Session 12 July 2014

Dios Mio! Absolutely amazing.....creating a whirlwind of ideas in me to ponder, reevaluate and research. Great session! :hug:
Alvalsen said:

Very good! Except I remember Laura saying that she had read he had dark eyes. Maybe you can modify it a bit?
Muxel said:
If Caesar is at 5th density, then he's not a "dead dude". (What is 5th density inhabited by? Thought forms, archetypes?) Perhaps more apt to say that Laura tuned into "Caesar", just as Jane Roberts tuned into "William James" and thus penned a book by "him". Not the historical figures themselves, but their likenesses etched in the invisible yet all-encompassing information field.

That is to say: not William James, but "William James"-ness. Not Caesar, but "Caesar"-ness.

If an infinite number of people access and read the same packet of information, is the information being "replicated ad infinitum" from one point of view? That I want to know.

I think this may help. It was covered quite extensively in the first volume of The Wave. For example:

Session from March 11th said:
Q: (L) The first question here is: “In which density is our astral existence?”
A: 5th, density of contemplation, you did not explain that one, did you?
Q: (L) Yeah, we forgot to explain that. Sorry.
A: Okay. Explain 5th now please.
Q: (T) 5th density, is where souls go when they die. When you leave your physical body in any one of the first 4 densities, your soul moves to 5th density. They call it the contemplation density. That’s where you go, and you get to review the life you have had, and learn from it, and decide what it is you want to do next when you incarnate next. In the chain of densities, one through seven, the souls exist in 1 through 4 and in 6th, actively, and in 5th density passively. Did I get that right?
A: Yes.

session from June 22nd said:
Q: (L) Tonight, I would like to ask about 5th density. How does the “dividing line” between the 4 physical densities and 5th function?
A: Recycling zone, one must have direct contact in perfect balance with those on 6th density in order to fulfill the need for contemplation/learning phase while in between incarnations of 1st through 4th densities.
Q: (L) When a person finishes all their experiences on 1st through 4th density, do they then remain at 5th for a period before to moving to 6th?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When you die in 3rd and go to 5th, do you pass through or see 4th?
A: No.
Q: (L) When you are in 5th density, is part of your service to be a guide? Are there two kinds of beings on 5th: those who are there for the recycling, and those whose level it simply IS? (I had heard a lot of different teachings to this effect - that “dead dudes” could choose to be “guides” or whatever. I was a little confused about how this whole thing worked.)
A: No. All are as one in timeless understanding of all there is.
Q: (L) If, at 5th density a person has timeless understanding, what is it about them that determines that they will “recycle” as opposed to moving to 6th from 5th?
A: Contemplation reveals needed destiny.
Q: (L) So, being united with other beings on 5th, you come to some sort of understanding about your lessons....
A: Balanced. And this, my dear, is another example of gravity as the binder of all creation... “The Great Equalizer!”
It's a good reminder that the Cs have never been a source of necessarily accurate information, but instead rather a source of inspiration for research.

In this persons defense lets reword this quote...

"It's a good reminder that the C's have always been a source of accurate information and non accurate information for the inspiration of increasing ones knowledge.

In the grand scheme of the aim of this network isn't it all accurate :halo:

To me accurate becomes subjective when ignoring ones goal or aim

I also liked the "wrong bar" comment to that person who didn't get what they wanted and is too small minded to consider the network as a whole that maybe information that he doesn't want to hear could move others along and intern create space and knowledge for them. Doubt energy directed at this person as truth will be recognized as such.
Nienna said:
HumbertoLVX said:
It's a good reminder that the Cs have never been a source of necessarily accurate information, but instead rather a source of inspiration for research.

I know that Laura has dealt with this in her great explanation of channeling here, but I just have to say how humorous that bolded part is for me. Mostly because of how many things that were given in these sessions that were very accurate.

Humberto, have you even read the Cassiopaean's Track Record thread?

Sorry Humberto your a bit off base here. Nienna has shred some good advice, and it would behoove you to read, or re-read the Wave series, to get a better perspective, of how all began from day one to present.

Then perhaps you can grasp the track record, of hit's, and misses.

You will find that the channeled material has had (and continues to have), more RBI's (runs bated in) than strike outs. With tips, plus clues of the past, present, and future possibility's consistent one heck of a great track record, than there are foul balls.

Remember that all this time, and dedication is to help make us stronger (knowledge), and to be able to think for our self's, which makes all less appetizing to the 4Dsts.

With the prospect, and the potential of riding the Wave to 4D-STO


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Didn't Caesar know about psychopaths and the pathological takeover of the world both from without and within...?

I don't blame him for not wanting to show his face round these parts again until we hit 4D...

I have to say though that one thing that has got me about Caesar and Gurdjieff is their promiscuity... here I was thinking it's the whole subject that brought about the fall to begin with. But hey, both are now awaiting 4D so clearly I am not understanding something...

Regarding killing, well... I suppose they even kill up there in 4D, both STO/STD...
luke wilson said:
Didn't Caesar know about psychopaths and the pathological takeover of the world both from without and within...?

I don't blame him for not wanting to show his face round these parts again until we hit 4D...

I have to say though that one thing that has got me about Caesar and Gurdjieff is their promiscuity... here I was thinking it's the whole subject that brought about the fall to begin with. But hey, both are now awaiting 4D so clearly I am not understanding something...

Regarding killing, well... I suppose they even kill up there in 4D, both STO/STD...

I think that since you get knowledge, understanding of lessons and make actions that are valuable for the universe, you could be ready to move to the next density, it is like balancing all your actions and the gain with the fails, if you learned the important things of your lessons that could be enough (depending of how much you learn) to graduate!
Incredible, just amazing, I was shocked when he answered as I was reading it.

I was speechless I still am.

I felt him like the human answering the questions, I felt a great closeness as I read through...
luke wilson said:
Didn't Caesar know about psychopaths and the pathological takeover of the world both from without and within...?

I don't blame him for not wanting to show his face round these parts again until we hit 4D...

I have to say though that one thing that has got me about Caesar and Gurdjieff is their promiscuity... here I was thinking it's the whole subject that brought about the fall to begin with. But hey, both are now awaiting 4D so clearly I am not understanding something...

Regarding killing, well... I suppose they even kill up there in 4D, both STO/STD...

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Caesar's sex life is a private decision between himself and the respective woman and between him and his respective wife IMHO. You may or may not have the same viewpoint but you should respect theirs IMHO. And I would not try compare our perception of life, culture or morality with those at that time. The same with Gurdjieff. There are e.g. very different perceptions now at our time in different areas of our world. And we still share the same time and a lot of experiences. I learned that if I meet for example a Japanese that I should not make any assumptions at all because I know too few of this culture. He/she may react in a very different way expected by me. Making assumptions could mean to make an error in my evaluation of the situation. Differences between different cultures could make understanding really difficult. Life and morality and culture back them was different. And I think that Julius Caesar knew and understood more that we may ever know. And he had an idea, an ideal and never stopped doing to get nearer to this idea/ideal.

Just my 2 cents.
Alvalsen said:
Laura said:
The eyes are not aimed/aligned properly.
do not judge strictly my photoshop
I just wanted to make a realistic bust
but you're right

The less dark eyes were more alive IMO. Your interpretation of the eyes seem to have a little squint. The original bust seem to look more to the left compared with the picture. :-[

I like your Caesar.
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