Session 11 August 2018

I think we can have the freedom to create new versions of reality, and potentially genuinely new creations, but no one can change a fundamental 'law' of the universe (it seems ) that between expanded being and self-centered contraction towards 'nothingness', the former is viable while the latter is not. It seems this is not even a law but a self-evident and immutable truth.
That's a much better way of putting it. Thanks!
Thanks, this is a rich session.

Q: (Pierre) That makes me think of something. The key for DNA transformation, the most important factor, is information. At the same time, DNA is the intermediary or the receiver to the information field. It evokes to me some kind of mirroring where the individual gathers information in the world which then improves his connection to the information field and allows him to gather even more information? Like a circle?

A: Yes. It is like building an antenna.

Q: (L) So the more knowledge you gather, your antenna changes. But it depends upon using it because building the antenna is a product of using what you've learned.

A: Yes

All topics in the session are really interesting.
Thanks a lot for the French's translation
Geometric algebra/Clifford algebra can though give you Lie groups. For example, Geometric algebra 2-vectors give you the Lie group called the Spin group. You also get spinors from Geometric algebra and if you combine bivectors and spinors, you can get the E8 exceptional Lie group (which contains lots of other Lie groups as subgroups like E7, E6, D8, F4, A3). So it may be independent historically but not mathematically. Klee Irwin puts a lot of money into E8 research and he very much seeks out people with E8 related models like Tony Smith, Garrett Lisi, and Carlos Castro Perelman. However, these people have some very different ideas aka it's easy to get lost hence the warning from the Cs. The Cs don't seem to like to give away anything that we can figure out on our own so I don't think they are going to say who among these guys is the least lost.

Ark has been into the conformal group for gravity and the Cs seemed to like that idea since they confirmed the 4 pluses and 2 minuses for his conformal metric. The Cs seem to like the brane idea and that via U(N) gauge theory is very Lie group related too. Lie groups seem useful but they may need things geometric algebra and branes to help keep researchers from getting lost. Nice thing about Geometric/Clifford algebra is that even if you are dealing with infinite dimensions, this can be rewritten as a tensor product of infinite copies of an 8-dim algebra since there is an eightfold Bott periodicity. Cl(8) has 256 dimensions and E8 has 248 dimensions. The difference according to Tony Smith is half of the 16 Pertti Lounesto primitive idempotents. Can researchers actually do things like detailed symmetry breaking Higgs mechanism kinds of things using Cl(8) multivectors? I really have no idea.
From which the theory Cft / ADS, It is the Mathematician Chevaley who worked on the theory of the spinor and the algebra of Clifford. One of my subject, as well as other branches of M-theory. What is important in the CFT / Ads theory is that we have an iso. between a field theory with a geometry, it's extremely exciting
From which the theory Cft / ADS, It is the Mathematician Chevaley who worked on the theory of the spinor and the algebra of Clifford. One of my subject, as well as other branches of M-theory. What is important in the CFT / Ads theory is that we have an iso. between a field theory with a geometry, it's extremely exciting
In fact, I should therefore deepen the various explanations of each other for Heterostring strings.
Session Transcript 980725

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?

A: Part, but not "the whole thing."

Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?

A: Replacement.

Q: (L) Replacement of what?

A: You.

Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?

A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?


It seems pretty clear to me that the invasion is happening right in front of our noses. -Our species has without question been re-coded to such an extent on the genetic and biological levels, (see "soy-boy") that you can see it and feel it out there walking around, snearing at you. The so-called "culture wars" are evidence, I think, not so much of a war, but merely this final wave of sociological programming butting up against the previous generation of out-moded inveterate livestock which is resisting change.

The world is currently wound up such that when let go to spin, populations can be counted upon now to manifest, en masse, all of the psychological profiles necessary to house alien souls; those shaven haired SJW university students are perhaps not the aliens themselves, but boy oh boy, their KIDS are going to be seriously screwed up! When your mom and dad, (I guess?) are actively trying to prevent you from expressing genuine sexuality based on your body type... From birth! You own parents are feeding you cult victim ideology... Yikes! What chance do you have? -Their genetics combined with a built-in inclination toward fascist/communist social programming, I can definitely see the argument for their being the perfect receptacles for STS aliens.

Whenever we get a glimpse of the interior workings of alien culture, (through hypnosis study of abductees for instance), the image we are able to piece together is one of such an ultra socialist system that it makes Star Trek's vision look postivly raunchy by comparison. -Born in creches, educated through mind control, grown for and placed into specific jobs determined by the system itself, allowing ZERO individuality... All scenes right out of an Aldous Huxley fever dream. -Creepy, hive-mind Socialism which actually works, but only because all sense of individuality has been stripped away, the entire culture resembling more an ant hill than an advanced civilization, the whole thing plays like a nightmare scenario lit with soft whites and smooth edges, where everybody is a happy, productive aberrative insult to God.

The more violently disposed monkeys among us are, my guess, programmed simply to be miserable and violent in order to feed the energy-sucking machine.

Our whole world of today seems brilliantly well programmed, from the alien sense. I have to grudgingly admire their work for the levels of efficiency and cleverness of strategy. How do can anybody fight such a magnificently arrayed beast, cultivated throughout all history, beyond our control?

Heh. Just watch. -Because that's happening also. We're on the winning side of history. It's good to keep that in mind when moving forward, while hacking at the heel of a giant black root, when feeling depressed about the bleakness of it all.

Read a book. Act on what you learn. Sing. Work. Stay alert. And let the butterfly wings do their thing.

Oh... my... god. I had forgotten that. But yeah, that's it. And brilliant synopsis/analysis!
Thank you so much for the new session! :flowers:

Early Christians had meals with their dead; in fact, the church communities would have meals - like picnics - in the catacombs or graveyards. Apparently, there was no concept of a distant afterlife; that came much later. It's almost like the commandment Paul writes about where Jesus supposedly instituted the Last Supper and said that people should do it "in remembrance of me". Well, maybe that's been altered a bit. Maybe what was really intended was that if you have a meal and commemorate not just Jesus/Caesar, but your loved ones, you can sort of invoke that energy/knowledge.

This reminds me of the old Serbian custom, which is still quite alive today, when people brought food to the graveyard several times a year, in memory of their deceased. Many of today's "progressive" people consider it to be a barbaric, but the fact is that it's very old custom and doesn't seems to have anything to do with "regular" Christianity.

I remember once, when I did not know the "event date", that I went through a small local graveyard on the way to the store, where the presence of many people was surprised to me. It was very odd. They were all neighbors from my village, and they all behaved as one family. Even the people I knew to hate each other. They all brought food and drink and put it on the graves of their deceased, and they offered food to each other. It is considered that it is not good to reject such an offer, and every time someone takes something (food or drink), the name of someone or more deceased is mentioned. The whole atmosphere was very pleasant and as if they were one family, regardless of their differences. Like a real family picnic. That was all a surprise to me because I did not grow up here, but moved in 7 years ago. Similar custom exist in Belgrade too, but with less closeness between people.
This is older stuff, not available anymore in the transcripts section, (it's from July 25, 1998, during the "Frank" years, so pinches of salt are advised), but I try to keep copies of everything I read that happens to pique my interest. This file was one of them. I'll only post here the relevant part, because I don't want to step on any toes wrt what might have been deliberately omitted from the public files.

Session Transcript 980725

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?

A: Part, but not "the whole thing."

Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?

A: Replacement.

Q: (L) Replacement of what?

A: You.

Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?

A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?


It seems pretty clear to me that the invasion is happening right in front of our noses. -Our species has without question been re-coded to such an extent on the genetic and biological levels, (see "soy-boy") that you can see it and feel it out there walking around, snearing at you. The so-called "culture wars" are evidence, I think, not so much of a war, but merely this final wave of sociological programming butting up against the previous generation of out-moded inveterate livestock which is resisting change.

The world is currently wound up such that when let go to spin, populations can be counted upon now to manifest, en masse, all of the psychological profiles necessary to house alien souls; those shaven haired SJW university students are perhaps not the aliens themselves, but boy oh boy, their KIDS are going to be seriously screwed up! When your mom and dad, (I guess?) are actively trying to prevent you from expressing genuine sexuality based on your body type... From birth! You own parents are feeding you cult victim ideology... Yikes! What chance do you have? -Their genetics combined with a built-in inclination toward fascist/communist social programming, I can definitely see the argument for their being the perfect receptacles for STS aliens.

Whenever we get a glimpse of the interior workings of alien culture, (through hypnosis study of abductees for instance), the image we are able to piece together is one of such an ultra socialist system that it makes Star Trek's vision look postivly raunchy by comparison. -Born in creches, educated through mind control, grown for and placed into specific jobs determined by the system itself, allowing ZERO individuality... All scenes right out of an Aldous Huxley fever dream. -Creepy, hive-mind Socialism which actually works, but only because all sense of individuality has been stripped away, the entire culture resembling more an ant hill than an advanced civilization, the whole thing plays like a nightmare scenario lit with soft whites and smooth edges, where everybody is a happy, productive aberrative insult to God.

The more violently disposed monkeys among us are, my guess, programmed simply to be miserable and violent in order to feed the energy-sucking machine.

Our whole world of today seems brilliantly well programmed, from the alien sense. I have to grudgingly admire their work for the levels of efficiency and cleverness of strategy. How do can anybody fight such a magnificently arrayed beast, cultivated throughout all history, beyond our control?

Heh. Just watch. -Because that's happening also. We're on the winning side of history. It's good to keep that in mind when moving forward, while hacking at the heel of a giant black root, when feeling depressed about the bleakness of it all.

Read a book. Act on what you learn. Sing. Work. Stay alert. And let the butterfly wings do their thing.

OK, now I have goose bumps!

I wonder how the below excerpt form the session of May 4, 1996 fits into the picture of completed programming and invasion? The C's talked about an entire race of mostly souled people living underground who have been raised to replace us, and that we have been the "preparation committee".

Any thoughts on this?

Q: (L) One of the things we talked about the last time Tom was here was about the underground bases and military interference in civilian affairs and civilian interface with military affairs. What further can you tell us about this?

A: Ask specific questions, please.

Q: (L) One of the questions we were dealing with was the use of warfare to create situations in which bodies could be taken...

A: Warfare has many "uses."

Q: (L) Could you list for us some of the most common uses of warfare?

A: Generation of environment to facilitate inconspicuous replacement of gene pool. Factors in paradigm shift through stimulation of conception activity, replacement of key personnel according to frequency vibration pre-readings...


Q: (L) What do you mean by "replacement of key personnel?" Key personnel according to whose definition?

A: 4th density STS.


Q: (L) Would it also be that key personnel could also be replaced as in duplication?

A: Yes. And removing to secret activity realm. Enough wars have taken place to effectively create entire new "underground race" of humans, both from direct capture followed by "reeducation," and spawning activity using these persons and others.

Q: (L) What do you mean by spawning activity?

A: Those captured have reproduced offspring, these never having seen your world.

Q: (L) Are you saying... (TK) They have given birth and these children have never seen our world... (L) How can an entire race of people, or groups of people, live under the surface of this planet, without the whole 6 billion of the rest of us on top, or at least a large number, realizing that there is anything going on? This is so wild an idea...


(L) It just staggers the mind to think about it. What do they want these people for?

A: To replace you.

Q: (TK) And why? Because they can control them better. Right?

A: Completely.

Q: (L) Do these people being bred and raised in these underground cities have souls?

A: Yes, most.

Q: (TK) Are they just like us only raised differently?

A: More complicated than that.

Q: (L) How long have they been doing this?

A: 14,000 years, approximately.

Q: (L) If they have been doing it that long, obviously the ones they have taken at the beginning have croaked and are of no use to replace anybody on the earth unless they have been replacing people from time to time for various reasons...

A: No, their technology makes yours look like Neanderthal by comparison! Hibernation tubes... One heartbeat per hour, for example.

Q: (TH) That means that for every year we live, they would live 4200 years... (L) Does any of this have anything to do with that crazy pit at Oak Island?

A: In an offhand way.

Q: (L) How do we fit into all of this? (TK) We don't!

A: You have been the "preparation committee."

Q: (L) What have we been doing? Is it part of the plan for us to destroy the planet, destroy the ozone layer, pollute the seas and so forth to make it more habitable for them?

A: Those things are inconsequential and easily repaired. (...)
Hi WIN 52, I didn't get it... You mean you quitting the crystal thing for awhile was like a 'disturbance in the force' in relation to the "The Programming is complete" on a mass scale?

For the record: I've thought I've lost my personal crystal, it was around April-June perhaps, then after a 3 or 4 days I'd go sit with the others crystals and sang for minutes, and the crystal showed up on a pocket a few hours later. After that, in June, I've lost the water crystal for a week or two, searched everywhere as in the first occasion. I said, I've lost it for real this time, and thought it slipped on the thrash when emptying my cup... Showed up it was on the ground at home, got whiteish tiles on the floor:lol:

I just felt that carrying them was no longer necessary and drinking water charged with the crystal was also not necessary as well. It was confirmed that the programming is complete. I am tuned up and ready for the show. Shall we start with song?

My feet just grew a half size. Now I need new footware. The numbness in my left foot from an accident in 1980 and the numbness from a stroke on my right side in 2005 is going away. That goes against anything the medical system has to offer. I heard of Laura's work before she started her quest.

In the meantime, I am still trying to figure things out like everyone else.
From which the theory Cft / ADS, It is the Mathematician Chevaley who worked on the theory of the spinor and the algebra of Clifford. One of my subject, as well as other branches of M-theory. What is important in the CFT / Ads theory is that we have an iso. between a field theory with a geometry, it's extremely exciting. In fact, I should therefore deepen the various explanations of each other for Heterostring strings.
The general idea of having a quantum field theory with something like a worldsheet for probabilities and an actual relationship to spacetime is good. Heterotic strings with its E8 down to E6 GUT gives spinors for fermions so something like that is good too. Hopefully it would all fit in the spacetime brane/U(N) gauge theory structure too. Also have to get the symmetry breaking details to work with a nice cosmological constant, etc. Hopefully the Cs hint of using geometric algebra multivectors would be useful for this but the details for doing that would be over my head. The Clifford algebra dual structure though would seem to offer a possible 8 down to 4 symmetry breaking for Cl(8).
I wonder how the below excerpt form the session of May 4, 1996 fits into the picture of completed programming and invasion? The C's talked about an entire race of mostly souled people living underground who have been raised to replace us, and that we have been the "preparation committee".

Any thoughts on this?

Well it certainly fits metaphorically! An "underground race" that has emerged seemingly out of nowhere, but which has been growing under our noses in the universities for the past 30 or so years... SJWs.

And geeze, that Woodsman analysis really puts communism in a new perspective. Talk about the ultimate 'alien' experience. Lobaczewski wasn't far off by referring to pathocrats as not quite human...
I thought the same: If programming is complete, then it can't be good because invasion begins. We'll have to see how this translates into reality. I doubt we'll see the mother ship on the White House lawn, with predictions often being symbolic and all that, but what do I know.

Something else I thought is that, if the program is complete, then it is right in front of our eyes in society for us to see it, so we should be able to tell by now what it consists of. I always thought the program had to do with nihilism, materialism and postmodernism, and obviously that's a big part of it. But then about half the people on the ideological spectrum don't share those. A housemate commented that the program is perhaps the ease with which people are manipulated. And I tend to agree with that. Something that many people on both sides of the political/ideological (or even scientific, philosophical and religious) debate have in common is that they seem to be massively influenced by emotions, very hysterical, missing all sorts of nuances and complexities. So perhaps it's as simple as that and more fundamental than the errors of the left: people can't think straight nor deeply these days, or simply have no interest in finding the truth about anything. Thus, they remain divided and very easy to manipulate one way or the other.

I think the mechanisms of programming have been covered on SOTT throughout the years. It comes down to media lies and propaganda, promoting unhealthy and damaging diets and lifestyle, the destruction of human relationships, corruption of science, disinformation about history, etc. The chaos we're seeing is a manifestation of the years long ponerization process.
If you don't want to commit to an subscription just yet, try You have to create an account, but it's free. Or go to your local library (in the US), many offer Ancestry as part of their database bundle that you can access with your library card. Some librarians and/or history center docents can even help you when you got stuck!

The LDS Church (Mormons), which runs the Familysearch website, has millions of records, many on microfilm or digitized, as
I just felt that carrying them was no longer necessary and drinking water charged with the crystal was also not necessary as well. It was confirmed that the programming is complete. I am tuned up and ready for the show. Shall we start with song?

My feet just grew a half size. Now I need new footware. The numbness in my left foot from an accident in 1980 and the numbness from a stroke on my right side in 2005 is going away. That goes against anything the medical system has to offer. I heard of Laura's work before she started her quest.

In the meantime, I am still trying to figure things out like everyone else.

I don't think you understand the reference, Win 52. The "programming" is the creation of a race of ultra-nasty types that are suitable for full STS download/expression. Are you suggesting that you are one of those?
If you don't want to commit to an subscription just yet, try You have to create an account, but it's free. Or go to your local library (in the US), many offer Ancestry as part of their database bundle that you can access with your library card. Some librarians and/or history center docents can even help you when you got stuck!

The LDS Church (Mormons), which runs the Familysearch website, has millions of records, many on microfilm or digitized, as

Yes, LDS has "millions of records" many of which are "member submitted family trees" FULL of errors and wishful thinking.

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