Session 12 July 2014

Read the first time until the "1635" y.ago clue, and had to go to bed for brain overload! Then the next day the talk with Caesar made me jump on the chair!

Thanks for having the will to ask those questions! There are enough important clues in this session as to burn and rewrite a mile of books.
Fair points Dirgni.. It would have been great to meet such great people in person. From close proximity you can learn so much more than the written word. Can't really judge and draw conclusions accurately from our current perspective. Some great people have indeed walked this world, some have worked for the betterment of humanity, others, against it.
Alvalsen said:

Q: (L) What did Jesus look like? How tall was he?
A: 5'9"
Q: (L) What color eyes did he have?
A: Blue.
Q: (L) What was his skin tone?
A: Fair.
Q: (L) What was his weight?
A: 160.
Q: (L) Was he muscular?
A: Average.
Laura said:
Session Date: July 12th 2014
Q: (L) Okay. What else? (Pierre) Is he planning to reincarnate?
A: Only in a new world.
Q: (L) You mean like after a transition to 4th density?
A: Yes.
Christ will come and teach using communication media after transition has completely new meaning with this.
Laura said:
seek10 said:
When I read how Anthony shamelessly walked aside cloepatra's chariot parade's and how Augustus couldn't dare to look into her eyes after her capture negotiations, I thought Caeser had done damn good job of handling her and him self. Yes, He loved her and protected her (from initial egyptian rebellion and Rome itself) and he stuck to his principles clearly understanding Crowd Psychology.
We don't know that Caesar loved and protected Cleopatra. Nothing he did was outside the bounds of political expediency. And her claim (through Antony) to have borne his child is highly questionable.
Political expediencies will explain his support to her. It's a sort of like old eastern empires diffuse tension/competition with exchange of royal bride/bridegrooms. Thank you for mentioning.
Data said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Assuming this is the Arles bust, that would mean it's about 10 years older than archaeologists think (_ And when Caesar was 43, he was in Gaul, which makes sense if it was found in a French river.

Yes, it's Arles bust.

So similar to Ark.
I think it was mentioned in the past that Putin and Cesaer resembled each other.

Is it possible Putin is genetically related to Cesaer?

Chu said:
Echo Blue said:
I found myself becoming very emotional as I read Caesar's remarks.

You're not the only one, and for me it was specially in this part:
Caesar said:
I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.

First, supposedly the "greatest man that ever lived" admits that he was wrong before anything else. How many of us have trouble admitting even small mistakes?

Second, his analysis about the masses and humanity: As "pessimistic" as it may seem to most, not sending a message of hope or salvation or whatever, well, it is WAY better than what religion has been saying for centuries. And it is the truth. We have been seeing it for some time now. We can only do what is right, and see.

Third, "be true to your own nature": And we know how hard that one is!

Fourth: "fear nothing". That man knew he was going to be assassinated and still didn't fear it. Compare that with fears that rule everyone's lives, every day.

This doesn't even start to describe how these words felt.

Totally awesome and truly unexpected. With such humble advice this was no egotistical dude that just happened to pass by. The above advice is absolutely priceless and so unexpected and seemingly totally honest. There is much that we must learn from genius and wisdom rather than assume we know better.

I personally don't think that the C's would just let 'anyone' through even though there was so much mirth and jesting from both sides. I felt, as it was actually Caesar's birthday that this was genuine and that the above advice is also unique and humble- for our understanding and guidance so that we don't waste time in wishful thinking and reinventing the wheel per se.

There is no doubt that this ranks as my favourite session complete with gob-smacking incredulity when J.C. actually honoured the Chateau crew by coming through - I am sure all because of the tireless research and mind-blowing evidence that they painstakingly uncovered over years of research to prove to the world the truth that JC was actually Gaius Julius Caesar and not the mythical Jesus Christ, in whose name far more millions were slaughtered than ever, reluctantly, that the real JC had to kill in order to be taken seriously so as to even have the chance to be able to make the changes that he dreamed of changing.

As for possibly marrying a wife with connections, I believe that this too was necessary to win the trust of the relevant people in order the have the 'career' that he needed to have in order to be able to try to initiate the changes he dreamed of making on behalf of humanity. Plus such a true soul could never have been a taker, only a giving soul, so I doubt the wife was ever mistreated and not respected. After all in Caesar's mind and intentions was the greater 'good' and the C's have stated that he had a direct communication 'line' due to his devout 'faith'. So also no-one could have been more averse to killing etc but those were the necessities of fortitude, bravery and respect of the times. To be able to be in a position to 'make a difference' meant a position of power and respect in those times. Abhorrent as it may have been to him there was no 'better' way to get there.

We are so fortunate to get Caesar's best words of advice so we don't waste our time and energy with fickle people and instead concentrate on what we can do.

Like everyone else, I too am deeply moved by such an auspicious session. I am so grateful for the unstinting research by Laura and the team, the C's for deeming this possible and for J.C. to honour us and everybody concerned on humanity's and J.C's behalf that the truth should finally be shared with the world at large. Truth to the eons of lies. A beautiful birthday revelation after so many years of false history. Kudos to Laura and everyone. J.C. deserves a book for himself ie the bible etc. unplugged.

Looks like those that make it to 4D are going to be in some awesome company!
Thanks again everyone. Totally Unforgettable.
Thank you for sharing this session.

I am humbled and grateful to be able to read direct quotes from the probable "True Christ".

While I was reading the first part, it kept popping up in my mind, "I would ask, 'How many years ago was Julius Caesar born?'" Because this would be of use to the group in many ways. Well you all had it covered and more. Fantastic session!

Its amazing to me that anyone here could be bored with this or not find it useful for the group. Our entire 'World History and Civilization' is a lie manipulated by evil and this session has provided light to see through the darkness. This impacts everything we have 'learned' in school and in our 'culture'.
Blown away by this great session, thanks for sharing! Inspires me to continue to learn, improve and work on myself.
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