Session 13 January 2024

I believe it was in interviews, maybe also in his America Before book. But one of the arguments I'm pretty sure he's made is that civilizations tend to always congregate by coastlines and major sources of water. And there is so much land that is now underwater that if they were occupied, it's understandable that there aren't that many available remains on land today.
There are some text in Cayce's writings seems to suggest there is a technological necessity for Atlantean as a coastline society. From
ATLANTIS Vol. 1 (page 13) mentioned here.
“. . . in the Atlantean land when there were the preparations of those things that had pertained to the ability for the application of appliances to the various elements known as electrical forces in the present day; as to the manners and ways in which the various crafts carried individuals from place to place, and what may be known in the present as the photographing from a distance, or the fields of activity that showed the ability for reading inscriptions through walls - even at distances, or for the preparations of the elevations in the various activities where there was the overcoming of the forces of nature, of gravity itself ; and the preparations through the crystal, the mighty, the terrible crystal that made for the active principles in these, were a portion of the activity of the entity in that experience. Much of it brought destruction. . . .” (No. 519-1)

“As indicated, the entity was associated with those that dealt with the mechanical appliances and their application during the experience. And, as we find, it was a period when there was much that has not even been thought of as yet in the present experience.

“About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period.

“It would be well that there be given something of a description of this, that it may be better understood by the entity in the present, as to how both constructive and destructive forces were generated by the activity of this stone.

“It was in the center of a building, that today would be said to have been lined with non-conductive stone - something akin to asbestos - with the combined forces of bakelite or other non-conductors that are now being manufactured in England under a name that is known well to many of those that deal in such things.

The building above the stone was oval, a dome which could be folded back, so that the activity of the stone was received from the sun's rays, or from the stars; the concentrating of the energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves . . .
with the elements that are found and that are not found in the earth's atmosphere. The concentration, through the prisms or glass, as would be called in the present, was in such a manner that it acted upon the instruments that were connected with the various modes
of travel, through induction methods . .
. that made much the character of control, as the remote control through radio vibrations as would be in the present day; though the manner of force that was impelled from the stone acted upon the motivating forces in the crafts themselves.

“There was the preparation so that when the dome was rolled back them might be little or no hindrance in the application direct to the various crafts that were to be impelled through space, whether in the radius of the visioning of the one eye, as it might be called, or whether directed under water. .
It does looks like their crystal technology needs "line of sight" for propelling the vehicles and that may involve lot of energy transfer from source (crystal) to target (ships). Probably that needs less obstructions in the sky and sea is natural choice for it. i.e. The current geographical national boundaries as location may not be appropriate way to describe the Atlantean national boundaries. The hunter gatherer societies lived else where- i.e. inland.
Thank you for the transcript, questions, insights and C's answers.
Interesting idea about creating one's own theme... Like people coexist at the same time and place with global agenda flying around but one still can somehow find power to resist that and isolate oneself from the others, even from closest ones, family, kids, colleagues, neighbours, etc. Of course this is not news and we knew that it will not be easy path, but still cannot get used to that. I noticed that some vaccinated people regretted of taking COVID shots but the disease X is on the horizont, and probably they'll do the same. Seems like a round 2 with more hardcore effects, harder to resist and provide advice to others when people will literally be bleeding. And yes, 20 percent dead rate which is 1 in 5 who got the virus. This may be very and very painful experience with lots of suffering. Sometimes I wonder what did we, or personally, do so wrong that we have to go through all of this. Then maybe it would have been easier for me to accept the price and go through consequences
Thank you for the transcript, questions, insights and C's answers.
Interesting idea about creating one's own theme... Like people coexist at the same time and place with global agenda flying around but one still can somehow find power to resist that and isolate oneself from the others, even from closest ones, family, kids, colleagues, neighbours, etc. Of course this is not news and we knew that it will not be easy path, but still cannot get used to that. I noticed that some vaccinated people regretted of taking COVID shots but the disease X is on the horizont, and probably they'll do the same. Seems like a round 2 with more hardcore effects, harder to resist and provide advice to others when people will literally be bleeding. And yes, 20 percent dead rate which is 1 in 5 who got the virus. This may be very and very painful experience with lots of suffering. Sometimes I wonder what did we, or personally, do so wrong that we have to go through all of this. Then maybe it would have been easier for me to accept the price and go through consequences

Well, one of the main things we're here to do is to clean up our karmic balance sheet. Whether for good or bad, that means we suffer in this lifetime. Luckily we get the choice to do it consciously or unconsciously. I don't think we get to choose to not suffer. And lucky for us, the suffering turns on our DNA and makes us stronger, and ideally more compassionate people, and makes life generally better and more meaningful.

This seems to have a lot to do with past life behaviours as you mention, and our souls chose certain bodies in this lifetime to clear up the karma. For instance, with diet:

From April 4, 2015:

Q: (L) So, the ketogenic diet is not ultimately desirable for everyone?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) But then that also leads to the question about how being on a ketogenic diet helps you evolve and raise your FRV, and make you super-smart and strong?

(Chu) The path to transformation and all that…

(L) Are you saying that the people who can’t do the ketogenic diet that they…

(Galatea) They can’t evolve, or they can do it another way?

A: It is helpful to evolving and FRV for those who require it. For some, it is required that they follow an adjacent plan. There is a great range of individual types. As you may have noticed, the ketogenic path is very difficult and a challenge even for the people it is right for. Some others have a bit more leeway and less struggle. And in answer to your next question, indeed there is something like karma involved.

Q: (L) So are you suggesting that those of us who need the ketogenic diet have karma to pay off? That we’re being tortured? (laughter) We were gluttons in past lives or something?

A: Close enough! But aren’t you glad that a path is available?

Q: (L) Well, that leads to the question: You also once said that the development of the soul is married to the genetics. Is there something involved with that in this?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So… I mean, I’m just trying to get myself out of the hole here.

(Pierre) If in past lives, say you were addicted to carbs. So, in a past live that’s your soul. Now you incarnated in a new body, and there will be a transitioning program where you can go from there to somewhere else. Or perhaps your soul resonated to a different profile in the previous life and you followed the wrong path and now have to compensate. And now, after 5D review, it will resonate with this DNA profile…

(Perceval) I think their previous comment was that souls marries to genetics if present. So, what you’re thinking of is that for the soul to absolve itself or remove this karmic debt, that it picked a body with a specific set of genetics that required…

(L) That enables you to do that. Or to fulfill a specific mission?

(Perceval) Yeah.

(L) Is that kinda getting close?

A: Yes

I don't see it just as punishment for doing something wrong, though, as that can easily lead to victim mentality and seeing this life as punishment instead of a great opportunity to grow. And not only that, to be part of a show that's 309,000 years in the making! Castaneda wrote that petty tyrants are the warrior's best ally, in the sense that maintaining one's centre in the face of chaos they create is the primary way of catalyzing the alchemical transformation of the soul.

Seers are divided into two categories. Those who are willing to exercise self-restraint and can channel their activities toward pragmatic goals, which would benefit other seers and man in general, and those who don't care about self-restraint or about any pragmatic goals. The latter have failed to resolve the problem of self-importance.

Self-importance is not something simple and naive. On the one hand, it is the core of everything that is good in us, and on the other hand, the core of everything that is rotten. To get rid of the self-importance that is rotten requires a masterpiece of strategy.

In order to follow the path of knowledge one has to be very imaginative. In the path of knowledge nothing is as clear as we'd like it to be. Warriors fight self-importance as a matter of strategy, not principle.

Impeccability is nothing else but the proper use of energy. My statements have no inkling of morality. I've saved energy and that makes me impeccable. To understand this, you have to save enough energy yourself.

Warriors take strategic inventories. They list everything they do. Then they decide which of those things can be changed in order to allow themselves a respite, in terms of expending their energy.

The strategic inventory covers only behavioral patterns that are not essential to our survival and well-being.

But certainly taking a material/resource inventory would seem to be part the equation as well.

In the strategic inventories of warriors, self-importance figures as the activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy, hence, their effort to eradicate it.

One of the first concerns of warriors is to free that energy in order to face the unknown with it. The action of rechanneling that energy is impeccability.

The most effective strategy for rechanneling that energy consists of six elements that interplay with one another. Five of them are called the attributes of warriorship: control, discipline, forbearance, timing, and will. They pertain to the world of the warrior who is fighting to lose self-importance. The sixth element, which is perhaps the most important of all, pertains to the outside world and is called the petty tyrant.

And we will certainly have an abundance of those! From government to all the unhinged individuals who will basically be all around us.

A petty tyrant is a tormentor. Someone who either holds the power of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction.

Petty tyrants teach us detachment. The ingredients of the new seers' strategy shows how efficient and clever is the device of using a petty tyrant. The strategy not only gets rid of self-importance; it also prepares warriors for the final realization that impeccability is the only thing that counts in the path of knowledge.

Usually, only four attributes are played. The fifth, will, is always saved for an ultimate confrontation, when warriors are facing the firing squad, so to speak.

But we needn't think much about the firing squad to realize how much of a factor will plays in all of this. Its ok to have some fear, experience the chills, not know everything around every corner - if we continue to push forward bit, by bit, by bit.

Will belongs to another sphere, the unknown. The other four belong to the known, exactly where the petty tyrants are lodged. In fact, what turns human beings into petty tyrants is precisely the obsessive manipulation of the known.

The interplay of all the five attributes of warriorship is done only by seers who are also impeccable warriors and have mastery over will. Such an interplay is a supreme maneuver that cannot be performed on the daily human stage.

Four attributes are all that is needed to deal with the worst of petty tyrants, provided, of course, that a petty tyrant has been found. The petty tyrant is the outside element, the one we cannot control and the element that is perhaps the most important of them all. The warrior who stumbles on a petty tyrant is a lucky one. You're fortunate if you come upon one in your path, because if you don't you have to go out and look for one.

This is where we can take up the attitude that our experience here at this time really is something of an adventure. And perhaps channel our inner Putin, Luke Skywalker, Neo, Trinity, Batman, whoever. Yes, interactions with petty tyrants (of all stripes) can and will be, to some degree, unpleasant. But its mostly the attitude we take in dealing with them that will help form our successes. And we can learn from each experience.

If seers can hold their own in facing petty tyrants, they can certainly face the unknown with impunity, and then they can even stand the presence of the unknowable.

I think that its one thing to be reading about so many of the changes in the offing - and yet another to see those changes staring us straight in the face. Make no mistake: Things will be getting even more bizarre and the changes ever larger in scope and "drama". So facing all we are, as we're now doing, can help fortify us for those things that, as of yet, are unknowable I think.

Nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the unknowable.

Imagine every half-wit and authoritarian follower out there succumbing to their own worst instincts because of their own pathologies, ponerized thinking, beaming, downloads, etc. and, again, we can see how the probability of having to deal with some of these types can actually help us to "stand the pressure of the unknowable". Not that we should go out looking for it of course.

The perfect ingredient for the making of a superb seer is a petty tyrant with unlimited prerogatives. Seers have to go to extremes to find a worthy one. Most of the time they have to be satisfied with very small fry. Then warriors develop a strategy using the four attributes of warriorship: control, discipline, forbearance, and timing.

On the path of knowledge there are four steps. The first step is the decision to become apprentices. After the apprentices change their views about themselves and the world they take the second step and become warriors, which is to say, beings capable of the utmost discipline and control over themselves. The third step, after acquiring forbearance and timing, is to become men of knowledge. When men of knowledge learn to see they have taken the fourth step and have become seers.

We're all learning and on various steps along this series of steps. Its our job to help one another where we see that another can use some help in seeing.

Control and discipline refer to an inner state. A warrior is self-oriented, not in a selfish way but in the sense of a total examination of the self.

Forbearance and timing are not quite an inner state. They are in the domain of the man of knowledge.

This means that there will be times when patience is needed, and that the time to act has not yet come. Timing can be everything in some in some situations and jumping the gun out of a frenetic need to act can become disadvantageous or even disastrous.

The idea of using a petty tyrant is not only for perfecting the warrior's spirit, but also for enjoyment and happiness. Even the worst tyrants can bring delight, provided, of course, that one is a warrior.

The mistake average men make in confronting petty tyrants is not to have a strategy to fall back on; the fatal flaw is that average men take themselves too seriously; their actions and feelings, as well as those of the petty tyrants, are all-important. Warriors, on the other hand, not only have a well-thought-out strategy, but are free from self-importance. What restrains their self-importance is that they have understood that reality is an interpretation we make.

One of the great advantages we have are the wider and greater informed perspectives that are shared here. Sometimes we just need to get of our own heads, cognitve biases, egocentricities, prejudices, etc. - to make room for better, more constructive, interpretations.

Petty tyrants take themselves with deadly seriousness while warriors do not. What usually exhausts us is the wear and tear on our self-importance. Any man who has an iota of pride is ripped apart by being made to feel worthless.

To tune the spirit when someone is trampling on you is called control. Instead of feeling sorry for himself a warrior immediately goes to work mapping the petty tyrant's strong points, his weaknesses, his quirks of behavior.

To gather all this information while they are beating you up is called discipline.
A perfect petty tyrant has no redeeming feature.

This is what we are doing collectively and individually; gathering information while they're planning on beating us up.

Forbearance is to wait patiently--no rush, no anxiety--a simple, joyful holding back of what is due.

A warrior knows that he is waiting and what he is waiting for. Right there is the great joy of warriorship.

Timing is the quality that governs the release of all that is held back. Control, discipline, and forbearance are like a dam behind which everything is pooled. Timing is the gate in the dam.

Forbearance means holding back with the spirit something that the warrior knows is rightfully due. It doesn't mean that a warrior goes around plotting to do anybody mischief, or planning to settle past scores. Forbearance is something independent. As long as the warrior has control, discipline, and timing, forbearance assures giving whatever is due to whoever deserves it.

Given the "triple bad day" that the Rockefellers, and others, are likely to receive at the hands of the universe itself, we needn't waste energy thinking about them getting their comeuppance. It will just simply happen as a consequence of natural processes. In the meantime though we keep putting love, energy and knowledge into the system where we can.

To be defeated by a small-fry petty tyrant is not deadly, but devastating. Warriors who succumb to a small-fry petty tyrant are obliterated by their own sense of failure and unworthiness.

Anyone who joins the petty tyrant is defeated. To act in anger, without control and discipline, to have no forbearance, is to be defeated.

It is not necessary to over-react or to throw a fit in response to something that some petty tyrant does. In fact, it can put one in even greater danger. This is where self awareness and self observation has such a big part to play. "What are my buttons and my triggers? What types of situations get me riled up and what are some likely situations that I may be faced with going forward?".

We can rant, or cry, or be enraged, or shocked; all of these are normal human responses. But we just don't want to make ourselves more vulnerable by showing our inner state and vulnerabilities to those who would only seek to take advantage of them, and of us.

After warriors are defeated they either regroup themselves or they abandon the quest for knowledge and join the ranks of the petty tyrants for life.

There are a series of truths about awareness that have been arranged in a specific sequence for purposes of comprehension. The mastery of awareness consists in internalizing the total sequence of such truths.

The first truth is that our familiarity with the world we perceive compels us to believe that we are surrounded by objects, existing by themselves and as themselves, just as we perceive them, whereas, in fact, there is no world of objects, but a universe of the Indescribable Force's emanations.

Before I can explain the Indescribable Force's emanations, I have to talk about the known, the unknown, and the unknowable.

The unknown is something that is veiled from man, shrouded perhaps by a terrifying context, but which, nonetheless, is within man's reach.

I think that we have come a long way in understanding the normally "unknown" in its "terrifying context" is. And we will continue to do so with a certain amount of faith and hard work that will make the answers available to us.

The unknown becomes the known at a given time. The unknowable, on the other hand, is the indescribable, the unthinkable, the unrealizable. It is something that will never be known to us, and yet it is there, dazzling and at the same time horrifying in its vastness.

We're taking things one step at a time here! :halo:

There is a simple rule of thumb: in the face of the unknown, man is adventurous. It is a quality of the unknown to give us a sense of hope and happiness. Man feels robust, exhilarated. Even the apprehension that it arouses is very fulfilling. The new seers saw that man is at his best in the face of the unknown.

Though this new information we're looking at may arouse some fear and chills and sadness, we can take the perspective of us being more or less active participants in a grand cosmic epic story. I mean, what compares to this story that we're a part of? I for one can't think of anything!

The unknown and the known are really on the same footing, because both are within the reach of human perception. Seers, can leave the known at a given moment and enter into the unknown.

Whatever is beyond our capacity to perceive is the unknowable. And the distinction between it and the knowable is crucial. Confusing the two would put seers in a most precarious position whenever they are confronted with the unknowable. Most of what's out there is beyond our comprehension."

In the meantime though, we can use our imaginations a little to extrapolate from what is knowable, while continuing to do what is right in front of us to do.
Well, one of the main things we're here to do is to clean up our karmic balance sheet. Whether for good or bad, that means we suffer in this lifetime. Luckily we get the choice to do it consciously or unconsciously. I don't think we get to choose to not suffer. And lucky for us, the suffering turns on our DNA and makes us stronger, and ideally more compassionate people, and makes life generally better and more meaningful.

This seems to have a lot to do with past life behaviours as you mention, and our souls chose certain bodies in this lifetime to clear up the karma. For instance, with diet:

From April 4, 2015:

I don't see it just as punishment for doing something wrong, though, as that can easily lead to victim mentality and seeing this life as punishment instead of a great opportunity to grow. And not only that, to be part of a show that's 309,000 years in the making! Castaneda wrote that petty tyrants are the warrior's best ally, in the sense that maintaining one's centre in the face of chaos they create is the primary way of catalyzing the alchemical transformation of the soul.
WoW Iamthatis.

Your post is beautiful and very useful.

And a important reminder.

I give to you a Big Hug for this.

A belated thank you for this session!
(Approaching Infinity) Why is 4D STS so interested in all our nuclear activities, whether energy or weapons related? The background being, while many think they are just concerned that we don't destroy ourselves, others like Tom Delonge say it is because nukes can actually damage them, that they have negative effects in their dimension.

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Also, the C’s have said that setting off nukes could have effects on beings in other realms similar to Dyatlov Pass.

A: There is your answer!

Q: (L) So the reason they're concerned or interested is because nukes can break dimensional barriers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And those barriers can be not just between horizontal dimensions, but between densities?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And also is it true that that energy can go into those other densities or dimensions and cause damage there?

A: Yes
Wonder if the deployment of energy weapons can have effects on beings in other realms..
Incredible session!! Eyeopening in a few different ways for me as it touched on and 'punctuated' so many important topics. Thank you to the lovely Laura and Andromeda for being the vessels of this communication and everybody else for the thoughtful adds and questions (and Pierre for the other worldly communion). Out of the myriad of traits that define this group (well, community) what stands out to me more recently is the pure unadultered curiosity, and insatiable thirst for learning; paired with compassion it's a good mode of being it seems.

Thanks to Pierre's Earth Changes my mind immediately went to plasma when Cs mentioned the flow of the undiscovered fluid. It only makes sense that we are conduits of energy just like the rest of the universe. Very cool stuff.

Btw, whitecoast was not the only wondering if the Cs meant by 'mental sex' beyond the inability to instantiate.. 🙃😅

Oh yeah, gotta go get me some invermectin (thanks @Arwenn for the helpful links), been away from the forum so need to catch up on alot incl. disease x.

🥹 when the Cs finshed with: Love.
Thank you so much for this session! Quite a lot to take in.

I know they're saying it's as yet unknown, but there are some systems that have been looked at that sound like they could fit the bill. Possibly they mean not made mainstream yet? Or widely known?
For example, there's the Primo Vascular system:

I suppose the EM aspect of this could have to do with the "light and power" they mentioned.

There's also others I remember reading about, but that one sounded like the best hit.

The way I was thinking was along the lines of the sun charging the water with life-giving properties which cause the growth in spring, as I had understood the lore.

I'm wondering if "not as I am thinking" refers to the water collected still having some properties but more imparted by the collector, a la Masaru Emoto. Or if they're referring to the dew itself as being a metaphor altogether and I need to look deeper. Could it be referring to the fluid mentioned before, to be collected and stored for healing use?
Spring in old French was called primevere (first green, in Spanish we say primavera to that season), in turn the word green in French through the use of the green language establishes several connections; being green: vert, iron: fer and glass: verre... in turn the word glass can be related to crystal and this word in turn can be related to the words "salt of Christ" Χριστού, Khristou, of Christ and ἅλας, als, sal) and crucible (the cross is the hieroglyph for the crucible (cruzoz, crucible in turn in Latin with possible roots in words like crux, crucis, cruz) these connections will be important to describe what perhaps I think it is a kind of hypothetical "crystalline crucible" of the human body that is formed after the interaction of "two salts" - poles of an electromagnetic field and that alchemists seem to describe.
The salt is crystal clear and seems to be the famous water that does not "wet your hands"

Unless otherwise specified, the following extracts that I will post are taken from the analysis of mutus liber by Eugène Canseliet:

The fifteen plates that constitute the work are definitively shown inan undeniable charity for the Infants of Science, as well as for the curious of thenature that can understand them from their first approach. All the phases of the GREAT WORK appear in their place, and also the "out of place.""work", or preliminary preparations of the two ideal Salts, which make up the FireSecret of the Adepts; which is extremely exceptional in alchemical literature,on the other hand so abundant and fruitful! The Brothers of cooked dew (Frères de la"Rosée-Cuite"), we have no doubt, you will find food for thought there!
More about the salts and in relation to the cover of the mutus liber which is the scene of Jacob's ladder, a little patience on this part, I'll make my point clear later :

It is necessary, alas, to agree with this that, in the waking state, despite all
Apparently, man usually sleeps so soundly that the shrillness of
all the trumpets
of the angels in heaven would not be enough to awaken him to the vision
accurate of the things of the earth. From another point of view, in the operational domain, it is not
It is less true that the subject of Art, our chosen mineral, is also immersed in
drowsiness very close to death, and must suffer a violent shock of waves, of the
which perfectly provide the symbolic expression the scream, the clamor, the sound
treble of brass instruments.

References to sound and a certain mineral-metal, let's continue:

An anonymous adept tells us at the beginning of his treatise, the allegorical dream with
he who was rewarded "in the year of grace 1588 of the reign of Henry III, king of
France and Poland, and on the twelfth day of the month of May, when all the people
He was mutinied and took up arms in a very dangerous situation within the city.
of Paris, where I had my residence with my entire family. He instructs us about
double nature of a highly expressive trumpet, at once fiery and glassy, is
say salina
, not without, evidently, stopping playing for the glass cabal with
green (glass in French verre, and green in French vert, correspond in the Cabbalah
phonetics), which is the color of this dynamism, of this vibration pointed out by Fulcanelli:

«I saw a man in a black cloak enter, who had in his right hand a
flame of fire and in the left of it a glass trumpet... and as soon as there was
entered he left the flame of fire on the ground, and began to sound loudly his
trumpet of him. » Discours d' Autheur uncertain sur la Pierre des Philosophes, century
For the Adept Fulcanelli, it is by analogy that the authors, that the Philosophers, chose nostoc, in order to speak more freely about the mineral subject of their philosophical works, than was possible for them, without the danger of perjury, in order to preserve your
magnesia that absorbs the universal spirit, like the magnet attracts iron, that is, green, from the cabalistic point of view. (Because of the assonance, in French, between fer (iron) and vert (vert)) Irenaeus Philaletheus does not think differently, when he bursts into imprecations against the spagyrists and mocks their use of waters directly fallen from the sky:

<< You prepare your salts with rainwater, from May,... You think so that I am afflicted with sadness, because of your ridiculous speech!>>>

< Some say it is a body; others affirm that it is an aqua. Both are right, since a water called "The Silver Beauty" springs from that body that the Wise Men call the Fountain of the Lovers (or Lovers) of Science. This is the mysterious "selago" (selage) of the Druids, the matter that provides salt (from "sel", for salt, and "agere", to produce).>>>
We have said, and we repeat it, that the author of Mutus Liber made a test of
charity and sincerity equally incredible and abundant. It would be possible that they were
never expressed, with such clarity and force, the source and nature of the agent
cosmic and universal of which the ancient alchemists even declared that it was their
raw material?

It is certain that the small bas-relief of the Picardy Notre-Dame (Le Mystere
des Cathédrales) offers the same fluidic and torrential cascade as that of the engraving of
Altus, with this difference however; that the medieval alchemist appears alone and
coagulated in ecstasy, while the couple of our Silent Book is shown
occupied in its most complete use. It would surely be good for the reader to apply himself
to confront the photograph that supports the Master's text, in his first book, with the
scene from the fourth plate that he has all the time to study in the present.
<< In effect, you must take what is, but is not seen, as far as the artist pleases; It is the water of our dew, from which the saltpeter ((note: stone salt) of the Philosophers is drawn, by which all things grow and are nourished. >>>

<< In effect, you must take what is, but is not seen, as far as the artist pleases; It is the water of our dew, from which the saltpeter of the Philosophers is drawn, by which all things grow and are nourished. >>>

In surprising connection, here is the passage from the Journal des Scavans, whose author does not fail to show knowledge far above the ordinary level, when he examines the celestial dew, impregnated with fire and solar salt.

<< When this solar salt, which is nothing other than a highly purified nitro, is concentrated and petrified by skillful preparation, it soaks up the light and becomes a small artificial sun. Perhaps this is the perpetual fire of the Urns of the ancients, so famous in ancient times and so sought after by moderns... This same salt, being duly reduced into liquor, becomes the Alcaest or universal solvent so hidden by the Masters of the Art: experience also makes it so that the volatile salt of May dew dissolves gold as easily as hot water dissolves ice. >>>

The anonymous Adept, of the Mystery of the Cross written in the solitude of Sonnestein, "on August 12, 1732", versified in fine in his Small Sacred Garden (Hortulus Saccer), that, of the three non-vulgar Medicines (Triplex Medicina non Vulgaris), the Sophic green of the air provides the first that, in it, has its fires - Dat priman Sophicum viride aeris... In se prima suos ignes habet: that the second attracts to itself the virtues of heaven, like the magnet alters virtues Coeli, magnetis adinstar attrahit: that the third in short:

<< And the forces of heaven and earth unite, by watering, with the dew of Heaven, the salt of the sea,

God of fire and metallurgical arts, Vulcan is the emblem of the most secret agent of the Great Work, of this igneous water that, in particular, served Nicholas Flamel for his "washings." This is why he wears, applied to the left breast, the crescent of the moon that is again found in silver on the gules field of the shield located on the other side.

Let us remember in this place the indication, pronounced by Fulcanelli, in the first volume of the Demeures, concerning the secret reason why the Egyptians considered, in the rank of the gods, the cat, so subject to the moon. The master then does not entirely trust his thought, because if he underlines the moustaches of the small feline, because "they conceal a high point of science", he does not say that it is by them that the charming animal is guided in the darkness. Sign in X of the radar - before its invention, we will say - of detention and telemetry, thanks to these waves of which the cat is saturated, until being sometimes only a crackling of flashes, which Altus knew well and for which he left us the long procedure of surprising you under its saline form.

Although the flames, which lap the philosopher's egg here, far exceed those of the best oil lamp, even if it had multiple wicks, they are still indicative of a heat that does not barely exceed 400 degrees. Here is the opportunity to remember that modern science itself has done justice to the false conception that very high temperatures were essential for any transmutation to take place. This was still, thirty years ago, the main argument, which was opposed by the alchemists, that they did not have sufficient heating means in order to reach the high degrees of ideal heat. It is recognized today that the real agent of transmutation within the mineral kingdom is magnetism, of which it is undeniable that it must be driven by some external energy source.
I will not talk much about Magnesia-magnetite because I think it is easy to see for many, but I will add that parently one of the salts is a pole of a current-electromagnetic field coming from the physical body-first motor center through the magnetite present in it and the other salt would be another pole coming from "the cosmos" and entering through the higher intellectual center. . Note that Jacob in the image above rests on a stone; rupellae means small stone in French and Canseliet says that its size refers to the inner microcosm of man, also on the cover it says petrum; piter-stone in Latin and also the first edition of this book was printed in la rochelle which is also a diminutive of rock (roch which by the way sounds like Ross-dew to me), the scene itself by the way is embroidered by two branches of intertwined roses that form a kind of egg (some mentions of this later) and that at the end of the great work these two branches become two olive branches.
Before closing this with references to the salamander that feels comfortable in fire and remembering the fiery qualities that Fulcanelli gives to Kundalinni energy, at the end I will talk about the "three fires" :

Here, now, is the last decorative theme for our door. It is a salamander that serves as a capital for the Solomonic column of the right jamb. It seems to us, in a certain way, the protective fairy of that pleasant abode, since we find it sculpted on the modillion of the central pillar, located on the ground floor, and even in the skylight of the attic. It would even seem, given the premeditated repetition of the symbol, that our alchemist had shown a marked preference for that heraldic reptile. We do not intend to insinuate, therefore, that he could have attributed to it the erotic and rude meaning that Francis 1 appreciated so much; This would be equivalent to insulting the craftsman, dishonoring science and outraging the truth, in imitation of the corrupt, but intellectually mediocre, advantaged man.

that we regret owing even the paradoxical name of Renaissance. But a singular trait of human character leads man to become attached to that for which he has suffered the most, and this reason would undoubtedly allow us to explain the triple use of the salamander, a hieroglyph of the secret fire of the wise. In fact, among the auxiliary products that intervene in the work as assistants or servants, none is more unpleasant to search for or more laborious to identify than this one. It is still possible, in accessory preparations, to use certain substitutes capable of giving an analogous result instead of the required adjuvants. However, in the elaboration of mercury, nothing would be able to replace the secret fire, that spirit capable of animating it, exalting it and forming a body with it after having extracted it from the unclean matter. I would feel very sorry for you, writes Limojan de

Saint-Didier, if, like me, after having known the true matter, you spent fifteen whole years of work, in study and meditation, without being able to extract from the stone the precious juice that it contains within it, for lack of knowledge the secret fire of the wise men, which makes this apparently dry and arid plant distill a water that does not

wet your hands. Without it, without that fire hidden under a saline form, the prepared matter could not be forced

nor fulfill her functions as a mother, and our work would forever remain chimerical and vain. Every generation requires the help of its own and determined agent in the kingdom in which Nature has placed it, And everything carries seed. Animals are born from an egg to a fertilized ovum; Vegetables come from a grain that has become prolific, and, similarly, minerals and metals have as their seed a metallic liquor fertilized by mineral fire. This, then, is the active agent introduced by art, the mineral seed, and it is he, as Philaletheus tells us, that makes the axle rotate and the wheels move in the first place. Therefore, it is easy to understand how useful this invisible metallic light is. mysterious, and with what care we must try to know it

Salamander, in Latin, comes from salt and mandra, which means stable and also rock cavity,

solitude, hermitage. Salamander is, therefore, the name of stable salt, rock salt or solitary salt. This word takes on another meaning in the Greek language, revealing the action that causes Σαλαμανδρα, it appears formed from Σαλα, agitation, disorder, used, without a doubt, by Έσαλος ζαλη, agitated water, tempest. fluctuation, and from navδρα, which has the same meaning as in Latin. From these etymologies we can draw the conclusion that salt, spirit or fire is born in a stable, in a rock cavity or in a cave... Enough is enough. Lying in the straw of his cradle in the grotto of Bethlehem, is Jesus not the new sun that brings light to the world? Is he not God himself under his carnal and perishable covering? Who said, then, I am the Spirit and the Life, and I have come to set fire to things?

This spiritual fire, informed and embodied in salt, is the hidden sulfur, because in the course of its operation it never becomes manifest or becomes sensible to our eyes. And yet, this sulfur, however invisible it may be, is not at all an ingenious abstraction, an artifice of doctrine. We know how to isolate it and extract it from the body that hides it, by a hidden means and by giving it the appearance of a dry powder that , in such a state, becomes improper and loses its effect on philosophical art. That pure fire, of the same essence as the specific sulfur of gold, but digested is, on the contrary, more abundant than that of the precious metal. For this reason it easily binds to mercury from imperfect minerals and metals. Philaletheus

He assures that it is hidden in the belly of Aries or the Ram, a constellation that the Sun travels through in the month of April. Finally, to better designate it as a tuna, we will add that that Ram that hides within itself the magic steel" ostensibly carries on its shield the image of the hermetic seal, a star with six rays. In this very common matter, then, which seems simply useful to us, is where we must look for the mysterious solar fire, subtle salt and fire. spiritual, celestial light diffused in the darkness of the body, without which nothing can be done and for which nothing could replace.
From Lambsprinck's book.
The Salamander lives in fire, And the fire has changed it into an excellent color.
Reiteration, gradation and improvement of the Tincture, or rather Rise of the Philosophers' Stone. All the fables tell us that the salamander is born from fire,
in which she has food and life, something that was given to him by Nature. Well she lives in a deep mountain before which many fires burn,
which one smaller, in which the Salamander washes itself; the third is the largest, the fourth the brightest of all The Salamander travels through them all, and is purified in them.
From there he runs to his pit, and on this journey, she is captured and beaten, so that she dies, and lets life flow with her blood.
But anyway, this does him good, She gains eternal life with her blood. and she can no longer perish from any death after this. Her blood is thus the most precious thing on earth and no one is found to match it, because her blood drives away all disease
in all metals, and in the bodies of animals and men, The Wise Men extracted from it the Science of it, and thanks to this they achieved the celestial gift
which is called the Stone of the Philosophers, to which the forces of the entire Universe are subjected. The Philosophers give us this out of pure benevolence.
Now to make this clear, I leave these excerpts from the RA material:

49.5 Questioner: Will you expand on the positive and negative magnetic polarizations in general and how it applies to, say, individuals and planets, etc.? I think there is a correlation here, but I’m not sure.

Ra: I am Ra. It is correct that there is a correlation between the energy field of an entity of your nature and planetary bodies, for all material is constructed by means of the dynamic tension of the magnetic field. The lines of force in both cases may be seen to be much like the interweaving spirals of the braided hair. Thus positive and negative wind and interweave forming geometric relationships in the energy fields of both persons, as you would call a mind/body/spirit complex, and planets.

The negative pole is the south pole or the lower pole. The north or upper pole is positive. The crisscrossings of these spiraling energies form primary, secondary, and tertiary energy centers. You are familiar with the primary energy centers of the physical, mental, and spiritual body complex. Secondary points of the crisscrossing of positive and negative center orientation revolve about several of your centers. The yellow-ray center may be seen to have secondary energy centers in elbow, in knee, and in the subtle bodies at a slight spacing from the physical vehicle at points describing diamonds about the entity’s navel area surrounding the body.

One may examine each of the energy centers for such secondary centers. Some of your peoples work with these energy centers, and you call this acupuncture. However, it is to be noted that there are most often anomalies in the placement of the energy centers so that the scientific precision of this practice is brought into question. Like most scientific attempts at precision, it fails to take into account the unique qualities of each creation.

The most important concept to grasp about the energy field is that the lower or negative pole will draw the universal energy into itself from the cosmos. Therefrom it will move upward to be met and reacted to by the positive spiraling energy moving downward from within. The measure of an entity’s level of ray activity is the locus wherein the south pole outer energy has been met by the inner spiraling positive energy.

As an entity grows more polarized this locus will move upwards. This phenomenon has been called by your peoples the kundalini. However, it may better be thought of as the meeting place of cosmic and inner, shall we say, vibratory understanding. To attempt to raise the locus of this meeting without realizing the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this depends is to invite great imbalance.

49.6 Questioner: What process would be the recommended process for correctly awakening, as they say, the kundalini and of what value would that be?

Ra: I am Ra. The metaphor of the coiled serpent being called upwards is vastly appropriate for consideration by your peoples. This is what you are attempting when you seek. There are, as we have stated, great misapprehensions concerning this metaphor and the nature of pursuing its goal. We must generalize and ask that you grasp the fact that this in effect renders far less useful that which we share. However, as each entity is unique, generalities are our lot when communicating for your possible edification.

We have two types of energy. We are attempting then, as entities in any true color of this octave, to move the meeting place of inner and outer natures further and further along or upward along the energy centers. The two methods of approaching this with sensible method are first, the seating within one’s self of those experiences which are attracted to the entity through the south pole. Each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted, and seated within the individual. As the entity grows in self-acceptance and awareness of catalyst the location of the comfortable seating of these experiences will rise to the new true-color entity. The experience, whatever it may be, will be seated in red ray and considered as to its survival content and so forth.

Each experience will be sequentially understood by the growing and seeking mind/body/spirit complex in terms of survival, then in terms of personal identity, then in terms of social relations, then in terms of universal love, then in terms of how the experience may beget free communication, then in terms of how the experience may be linked to universal energies, and finally in terms of the sacramental nature of each experience.

Meanwhile the Creator lies within. In the north pole the crown is already upon the head and the entity is potentially a god. This energy is brought into being by the humble and trusting acceptance of this energy through meditation and contemplation of the self and of the Creator.

Where these energies meet is where the serpent will have achieved its height. When this uncoiled energy approaches universal love and radiant being the entity is in a state whereby the harvestability of the entity comes nigh.

The latter sounds to me like forming a philosopher's stone, that is, emphasizing a higher emotional center enough through learning and that, once it is sufficiently formed, it exercises its role as a magnetic-gravitational center and thereby subjugates the other lower centers and the individual. in terms of actions and general functioning that are aligned with the universal love coming from this center, which by the way is associated with the color green and could the color red refer to the color of the aura-"egg" of the human body at one of these levels?

The similar sounds of 'dew' and 'dieu', from Deus, may be a Green Language clue. dew,

there is this bit from SHOTW:
In Snorri’s Gylfaginning, there is a prediction for the future given in the Song of the Sybyl, followed by a dialogue between King Gylfi and the Aesir, disguised as men. King Gylfi asks, “What happens when the whole world has burned up, the gods are dead, and all of mankind is gone? You have said earlier that each human being would go on living in this or that world.” The answer is that there are several worlds for the good and the bad. Then Gylfi asks, “Shall any gods be alive, and shall there be something of earth and heaven?” And the answer is:

“The earth rises up from the sea again, and is green and beautiful and things grow without sowing. Vidar and Vali are alive, for neither the sea nor the flames of Surt have hurt them and they dwell on the Eddyfield, where once stood Asgard. There come also the sons of Thor, Modi, and Magni, and bring along his hammer. There come also Balder and Hoder from the other world. All sit down and converse together. They rehearse their runes and talk of events of old days. Then they find in the grass the golden tablets that the Aesir once played with. Two children of men will also be found safe from the great flames of Surt. Their names, Lif and Lifthrasir, and they feed on the morning dew and from this human pair will come a great population which will fill the earth. And strange to say, the sun, before being devoured by Fenrir, will have borne a daughter, no less beautiful and going the same ways as her mother.”Again, the authors of Hamlet’s Mill take a prosaic view of these matters, pronouncing sagely that it is “just a metaphor”. And again, I have to disagree.
If one of the salts related to the dew (god), that is, the salt that comes from above, is related to the seventh higher intellectual center-crown chakra, this could make sense as a metaphor for something sent by God... I think so Perhaps the metaphors of dew at some level have to do with the conditions being more favorable for spiritual advancement - alchemical work in the morning hours (aurora means golden hour in Latin (aurum hora) and of course according to the myth it is this that also makes it rain dew for their tears).

Also, although I don't have much basis for this, "that weakness of the veil" can facilitate both positive things if it is taken advantage of and negative things... perhaps at this time it is easier to drain energy from fourth density and that is why it is said that The act of meditating at this time is an act against nature (Saturn).

Perhaps during these hours there is less interference coming from other people (we are all standing waves) because the majority sleeps deeply and certain tasks such as praying or meditating and certain types of dream-messages or "cosmic influences" can arrive more easily. ... Canseliet mentions that in order to collect the dew it is essential that the weather be completely calm or the work will be useless and that despite the fact that it is said by certain authors that collecting the dew has nothing to do with the spring season; which may be true on one level and they say it because of the ram and the bull present in the mutus liber planchettes during the dew collection, which are associated in their zodiac signs with said season (we already saw at the beginning the associations of the word spring), Canseliet also says that if there is a relationship with spring as a season and this may be true, spring may be more favorable for certain things in these matutine hours (there is a relationship between knowledge-science and the word matutine)

On another level, that of humanity, it is very likely that in the fateful times of tribulations, peoples in danger will receive from space, and in a supernatural way, the indispensable food that the earth, abruptly, refuses to provide them:

<< And (The Lord) rained down manna for them to eat, and gave them bread from heaven.

The man ate the bread of the Angels: He sent them food in abundance. Psalm LXXVII, 24 and 25

Consequently, we can compare the dew to the manna, the physical phenomenon of the first, which we observe regularly, to the miracle of the second, which occurred, according to the Old Testament, at the time of the Exodus of the people of Israel:

<<<...In the morning the dew also spread around the field. And as it had covered the surface of the earth, it appeared, in the desert, like a thing

small, and as if crushed by the trample, like frost on the earth. >>>

The Bible tells us, on the other hand, that the two mysterious substances were confused in tragic and unfortunate times:

<< And when the dew fell on the field during the night, the manna fell likewise. " (Numbers)

"esotericists" usually tell the "uninitiated" that the black virgin represents the return of a feminine power that seeks to bring balance to a time when the masculine pole is too dominant... the explanation that Isis does not escape me It is an avant-garde on the part of the Cs and that in turn the sixth density is related to the higher intellectual center.

About the impact of sound on water to make it become heavy water, and the intelligence of water in grasping the intention behind a label, as cited :

This makes me think about the implications of spoken communication and the impact it can have (hence as much physically as mentally) in an individual.
The bottom line being that it confirms that in healthy communication, the exact phrasing ('what') isn't much what impacts, but rather the intent ('how') behind it.
By the same token, I wonder if some special 'words'/mantras wouldn't have specific sounds that would resonate with our inner waters/wells/springs...? And changing the composition.
Fulcanelli mentions that there are actually two mercuries... once again, as good alchemists could be referring to the same thing as the salts here or to a different part of them, that is, the "sound" produced by electromagnetism, keep in mind what is already have said about biophotons, the movement of information through light and what was said in chapter 69 of the wave where Laura talks about neurons, ligands and "vibrations-sounds":

is necessary, however, to except mercury, that is, this water that the Sages recommend us not to lack and of which the Cosmopolitan speaks with certainty, in his famous parable:

<< The work is a thing with which nothing is mixed, except the philosophical water that has sometimes been manifested in a dream, which must be tenfold for a part of the body. >>>

<< Unica res est, cui non misceatur aliquid aliud, praeterquam. Aqua philosophica tibi in somno aliquoties manifestata, quae in decuplo esse debent ad unam corporis partem.>>>

Novum Lumen chymicum

Consequently, everything is prepared naturally in the work of the philosopher, in this alchemy that was also called the art of music or great harmony. From the same point of view, the philosophical egg or flask could not be the bottle that covers with its lamp, the blower of the present tenth engraving. Only the harmonic salt can canonically close the receptacle of nature, can seal it in the reach

Yeah, another good question. Looking at it from a purely materialist perspective, here's what is known about heavy water according to Wikipedia:

Us humans naturally contain around 5 grams heavy water. Apparently, it would take replacing our body's water with heavy water to a volume of 50% in order to poison humans. Heavy water can quickly kill smaller animals and mammals, though. You can check the 'affects on biological systems' section for all the details.

Turning to the metaphorical or archetypal nature of heavy water... I'm not sure. If heavy water is the prima materia, then we can start there. In the alchemical literature, the prima materia isn't said to be water per se. Here's a section from Soul Mates by psychiatrist Thomas Moore:

He goes on to say that the prima materia in relationships is found in what we avoid, what we turn from, what we cast away - our shadow, or the shadows in our relationships, our family shadows, or the shadow of our town or our nation.

It's similar to one of Jordan Peterson's quote from Jung: 'People don't see god because the don't look low enough.' Moore has an interesting way of looking at hard, material 3D life lessons as actually being the preferred 'home' of the soul, as opposed to airy spiritual ideals. Earlier in the book, he made an interesting distinction - the Spirit is likened to the branches and leaves of the Tree of Life, whereas the Soul is that which burrows into darkness and soil like the roots.

So the prima materia is said to be found in the lowest portions of ourselves - this aligns with the idea that in our lower centres and worst habits is where the Work begins. And it may be coincidental or not, but the Tao te Ching suggests that these low places are also where the water - maybe the water of life - is found. From verse 8:

So remembering that water has a function of retaining memory or consciousness, this may have something do with simple and karmic understandings, as the C's have suggested that this is what we're here to do in 3D - maybe the primary goal of the alchemical work according to them.

When we give or receive a karmic wound, this displays in a certain pattern in our body's water, and is also stored in our body's connection to the information field. We could think of this as a sort of wireless karmic bank account with a digital currency of suffering and joy. When we give or receive a karmic wound, we can buffer that pain in our 3D mind, and not address it, ignore it and shut it out - but the wound pattern is still there in the Soul's bank account.

This might be one way of understanding the spiritual science of karmic wounds. It's kinda like economics. Say someone dies without resolving a serious karmic issue. This lesson is still 'pending' in their information field, and when they reincarnate, a similar dynamic may play out in the next life in order to give them another chance to resolve the issue and learn the lesson. Or they may choose to suffer in order to balance out what pain they caused in a past life.

In Spirit Releasement Therapy, Baldwin writes about 5D spiritual counselors who prepare the 3D life prior to incarnation:

So the 'cast away muck' spoken about by Thomas More include our 'unfinished business' from childhood trauma or even unresolved past-life karmic wounds. These hyperdimensional ties connecting one person to another, or an entire people to another, give us the shape of our entire lives. That's why having good relationships are so important.

It is my guess that these 5D contracts, or connections, are sort of like 'filaments of light' that interact with our current incarnations via downloading specific lesson patterns (mental, emotional, physical) into our body's water. I think this is perhaps why the C's said water is referred to as the prima materia - because it is the means by which we can access the karmic nature of the information field. The patterns in our inner water send us adventuring into the lowest parts of ourselves and the evils of this world, where we can learn the lessons, find the highest good and make the best of our troubles, and channel love, light, and knowledge as best we can into the abyss.

It's no wonder that the french word for 'wound' is blessure, indicating that our wounds - from this life or past lives - are the zone of blessing, in which we have the opportunity to learn and heal.

I gotta say, tho, it's somewhat beyond me to find synchronicity between the scientific information of heavy water and its metaphoric or archetypal nature as indicated by the C's. Then there's also the mystery of how heavy water might interact with the information field. This would be getting way out of my realm of knowledge, but heavy water is used frequently in nuclear applications, and whenever I think nuclear, I start to think 'hyperdimensional'. So maybe heavy water is a mediator of hyperdimensional phenomena in our bodies.

Who knows!?
I have not missed the mention of the first subject mentioned above, although in the given context they seem to refer to something else... there is no surprise in that, these texts usually use the same names and words for different subjects, The ideas may be different between individuals who write these texts or they simply do not want to talk about a certain issue... after all Fulcanelli says that there is nothing in the books and that for example almost no philosopher talks about the dry road, I mentioned this last for its relationship with the "egg" only because the truth is that I do not have a more or less clear idea of what they are referring to, even so there is a painting by Jean-Julien Champagne (one of Fulcanelli's supposed disciples for whom don't remember) that has caught my attention, it is said that the wet way passes through the wet flask (flask = matter-matrix-uterus) and the dry way through the opaque crucible (that is, a salt-crystal that requires darkness), from darkness comes light and Fulcanelli mentions that they made fun of alchemists for wanting to trap a ray of light in a jar and in turn mentions the process of photographs in which silver salts (clue for salts and silver water already mentioned?) react chemically in the dark to form a photograph with light.
Both pathways form "vessels."
I don't know if they refer to the energy centers or the oboid aura that could be the sum of these more or less, perhaps the two ways are the same thing or different parts-processes of the same matter and they try to pretend that there is no relationship. ; a way after all is a path and this could refer to the two electromagnetic currents that interact with each other already exposed, but not to continue because I need more study on this, some texts and the image of Jean Champagne:
For the rest, would it really have been a very serious indiscretion to say
that the Work is carried out in two ways; that one is dry and goes through the opaque crucible, while
that the other is wet and passes through the transparent flask; that Manget preferred the
second and that, on the title page of Mutus Liber, I replace the element
principal of the first, that is, the image of the earth by that of water?
<<< The vessel in which philosophers cook their work is of double origin: one is from Nature, the other from art. The vessel of Nature, which is also called the vessel of Philosophy, is the Earth of Stone, or the female, or even the womb in which the seed of the male is received, rots and is prepared for generation, Now, the vessel of art is threefold, in effect, the secret is cooked in one vessel.>>
is to that same natural vessel that the enigma apparently refers.
impenetrable by Jean Lallemant; the RERE-RER of the oratory, in the charming hotel, of the
that we were astonished, in 1926, that Fulcanelli could have
to explain it so satisfactorily, one was then
too far from the alchemical conception, for the interpretation of the sculptures
of the Berry mansion, which are shown in perfect harmony with the six
sibylline words and the decoration of the credence. The student will then see this long
passage in which Fulcanelli, after having reminded him of the feeling of the sibyl, that is to say
that the philosopher is the one who knows how to make the vessel, makes him understand clearly that the vessel
secret is not the continent, even if it were of the noblest crystal, but the content
when subjected to fusion, presents the consistency and appearance of
equally liquefied glass.
Here is something that is, finally, extremely far from the alchemical allegory of Jacob Sulat, whose interpretation would not be complete if we did not return to the masterful scope of his three athanors. We do not doubt, in fact, that they symbolize this trinity under whose aegis the laborer becomes a philosopher through fire - philosophus per ignem.

Three fires are used in the Great Work, "without which," Artefio specifies, << art is not perfected, and he who works without them undertakes tasks in vain. >>> <<...sine quibus ars non perficitur, & qui absque illis laborat in vanum curas suscipit (Artepii Liber Secretus. >> The first - the noblest is the natural fire which is also the spirit of life hidden in the matter; the second is the secret fire or lunatic Vulcan, which is enclosed in the saline, hyaloid assistant and composed by the alchemist;

fire against nature, which nourishes, excites and animates the first two and which produces all fuel.
There are three fires, 2 that interact with each other (the two salts) through the action of a third that is an unnatural fire (consciously working on our karmic debts).
cabalistic of the word. The Great Work is nothing other than a very positive ontogenesis of which the fertilized egg, in its perfection, should not be indebted to any external artifice, if it is not, evidently, that of elemental fire. The philosopher's egg is a true organized body, provided with its protective shell, its hard and friable envelope whose nature is calcareous and which is provided by the transformation of salt in the periphery.
<<< The vessel in which philosophers cook their work is of double origin: one is from Nature, the other from art. The vessel of Nature, which is also called the vessel of Philosophy, is the Earth of Stone, or the female, or even the womb in which the seed of the male is received, rots and is prepared for generation, Now, the vessel of art is threefold, in effect, the secret is cooked in one vessel.>>
art-artgot-art of light, is last according to fulcanelli and that of nature-saturn-death is dark?
Of the mystery of the cathedrals:
This indispensable and most secret vessel received different names, chosen with the intention to hide from the profane, not only his true destiny, but also his
The Initiates will understand us and will know perfectly which vessel we are referring. It is generally called the philosophical egg and the green lion. For him term egg, the Sages understand its compound, placed in its appropriate glass and willing to undergo the transformations that the action of fire will cause in him. And it is really, in this sense, an egg, since its envelope, or its shell, encloses the rebis
philosopher, formed of white and red in a proportion analogous to that of the egg of the birds. As for the second epithet, the texts have never given its interpretation.
Batsdorff says, in his Ariadne's Thread, that the philosophers gave the name of the Green Lion to the vessel used for cooking, but it does not explain the reason. The Cosmopolitan, insisting above all on the quality of the glass and its need for work, he states that, in the Work, "there is only this green Lion who closes and opens the seven indissoluble seals of the seven metallic spirits, and that torments the bodies until they perfect them
entirely, through the long and firm patience of the artist.
The manuscript by F. Aurach (1) shows us a glass flask, half filled with a green liquor,
and he adds that the whole art consists in the acquisition of this single green Lion, whose name even indicates its color. It is the vitriol of Basilio Valentin. The third figure of Golden Fleece is almost identical to G. Aurach's image. We see in her a philosopher dressed in red, covered with a purple mantle and touched with a green cap, which With his right hand he shows a glass flask containing a green liquid. Ripley comes closer to the truth when she says: "Only an unclean body enters our teaching; Philosophers commonly call him the Green Lion. It is the means to gather the tinctures between the sun and the moon.»
From these reports it is inferred that the glass must be considered from the double point of view. view of its matter and its form; on the one hand, in the state of a natural vessel and on the other, as a vessel of art. The descriptions -few numerous and unclear- that we have just quote they refer to the nature of the glass; many texts instruct us about the shape of the egg - This can be, to the taste of the artist, spherical or ovoid, as long as It is made with clear, transparent and blister-free glass. Your walls require a certain thickness, in order to resist internal pressures, and some authors
Apparently the water of the human body "cooks" in these vessels-centers of the body that perfect it and cleanse it of its impurity-karma through learning, which facilitates the greater flow of information-light through the body and of course the settlement of the higher emotional center.

observe the ovoid crystalline flask in which the black waters from which the woman is born are contained, in the dark waters there is a skull indicating that they are waters that bring death and in turn the skull is filled with fire, all this "heat" applied to the water it creates vapors inside the flask that fall back into the water now more purified. Also observe below the flask a kind of dark saline crystals... magnetite perhaps.
Obviously there are more alchemical elements in the image such as the peacock apparently on the woman's forehead, but that is another topic.
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I forgot to add this, Canseliet says that the upper waters were not made for man to disturb them with his modern industrial development... what Pierre said about what the earth looked like "from up there" comes to mind. All this perhaps makes communication-connection with "high" difficult.
On the occasion of his travels to the United States for the Chicago International Exhibition (1893), the first concern of Jules Violle alias Fulcanelli was to go to Niagara Falls in order to visit the new Westinghouse installation, the tourist interest taking a back seat to technical prowess. On his return he began a series of conferences intended to publicize the inventions of his counterpart, the electrician Nikola Tesla! It is still surprising that well before the others, Fulcanelli was the first to recognize the genius of his American counterpart!

In one of his numerous interviews, his disciple Eugène Canseliet highlighted how the Master never missed any of the major demonstrations on electricity! (congress and international exhibition) and at the same time underlined the importance of celestial waves, these superior waters without which there is no celestial plowing which can descend the 9 rungs of the ladder.

Following his Master, he also underlined as a precursor the dangers of disrupting the natural balance of celestial waves that modern industrial production generates, such as this extract from an interview with Robert Amadou in “Le Feu du Soleil”.


Ah, that’s difficult! Many are wrong and say nonsense. I talk about what I know, what experience reveals in the laboratory. So, in Alchemy Explained, I have not said anything of which I am not sure.

Now, the universal spirit of the ancient alchemists, this spirit which always exists, is a radiation, and a cosmic radiation. But we have to differentiate and I don't like getting into this slippery slope. We risk taking your words for granted. It's difficult. The alchemist sees the truth, so simple at heart. Nature is simple. It's the man who is complicated.


Certainly; and the alchemists, what men!


This radiation descends. We have mercury, which we called magnesia, but it is not a magnesium oxide. “Magnesia” comes from magnes, the magnet.


Mercury symbolizes, it embodies the divine spark; active ingredient, and mobility. Sometimes male and sometimes female in his manifestations, because he is a hermaphrodite, in him the opposites are resolved. »

and then further:

“Gestation needs a dark and humid environment. You must work at night because it is at night that the spirit descends and the moon sends you powers and forces. Now the skies are frequently overcast. For what ? because the airwaves are now crazy... You know, the airwaves were not made for men to play with. They had a role: waves make meteors”.
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