Session 12 July 2014

Nancy2feathers said:
I think it was mentioned in the past that Putin and Cesaer resembled each other.

Yes, I posted the attached picture I made about the Putin/Caesar similarities in another thread (couldn't find it now):


  • putincesar.jpg
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What an incredible session :O

Q: (L) Okay, so... Would it be possible for us to communicate directly with Caesar?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Um... Can you, you know, arrange the communication relay here? [laughter]

(Atriedes) Can you patch us through to Caesar on a trunk line, please?

A: We will step aside.

Q: (L) I hope Caesar can communicate in English. Ave Caesar! [tape ends, pause for loading another tape] Please hold!

(Atriedes) I can't believe you put our Lord and Savior on hold! [laughter]

(L) Okay, we're back, Caesar. Let's try again. Let's get ourselves together here... Since time doesn't exist up there, nothing happened. I guess we ought to ask a question. Gaius Julius Caesar, are you there?

A: Yes.

When reading the above, I was waiting for someone to say 'just kidding'. It took me a few seconds to realise it was for real.

What a mind blowing session.

Thank you to the 'crew' and the C's for such a wonderful experience for all of us, how you ever got your mind around answering questions in that time, still amazes me, I would have been sitting with a jawdrop the whole time.

This session will be read a few more times to take it all in.
luke wilson said:
I have to say though that one thing that has got me about Caesar and Gurdjieff is their promiscuity... here I was thinking it's the whole subject that brought about the fall to begin with.

Maybe you're not considering the genetic angle, the passing on of genes and how specific genetics may 'marry' to souls. Spreading good genes may have played an important part in human history, in the sense of allowing 'higher level' souls to incarnate and actually make a difference. The other point is, when you incarnate in 3D earth, you're human after all and limited to some extent by that fact.
I have not read any off the comments to the session. However, after just reading the transcript of the session, I am profoundly frozen in thought. Thanks to all participants in this encounter for a huge price of information as to our choice to be a human presence here and now on earth.
Perceval said:
luke wilson said:
I have to say though that one thing that has got me about Caesar and Gurdjieff is their promiscuity... here I was thinking it's the whole subject that brought about the fall to begin with.

Maybe you're not considering the genetic angle, the passing on of genes and how specific genetics may 'marry' to souls. Spreading good genes may have played an important part in human history, in the sense of allowing 'higher level' souls to incarnate and actually make a difference. The other point is, when you incarnate in 3D earth, you're human after all and limited to some extent by that fact.

Yeah, spreading good genes is also important to counterbalance the spreading of psychopathic genes and make it possible for certain souls to incarnate (whether that was done consciously by G and Caesar or not, I can't say - but the C's did say recently that everyone in the chateau were descendents of Caesar because "he got around"). Also the whole "sex/sexual promiscuity" being a cause for the Fall is put in another light in Laura's article "The Golden Age, Psychopathy, and the Sixth Extinction." So there may be more to it than just literally sex/sexual desire but how intimacy was used by the genetic hybrids/psychopaths to lure women and entrap and dominate them, etc. at least after the initial mythical Fall - the fall from the Golden Age, so to speak.
After reading transcript of this session I'm very confused, so can anybody explan me, please:
1) Was person like Jesus - with this name (borne in human body) lived on Earth c.a. 2000 y from now or he is a fictional person ?
2) If this man (named Jesus) lived on Earth in those times, so what are his "relation" to GJC - is JGC reincarnation of Jesus nor Jesus and Julius Cesar are different souls?

Generally (in context of previous sessions) what is the truth about Jesus and what is the untruth ?

Once again main part of my roughly glued world-view turn into pieces ;) It's good - I hope it will alow me to move closer to the truth, but now I seriously need some help to glue it again...
adamos said:
After reading transcript of this session I'm very confused, so can anybody explan me, please:
1) Was person like Jesus - with this name (borne in human body) lived on Earth c.a. 2000 y from now or he is a fictional person ?

As you define it, he was a fictional person.
I think the below quotes are very important in light of the new connection with J.C. as well as the ongoing lessons, learning and knowledge we receive via the C's.

Combined - J.C. as role model for humanity and important information shared by him via our Forum etc could be taken more seriously as he really did exist in people's minds as an ordinary mortal here on earth.
Correcting the corruptions and setting the record straight as well as sharing that which J.C. tried to do here before as well as his own hindsight from his own lessons and current contemplation I feel this would be dynamite and the best opportunity yet to share with the 'masses' to find those who have eyes to see and ears to hear etc.

Again as I said earlier - the Bible 'unplugged' in the light of the new info and revelations - especially if we have the possibility to communicate with J.C. and even perhaps his advice on 'how to' and much much more from his perspective.

People can more readily and easily equate with J.C. than they can the C's. But we are grateful for both. Add in Gurdjieff for the same criteria then we have the famous '3'.

Which could realistically lead to this:

Seems to me the Chateau crew might be the future disciples of Caesar.

So in preparedness the 'Disciples' can come first laying the foundations for:

Christ will come and teach using communication media after transition has completely new meaning with this.

- which could lead/help with the above be that 'Christ' Julius Caesar or someone of similar knowledge and Being.

Something that just occurred to me, would this session be an example of 'changing the past' STO style, i.e. rewriting history by setting the record straight?

All for this very important reason! :-

I'd call it recovering the past in the present to change the future.

Just my take on the potential significance of our initial 'conversation' with J.C. and the potentials opening and arising from this incredible opportunity not only for humanity but also for J.C. to influence better now - at a possibly more receptive time, than before during his last incarnation here.

People are still just as fickle but at least this time we can get 31 million hits even without this pertinent information of all time.
What an incredible role model for our planet to have back again - but this time in its truest, most authentic sense. Without all the corrupted vitriol written about him. Plus a good opportunity to put the others - such as Cicero and Augustus truly in their place (unless of course they had to be as they were to be part of the bigger picture and that was the role they had elected to play in the 'grand scheme of things').
1. I would love to find out his opinion on what everyone is doing here in FOTCM as well as
2. His take on Vladimir Putin
3. What he would do in these current times
4. Who are his immediate descendents and what are they doing now?
5. Who would be his current role models for us on this planet, if any?
6. His life in Roman times compared to now
7. Who he 'hangs out with' (his mentors?) in 5D and whether he and Gurdjieff met/talked etc.
happylisa]7. Who he 'hangs out with' (his mentors?) in 5D and whether he and Gurdjieff met/talked etc.[/quote] Maybe he "hangs out with" JFK? Or Gandhi or MLK? The are good questions happylisa! :) And yes what he thinks about Putin? [quote author=Laura said:
Lamadu said:
Thank you for this session, but the session was the most boring so far, sorry but that's the only word that fits.
No question there was about wave. No question about, how to disconnect from the matrix. No question the current time. No question about the current economy and so on.

The last few sessions have turned into questions like, yahoo Caesar have on line. Even cassiopean themselves at the beginning of the session tell you that it does not matter. But you continued with questions about Caesar. Totally unnecessary questions for me.

But for you maybe this was the best session so far, I do not know.

You are obviously in the wrong bar. :bye:

That was my first thought!
Btw, we are not interested opinions in this forum, we'd like to know the objective truth.
Opinions are subjective, based on many times assumptions.
We are interested in facts!

It is worth to read:,3925.0.html
What a milestone session! While reading the section on the missing years, I could see the explanation for how Christianity was used by the elites of the time to restore control over the people after the cataclysms. Rewrite history to make the past seem distant and then bring in a new version of the control system. Much to explore there.
Being a meteorologist, I understood the reference to a butterfly flapping wings as part of chaos theory where small changes/movements in the beginning can have large effects over time in a dynamic system like the atmosphere. The Wave reference would be an acceleration of this process. I agree with happyliza that the information in this session has the potential for great effect and change with the approach of the Wave.
Perhaps as stated earlier by Approachinginfinity and CEC this session is related to what the Cs said about mid 2014 being 0 New Year?
Thanks to Laura and all for making this session possible and the contribution to helping us see our history and reality more objectively.
As you define it, he was a fictional person.

Thanks Laura ! (your words just knock me out ...)
But now, after that, I'm prepared to absorb more bitter truth :cool:

Seriously: Praying to Jesus really "keeped me alive" in this harmfull (in my opinion) World and gived to me real power to overcome my weaknesses. After I readed transctipts of previous sessions about Jesus (especially about soul replication) my faith in Jesus become stronger ( of course I stoped believie in his crucification, resurection etc. but I was really believing that Jesus "hears" ours prayes and mentaly can help us...)
So now, the only help for me is so quick as it's possible to "absorb" that Jesus is a fiction person...
At last - bitter truth is better than even sweetest lie.

Thank You Laura for opening my eyes.
but I was really believing that Jesus "hears" ours prayes and mentaly can help us...)
So now, the only help for me is so quick as it's possible to "absorb" that Jesus is a fiction person...
At last - bitter truth is better than even sweetest lie.
someone in 5th density can hear your prayers and help mentally
it does not necessarily have to be that Jesus, it may be the same characteristics soul, but another person with the former life

not so immediately dismissing his earlier feelings)
SeekinTruth said:
About Caesar's promiscuity (and Gurdjieff's), I think this is part of "judging morality", so to speak, that G explained. Morality is not useful, conscience is (and conscience is universal, while "morality" is different from place to place and time to time - and has often led to great hatred and destructiveness). [...]

I've been guilty of this, as well as confusing particular possible traits as 'smoking guns', naively thinking these reveal true character. Rather than that which you come to see consistently portrayed by all their other actions. I even considered the same with Caesar and his 3 lady friends. It's a habit brought about by constantly being lied to and having to look elsewhere for the actual story, responsibility lies with myself though, obviously. Thinking about it, he said he was lonely, he was a true gentlemen (when able) so wouldn't you expect, back in the day, with out planes and smart phones, he would need some loyal company? Also to balance out his masculine energy, which is very important i would think. He is human after all; something i too often forget. Even if i have 'read' and am 'aware' of these errors in thinking. And i think your comment really helped clear this confusion up for me, as well as the insightful comments on sexuality and the right use of that energy in relation to the person, thank you SeekinTruth!
Thanks for posting this session - amazing! I also thought first that it was a joke to contact JC - but there seems to really have been a different "flavour" to the transmission.

SeekinTruth said:
Also, killing is even more "problematic" than being sexually promiscuous - but again the question is in what situation and for what AIM was the killing done. I think doing things with a greater AIM in mind makes all the difference. NOT having mindless sex for personal pleasure only, or killing in an indiscriminate manner or in a fit of anger or to secure personal gain, etc., but appropriate to the situation using the Law of Three. And neither G nor Caesar were perfect, nor needed to be, they were human. The bottom line seems to be that if they made mistakes that hurt others, their conscience would function, and they would learn from it and make amends. Isn't that all anyone can really do - and that's a tall order already for most.

The killing part has occupied my thoughts in recent times, especially given the wholesale slaughter going on in many parts of the world.

Christianity is one of the most fundamental defining philosophies of our western society (and probably very similarly for the islamic societies). A tabu, or ban on killing is in turn another fundamental tenet in these religions - and at a basic level, a very sound one. But as history shows, both Islam and probably vastly more so Christianity, have not remotely lived up to this tenet. The elites have always done what was expedient and useful to achieve their overarching goals. So it seems to me, that this tenet was made - not for the ruler and the elite - but for the common man, erected as a kind of dichotomy between the common people and the ruling elite. As the old saying goes: If you kill 100'000 people, you will have monuments erected in your name, you kill one, you go to jail or you are being executed." It may well have been erected to keep the common man in his place, to protect the psychopathic elite from "the rabble of the dispossessed and powerless" - or to paraphrase the recent book of Pierre and Laura "to preserve the Mandate of Heaven" for as long as possible.

I think that a souled individual - as opposed to a psychopath - is unable to kill under "normal" circumstances, even if his or her own life depends on it. This was highlighted by the study of a military psychologist after second world war (I have forgotten his name - Marshall?), who studied collected evidence ranging from the American Civil War up to WW2, that often soldiers would deliberately miss their target, or reload an already loaded weapon, just to not have to kill the other, even when the opponent was firing at him. This inability to kill of course can be modified - which has been successfully put in practice after WW2 - by subjecting the soldier - or the population at large - to a conditioning overcoming this block to kill others, by repeating certain messages over and over, by dehumanising the opponent, by training people on dummies, until the action happens automatically, computer games etc. And to not kill - under any circumstances - is probably the same program, just in reverse, instituted to protect the elites.

While in the laws of most societies there is a provision for "killing as self-defence" to be acceptable, the problem has been shown to be where to draw the line between "my life was truly in danger" and "I simply used the self-defence issue" to get rid of an opponent, or "I let my anger get the better of me". So there is a fine line between where self-defence stops and killing with some degree of intent or interest starts, at least for the law.

I think SeekinTruth has mentioned an important piece in the puzzle - the Law of Three, stating the killing is neither "right" nor "wrong", it depends on the circumstances, and most importantly on the motivation behind the killing.

So for me the main question still is - where does "self-defence" stop and "killing" start? I don't want to hijack the thread and go off-topic, but these thought processes have been retriggered by this session.
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