Where did you read my calls for someone to be abandoned? We do the job of changing people's minds by spreading information. I may not explain idea in much detail, I'll try again - Laura took on the High and Responsible mission of the conductor and the fixing frequency (one of). Much depends on her work, and the better her body functions, the better the work will be performed. Knowing that negative emotions affect the body, I see a little frivolous - to grieve and be upset about the suffering of those who have not yet changed their minds. We need to do the work and not reflex. I think so.
Thank you for explaining your thoughts further. From my point of view (which may be wrong I'll admit), the "abandon" comes from the conscious avoiding of others suffering in order to solely focus on discovering, gathering, synthesizing and sharing information. Giving up the empty worrying as you put it earlier.
Perhaps it is a question of perspective, you talk about changing people's mind. But we could see it instead as giving them an opportunity to understand what's really going on (on multiple levels) and restore a sense of self-agency towards their suffering (they can do something about it). On various occasions kind and wise people lifted the veil of lies that covered my sight and helped me see what was going on, why I was suffering. I cannot forget the feeling of gratitude I felt for them at that moment. They took the time to listen to what I had to say and formulated an appropriate answer, sometimes even researched the topic for me, just because they cared. For me caring for someone (even a stranger) is the same as worrying, ache and pain are nothing compared to the potential suffering we could alleviate.
I understand that my point of view is extreme, but I can't shake the feeling that negative emotions can play an important role if addressed consciously (i.e. they are not necessarily limiting). What they could bring us is more valuable than the toll they take on us (if we know what we're doing).
We could also argue that we could take others into consideration without worrying, however compassion/empathy is one of our primary features as humans (it connects us to every living being), it would be hard to bypass. And it may have unforeseen consequences if we ever succeed in ignoring it. It would be like discarding an essential part of us.
It is quite an interesting discussion. It's funny to see that it took a life of its own in this thread.