Session 13 April 2024

(L) Was Brigitte Macron born a biological male?

A: Yes

Dear Citizens,

Due to overwhelming evidence found on the Cassiopaea Forum, the French Secret Services have opened an investigation into the mysterious life of Jean-Michel Trogneux (more commonly known as Brigitte Macron). Jean-Michel is a very dangerous man, bending people's perception long before he even rose to power. Thanks to him, his little protégé, President Emmanuel Macron, has grabbed the 'long end of the stick' and is ferociously holding on to it. The preliminary findings suggest that the rabbit hole goes very deep, deeper than any Hamas tunnel. For this reason, we would be delighted if you could help us excavate the truth from all this mud.

Just to be clear, we would like to remind you that our national motto is ‘Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité’ and not ‘Liberté, Égalité, Transexualité’—that's a big distinction, bigger than Jean-Michel's banana. If you don't want to see the truth, don't wait for a Russian Kinzhal missile to set the matter straight!

French Secret Services
Thank you for this session.
I didn't thank you for the previous session because I was in hospital in a hurry.
Now I'm trying to recover. And I see things in the world differently.
This world is so rotten and disgusting that I (we) can only watch it collapse in on itself, to be reborn at last.
"Wait and see", as the CS say.
So I wait (I hope not for too much longer, because I'm getting on in years).
And I see: the sessions (thank you CS, Laura and all of you).
And in my new garden, I look with joy at all the things I planted last year.
A life as simple as possible, so that I don't have to endure this world of cruel fools.
Thanks to all of you

Translated with (free version)
I'm glad that Pierre is doing well. I didn't know the other guys (Tom, Jar) at all, but I'm happy for them too.
Thank you for a wonderful session.

Радостно, что у Пьера все хорошо. Остальных ребят (тома, Джара) я не знал совсем никак, но и за них радостно тоже.
Спасибо за замечательную сессию.
Thank you for Laura, Anna & the Cs for the session! I’m so happy that Pierre is doing well, and collectively with Tom & jar, they are all looking out for you at the Château.

The whole Kate situation & the obfuscation around her absence has been very strange. The fake video of her was quickly deconstructed on Twitter, it’s no wonder that people have lost faith & trust in the media. I’m a bit surprised that the Royals took the vax, they didn’t get the memo about it obviously. It just goes to show there is no monolith when we speak of the PTB, but factions, infighting and various agendas all vying to be at the very top.

Edit: also a timely reminder about knowledge & vigilance. As things get more crazy (we can all feel something in the air), it seems all the more crucial to be aware & have our guards up.
Thank you so much for the session!

I have been really puzzled about this Kate business. All kinds of crazy rumours are spreading; that William has a lover, he wants a divorce, or she does. RF staff have been sacked; they want to downsize. Many fingers are pointing to William, that he has anger issues, problems with alcohol, that he may have even murdered Kate, (yes, a lot of people think this!), and the Royals are becoming increasingly unpopular as a result of the clumsy cover-ups and the rumours.

New rumours are being spread every day on social media, some of them quite believable. They are losing credibility big time, so it would be very much in the RF's interest to speak up about the real story. This is surely the biggest crisis they have had to face in recent history. They are really falling apart! Being so prominent, they could take this opportunity to warn people about the vaxx, and, at the same time, somewhat save face, but do they have the courage? So far, it seems not. They are most likely being threatened in some way to keep quiet.

Since many people still take a great interest in the RF, people are really questioning the mainstream media even more, especially because of all the ridiculous and obvious ways they have been covering up the truth. This whole thing is big news, and hopefully, will lead to big exposure.

I think the reason why they got vaxxed is because up until now, they have been very useful, since they are so politically correct and mainstream, and they give people the impression that all is well in "Kansas". Whatever the official narrative is, there they are, making speeches about the official narrative. This has been very helpful to the real PTB so far.

They just don't fit with the narrative, "You'll Own Nothing and be Happy". They symbolise family values, white privilege, great affluence, aristocracy, pride of one's country and history, etc., values, which are no longer of use to the PTB. I think vaxxing them is a way of getting rid of them. The rumours help to discredit them further.

If the RF does indeed collapse, then that's all to the good for the PTB! People are very unsettled about these goings-on, which is also what they want. Kate is very popular! Things are in really bad shape back in the UK, so this, on top of everything else, is a way of further destabilising the country. It shows also that the old order/programme is changing.

I don't know much about Kate, but my heart goes out to her, and her children, who must be very scared at this time! Kate is (or was?) beautiful, stylish, charming, regal, lady-like, yet still fun. She has been a great asset to the RF, and, in a way, to her country; she would make a great Queen Consort. It's very sad!
Thank you for this timely session.

A lot of answers for things being in my mind. I am surprised both for Kate, Madeira and Macron.
Just seen a picture of our previous PM (Erna Solberg - Norway) in a MSM newpaper (VG) wearing what seems to be a mask and with hairy skin, like a male under. It is just a pic, but one wonders.

Thanks to all of you making this forum available. Stay safe. Stay sane. Knowledge protects.
Thank you all for the session!
Things are speeding up and answers about US and Israel rise some more questions about possible events in near future.
(L) Well, speaking of things intensifying rapidly, what was up with that big boom or explosion sound that happened when I was in the middle of that interview with Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams where we were talking about whether or not there would be a nuclear war, or what would happen to the US? Would there be cometary explosions, or what? And I had just opined something along the line of that I think that the US was going to be destroyed, and that I didn't know for sure whether it would be nuclear war, whether it would be comets, and then right then: BOOM! I mean, you'll have to watch it and get to that point to exactly what it was saying. I can't remember exactly, but it was something like that. So what was this boom?

A: Confirmation.

Q: (L) All right. Any other topics we want to cover? Is Iran going to bomb Israel?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Any minute now! [laughter]

(L) Is it going to be any minute now?

A: No

Q: (Joe) At some point.

(L) But you said in the past that Israel was ultimately going to be destroyed. Is that still in the cards?

A: Yes
I wonder how it would all play out?
When I think of natural disasters, a major earthquake and comet bombardment might do the trick, but I'm afraid that's a wishful thinking.

If this is the beginning of the end for them through war, it is easy to guess that they will push things further, provoking and attacking Iran and other countries in the ME and possibly escalating things in Ukraine.
I can't see a scenario where Russia or Iran could do this alone, so it would have to be some kind of coalition, most likely leading to WW3.
My guess is that natural disasters combined with a major conflict will bring it to an end.
We are in for a period of much pain and suffering, but as the Cs have said many times, the night is darkest before the dawn..
Take care and don't let up on vigilence everyone..💪🏻
Yesss!! I look every day for a new session and my heart starts racing when I see one! A few bombshells here…Iran…obama….macron…and Kate Middleton…would like see see a few questions and answers that give us hope, this election in November…nothing new about Trump…they are dying to put him in jail…thank you for latest session, please have another soon. :love:
Thanks for the new session!

(Chu) I read yesterday that the Queen was diagnosed with a myeloma exactly a year before she died. Was that a vaccine injury too?

A: Yes

This shows us that the royals are a bunch of fools, or I fail to understand how we mere mortals avoid getting vaccinated, apart from what the Cs told us about vaccines, there were medical specialists who warned about vaccines, there were people doing research, graphene was discovered and these idiots overlooked it. Perhaps they were told that the vaccines for the "beautiful people" were not of the "special batch". This demolishes all those theories about royals and other well known families controlling the world. They are not indispensable in the new world the hyperdimensional overlords are trying to create.​

In truth the Queen Isabel was mortal and not the lizard queen.

The Cs confirmed what Laura sensed to be true about Kate's disappearance and Charles' cancer. The role of royalty in the new world no longer has a place.

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