Session 13 April 2024

Thank you so much for the session :flowers: :wizard:

Q: (L) What's happening with Kate Middleton?

A: Vaccine injury.

Q: (L) Is it something that is really horrible and visible?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like a stroke where she's partially paralyzed?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it something on her skin or, or something like Bell's palsy or...?

A: Close. She may not recover.

My gosh, I really feel sorry for her, especially if the reports she didn’t want it but was forced that Andromeda mentioned are true. I think it’s very sad, I don’t know about them, but I’d be really furious if something like this happened to me or a loved one and I was told to keep quiet. They may have been manipulated by some arguments appealing to some sort of higher good, or threats of media attack to discredit them, but if I was William I’d be googling anything I can find about vaccine injuries.

That said, three (that we know of) members of this family have had serious health issues over a short period of time. I have come across people with complications that I suspect are caused by the jab, but there haven't been that many. And yet the RF have three. That's quite a lot I'd say.

(L) Was Brigitte Macron born a biological male?

A: Yes

Sheesh, first Obama, now Macron, how many other closeted weirdos are there in the highest echelons of power? I initially wondered why on earth they would go to such ridiculous lengths as to hide in plain sight, when they can be discovered any minute. But I guess it plays into the PTB's hands to have puppets with secrets like that. It’s easier to control them. A threat of the public finding out must really keep them in check. No Epstein-style dirt needed. It's not like there are too many alternative career options for them.

On a lighter, yet somewhat related note, this tongue-in-cheek joke on X has really made me laugh:



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(L) So was that explosion an overhead cometary explosion?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was there anything hyperdimensional about it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) You know, sometimes I wonder if the Earth is not surrounded by all kinds of
comets and things at all times, but they're just in another dimension or something, or another vibrational frequency and they can be let through if needed. Is that a possibility?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Well, and the one you heard was also when they were visiting, right?

(Joe) It was last Saturday.

(L) Yeah, they were here.

A: Yes

Thanks for the session. Wow, this comet business is getting more and more interesting. 😉
Thank you for the fascinating session! I wonder if the PTB have decided that the Royal Family have outlived their usefulness and are being eradicated. The British Monarchy as an institution would be a symbol of the U.K. and it's destruction would be demoralizing for the population on a deep level, much like Notre Dame in Paris when it was set ablaze (osit).

Speaking of dreams, I had a very vivid one a few nights ago where I was at the chateau and was siting in on a session. The interior of the room was like a converted barn though, with lots of wood everywhere much like the image below. It was a nice way to wake up from that sleep.

Thank you so much! to Laura aand all her team for Amazing seasson!

Q: (L) Well, speaking of things intensifying rapidly, what was up with that big boom or explosion sound that happened when I was in the middle of that interview with Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams where we were talking about whether or not there would be a nuclear war, or what would happen to the US? Would there be cometary explosions, or what? And I had just opined something along the line of that I think that the US was going to be destroyed, and that I didn't know for sure whether it would be nuclear war, whether it would be comets, and then right then: BOOM! I mean, you'll have to watch it and get to that point to exactly what it was saying. I can't remember exactly, but it was something like that. So what was this boom?
Maybe not nuclear but an underground "natural bomb"

January 18 2003.

Q: (L) What is driving Bush to have his war with Iraq?

A: Orders. Bush knows little in any respect as to what or why he does anything.

Q: Is the war drama merely a play being put on to keep us all distracted and in a state of fear?

A: More or less.

Q: Yet, you said the United States would be bombed, and on another occasion you said there would not be a nuclear war.

A: "Bombs" are not all "nuclear." And, there are "natural bombs."
Q: (L) You know, sometimes I wonder if the Earth is not surrounded by all kinds of
comets and things at all times, but they're just in another dimension or something, or another vibrational frequency and they can be let through if needed. Is that a possibility?

A: Yes
That's an intriguing idea! It would explain why us humans are unware or only vaguely aware of a number of cosmic phenomena. Perhaps it's not only a cover-up from authorities but also that these things 'blink' in and out of our reality and/or perception. Maybe Nemesis itself is in our faces, larger than life, but we can't quite see it because of this.

Several years ago the Cs did say that the comet cluster was 'riding the Wave', and the Wave is the realm border, so this notion would be consistent with that.
Q: (L) And why did they put the bodies back then?

A: Arrogance.
I find this comment quite telling about the psychology of 4D STS. Thinking about the attitude of humans towards cows, pigs or chickens, it is generally indifferent about their fate as food. Some are even sympathetic towards them. I've even met a farmer who breeds pigs to be slaughtered yet grows fond of them and is then sorry he brings the butcher to them. On the other side of the spectrum, we ocasionally hear of sadistic people who enjoy hurting animals, but I'd say that's a minority.

But arrogance? Can you imagine someone killing a pig and later going back to the other pigs and throwing the remains so as to 'rub it on their faces'? Arrogance would sort of imply that you see the pigs as a sort of a threat to your status and you want to show that you're still on top - it's kind of personal. What sort of pathological, childish, full of petty feelings person would do that? Yet this is how 4D STS think and feel towards us, according to the Cs. On some other occasion they did suggest that 4D STS wanted to dominate men to the point of humiliation, or something along those lines. This tells me that in order to polarize oneself further towards STS, one needs to foster those petty, narcissistic, childish feelings. :nuts:
(L) Was Brigitte Macron born a biological male?

A: Yes
I knew it! For me, that picture comparing the facial features or Brigitte's 'brother' to her actual current self sold it to me.
Q: (L) What's happening with Kate Middleton?

A: Vaccine injury.
Very sorry for her. This kind of confirms what we have suspected about the royal family - that they are not really that much 'in' the power spheres, but are more or less 'normal people' in the circumstance of being used as a symbol of power and tradition, with not that much room for maneuver. I really wish they had the courage to expose this to the world - let people know that their misgivings about the vaccines were right. But of course they won't let them.

Thank you for sharing the session!
Q: (L) You know, sometimes I wonder if the Earth is not surrounded by all kinds of
comets and things at all times, but they're just in another dimension or something, or another vibrational frequency and they can be let through if needed. Is that a possibility?

A: Yes

It reminded me of green fireballs that didn't behave in the typical meteorite manner. In this link there is a detailed chronology of the sightings.

“Los Alamos now has flying green lights. These will ‘o wisps seen generally about 2 a.m., have alerted the local constabulary and their presence is being talked about in Santa Fe bars. But local wheels deny any official knowledge of the sky phenomena. Each one passes the buck to another.”

The story ended with, “Have you seen a green light lately?”

In fact, a great many had, and would continue to do so—enough to prompt TIME magazine, in November 1951, to publish a piece on the phenomenon called “Great Balls of Fire.” What makes the multiple sightings of “flying green lights” in New Mexico in 1948 and onward such a significant chapter in UFO history is exactly that—there were multiple sightings.

There is also this paper from Australia that mentions ball lightning.

This paper presents evidence of an apparent connection between ball lightning and a green fireball. On the evening of the 16 May 2006 at least three fireballs were seen by many people in the skies of Queensland, Australia. One of the fireballs was seen passing over the Great Divide about 120km west of Brisbane, and soon after, a luminous green ball about 30 cm in diameter was seen rolling down the slope of the Great Divide. A detailed description given by a witness indicates that the phenomenon was probably a highly luminous form of ball lightning. A hypothesis presented in this paper is that the passage of the Queensland fireball meteor created an electrically conductive path between the ionosphere and ground, providing energy for the ball lightning phenomenon. A strong similarity is noted between the Queensland fireball and the Pasamonte fireball seen in New Mexico in 1933. Both meteors exhibit a twist in the tail that could be explained by hydrodynamic forces. The possibility that multiple sightings of fireballs across southeast Queensland were produced owing to fragments from comet 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 is discussed.

And this is what the C's said about ball lighting:

Q: (L) What is ball lightning?

A: Electromagnetic spark. Pass from 4th to 3rd density.

And there are also these historic threads (there could be more) that talk about connection between meteorites, UFOs, and how a meteorite fly by can open an interdimentional portal. There are also other mentions by the C's about it.

I don't remember if back then it was talked that the meteorites themselves come from another dimension, or they simply facilitate opening of a window, but this makes (crazy) sense that all of this would be happening!

And thank you very much for the session :flowers: It's very sad what happened to Kate, and it is indeed surprising to see how disposable Royals are, if they didn't have knowledge to avoid the vaccine, or weren't advised not to take it. It's possible that this is also a sort of confirmation that they are not even near the apex of Consortium as all kind of conspiracy theories claim.
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Thank you for the session

Q: (Joe) So Brigitte Macron is really her brother?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And she's still got all her bits intact?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's why Macron likes her?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Because it's not a "her"...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) That's the world we live in...

(L) We have the most corrupt, disgusting, perverse, perverted group of human beings in leadership roles in Western countries that could ever possibly be dreamed up in the worst nightmares of George Orwell.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, such people are deliberately elected to power, they will do anything to keep their depravity secret and stay in power.

For example, in Poland and probably not only, to work in the secret services in the role of informers recruited from among sex offenders: pedophiles, rapists, etc., who were then introduced into the organizations they were supposed to infiltrate

In return, they were given protection and allowed to continue their sick tendencies.

They were sent to seminaries for clergy, for example, and trained as priests. Which now plays a role in destroying the image of the Catholic Church from within
It reminded me of green fireballs that didn't behave in the typical meteorite manner. In this link there is a detailed chronology of the sightings
And there are also these historic threads (there could be more) that talk about connection between meteorites, UFOs, and how a meteorite fly by can open an interdimentional portal. There are also other mentions by the C's about it.

And this would also explain the why no matter how advance and knowledgeable a civilization can become, we are always gonna be subject to cataclysms and “divine punishment” that can’t be prevented.
Thank you for sharing this session with us! I can't wait for the interview.

Like others I feel the tension in the air, we still live pretty normal lives, but the world is dramatically different from 5 or 10 years ago. What the Cs predicted is starting to unfold, we have comets, war, Earth changes, 😵...

I would have never guessed for Brigitte. For me it was one conspiracy too far, he/she is so thin! France is really up for a bad time with weirdoes like this in power.

I am sad for Kate, for her husband and her three small children. They were probably pressured into taking the vaccine, I don't think they have much freedom. Today the RF is not much more than a circus show, and like others said, they don't fit into this new woke society where you have no values, no family, no property, no faith. At least a good King or Queen could be a positive role model for people who needed it, but even that will go. I hope the kids didn't take it🤞🏻.

As for Iran, I understand if they end up attacking Israël, even if it means sacrificing Palestinians, but it will have repercussions in the West I am sure. The West have large muslim populations and I am sure they will be held "hostage" and mistreated if the war intensifies.
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