Session 11 August 2018

In my view, tattoos and piercings are very dubious indeed, even when they are mild. They've always reminded me of animal branding. Human resources, indeed!

And for that exact reason I personally wouldn’t get one. It’s used to easily identify someone, and if there is ever a time I want to blend into a crowd for whatever reason (like avoiding jack booted thugs hunting down truth seekers or something in the future), it would be nice to be able to do so. I’m pretty sure everyone on a forum like this is on some kind of list, so no reason to make it easy for them to one day pick you out of the crowd.
What a jam-packed session. Thanks for all those questions about things I've been wondering, especially about are we going to be alive to see the culmination of this transitional phase we've been in. And the idea that "gravity is information" is certainly thought-provoking considering the traditional view that gravity is deeply in the physical realm and information/thought is the epitome of the non-physical realm.

In Dr. Harold Saxton Burr's 1972 book, "The Fields Of Life", he proposed an interaction between our DNA and and external field of information to explain how a salamander could grow a tail, which he believed would require an outside perspective for cells to successfully create the tail's linear arrangement (much like someone backing a truck needs an outsiders perspective to guide him in a straight path). In fact, he created a device to measure disturbances in the electromagnetic field of various organs, which was effective in predicting the onset of cancer. Of course, this device met the same fate as that of Royal Rife's, paving the way for the multi-billion-dollar cancer "treatment" industry.

Just saw this new book out last month with a Foreword by Dr. Joe Dispenza (author of "Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One"). The title is "Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality" by Dawson Church. One reviewer wrote, "by synthesizing hundreds of studies in the fields of biology, physics, and psychology, [Church] shows that moment by moment, the energy fields of our brains are literally creating reality." Hopefully the book doesn't just reinforce the over-simplified YCYOR wishful thinking, but given our DNA is a receiver for information and our brain is the processor (?), maybe this guy is onto something.

Dawson Church, Ph.D., is an award-winning author whose best-selling book, The Genie in Your Genes (, has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotion and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare ( to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. His groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious scientific journals. He is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research & Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal (

This also reminds me of Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic fields.
When Hitler allegedly mentioned the STS and Master race he was thinking about assimilation, that there was no chance to fight against them the only way of survival was by becoming like them(which is in line of sts thinking), so there is no need for conquest if the programming is complete(it was a trial run on nation scale but now it is global), there is no difference anymore and it comes down to assimilation based on sameness and planet becoming a dark star, at least that is what they wish for.
There are currently multiple sts 4d factions operating in our planets. Their intention is to make us join one of them when we graduate from 3d sts. Thus all the chaos and genetic manipulations/programming is just part of the lesson to prepare us for 4d sts society. Remember genetic manipulation only prepare the vessel you still need proper soul vibration that match it or the whole trick only work for very short time (genetic manipulation is mostly for sts society, 4d sto society frown upon it). If you reflect on our available genetic tech GMO seed only work for 1 generations you need to keep on buying new one from monsantos because the second generation crops will yield significant drop in harvest. Also don't expect this chaotic events to clear up quickly. So far the chaos caused by war on terror and proxy war cause a lot of hatred and divisions among our population so it is quite successful matrix in increasing dark vibrations for numerous souls. We are only at the beginning of 3rd horse of apocalypse famine (cold winter, hot dry/wet cause crops failure). Functional countries will have enough food reserve to last many years. The 4th horse death will probably take years to find the cure for the disease (clinical trials usually take over a decade before you get a new patent). Remember it is the vibration that count so better choose your side quickly. We put a lot of effort to study sts in this site but very little effort on learning what is sto. In general sto have 3 methods to increase vibrations: 1 non attachment to materialism, 2 personal development and purification 3 act of kindness or charity. The first one is mostly distractions so we don't pursue growth toward light, second one is actually difficult because in sts culture most of our ideas are very distorted and we don't actually know what we don't know. It is mostly unconscious and take a lot of time to correct and act upon it. the last one can be performed when we are quite advance in development as a mastery of our new ideas. Remember distortion/blockages prevents us from receiving the light efficiently necessary for higher vibration.
Thanks for a truly awesome session! There’s a lot to digest, and a lot discussed that has been on my mind. A lot that I’ve been hoping to hear addressed.
I don't think you understand the reference, Win 52. The "programming" is the creation of a race of ultra-nasty types that are suitable for full STS download/expression. Are you suggesting that you are one of those?
Not at all. The crystals have like microchips in them. The programming works for both STS and STO. At least that is how I think it's working.

I wasn't sure why I stopped carrying my personal crystals. It was like they were no longer necessary to be on my person. They are now sitting next to my home crystal. So the/my programming is completed. Whether my dna is ready for activation or not, time will tell. I will have to wait and see what comes along next.
"The movement of energy that occurs in the infinite consciousness is known as the cosmic person who is endowed with a magnetic field and gravitational force." (VI.2:173) Vasistha's Yoga

Think about that in terms of Ark's questions and one of the C's answers:

"Information is gravity"

Note the play on words. In-form...In-formation. Gravity is the congealing of information, and matter is the congealed substance.

A friend is working on a documentary on the subject of Satguru. Not just any guru, but the true guru ("sat" is "truth" in sanskrit). Consider the C's as such, but not In-form. Satguru, in form, is a so-called divine incarnation. That's the subject of this documentary.

This all started, for me anyway, a couple-few years ago, and inspired by something I read on this forum. So I recall writing a post about interviewing gurus or yogis or something and starting a project, talked to my friend, and found out he's already doing the same thing, so I jumped on board.

He is documenting interaction and teachings of a Himlayan yogi, and...honesty I don't precisely know beyond that even though I'm helping with voiceover work. I've only seen the clips that apply to the voice tracks I am recording. I digress.

Satguru is supposed to be divine incarnation. The point is, this particular yogi, whom I respect greatly for the quality of his teachings, says the Satguru is "living knowlege." Well, what is knowledge but accumulated information. Gravity. Hence the quote.

The C's teachings, in my view are much simpler than are appreciated. Information gathering is part of it, but it's more than that. Rather, beyond that. Obsession about all the various forms is a distraction, like the Lie groups Ark mentioned. Obsessing about various forms is not practical. It's infinitely maddening. Our information age and all the pathological truthlessness is symptomatic of that. Sitting back and enjoying the show is taking the complete view, where the infinite details of the play are just appreciated as a whole.

Thanks for the session.
The C's teachings, in my view are much simpler than are appreciated. Information gathering is part of it, but it's more than that. Rather, beyond that. Obsession about all the various forms is a distraction, like the Lie groups Ark mentioned. Obsessing about various forms is not practical.
Just like there are gurus who mislead in areas like religion, history, health, politics, etc., there can be gurus who mislead in science not only in areas like climate change but in areas like fundamental physics too. Thus there are practical reasons for people without agendas to become experts in various areas. I was actually a little worried about Klee Irwin since he is considered to have a bit of shady past. I also think in the Collingwood sense, it can be good for us to challenge ourselves in our various niches.
(Pierre) In a recent scientific paper from this year, it was discovered there is a burst of gene transcription about 24 hours after a living creature dies. I would like to know why?

A: Related to the releasing of the energy field.
Maybe it could be something like when you have a magnet in a coil and then you remove the magnet you will induce electricity in the coil. Like as if the moving 'away' of the consciousness or information field is interpreted by the body as information/field change and the body tries to work with that somehow.
Yup. The whole deal is the "boiling frog" and for all we know, under cover of the craziness, real "mutants" are being inserted into the population. But I like the metaphoric explanation a lot, though I'm leaving the door open. We've seen so many bizarre things, I don't think we should exclude any possibilities that are legitimate.

Who would have ever thought it would happen the way it is happening? Right before our eyes!!!

Some of our kids have been blowing up zombies and mutants for close to half their lives in simulation.


As I have posted before, some (quite a lot), have seen beyond that, and are quite brilliant at finding real world "characters" like this in the World.

I may be projecting here, in fact I can't see into the future any more than anybody else here.

The future is fluid, but I do feel one thing: We know why we came here, and these young people that have astonished me with insights lately, are here for the same reasons:


Look: from a Soul point of view, there's no "loss" of race, is there?

So: is there anything anybody here mourns if the "human" race dies or gets taken over? Reincarnations over the next 100/200 years? Will you care when leave your current mortal machine in the next 40 years?

What is lost, how much was gained?

This latest rise of misused "knowledge" in "this" latest reboot incarnation of the human race had gone sideways in a -flicking-g hurry.

It's not over yet, though. There's still some things to see, and surprises.

If anything, I will only mourn the incredible loss of what could have been, if not for the incessant blockers.

That might be part of the lesson, though.
"Information is gravity"
Silly question, how do C's think "gravity", like geometry? Or as field theory? both being dual
Since you said "no", can you point out then how the path towards "non being" can be as viable as that towards expanded being?

I can't. Neither can you. But you're afraid of it, as a concept. So am I.

I've often wondered why it hurts so freaking much to see people do what they do, over and over when we see that they do it to themselves.

Why am I down here to see this, and yet so disarmed to do anything about it?

Sure, the little downward (or growing up) ones in your life are easy to deal with, minor business contacts, neighbours, local pub, other circles, work.

Project that out, and yes, many try. And subsumed.

Not all are plowed under, there are many who keep a quiet candle lit in the window for others to see, if they are looking.

There are many Lighthouses out in World.

We are either prone to forget this, or are being blinded not to see them in our current form.

Gravity is information, and one effect of that information is that it causes incarnated beings to be 'attracted' to a piece of matter (a planet), attracted both in the sense of being a 'fit' for that planet and also, naturally I suppose, literally attracted in the form of a force that keeps the physical beings pulled down to the surface of the material planet. Most of the beings on the planet can escape that pull to some extent, but only through expenditure of significant energy and in a limited way and for a limited time.

Other limitations of gravity as information that locks beings in to a material existence do seem to be mutable depending on the amount of information a being embodies and organizes in the 'right' way. If gravity is information which can be turned into knowledge if utilized, then knowing certain things can help beings on earth avoid situations that are, at least from a biological directive point of view, negative for them. Like learning about and avoiding stressful and dangerous situations that threaten physical existence, for one example. There are others and those not limited to merely ensuring you don't die unexpectedly, but aimed at improving the 'quality' of existence, which seem to be based in organizing information in the 'correct' way.
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