Thanks for session!
I think "stay away" could be "yes" for more reasons than just contagion...
For example decides to take vaccine again and circle of people you know is big then it may be wiser to avoid them, so that you can focus on networking with people more open minded.
Worst case scenario would be unvaccinated being betrayed by those vaccinated which could lead to mandatory injection.
and the further question is (question could probably be improved )
Do we have to stay away from them continuously, or just during a certain time frame ?
I wonder because if we have to stay away from all these guys for life, let's say 75% (even if I hope that quite less people will accept it), it's going to be a big problem for anyone unvaccinated in the future ... and I prefer to avoid to buy this kind of thing :
I think "stay away" could be "yes" for more reasons than just contagion...
For example decides to take vaccine again and circle of people you know is big then it may be wiser to avoid them, so that you can focus on networking with people more open minded.
Worst case scenario would be unvaccinated being betrayed by those vaccinated which could lead to mandatory injection.