Session 13 January 2024


While reading (in Russian) "The Guide to Eternity" (published in 2009)
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I stumbled upon this part (machine translation from Russian to English):

“In this regard, it is impossible not to mention another unique expedition to the "Valley of Death" in Yakutia, which in 1993 was organized by the head of one of the working groups of the Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel Viktor Terentyev. The "Valley of Death" is an unusual area in the area of the Vilyu River, where, according to legends transmitted by the local population, strange metal objects are hidden in the ground, posing a danger to all living things. The Yakuts have long avoided this remote area. Rare eyewitnesses say that there is a flattened arch protruding from the ground, under which there are many metal rooms, where even in the most severe frosts it is warm as in summer. According to the stories, this arch looks like a smooth metal hemisphere of red color with a very smooth and sharp edge, such that it even cuts the nail. It protrudes from the permafrost so that you can ride a deer into it. In ancient times, there were brave men among the local hunters who spent the night in these rooms. But then they started to get very sick, and the one who spent the night several times died. There was also a popular hypothesis, according to which in the Yakut "Valley of Death" there was allegedly some kind of alien base, automatically protecting the Earth from cataclysms that threaten to result in an environmental disaster.

The "Valley of Death" itself stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyu River. If you look at the map of the area, it is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain. In the last century, the famous researcher Vilyuya R. Maak wrote in his diary: "On the bank of the river "Algy timirnit", which literally means "a large cauldron has sunk", there really is a giant copper cauldron. Its size is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground, but several trees grow in it..."

In the proposed search area, Terentyev's group found this boiler and more than one. All the "artifacts" found are completely mysterious structures ranging in size from six to nine meters in diameter, made of a metal similar in color to copper unknown to the search group. But these "copper boilers were not taken" even by a sharpened chisel, which "explored" the walls of the taiga engineering product more than once. The metal did not break off and was not forged. According to the researchers, the hammer would have left noticeable dents or cuts on the copper. But the boilers remained intact even after active "research attacks" on their integrity. The whole point was that this "copper" on top was as if covered with another layer of an unknown material, similar to sandpaper. But it was neither an oxide film nor a scale. It was also impossible to chip or scratch it. As noted in her reports, the vegetation around these "boilers" is abnormal - it does not look at all like what grows around. It is more lush: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass, one and a half to two times taller than a human. Scientists have thoroughly investigated their mysterious find.

Before the start of the hike, common sense caused concern for the health of the participants of the hike directly during the expedition. No one knew what awaited researchers in such an unusual place, near mysterious objects of unknown origin. But no one was seriously ill either during or after leaving Yakutia. Unless one of the travelers completely lost all his hair after three months. And one scientist had three small sores on the left side of his head, each the size of a match head, which did not respond to traditional treatment. One interesting detail is that a large amount of information about the trip was "erased" from the memory of absolutely all members of the expedition. They could not remember the details literally on the eve of the completed work. But the research itself was recorded on paper, in photographs and in tape recordings. It was for them that it was not difficult to prepare accounting documents in Moscow. Terentyev personally took these working materials on the work of the group in the "Valley of Death" to the Russian Security Council and the Federal Security Service. The further fate of the Yakut expedition reports is not known to the authors of this book. But, at one time, there were rumors in narrow circles that scientists from secret laboratories of the special services worked on them, who, after comprehensive research, developed a number of technologies that are used today to create new weapons."

The main Author of the book is Lieutenant-General A. Yu. Savin. "General Savin Aleksey Yurievich is the leader of the Soviet program "Brain Wars"."

Valeri Uvarov, mentioned that in some of his research on the domes described above, that locals had reported these structures in the Valley of Death are capable of rising out of the ground and "firing" on incoming objects with something like balls of plasma (?) This is apparently what happened at the Tunguska event with one of these towers blasting the object before it hit - creating the air burst. I'm not sure how reliable Uvarov is, but an interesting thought nonetheless...
Perhaps, but we have the opposite picture. There was one website that had a lot of material translated into Russian. Almost everything until 2018. It seems that they stopped working that year, but the site was available, you could read it, and for some time now, for some unknown reason, this site is unavailable.

Возможно, но у нас наблюдается обратная картина. Был один сайт, на котором было много материала , переведенного на русский. Почти все до 2018 года. Похоже, что в том году они остановили работу, но сайт был доступен, можно было почитать и вот уже некоторое время, по неизвестной причине этот сайт недоступен.
Do you have the URL or name of the site?
Must be a reply to another post

Thank you for the session, though 2024 sounds suck-ish, lol! I really don't want to go through the vaccination business a second time. It was super stressful. And then that's without talking potentially getting sick yourself with that crazy virus.

Regarding circumcision for Muslim (I'm Muslim), it's always done when boys are a couple of months old or maybe a year old because it's extremely painful and the idea I suppose is that being so young, they will kind of forget. I've never seen anyone having something like that done as a teen. The only exception is perhaps people who convert as adult.
Thank you Laura, Andromeda, the Chateau crew and the C's for the session.

A lot to ponder upon.

The part about who are the true semites, i've always had the sensation that the C's weren't referring to the jewish people, it seamed like something was off with that notion. True semites being the descendents of kantekkians who mingled with local peeps it makes a lot more sense.

And as others have mentioned earlier about Hitler's obsession to exterminate the semites makes sense considering his ambitious goals to take over Russia. I bet that was one of the main goals assigned to Hitler by 4d sts, that is, to conquer Russia and soviet union satellite countries and to kill as many russians and slavs as possible. Btw, following this train of thought, the statement made by Putin a few years ago about the US agencies collecting Russian DNA in Russia makes one wonder what's the purpose of it who is the real target here.

On a final note, it seems that things are accelerating and changing fast including the energies affecting this reality. The C's mentioned in the past that what you consume in terms of information (music, books, movies etc) affects your FRV which in turn affects your inner makeup, add on top of that the limiting programs inculcated in your subconscious + if you're properly grounded or not, and you realize that it's not such a crazy idea in hypothesizing that in such a state one may attract and channel such energies according to his own inner landscape.

Being aware and keeping it always in mind, especially when we're most vulnerable or under stress, could be a good strategy, especially now. It's just a reminder to everyone, me included, because what if soon some us will be able to make manifest their worst fears and demons due to the thinning of the veil and the changes of the environment in terms of FRV? I know, it's sounds crazy, but i have this nagging thought for a while...

Just a few thoughts.
Is there a thread dedicated to such topics or techniques? I'm not very familiar with meditation or prayers. I consider myself in kindergarten on that topic 😅
Hi @meadow_wind,
The Session from May 18, 2019 discusses things we can do to protect ourselves.

This section here:
(L) What kinds of practices, thinking, behavior, or whatever actually assist us in our lives to stay safe from hyperdimensional manipulation or harm that can hurt our frequency or muddy things up? For example, I wrote down here what the Catholics do: prayer, confession, sacraments, therapeutic rituals, blessing of objects, occasional exorcisms, that sort of thing. That's what they do to keep their flock safe. They prescribe seven sacraments and all that kind of stuff. We know that's not necessarily the precise cup of tea that does the entire job, but it’s not bad, and certainly they were onto something with some of that. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water here. So, what I want to know is what are good, beneficial, protective practices?

A: You have made a thoughtful list so please read it!

Q: (L) Well, alright... I've made a list. To protect oneself against hyperdimensional manipulations and harm, I'd say one of the primary things is to avoid dissociating.

A: Yes.

Q: (Artemis) And don't feed negative thought loops.

(L) Yeah, if you're dissociating, number one is you're in a fantasy, which is not paying attention to reality. Number two, you're having negative thoughts and getting into negative thought loops. That seems to me to be one of the most important. Am I right on that?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) Okay. The next one is diet. If your diet is crappy and you're taking in all those chemicals that the STS forces have manipulated their Earthly representatives to put in and on our food to poison us, that can get in there and mess up our proteins and mess up our antennae. So, diet would be a second thing, yes?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) Okay. In relation to diet, I've put down keeping regular hours as much as possible, having a balanced colon biota... that sort of thing. Okay, the next item on my list is: sharing impressions and troubles.

A: Big one! So many are reluctant to share thoughts, impressions, worries, fears, etc. This dramatically changes the inner landscape and can even shut down the receptors so that you are more subject to STS manipulation of thoughts and feelings via mechanical means!!

Q: (Artemis) Sharing is VERY important.

(Joe) By mechanical means?

(L) Mechanical would be chemicals, beaming, etc... So, are you saying on the other side of this that the act of communicating or communion with others or sharing can actually help to overcome some of those mechanical means of interference?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) If you're not sharing, you're basically having an inner dialog with an echo chamber. You're not getting any real feedback or information or perspectives. And then it is easy to spiral down into wrong thinking.

(L) Yeah, that's a good point: If you're not sharing, you're just in an echo chamber! If you're keeping yourself to yourself and closing up, you're in an echo chamber. Then you are more susceptible to the STS manipulations and maneuvers.

(Andromeda) And nothing can help correct it.

(L) Yeah. So the next one on my list is: making amends when possible to the wronged person, and when not possible making those amends to the world at large. I'm aware that there are situations where you may have great, great regrets where it's just not practical, or it would just make things worse to try to make amends. Therefore, my thought is that the thing to do under those circumstances is to...

(Artemis) redemption by helping others.

(L) Yeah, achieve redemption by giving to the universe and others in need. I mean that in terms of thoughts, time, energy, whatever.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, so that's not a big hot one, but it's good. The next one I have is conserving energy and not feeding STS dynamics.

A: Big one again and one of the most difficult because STS uses many tricks and traps to suck people into negative dynamics so that they become food.

Q: (L) Of course, when you become food, you're feeding the STS side and empowering it against not only your own best interests, but also against the best interests of STO itself. It seems to me that it's kinda like psychopathy. They try all kinds of bluffs and meanness and nastiness and so forth. When you're strong, strong, strong through all kinds of terrible actions or treatments on the part of, say, a psychopath, the last-ditch maneuver, when they know they can't get you any other way, is the pity trip. They induce you to feel guilty. Feeling guilty or feeling sorry for them is like... it becomes basically food.

A: Guilt is basically an ego thing of a very covert nature.

Q: (L) What does that mean? Does that mean that...

(Pierre) It means that the victim seems all weak and miserable and...

(L) And it makes YOUR ego feel good to feel like you can fulfill their wants and needs.

(Artemis) Or you feel like you're being compassionate. It's like false empathy, almost.

(Pierre) And often the one who generates this pity around himself, at the core, there's an ego trip. There's a feeding on it.

(L) For them it's an ego trip, and when you give in to their guilt trip, you're feeding the STS part of them first of all. And then I guess secondly, you're feeding your own ego inside yourself because you feel like a savior or needed or like you'll get something. It's that dynamic of the feminine vampire! The waif. "If I can save this person or do what they want or need or whatever, then there'll be something for ME!"

(Pierre) And this discussion suggests that for a long time we talked about how important to see reality as it is. But from this exchange, it suggests to me that beyond the thoughts, very important is also to have the right feelings towards the right person in the right context. Is that right?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Alright, let's move on to the next item on my list. The next one is... I put this on the list, but I dunno if it should be there. I thought it was something that would be useful: to connect with ancestors and honored saintly type people in 5D for protection. I thought that that would be kind of a useful thing. I think people should find out if they have any ancestors or deceased relatives or somebody who were good and decent people who one can talk to mentally or communicate with by writing letters to them, or dream communication, and ask them for protection.

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) And if you can't find your ancestors, you have to find someone else's ancestors!

(L) Well, that's true. You can hook up with somebody who has good ancestors, and their ancestors become your ancestors by you having shared realities. You're opening up and sharing your worries and troubles. The good ancestors of any group or any one person in a group kind of become the good ancestors of other members of the group.

(Pierre) And here you mentioned not ALL your ancestors - just the good ones. The same is true for the saintly figures. I think people should be aware that there are many saints who were not saints and other people who were vilified who were actually good.

(L) There are saints who were made saints, but they weren't actually very good people. And then there are other saints who deserved that title. That's a good topic for discussion... not a C’s discussion, but rather a discussion amongst people. Another thing I thought it would be useful for people to do would be to guide the newly deceased. If there is somebody in your circle of acquaintances or group or whatever who is in the process of passing over or recently did pass over, you could in some way help guide them in the reality to which they may not be accustomed (obviously), but mainly because of their thought patterns during life. So many people in this materialist-driven world do not think that there is an afterlife or another world. When they get there, they don't know what to do! They don't even realize who or what they are or which way to go. Is that a good one?

A: Yes but for certain people obviously.

Q: (L) That's not something that everybody should do. But if you have a loved one who's dying, it's certainly not going to hurt to talk to them frankly about the process they're going through and what to expect. Another thing I put on my list was when you are in a group situation or in our particular kind of group, one of the things we've always tried to use to bring people to full awareness of their reality is what we call the mirror. In some cases, it's a very delicate process. In other cases, it's somewhat unpleasant. Well, it's NEVER pleasant. Unless you've gotten to the point where when someone tells you you've screwed up, and you can genuinely respond, "Oh, thank you for telling me!" Hardly anybody does that sincerely though, because it's not as simple or as easy as just saying those words. So, it seems to me that this process that we undertake is kind of an initiation. Is that one way...

A: Yes but should be handled carefully as many are not ready for that advanced work.

Q: (L) Oh, and there was one thing I had at the bottom of the list. I guess it goes with diet. I thought it was a good idea to fast one day a week.

A: Intermittent fasting will do.

Q: (L) Okay, so obviously prayer is a good thing. Is there something else I missed?

(Chu) Singing together.

A: Yes! Something you realized lately as Chu just said!!

Q: (L) Singing together - and it has to be singing the right songs. I was experimenting with this the other night when we were doing karaoke just seeing how people did when you start them out with certain songs and then move on to different levels. Everybody did pretty well, I think. They were pretty comfortable with it. I think getting an order of songs to sing in a certain order of a certain type might be useful. Then if everybody was singing the same songs around the world, would that be kind of like a limbic link up?

A: Yes!!

Q: (L) So, I guess I've covered everything. Well, I have Divination on the list... For everyday use, we use I Ching, and I think a lot of group members do the same. I think we've got that covered. One thing that I was noting down on my little list here was that the Apostle Paul listed things to avoid, and then things to enhance. The vices that he listed, things that one should avoid, were: fornication, licentiousness, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, envy, drunkenness. Well, that's all pretty standard. I think it's a good basic list and you can apply it in different ways depending on your circumstances. Then he listed the virtues: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Self-control was kind of an interesting one for him to have on that list. And: no self-conceit, no provoking one another, and no envy. Then he said at the end of his list, "Whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap”, and “let us not grow weary or lose heart." So, I thought that those were rather positive things to think about.

A: Most important to remember the "sowing" part in the context of this discussion.

Q: (L) Oh, you mean about your antennae and how your antennae determines your future. What you sow, you reap. So, if you're not taking care of your inner landscape and the immediate world around you in terms of your group and your associations and so forth, you're screwing up your antenna and then you're going to have a bad future because your antenna will attract the wrong things. Is that what you mean?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Basically foresight is very important.

(L) Yes. Okay, let's take a short break.


(L) Well, has anybody thought of any questions now?

(Chu) The other thing is doing Eiriu Eolas together and crystals and stuff. But those are already being done.

(L) Yeah, I was thinking of what to add on. Well, let's ask...

A: Indeed those are an important part of the self-tuning process.

Q: (L) Okay. So, is there anything that I didn't have on my list that should be on the list?

A: Not as such.

Q: (L) I guess we can expand it as we see fit. Anyway, it's become apparent that the long drawn-out process of this passing through the Wave... I mean, yes, we see the weather going nuts, we see humanity going nuts, fireballs increasing, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and all of those things. But it seems to me that because these things come upon us gradually and then become commonplace, people tend to start thinking nothing is really going on. They may think this is the worst it's going to get, nothing is really going to happen. I see that all around. But the ancient prophecies said that the transition to a new reality is like a woman in child birth. You start out having smaller pains, and then finally you get to the point where there's the whole birthing process which is somewhat wildly messy and climactic. Right now, it seems like we're in that long period where people become acclimated to chaos. And they think, "Oh, well! This isn't so bad. If this is the worst it can be, I'm just going to have a normal life."

(Pierre) Another thing that helps this normalization of chaos is that the evolution is not linear. It's not like you have 10 tornadoes, then 15, then 20. Sometimes there are periods of calm. So it helps the wishful thinking part.

(L) Yeah. That's the way it works. I guess that's why people are easily led astray or they're led to think that this is the worst it's going to get and so they can go along and live a normal life. I suppose in some ways, you COULD live a normal life... and we do encourage people to do what they can in the world as long as it doesn’t beat them down or suck them into complacence or sleep.

A: One thing to consider is this: Is the so-called "normal life" one of expansion of STO or is it one of contraction to STS?

Q: (Artemis) That depends on the perspective of the person. A normal life for a normal person I guess is more STS.

(L) Well, I think the biggest problem for some people trying to just live a normal life is that when they do that, they're surrounded by other people just trying to live a normal life according to the materialist paradigm. That tends to make it impossible for them to open up, communicate, share, and do all the things on this list we've made. They can't really do it with most people out there because most people are not attuned that way. Therefore, they fall into confluence like Mouravieff said. They become less and less awake and aware, and their antennae shut down. They spiral down into kind of an STS black hole.

(Joe) Of course, they tell themselves that that won't be the case.

(Ark) I would like to make a comment. I think to a large extent, we don't really know what's going on around us. Whenever I go out and see what people are doing, all these young people are just like this [mimics walking around staring at smartphone in their hand]. This is their normal life!

(L) With their phone in their hand. Or earbuds in their ears, shutting out interactions with others.

(Ark) And this is normal life. There is no normal life at all!

(Joe) That's it.

(L) So going to so-called normal life is really going to abnormal life. The only place you can have a truly normal life is with a group of people sincerely seeking to grow and change...

(Chu) That's the question people need to ask. There are people who are being tempted by these ideas of a normal life. They need to remember and ask themselves is the world they want to live in normal? It's NOT normal. Anything they're imagining now is a romantic idea of what the world is really like, but it's not.

(Joe) It's the Grass is Greener syndrome. All they have to do is look at the world around them, and then think back to the life they had before they were involved with trying to grow and develop and tune the antennae.

(Scottie) I don't remember if it was Gurdjieff or whoever, but there's that saying that once you "wake up", going back to that previous "normal" life is not possible. It's not that you can't do it. You can! But at what cost? There is always a price to pay. So it's even worse than just romanticizing, at least in some cases.

(Joe) The longer it is that people are involved in working to become real, and realizing what work it really is, the less they remember and the more they romanticize the life they had before.

(Chu) The pull is so strong.

(Pierre) And about what Ark said: that's their life. The face stuck to the screen. It's interesting in conjunction in what we said about how to conduct a healthy life and remove ourselves from STS influences. Imagine the antennas of people doing that and eating crap...

A: We warned strongly about electronic devices years ago!

Q: (Pierre) It has reached epidemic proportions. Most of who we are and what we see and what we think is defined by our receivership capability that is defined basically by protein structures, we are receivers basically. Imagine when you saturate a receiver with destructive radiations from devices? It must be a feast for STS.

(L) And if you don't have a group with whom you can talk about everything to try to counteract that and bring things to the surface... If you're not in a position where you can manage some things about your diet and regular hours and demands made on you and so forth, in this reality we're in right now you're freaking toast! Anybody got any other questions?

Here is a link to Eiruiu Eolas, the meditation program that Laura developed: Online Version – Éiriú Eolas

The prayer of the soul is practiced at the end of the program. I enjoy using this one daily usually in the evening. There are also weekly online group sessions available: Éiriú-Eolas Online Workshops and Practice - Public

There is also the Cassiopaean Crystal Project: Crystal Requests!
There are some prayers included with the crystals that are said daily. I'm sorry, but I don't have a digital copy of these and am not sure where they are located on the site.

In the last session posted, Session 30 December 2023 ,
this was mentioned:

A: Be aware that your own group is under scrutiny and subject to attack if all are not fully aware and communicating. It would be helpful for all of you to read Paul's letter about love a few times per week and ponder each aspect in relation to yourself and others. Times ahead are going to be shocking and unstable. Hold fast to your network and do not allow yourselves to be stampeded or externally driven. Ask when needed and we will be here. Peace be with you. Goodbye.

The Wave Chapter 72: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Love and Complex Systems: Debugging the Universe

Now, I would like to make some other comments before we move on. I would like to talk a little bit about “love.” Many readers seem to have grossly misunderstood the Cassiopaean remarks about love, …
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

And if I have prophetic powers – that is, the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose; and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love I am nothing – a useless nobody.

Even if I dole out all that I have to give food to the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy; is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.

It is not conceited – arrogant and inflated with pride; it is not rude, and does not act unbecomingly. Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it – pays no attention to a suffered wrong.

It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstance and it endures everything without weakening.

Love never fails – never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end. As for prophecy, it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will be superseded by truth.

For our knowledge is fragmentary and our prophecy is fragmentary.

But when the complete and perfect comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away – become antiquated, void and superseded.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside.

For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim reflection of reality as in a riddle or an enigma, but then, when perfection comes, we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part; but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood by God.

And so, faith, hope, love abide; these three, but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:1–13)


And Ashworth's translation of the last part:

"For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part. But at the coming of age, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child: when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known." (1 Cor 13:10-12)
I was thinking when this came out, that it might be a nice addition to read aloud along with daily prayers. Hope this helps!
Regarding circumcision for Muslim (I'm Muslim), it's always done when boys are a couple of months old or maybe a year old because it's extremely painful and the idea I suppose is that being so young, they will kind of forget. I've never seen anyone having something like that done as a teen. The only exception is perhaps people who convert as adult.
That was my understanding as well. I knew several kids from Muslim parents that were circumcised at a very young age and I was told that the parents had even waited some time before having the child (he was in first or second grade?) circumcised (he cried his eyes out when his parents told him what they were going to do to him). I also think this applies to African Muslims from what I have heard.

Thank you for the session and all the very hard work!:love:

Just saw Approaching Infinity's post about circumcision.
What a pleasant surprise to have a new session that soon!
So this year will be very stressful as expected, not a big surprise really, but just thinking of going through another manufactured pandemic, the very idea of repeating that skit is tiresome.

On the other hand is good to be reminded that knowledge and networking are the key to navigate this crazy times.

Thank you very much ( and the C’s) for another fascinating session.
There was one website that had a lot of material translated into Russian. Almost everything until 2018. It seems that they stopped working that year, but the site was available, you could read it, and for some time now, for some unknown reason, this site is unavailable.
You probably mean the Dreamland website. They had unofficial Google translations of bad quality, and we have nothing to do with them. Besides, their website is closed since several years.
dreamland had a catalog (navigation) of sessions by year and month in a convenient format - a couple of mouse clicks (the desired year, month) and you can read the transcript. The site is still accessible through (but it has not been updated for a long time, since approximately 2018). Probably they did not pay for hosting (this has already happened in past years) or the person who paid for the site has passed away, I don’t know.
In the current forum design, reading transcripts of sessions is not very convenient. More precisely, it is inconvenient to look for something from sessions that took place years ago (after all, you cannot save everything in your memory). Especially if you have problems with English (like me).
We need a catalog of transcripts of sessions in Russian by year/month in a simple text format (txt, html) and with clear navigation, like the dreamland website was. This would greatly help with the research that each of us is (hopefully) doing and sharing with others.
This is a wish, of course. Such work would take time (it doesn’t exist!🙂).

Actually, we have already tons of material translated into Russian:
We read in Russian and are grateful to you for these translations!
Thank you for this marathon session! Well I'm not looking forward to 2024, but I hope people will not get as hysterical as during covid. I don't know if they'll have the energy, these last 3 years have been hard.

I have no hope that the PTB will not execute their plans, they are probably under tremendous pressure and they don't give a damn anymore if people see them for what they are or not, so they might get nasty real quick. I mean we have a genocide happening in real time... It's time to stock-up on supplements and romance books!!!

I wouldn't have guessed that Russians, Celts and Megaliths builders were related to a country that existed merely 12K ago. Whatever this culture looked like, it must have been something to behold, when you see what their descendants have created with far more limited means that they must have had.
I'm not sure I totally believe all of the dire predictions are going to happen this year.

The Mideast war thing, OK I can see that. There is a powerful faction who wants it, but also some who don't. Iran seems to be in kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't. They can continue to turn a blind eye and hope the US and Israel collapse before the proxy armies march right up to their border, after which point there would be a no-holds barred war within their territory after some pusillanimous provocation. On the other hand, they can attack now, guaranteeing only a certain level of damage within their territory, but also guaranteeing an economic dislocation. The US for it's part seems to be dithering a bit as well, it seems very much enamored with the idea of WWIII, but not so much its execution. Oil going up to $150/bbl would certainly cause a severe economic downturn, maybe even a depression, but like 2008, it wouldn't be enough on its own for a collapse. Putting the likelihood that the US does manage to gin up a substantial regional war at 70%.

As for the pandemic, this has apparently been waiting in the wings for a couple of years now, but has been forestalled. What's changed? Although I do find it curious that the WHO has this big push to get the pandemic treaty done in May. It would make sense if they're planning on unleashing the plague in July. 40%.

Grid collapse? This seems like something that's going to simmer for awhile in the background before it becomes a widespread systemic issue. 20%, unless we get both the pandemic and the economic collapse, then 70%.

Civil war? Another thing that's going to simmer on the back burner. Americans are simply too comfortable to go out onto the street and get maimed and shot at. Politicians, even the ones that hint at secession are mainly spineless suit-and-tie types who are addicted to theater and easy money. A real civil war would put a stop to a lot of that. What is likely is that the southern states will ignore much of what comes out of Washington like some did during the lockdowns, and will tie the Deep State administrative types up with a torrent of lawsuits, but no hot civil war. The only person who I think could instigate one at the moment is Trump, and he's no warrior or statesman, and I think he knows he's a dead man if he does. 10%, unless we get the economic collapse, the pandemic, and the grid collapse, then 90%.

So I see like a 1% chance of getting through the whole list, unless the WEF gets serious and decides to go all-in with their polycrisis, unleashing a cyberpandemic during the Mideast war to push the economy beyond the point of no return and then following up with a bioweapon just for kicks.

Now if you asked me about a 5 year timeframe, I'd put the whole list at least at 60%, and you could probably throw in some kind of low-key but widely acknowledged alien invasion event with that too.
Thank you for the session, though 2024 sounds suck-ish, lol! I really don't want to go through the vaccination business a second time. It was super stressful. And then that's without talking potentially getting sick yourself with that crazy virus.

Regarding circumcision for Muslim (I'm Muslim), it's always done when boys are a couple of months old or maybe a year old because it's extremely painful and the idea I suppose is that being so young, they will kind of forget. I've never seen anyone having something like that done as a teen. The only exception is perhaps people who convert as adult.
Those in my class had it at seven, but most of them were from Algeria or Morocco, so maybe it changes with each country. I imagine what it can do to a small child's psyche and I'm sure some parents are traumatised too by seeing their little boy in pain.🥺
Q: (Ursus Minor) As the World Economic Forum starts promoting 'Disease X' – what could it be?

A: A big mistake that very well might take them out!

Q: (Andromeda) So where's this Disease X gonna come from?

A: Lab.

Q: (Joe) And where is it likely to be released? Globally, or in one particular area?

A: California, New York, Singapore, Paris, London.

Q: (Andromeda) And what's the purpose of releasing this? Is it the depopulation thing, or is it an excuse to enforce more control or...

A: Both.

Q: (Laura) And they're gonna obviously have another vaccine?

A: Yes.

Q: (Laura) And they actually think people are going to take it the second time around?

A: Yes.

Q: (Laura) Do they think we're all stupid?

A: Yes.
II don't know about all these predictions, by the looks of it the Cs make them so sometimes they don't come true, or other times not at the timing or in the way we think. That also helps us to develop a non-anticipatory mind even so just in case it is better to be forewarned. If the PTB's think we are so stupid and also they are in/feel the rush to implement this wicked agenda, that's what makes them make gross mistakes.
(Gaby) Well, in Paris there will be the Olympic Games, huh?

(L) Yeah! They're gonna release it in the Olympic Games, is that it?

A: Probably. The timeline is accelerating.

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