Session 12 July 2014

Something that just occurred to me, would this session be an example of 'changing the past' STO style, i.e. rewriting history by setting the record straight?
Wow ,honestly i will go with all other members in saying it is realy a great session,informative and very profound, it touched my heart and soul.I almost cried of joy when Cs passed the line to Caesar.Thank you very much to you Laura and the crew ,to Cs and to Caesar. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :hug2:
A Jay said:
Something that just occurred to me, would this session be an example of 'changing the past' STO style, i.e. rewriting history by setting the record straight?

I'd call it recovering the past in the present to change the future.
About Caesar's promiscuity (and Gurdjieff's), I think this is part of "judging morality", so to speak, that G explained. Morality is not useful, conscience is (and conscience is universal, while "morality" is different from place to place and time to time - and has often led to great hatred and destructiveness). Also G said that abstinence can be useful in the work, but it depends on type (of man) and if it is done consciously and in EVERY center, otherwise it is the worst abuse of the sexual center, if one abstains from physical sex/sexual energy release while having repressed sex energy running other centers. Plus, G said about the types that according to type, some have to abstain from releasing sexual energy, some, on the contrary have to expend a great deal of sexual energy, and for others it didn't make a difference. And for the first two types, it only mattered until transmutation/fusing had begun.

Also, killing is even more "problematic" than being sexually promiscuous - but again the question is in what situation and for what AIM was the killing done. I think doing things with a greater AIM in mind makes all the difference. NOT having mindless sex for personal pleasure only, or killing in an indiscriminate manner or in a fit of anger or to secure personal gain, etc., but appropriate to the situation using the Law of Three. And neither G nor Caesar were perfect, nor needed to be, they were human. The bottom line seems to be that if they made mistakes that hurt others, their conscience would function, and they would learn from it and make amends. Isn't that all anyone can really do - and that's a tall order already for most.
Approaching Infinity said:
I'd call it recovering the past in the present to change the future.

That's definitely Putin' it in a more optimistic perspective! ;D

SeekinTruth said:
About Caesar's promiscuity (and Gurdjieff's), I think this is part of "judging morality", so to speak, that G explained. Morality is not useful, conscience is (and conscience is universal, while "morality" is different from place to place and time to time - and has often led to great hatred and destructiveness). Also G said that abstinence can be useful in the work, but it depends on type (of man) and if it is done consciously and in EVERY center, otherwise it is the worst abuse of the sexual center, if one abstains from physical sex/sexual energy release while having repressed sex energy running other centers. Plus, G said about the types that according to type, some have to abstain from releasing sexual energy, some, on the contrary have to expend a great deal of sexual energy, and for others it didn't make a difference. And for the first two types, it only mattered until transmutation/fusing had begun.

Also, killing is even more "problematic" than being sexually promiscuous - but again the question is in what situation and for what AIM was the killing done. I think doing things with a greater AIM in mind makes all the difference. NOT having mindless sex for personal pleasure only, or killing in an indiscriminate manner or in a fit of anger or to secure personal gain, etc., but appropriate to the situation using the Law of Three. And neither G nor Caesar were perfect, nor needed to be, they were human. The bottom line seems to be that if they made mistakes that hurt others, their conscience would function, and they would learn from it and make amends. Isn't that all anyone can really do - and that's a tall order already for most.

Thanks for explaining and sharing ST!
Nancy2feathers said:
I think it was mentioned in the past that Putin and Cesaer resembled each other.

Is it possible Putin is genetically related to Cesaer?


I've thought for quite a while now, that Ark is genetically related to "the great one." I'm not ruling out Putin either. I can't remember fully the session about the number of "Jesus's" kids/descendants (there didn't seem to be many) but it could be possible IMO. Unless clues are given to the contrary, or the C's or "Caesar" flat-out say no. We see Putin's actions and their effects, and also what the C's briefly said about him. Then there's Laura and Ark and how they came together with the type of driven people they are, complimenting one another and their individual struggles before tying the knot and their mission(s).... highly symbolic if one factors in the inspiration gleaned from our 6-D friends... and then everything that they've done since, right up until Ark got the tingles when the C's stepped aside... makes sense to me. :)
Nancy2feathers said:
I think it was mentioned in the past that Putin and Cesaer resembled each other.

Is it possible Putin is genetically related to Cesaer?


Yeah.... dont know why but ...When i read news about Putin and his struggle against the NWO ...i remember Caesar
The information and great sense of humor from this session was inspiring. I got energized while reading it. Loved JC's answers to the questions.
Very interesting stuff, thanks for posting.

Laura said:
Q: (Atriedes) Do you mind if your memory and image is used in a religion?

A: As long as it is with understanding of the truth. What is religion anyway but that which binds people together as is showed with my army.

The word "Religion" too stems from the Latin religare "to bind fast" and that confirms JC's idea on it. But apparently Cicero wrote too about it's meaning being from re+legere "read again" - perhaps given Cicero's character, it's a way to mask it's true intention... who knows?

Here's an good discussion on the word's etymology:
Thank you to all involved for the fascinating session and following discussion. Much to think about.
I just want to say, WOW. Got to digest this session. It's certainly one of the most unique ones ever. The entire character of the channeling changes dramatically. The language and 'feel' was distinctfully different.
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