Okay, so I think Pierre has some questions, and I'm gonna launch into the subject and then you can kick in there. I've been really getting deeply into this evolutionary biology and origins of life. I'm telling you, I've read Freeman Dyson, and I've read John Maynard Smith and a couple others who think they have a skeleton of a theory about how life came into being from just matter. Of course, they don't get into where the matter came from. They just back up to the Big Bang which is basically the Scientific Creationism theory. But they've got the matter, and then they want the matter to jostle around and bump up against other matter - molecules and things. Eventually, something springs forth, and it's alive! Only they have some real problems with putting the theory together based on the research because every single step in the development and transitions toward just the existence of a basically living complete cell is so LOADED with problems that they must make assumptions, leap over things, and refuse to acknowledge the biggest problems in order to get there. It's furiously interesting, but it's making me think. What I want to know is: What is the foundational impetus for... What is the motive force, the push - I mean, we have an idea that there's consciousness involved and all these kinds of things, but it looks like consciousness itself developed and evolved along with matter - so, what is the impetus - the push - that crossed the barrier from a world of just pure information that was shaping and directing matter into life-bearing containers? What was the impetus?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) So gravity is the bridge between information and matter?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of life?
A: Learning by organizing information bits. Expanded being.
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of learning?
(L) Expanded being. I think that's why they added that.
(Joe) So it's a fundamental dynamic of all reality: to expand.
(Pierre) Gravity and information... So matter is...
A: Unstable gravity waves, electromagnetism/light.
Q: (Joe) Ark, do you know what a gravity wave is?
(Chu) Do you know what an unstable gravity wave is?
(Joe) If he doesn't know what a gravity wave is, he doesn't know what an unstable one is.
(Ark) I don't know what gravity is.
(Joe) Is there anything else that...
A: Electricity is a manifestation.
Q: (Scottie) Well, we knew that.
(Joe) We did?
(Scottie) Yeah, they kinda said so years ago.
(Ark) I don't know what gravity is. That's the problem.
A: Gravity is all information.
Q: (Artemis) So it's light in a way.
(Chu) So gravity is all information, but gravity is also the impetus for going from pure information into matter.
(L) I guess gravity is all information, and the unstable gravity waves are information crossing the bridge.
A: Close.
Q: (Artemis) Are you entertained when you watch us wrack our brains and try to figure things out?
A: Not applicable.
Q: (L) Alright, go to your questions, Pierre.
(Pierre) About DNA and information... A salamander that loses a limb grows exactly the same limb. Is it right to think that this organized cell differentiation cannot only be due to the DNA within the cells?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) There's an external factor. This external factor is the information field?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Information field and DNA of the salamander for example, do they interact?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Okay, how do they interact?
A: DNA is a sort of receiver.
Q: (Pierre) Is it right to assume that the information field can therefore modulate DNA activity?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Okay, so DNA is an intermediary between the information field and the organism.
(L) That's why there are people who can have terrible genetic mutations and yet manifest no symptoms...
(Pierre) Yeah, because DNA is a kind of toolbox. Only some of them are activated because of the connection, because of the information received from the information field. Two cells right next to each can do totally different things even if they have the same genetic code because the information field modulates what part of the DNA is activated and which part is deactivated. So, there is a tremendous potential in every cell.
(Chu) That's why they also said previously that viruses are thoughts made manifest. The way I understand it is that they can manifest a thought but you have to have the receiver. So not everyone will catch the same virus. Same with any disease really...
(L) Yeah, some can have the virus in their body and it's completely inactive. And other people can be taken down in no time at all. Reading these genetics books is just mind-boggling.
(Pierre) In previous sessions, the Cs mentioned that some of us (Laura and Joe) were growing additional strands of DNA. In that session, it was mentioned that the Cs were not referring to physical strands of DNA. So, can the Cs clarify what kind of additional strands they're talking about?
A: DNA codons that are otherwise truncated. Think transposons that jump and restore original or new codes.
Q: (L) So, basically you're saying that DNA can be changed? Well, we know it can, because I read the books. But in other words, you're saying that it can be changed by changes in your thinking, understanding, and level of knowledge?
A: Information is the most important factor.
Q: (L) You mean gathering information, researching, and learning is the most important factor?
A: Yes and applying what is learned.
Q: (L) So information is like filling up the gas tank, and applying what you've learned is like starting the engine and pushing on the gas pedal?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) That makes me think of something. The key for DNA transformation, the most important factor, is information. At the same time, DNA is the intermediary or the receiver to the information field. It evokes to me some kind of mirroring where the individual gathers information in the world which then improves his connection to the information field and allows him to gather even more information? Like a circle?
A: Yes. It is like building an antenna.
Q: (L) So the more knowledge you gather, your antenna changes. But it depends upon using it because building the antenna is a product of using what you've learned.
A: Yes
Q: (L) That's what makes the changes.
(Artemis) You can't just sit around and read and do nothing about what you're learning all day. You have to do something.
(Pierre) In a recent scientific paper from this year, it was discovered there is a burst of gene transcription about 24 hours after a living creature dies. I would like to know why?
A: Related to the releasing of the energy field.
Q: (Pierre) Here they're alluding to the relation between the information field and DNA. There seems to be some kind of bond. And when the...
(L) I guess when the soul releases and everything, the genes and everything are like...
(Joe) A blueprint...
(L) They're turned loose and they do one burst of...
(Pierre) The disconnection burst. They disconnect from the information field because there are no more exchanges necessary.
(L) Honey, you have questions?
(Ark) Yes. It's a mathematical question. One thing is to talk about gravity, and another thing is to do something about gravity. Apparently, geometry is important somehow for understanding gravity. We know our space is 3 dimensional. Well, why? Well, probably there is some reason. And then we know there are other dimensions. How many, we don't know...
A: Necessary for expression of thought in sequence.
Q: (Ark) I don't see any reason for that. It could be 2 or 1 or 4.
(L) Apparently, in order for it to be in sequence, maybe thoughts are something more than 2-dimensional things?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Well...
A: Geometry of thought requires it.
Q: (Ark) Yeah, geometry... So, for some reason we have 3 dimensions. It's good for some reason, but we don't understand. This is not an answer that explains anything. We don't know the geometry of thought. So, it's explaining an unknown by an unknown. It's not a good thing. So, anyhow, we have 3 dimensions. There are also other dimensions. We don't know how many are really necessary. And in these other dimensions, our world is somehow floating. We don't know. However, with mathematics and prime numbers and whatever, it has some clues. It means that there are exceptional mathematical structures that somehow have been chosen by creation because they are in some sense exceptional. Not any would do. Now, there are exceptional structures in 3 dimensions that are called Platonic solids. And there are only 7 of them.
A: Help for your problems is coming soon!
Q: (Ark) Yeah, but I didn't finish. [laughter] So, uh...
(L) What's the question?
(Ark) The question is that there are 5 exceptional Lie groups which are being used for a long time to unify physics, explain gravity using String Theory, branes, multiverses, and so on. People are using these exceptional Lie groups and there are only 5 of them. Some people, like Klee Irwin who organized a group and has made million-dollar grants and engaged Tony Smith, and you know... Klee Irwin is on YouTube talking about one of these Lie groups, E8. Okay? E8. They like it. But there are others like E6 which is 78-dimensional [Ark shows printouts of Lie groups] with such a big diagram. There is E7 with such a diagram. And this one has 133 dimensions and is a beloved structure that a friend of Jack Sarfatti, by the name of Paul Sirag, is trying to relate to gravity. There is G2, which is simple 14-dimensions only. E8, etc. Okay everybody in String Theory is doing E8. And there is F4 which is 52-dimensional and kind of nasty-looking [he's not kidding]. Now my question is: Are any of these exceptional mathematical structures of importance in my search for unifying gravity, consciousness, and everything?
A: No. Lie groups lie in wait to entrap the unwary.
Q: (Joe) His name is a lie?!
(Ark) He's Chinese, you know, like Lee. But L-I-E.
(L) They look like spider webs...
A: Indeed.
Q: (Ark) Every symmetry is described by a Lie group. So, symmetry is unimportant? Because this is a mathematical tool for description of rotations, translations, propagation of waves, so... It's all bad.

A: Geometric algebra.
Q: (Ark) Lie groups are at the foundation of geometry and algebra, and they are bad. So, I don't know what to do.
A: You need to be wary.
Q: (L) I guess that means that Lie groups are useful, but you don't need to be entrapped by them.
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Yes. Okay.
(Joe) I dunno if other people feel the same way, but these days I have a sense that the stuff going on in the world in terms of the political stuff, infighting, and that kind of stuff is increasingly kind of irrelevant in a certain sense...
A: It is. We have said that you should enjoy the show.
Q: (Andromeda) In other words, paying attention to it should be accompanied also by non-attachment. (L) I guess that's a very difficult state to achieve, and perhaps the object of the lesson?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) A lot of people are invested in it because they are attached to material existence and the material universe. They have an investment in what's going on here on the planet because this is their home and they want to protect it and make sure it all works out well. But if you can't detach from that and take a more philosophical point of view, you're going to engage more and more in the fighting and the madness.
(L) Well, on an adjacent topic to DNA, I would like to know why I feel... Um... compelled or obsessed by my genealogy database. [laughter] I'm embarrassed to talk about it because it's taken SO much time, and yet it's like I WANT TO KNOW!
A: Keep in mind that there is a certain power transmitted by awareness of ancestors.
Q: (L) How can there be power transmitted by awareness of ancestors? They're dead, first of all. Second of all, maybe those that had the potential have reincarnated and would be living other lives in other places. Or they'd be floating around in 5th density or whatever dead ancestors do...
(Artemis) Well, in a roundabout way, it's almost like knowing about your past lives.
(Andromeda) Yeah.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, knowing past lives is helpful. Knowing ancestors is helpful. Well, the ancients believed that if you remembered your ancestors, they helped you. If you didn't take care of them or you forgot about them, they could bring bad luck on you. Can it? [laughter]
A: Something like that. You can help to heal some things and draw strength via your DNA antennae which, you must remember, is also their DNA antennae.
Q: (Andromeda) Makes sense.
(Chu) You inherited their receivers.
(Andromeda) And you can learn things from their experiences thereby.
(Pierre) You were wondering about how you relate to them. They're dead, they're far away. Sharing the same DNA antennae, if we are connected via DNA to an information field, and you have other people with similar DNA connected to a similar part of the field, and time really doesn’t exist on other planes, then you can access these kinds of memories or information shared by ancestors...?
A: Exactly.
Q: (Pierre) Wow.
(Joe) There's also epigenetics...
(L) I keep saying that reading all this early American history tells me why Americans are the way they are. They are completely messed up. But then, so is everybody else!! It's terrible.
(Chu) Epigenetics is only about this life, right?
(L) Oh no! Oh no! Your parents can have methylation that gets passed on to you. All kinds of weird stuff can happen. You just would not believe it. So in other words, we're back to ancestor worship! [laughter]
(Artemis) Get some incense and a shrine!
(Pierre) Is one of the reasons for the importance of the cult of ancestors this relation to the information field via DNA?
A: Yes. They went a bit far with it and forgot why it was important.
Q: (Andromeda) Like Halloween.
(L) Yeah. It just got distorted. But then...
A: We keep telling you that we are you in the future. You are them in the future.
Q: (L) So, my present is their future.
(Andromeda) We're the Cs ancestors! [laughter]
(Artemis) They're honoring us!
(Joe) So, maybe some of your ancestors are on a Ouija board trying to contact you. They're trying to get some information.
(L) This is getting too weird... [laughter] So, it would be useful for people to at least know as many of their ancestors as they can possibly know?
A: Yes and some ancestors are stronger than others.
Q: (L) So, if you have a strong recent ancestor, that's pretty good. So, in a certain sense, you could tune in to your ancestors and derive strength from them? Kind of like... a choir of angels sort of thing?
A: Close but don't go all woowoo on us now!
Q: [laughter] (Joe) If you're gonna tune in to your ancestors, you better pick the right one. Don’t be pickin' that one guy...
(Andromeda) The cowboy?
(Joe) The one who never slept in a bed.
(L) Oh, you mean my wonderful ancestor Bone Mizell. Well, he's not exactly an ancestor. He's like first cousin 4 times removed or something. He was first cousin to my great-great grandmother. And what a character!
(Joe) Well, that's why if you're gonna commune with them, you have to know as much about them as possible. Know which ones you don't want to get any advice from.
(Pierre) About this recent drop in UFO sightings: Over the past month, sightings dropped drastically. I would like to know why?
A: Programming is complete.
Q: (Artemis) So they don't have to come here anymore, or as often?
(L) I don't think they've gone anywhere. I think their job is done, and they're just sitting back and enjoying the show!
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What about these structures in the Bermuda Triangle?
A: Atlantis!
Q: (Pierre) I would like to know a bit more about this story I shared with you. Bernard Levy getting stigmata after Dominique De Villepin told him he was a Christ without a cross... Are those stigmata real?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) What was behind this phenomenon? What happened?
A: Psychosomatic emerging from a highly egoistic belief center.
Q: (Pierre) For a Zionist that hates Jesus, that's...
(Niall) He's the Messiah in his head...
(L) Was he bleeding on his palms?
(Pierre) Yes. It lasted for weeks. He had the wounds.
(L) Nobody ever got nailed to a cross in their hands. The hands would tear loose.
(Pierre) But he believed it, and it was enough for the belief to become a reality.
A: Twisted inner being.
Q: (L) Any more questions?
(Ark) Yes. I want to ask if imagining that our 3-dimensional material universe is a kind of a brane floating in more-dimensional space, is it good picture?
A: Very close.
Q: (Ark) In that case, if this is very close, how many dimensions this external universe has?
A: Infinite.
Q: (Ark) Infinite! Very good... [laughter] I can go now happily to bed.
(L) Why?
(Ark) No, because infinity is a good number. It's not like 5 or 6 or 7. [laughter] I always had hope that it might be 12. But no, it's infinite.
(Joe) What did you say it was? A brain floating in space?
(L) Brane: B-R-A-N-E. Like membrane, not like a brain-brain! [laughter]
(Ark) So, if our universe is a brane in this infinite dimensional universe [laughter], are there other branes floating there? [laughter]
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Can they meet?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) And it has to do with unstable gravity waves?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) And the information field that you were talking about, is it going only within the brane, or is it goes also between the branes?
A: Between, outside, inside.
Q: (Ark) And electromagnetism: Is it working only within each brane, or also between branes?
A: Both if conditions are right.
Q: (Joe) Is that what's going to happen as a result of the Wave? Two branes are going to intersect...?
A: Part of it.
Q: (Joe) Will that cause a Big Bang? Was that what the Big Bang was?
A: More or less.
Q: (Chu) I thought it all comes down to information...
A: Information is gravity.
Q: (Ark) Infinite dimensions. There are two kinds: countable like 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, and uncountable like number of points on a line where you cannot count it.
A: Uncountable.
Q: (Ark) Oh! Okay. It gives me hope that other people will not get it. [laughter]
(Artemis) You say that the energy drains have been removed. So why is it that still I actually feel even more drained and tired lately?
A: Not paying enough attention to reality!
Q: (Artemis) Yeah, that's because I'm tired!
A: Read!
Q: (Artemis) Okay.
A: Sing!
Q: (Artemis) Okay, so... I need energy to do the things I need energy for.
(L) We need to organize karaoke.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What about Quinton? Is it gonna solve everybody's problems? [laughter] No, is it having positive effects for everyone who's doing it?
A: Yes. Artemis needs concentrated treatment for detox!
Q: (L) So in other words, what you're doing is you're detoxing. The reason you're feeling bad even in the recent month or so is because you started this treatment at the same time that they left. You're going through this detox. Remember your metals test was just through the roof practically. So, you're detoxing metals. You probably should do a few rounds of oral EDTA, too.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Oh, thanks.
(L) Once you get detoxed, you'll feel better, sweetie. And it will also help when you start feeling a little bit better to force yourself to go into the gym and do that 10-minute workout to see if you can generate some mitochondria.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Okay.
(L) Don't worry, you're looking better. You're looking much better, so that means you're doing better.
(Ark) So, there are these infinite number of other dimensions. Probably they're all equal, but are some of them more equal than others?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) At the end of the World Cup final, there was a very big storm. Was it just a weather event, or was there something behind that?
A: At this point "weather events" are ubiquitous and all part of the same general phenomenon of the Wave.
Q: (L) Okay, last question.
(Niall) Can I go back to Bermuda? What was this structure they found? Was it a city or something?
A: Energy station.
Q: (L) Okay, that was the last question. Is there anything we should have asked that we didn't ask, consider it asked and answer it. Please, thank you.
A: Good night ladies!
(Joe) They're not talking to the men. [laughter]
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