Session 12 July 2014

This was indeed a very informative session. I am usually on the quiet side but could not help but comment on this one. This session will surely bring a lot of food for reflexion. Many thanks from all the silent ones for all the great work done in such a disturbed world.
Ian said:
Also still working in mind the idea of this time difference. If our history is so wrong with dates for fairly recent incidents, then how can we trust any dates in history? Especially dates pre 500 "AC" will be suspect and could have huge implications for event recorded in the Jewish History and Old Testament.

Yep, that's the implication: we can't trust our conventionally dated history very much at all. Also, keep in mind that Jewish History and the OT are fictions. They just made that stuff up, borrowed from some real history of other cultures, and stitched it all together.

Also this section:

"(Perceval) Does he answer Jesus' e-mail? [laughter] Does he answer Jesus' prayers?

A: Yes when the packets arrive!"

Sound a bit like a typical IT reply, almost sarcastic. Sending and arriving packets relates to data transfer, as if that email will never arrive...

I wouldn't say sarcastic so much as lighthearted. Mirth!
Lamadu said:
Thank you for this session, but the session was the most boring so far, sorry but that's the only word that fits.
No question there was about wave. No question about, how to disconnect from the matrix. No question the current time. No question about the current economy and so on.

The last few sessions have turned into questions like, yahoo Caesar have on line. Even cassiopean themselves at the beginning of the session tell you that it does not matter. But you continued with questions about Caesar. Totally unnecessary questions for me.

But for you maybe this was the best session so far, I do not know.

You are obviously in the wrong bar. :bye:
What's not to love about Caesar?? :P

Caesar is a guy who is in 5th density. Dead Dude.

When you are in jail, what would you do? Everything you do to escape from prison. Legally or illegally. According to our human standards.

Currently I am in prison (matrix), then I want to run away from this matrix. What to do?
Lamadu said:
Currently I am in prison (matrix), then I want to run away from this matrix. What to do?

First of all, you seek to increase your power to do and you do this by increasing your being and you increase your BEing by knowledge assimilation and application. That's the Cs message in a nutshell. It's also Gurdjieff's approach.
Lamadu said:
Thank you for this session, but the session was the most boring so far, sorry but that's the only word that fits.
No question there was about wave. No question about, how to disconnect from the matrix. No question the current time. No question about the current economy and so on.

The last few sessions have turned into questions like, yahoo Caesar have on line. Even cassiopean themselves at the beginning of the session tell you that it does not matter. But you continued with questions about Caesar. Totally unnecessary questions for me.

But for you maybe this was the best session so far, I do not know.

I see this session with potential, I felt like a child in a toy store!! I mean this is the first time Laura and company do this contact with JC... it´s amazing!! What the future holds?!

Maybe next time we can ask JC about 5th Density, how he feel about the world today, when we pray to Jesus/Julius how he feel... what happens from his point of view...has he talked with Gurdjieff? Many many questions!!
Lamadu said:
You are obviously in the wrong bar. :bye:

Why? Because I disagree with you? That's just my opinion.

OK no problem.

Keep in mind that opinions are worthless. And yeah, we're pretty much a Caesarean bar here (just like were a C's bar and a Gurdjieff bar), for good reasons. So, yeah, wrong bar.
Thank you for the EXCITING special session. :)

Laura said:
Session 12 July 2014
A: You would not have been able to receive. When you ask a question with strong prejudice, we cannot violate your will to believe.
I think WILL is personal (could be conscious too), Belief is that is already there that can be changed with more information. Probably they meant, Belief change without person's conscious effort could be a free violation. That is why individual effort is essential. One C's said we will understand more of belief center in 4D. Yes, Information input may change the course of life, I guess there is a limit how much input can be given.
Q: (L) Alright! [laughter] Did Caesar exist pretty much as he has been depicted in the historical accounts, i.e. Cicero, and Sallust, and Suetonius, and the other guys, the historians and so forth?
A: Prejudicial and inability to recognize one of his caliber.
A: Obviously, at that time, there was no one to learn from. However, Caesar did have a good model in some respects in his uncle Marius whom he loved and honored greatly. Do not underestimate the extraordinary intelligence and insight of Caesar.
(Perceval) Does he answer Jesus' e-mail? [laughter] Does he answer Jesus' prayers?
A: Yes when the packets arrive!
:) Makes sense. Given that many religious people use religion as excuse for their perceived sins, only to repeat it and souled being has a soul, soul can easily block the packet to avoid the clutter. Makes sense to have many etheric filters to avoid noise.
(Atriedes) I can't believe you put our Lord and Savior on hold! [laughter]
Q: (Atriedes) So, when you took on the army, was it with the foreknowledge that it was highly probably that you would have to use them in a civil war?
A: No. That is what broke my heart and health. Rome could have been the shining city on the hill, light of the world.
It's a very high ideal of him and also it tells that WORLD at large is at much more bad shape.
Q: (Atriedes) If you could give 3 pieces of advice to the world, what would they be?
A: I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.
Insightful lines.
Q: (L) Were you satisfied with how Augustus handled things after your death?
A: A vile boy who manipulated everyone and everything.
His High Ideals, given that historians tend to give more credit to Augustus's long, stable rule over caeser's short inspirational role.
A: As long as it is with understanding of the truth. What is religion anyway but that which binds people together as is showed with my army.
So tentatively, the principles he has used for his army for cohesion became the principles of Christianity?. Interesting!.
Q: (Atriedes) Did you have any vices?
A: None that controlled me.
When I read how Anthony shamelessly walked aside cloepatra's chariot parade's and how Augustus couldn't dare to look into her eyes after her capture negotiations, I thought Caeser had done damn good job of handling her and him self. Yes, He loved her and protected her (from initial egyptian rebellion and Rome itself) and he stuck to his principles clearly understanding Crowd Psychology.

I also see the difference in style of communication between C's and caeser, understandable based on density differences.
Laura said:
As the years have passed, I have become better able to see how this concept was conveyed through various interactions with the C’s, myself, and the other participants or attendees at the sessions. There are various points where the C’s were wrong – probably consciously – but I can see no fault or bad intent, because they were definitely working within the psychological parameters given them by those present. And this is a crucial thing to understand about this kind of work: it is definitely a reality where the observer/participant has a powerful influence and it is harder for a materially minded, black-and-white thinker to grasp the essence of this reality than that a camel should go through the eye of a needle!

One of the things early investigators of the paranormal discovered, and which became clear as I followed through with this experiment and learned from the experiences, is that psychic phenomena can be strongly influenced or ‘colored’ by a sitter’s preconceived beliefs. In the case of the C’s, it is not that they are ‘controlled’ by these prejudices; it rather seems that they do not contradict them out of scrupulous respect for free will. I was surprised to realize, after the fact, that on many occasions, the C’s conveyed information in the presence of such individuals that was ‘coded’, so to say; in short, they managed to say what needed to be said without offending anyone.

How else could it be in a "double-slit world"?
Thus the situation of the Ra group project in regards to Carla's channeling... later the Ra/Quo group's encouragement to Jim to continue channeling the Q&A parts, as he increasingly was reluctant to do... you can see the energy fade out as he essentially stopped... same with Don before and that energy is in the answers to the questions... simplistic in, simplistic out... and quite repetitive at that.
Another point of contention is in that session after 'Frank' left and when asked about accuracy concerns... the C's said it was just a little here and there on predictions ?!?!?!?! That's a real red flag... but not caught in the 'heat of the moment', especially given the attacks throughout the process... with their accompanying factor of confusion of the energy flow... then others coming in to keep the vectoring of energies off course.... to keep this opposing orchestra off key.

That said, the regret issue of this JC reminds me of the same with the G man and many others(Linclon?) after wandering into Purgatory and finding the native assumptions inadequate to the task at hand... thinking they can effect great change in the school.... as the C's put it: when they are only students themselves... and the faculty doesn't like such students invading their turf... and most of the other native students are on autopilot... 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'... though if you add a lot of sugar and spice, flouride and everything not nice, it seems you can.

Pashalis quote by G on the allotment of shares of knowlege is funny or interesting given the later example in Russia under Yeltsin as the oligarchs sold to the public so many shares in the public corporations, most of which came right back to themselves.... as intended... what would the regular person want or do with them but sell them for what they could get during a stressful time in an engineered financial collapse in the economy/society around them? Sort of the 'as above, so below' situation demonstrated it seems."So it indeed seems to be impossible that the masses will wake up"... isn't this as Laura wrote about with the turtle eggs on the beach and the ever so tiny percentage of them that will make it to the safety of the water and survive? And is does seem to be by design as this school doesn't grade on a curve.... a very declining on to use the American example and thus the need for Mother Nature to come in and reminds the staff, that they too don't control the curriculum, though they really, really want to, especially they psychopathic reflections, who seem hard-wired to do so.

Boring? Really? it seems a great reminder of all it really is a school for everyone... or as Ra put it, 'teach/learn'... 'honor/duty'... you can only try... you can only do the best to you ability, but then learn to let the game go on without you... for better or for worse... and what 'fun' would it be without the latter? that would really be 'boring'.... like a fixed game... ie Wall Street, NATO's use of false flag ops, terrorists and the like... not much of a contest that way, and thus the 'winner' remains as weak as its competition... or lack of... 'as above, so below'.

"Rome could have been..." reminds me of that line from Marlon Brando in 'On the Waterfront'... "could have been a contender" ;)
seek10 said:
When I read how Anthony shamelessly walked aside cloepatra's chariot parade's and how Augustus couldn't dare to look into her eyes after her capture negotiations, I thought Caeser had done damn good job of handling her and him self. Yes, He loved her and protected her (from initial egyptian rebellion and Rome itself) and he stuck to his principles clearly understanding Crowd Psychology.

We don't know that Caesar loved and protected Cleopatra. Nothing he did was outside the bounds of political expediency. And her claim (through Antony) to have borne his child is highly questionable.
Lamadu said:
You are obviously in the wrong bar. :bye:

Why? Because I disagree with you? That's just my opinion.

OK no problem.

I'd say that because you have been here since May 30, 2012 and still have gotten nothing from this forum or any of Laura's materials. How much of them have you really read? As for Caesar, if you have been keeping up with things here, you'd know why we are so interested in him.

You say that you are in prison and want to get out of this Matrix, but you don't seem to be willing to do anything to help yourself.

Laura said:
First of all, you seek to increase your power to do and you do this by increasing your being and you increase your BEing by knowledge assimilation and application. That's the Cs message in a nutshell. It's also Gurdjieff's approach.

Yep, there are no free lunches.

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