Session 12 July 2014

Thank you for such an incredible session! I am still awestruck that you communicated with great Caesar himself! I will reread this a second time because there is so much information I have to absorb. Thank you again!
I also think a new calendar with marks for important dates and astronomical observances with some chose pictures would be a great idea. Each year a new one could be purchased as a reminder of our true point in history and another way to help the efforts of The FotCM.
Kniall said:
Midway said:
For example, see the soul attachments and the like that are causing problems for today's battle veterans, which I understand to be a type of karmic attachment or punishment for forcibly taking a soul's vessel.

Who are you talking about here? U.S. vets?

US vets would be an example, one that is getting a fair amount of press recently in terms of how combat causes psychological problems for years afterward, but I can see the application in any war time scenario. But the same karmic principle could apply to a random street murder.
Quote from: Echo Blue on July 15, 2014, 01:16:53 AM

I found myself becoming very emotional as I read Caesar's remarks.

You're not the only one, and for me it was specially in this part:
Quote from: Caesar

I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.

First, supposedly the "greatest man that ever lived" admits that he was wrong before anything else. How many of us have trouble admitting even small mistakes?

Second, his analysis about the masses and humanity: As "pessimistic" as it may seem to most, not sending a message of hope or salvation or whatever, well, it is WAY better than what religion has been saying for centuries. And it is the truth. We have been seeing it for some time now. We can only do what is right, and see.

Third, "be true to your own nature": And we know how hard that one is!

Fourth: "fear nothing". That man knew he was going to be assassinated and still didn't fear it. Compare that with fears that rule everyone's lives, every day.

This doesn't even start to describe how these words felt.

I wept when I read that part of the session (bolded). It seems that being here and trying to assimilate it all has brought the very same conclusions and understanding. I realized around late 2011/2012 that my excitement and desire to tell others about all the truth shared here was not often what the people I was sharing it with needed or wanted. Like a friend of mine says, "they look at you like ya' got four heads." :) The thing G said about knowledge took a while to sink in.

When I read JC's reply to the vices question it immediately reminded me of a lyric from an old Steppenwolf song, Goddamn the Pusher Man..."but I never done nothing that my spirit couldn't kill"

I do feel that this truly awesome session will be looked upon, in the future, as year 0....( so why bother with a new calendar?...just start counting from here!) ;)

You all have my deepest appreciation for this work you DO. Thanks, Dave
James Henry said:
I also think a new calendar with marks for important dates and astronomical observances with some chose pictures would be a great idea. Each year a new one could be purchased as a reminder of our true point in history and another way to help the efforts of The FotCM.

Ya'll might want to read Bill Napier's action thriller "Shattered Icon" about another calendar system that we may want to implement.
Chu said:
Alvalsen said:

Very good! Except I remember Laura saying that she had read he had dark eyes. Maybe you can modify it a bit?

seek10 said:
Alvalsen said:

Q: (L) What did Jesus look like? How tall was he?
A: 5'9"
Q: (L) What color eyes did he have?
A: Blue.
Q: (L) What was his skin tone?
A: Fair.
Q: (L) What was his weight?
A: 160.
Q: (L) Was he muscular?
A: Average.
Laura said:
Session Date: July 12th 2014
Q: (L) Okay. What else? (Pierre) Is he planning to reincarnate?
A: Only in a new world.
Q: (L) You mean like after a transition to 4th density?
A: Yes.
Christ will come and teach using communication media after transition has completely new meaning with this.
I have read more than one occasion that Caesar had blue (or gray) eyes. In conclusion, clear eyes. And I think, subjectively, I like to see to Caesar represented in this way, perhaps like a closer link with Ark and Putin.
Laura said:
Session Date: July 12th 2014

(Pierre) Maybe you can ask this question. Caesar was born roughly 2,114 years ago according to our official calendars. In reality, how many years ago was Caesar born?

A: 1635. {Difference of 479 years}

Q: [General oo-ing and ah-ing] (Perceval) The whole thing went so horribly wrong, we were thinking how did it last another 400 or 500 years?

(L) It didn't.

(Perceval) Yeah, it didn't. It lasted maybe 100.

(Pierre) Or, there was a collapse in 400 or 500 AD, and most of the added chunks are between 400-500 AD, and 1000 AD, as Fomenko suggests.

A: Check the artifacts. In some cases there were multiple "emperors" at the same time rather than sequential.
This reminds what Laura said in SH on why many archaeologists can not put the puzzle together: because it does not occur to them that certain Egyptian dynasties were contemporaneous and not sequential. The same was said by the Cs on the genealogy described in the Old Testament. So you could think that the Semitic patriarchs were modified Roman authorities?. And maybe even part of the Egyptian history mirrored to the genealogy of Rome?.
As for "emperors" Romans, I hope that in a future more and more comes to light. For example, exist very surprising similarity between Pompey and Diocletian. Maybe was the same guy?.
l apprenti de forgeron said:
I have read more than one occasion that Caesar had blue (or gray) eyes. In conclusion, clear eyes. And I think, subjectively, I like to see to Caesar represented in this way, perhaps like a closer link with Ark and Putin.

Where did you read that? The only reference to his eyes in classical sources is Suetonius who says: "He was tall, of a fair complexion, round limbed, rather full faced, with eyes black and piercing; he enjoyed excellent health except toward the close of his life when he was subject to sudden fainting fits and disturbances in his sleep."

Perhaps you're confusing Caesar's own eye color with the hypothesis that the name Caesar was derived from caesius, an eye color that could be grey, blue-grey, or blue?
Midway said:
Kniall said:
Midway said:
For example, see the soul attachments and the like that are causing problems for today's battle veterans, which I understand to be a type of karmic attachment or punishment for forcibly taking a soul's vessel.

Who are you talking about here? U.S. vets?

US vets would be an example, one that is getting a fair amount of press recently in terms of how combat causes psychological problems for years afterward, but I can see the application in any war time scenario. But the same karmic principle could apply to a random street murder.

I wonder if the reason US vets are so messed up is not because they are killing people per se, but because they are killing based on a lie (democracy, freedom, etc).

In comparison, Russians defending their country against the Nazi onslaught in the Great Patriotic War (aka World War Two) killed righteously (in general).
Alvalsen said:
Laura said:
Not judging. I like the effects, so I want the eyes right!
can be so
/ not so simple is with eyes)) /

That's closer, I think. But the iris/pupil on the left (Caesar's right eye) is placed too far to the left. of the eye. It should be a bit closer to the center of the eye ball, if my eye balls don't deceive me! ;)
Kniall said:
Midway said:
Kniall said:
Midway said:
For example, see the soul attachments and the like that are causing problems for today's battle veterans, which I understand to be a type of karmic attachment or punishment for forcibly taking a soul's vessel.

Who are you talking about here? U.S. vets?

US vets would be an example, one that is getting a fair amount of press recently in terms of how combat causes psychological problems for years afterward, but I can see the application in any war time scenario. But the same karmic principle could apply to a random street murder.

I wonder if the reason US vets are so messed up is not because they are killing people per se, but because they are killing based on a lie (democracy, freedom, etc).

In comparison, Russians defending their country against the Nazi onslaught in the Great Patriotic War (aka World War Two) killed righteously (in general).

That would be an interesting data point: incident rate of psychological disorders in vets from opposing sides of a conflict. If it were not so noisy given all the variables that contribute to such disorders, it would be an interesting measure of which if either side is acting from a higher/objective truth.

More fundamentally, going back the karma side, the negative effects would attach when you violate another's free will in killing that person and causing associated damage (trauma/grief to survivors, for instance). If the victim, on some level, consented then the negative effects should not attach. Does it then follow that an attacker working from a lie and actively violating another's free will has effectively given consent? I would think so.

For some reason in typing this I thought of dealing with a petty tyrant per Don Juan. Your actions in overcoming the tyrant are justified in view of the tyrant's consent via the tyrant's actions. Is the US currently the world's petty tyrant?
One of the best session I have read! Very
humbling and uplifting! Thank you for this
awesome session! Ave Caesar!
Wu Wei Wu said:
Much appreciated. I was really excited to read the Caesar discussion, having not-so-recently finish Caesar: Life of a Collusus.

I was thinking about how to change humanity for the better, and I too thought that maybe, by acting as a beacon and example of virtue and selflessness in the world, one could attain positive effects throughout humanity. That's what worked for me.

I was a little saddened, but not surprised, when Caesar said it wouldn't work. I know it too, but still, I want to try.

I think it did work in a way-- he is still the reason for the concept of mercy and clemency has captured the public's imagination. It may not seem like a big deal but like Perceval said, compared the way of things before it was huge.
Approaching Infinity said:
Where did you read that? The only reference to his eyes in classical sources is Suetonius who says: "He was tall, of a fair complexion, round limbed, rather full faced, with eyes black and piercing; he enjoyed excellent health except toward the close of his life when he was subject to sudden fainting fits and disturbances in his sleep."

Perhaps you're confusing Caesar's own eye color with the hypothesis that the name Caesar was derived from caesius, an eye color that could be grey, blue-grey, or blue?
Yes, you're right, AI. I think I got confused with some controversy about the eye color of Napoleon. Sorry. And most likely, wishful thinking to see even more clearly the link with Ark and Putin in a physical level. Nonsense.
Thank you so much for this – it was a truly amazing read! :)
It even brought me out of my newbie-shyness over posting here. I have been reading a lot though since I introduced myself in February – trying to get up to speed and understand more about everything here. So much to read – so little time (it feels like anyway).

Anyway, it was heady stuff to think about actually reading a ”live” conversation with a great historical person, that I’ve read so much about and always thought was a fascinating individual. I just didn’t realize quite how fascinating! In a strange way it felt more ”freaky” than reading about a conversation with the C’s (which actually is even more strange). I was thinking is this really happening? – it’s like being in a sf-novel or something! Not that it wasnt before, but it was driven home extra again.

Also, like for several others here, reading this had some profound effect on me. There was some strange feeling of slight deja vu as I was reading the discussion about the years added to the timeline. And then when the conversation with Caesar happened I felt some lightheadedness or something (left side of the head mainly) and then a sudden bout of sadness making me cry. It was strange because he hadn’t said something sad yet and at that point I was feeling nothing in particular. It was as if the sadness, initially at least, came from the outside of me rather than the inside. Weird feeling. Anyone else experienced like this?
After that especially the comments about love and pity och humanity being lost really stayed with me. I felt sad and teary for some time afterwards, but not quite in a totally bad sense.

Well, if it was Caesar or not, there seems to have been something special about this session (at least for me it was). None of the others I’ve read have had quite this effect.

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