Session 13 March 2021

Just like when driving "on auto" without paying much attention, maybe our minds are automatically running a program of temporal tracking. This might tax the Soul, using up some energy. A hidden process of automatic-instinctive time-tracking (built into us kundabuffer-style?): maybe with its help we remain tethered to this reality, which mandates the mass-illusion that we keep track of the passing of linear time.
As some of you may know, I'm working on Project C: this is like hunting with a sniper rifle, where looking into the scope equals looking into the immediate future. Several objects come into focus in the tunnel-vision of the crosshairs and the sniper has to identify what he sees. Is it real or fake? A sniper often has to find camouflaged / hidden targets with the tunnel-vision of his scope!

Before shooting - a sniper has to take into consideration wind speed and earth's curvature, then his moving target, then judge the distance to his target, if he is using the correct bullet because of different bullets have varying weights thus fly in a dissimilar way, etc.. then after calculating all these, the sniper has to adjust the dials on his scope to make sure he is hitting the remote target.

During short-range future-sniping I have to adjust the magnification / time-zooming scope, so I can clearly see groups of numbers that the lottery-company's machine will draw in the future. Imagine a big canvas of bullseye paper and numbers appear everywhere on it, like a group of rabbits become visible on a remote meadow, in my scope's crosshairs. Each of those targets are at a different distance from me.. in "linear time".

So the problem is identifying which rabbits / numbers belong to the targeted precise time-window I'm shooting for!

Couple months ago I began examining my shooting statistics, because the results bothered me. I could clearly see the numbers in the future, yet on the next draw, the system did not draw my numbers!

'Observer-induced noise' while communicating with the future?
Nah... that's a rookie's mistake!
I'm way beyond that level now.

I identified, have taken pictures of three Gurdjieffian Mind States - (A)(B)(C) - by now, so I know, when I have a high energy level, meaning I can see the numbers-that-will-be-drawn-in-the-future brightly super-imposed over the empty "paper" / over the empty white areas of the browser page. These numbers appear like blinding-white higher-contrast numbers made of intense neon-light, which is brighter than the white color intensity my monitor is set to display.. Of this rare (A) "high energy state" I have documented and stored clear evidence, which I'll show as soon as I manage to snipe the jackpot.

Then there are the lesser energy states,- (B) & (C) - when I don't see the future numbers clearly & nicely brightly, but I still sense them instinctively A-Okay..

In these latter cases - lower energy states cases (B) & (C) - I noticed an annoying sniping error:

You know when in winter the road is covered in ice and you try to bicycle or walk through it. There is a road section in my city that is sloped to the right.. leading to the deep ditch: this section is usually covered with ice and when I walk / bicycle through, there is a danger of skidding to the right side, right into a deep ditch, which has concrete tiles at the sides and is usually half full with icy sludge in the winter.

So I have to compensate my steps, but still I'm skidding toward the deep ditch: this is an annoying experience ==> I wanna walk forward, but the sloping of the street toward the "abyss" makes me skid sideways. Imagine a mountain road sloping toward the balustrades - and in winter the car you're driving is not progressing forward enough, but skidding toward the abyss...

I noticed my bets are "completely off": when studying the statistics, I discovered that the next bet in the future which I'm targeting and mechanically anticipating that my numbers will appear there, those did not draw the numbers I bet. BUT the next draw one after that had my numbers!

I only noticed this "skidding my sniper-scope in time", because once I mistakenly did not sync my stop-watch accurately with what's on the "accurate-time" webpage. I missed a second or two. So my placed bets were off..... as a result one of my bets went over and was placed past the 5 minute bet limit. As a result my bet became valid not for the next bet, but the one after that! I only mechanically and tiredly checked the next bet and bitterly noted that I didn't win and I didn't understand why... because as I described, I'm observing & hacking the state-owned lottery company's number drawing system! So I only place a bet, when the company's quantum-circuit controlled random number generator (which draws the numbers) makes a [by now] well recognizable mistake and as a result that exact machine error together with my PC-CV skills.. simply must produce some level of a winning bet!
Simply because I'm increasing my chances via this hack/cheat. So the system doesn't have its full set of numbers (20) to compose the next drawn number set (8) from! Because I eliminate 4 or 5 or more numbers from the 20 max the lottery-company's drawing machine uses to create its next draw!

I'm achieving this via my hacking method + my PC-CV skills. Using both proved to be indispensable.

So recently I noticed that my correctly foreseen future numbers HAVE SKIDDED FARTHER INTO THE FUTURE!!

Yesterday my numbers won.. but not on the next draw! To my annoyance almost the exact number set that I bet was nicely laid out on the next but one draw, which was 10 minutes away from me into the future.. when I sniped those numbers (using precious energy that I hard fought for to collect)


what I always expect, as it always worked before [? I never checked] the usual: the expected next bet is 5 minutes away distance from me in the future..

..........time passes and we arrive......
5 minutes into the future the next bet, which is what I'm usually target / expect
..........time passes and we arrive......
10 minutes into the future, to the next but one bet.. this is where my sniper-scope vision skidded to.. this is the time-distance where NOW my numbers are winning.. [AARGHH!] Dunno why.. [?]

Short time: the next bet is in 5 minutes and frequently I miss that window, because of mind-fog / tiredness / slowed-down cognitive & recognition abilities. I can't take in the long column of numbers as quick. I don't have the lightning-quickness of mind to rapidly analyze all bets in the last hour and more ==> this is a long column of 8 number sets, which I have to check frequently - meaning checking all the drawn numbers in the last 80 minutes! Performing a quick analysis accurately, judging, calculating, recognizing the
coalescing patterns = which are the above cited weakness in the quantum-circuit-number-drawing-system of the lottery company's machine.
This intense mental activity consumes additional energy of course. So creative energy is burned away FAST. This is like driving a SUV, which not only guzzles fuel, but also is heavily leaking fuel too, so the fuel meter soon will show empty.

Best would be a nutrient rich juice of folates for my brain flowing into my bloodstream from an IV bag... :)

One day I accidentally noticed that my numbers are consistently winning on the next but one bets.., [!!] When I absentmindedly checked my balance, I found that somebody put a nice WIN there...??.. :-ooo Whaaaat? How is that possible??
So I went back and like a diligent accountant scoured through a long list of numbers, trying to find out what the heck happened???

I discovered my bet was OFF - further away - by 5 minutes in the flow of linear time! During betting - the previous day - when I saw the future numbers correctly, I erroneously assumed that those numbers were meant for [let's say] the 20:00 hour bet.. But it turned out the numbers I saw in the future were for the 20:05 bet! Always the next one!!!
:headbash: :curse: :headbash: :curse:

So you can imagine the shock, surprise and annoyance that caused. Especially, when I went back and suddenly got very white in the face as I saw that most of my bets were off by 5 friggin' minutes and my hard-fought-for numbers - that I used precious soul-energy to snipe in the future - were consistently winning on next but one bets!

I expected something like this of course.

Just because I'm talking about foreseeing numbers in the immediate future minutes, it doesn't mean that I'm not actively foreseeing continuously a whole bouquet of possible remote future life-events outcomes..

I have to expect and simulate / build a complete model for those in my brain. Play those out. Figure out: what will I do, when one of those foreseen futures becomes an actual future? So I in my models I test-lived / played-through those future-outcomes in advance to practice, to get ready / to make plans / to figure out what to do ahead in time, for when one of those "test-runs" becomes a solid / chosen / attained future.

So I already made plans / spoke with / emailed to / exchanged ideas / made bank transfers to / created solutions with several forum members here - in those possible foreseen realized-unrealized Future outcomes still in Flux.. [!]

So I already steeled myself that I will indeed miss some or a lot of jackpots by five or more minutes or miss winning big dough, because of simple human mistakes caused by mind-fog ==> slowing down in mind, being not quick enough = missing my 5 minute betting window targets


my favorite one:

SELF-DOUBT = meaning - me correctly foreseeing numbers in high-energy state (A), but at the same time doubting myself in those few critical seconds! Doubts mean thinking that those foreseen numbers were illusions! A mistake! This will cause hesitation. Vacillation. Me not making the bet. But in minutes it immediately will turn out that those foreseen numbers were indeed correct and I missed the jackpot, because of SELF-DOUBT:

Remember how Ibn-Al-Arabi warned about the dangerous world of illusions? Here I gave you one such danger! The danger of DOUBT = thinking that the real & correct result of real PC-CV skill are faulty and wrong..
When in objective reality the very same result of the real PC-CV skill are perfectly okay / working and VALID!! So the foreseen numbers are good. But the Predators Mind sometimes wins. Convinces me to doubt myself. Neat, huh? :)

Some of these doubt-lessons I already learned by making G's pictures of mind-states, when doubts happened, so I'm expecting those. New doubt-lessons I'm expecting to be given in the future..

Still you can imagine, what such a mistake will do, because of my stupidity of allowing myself to sink into the negative state of identifying with doubts, then realizing that I missed a full jackpot because of a stupid doubt.. it will cause !!significant psychological stress!!. The usual hair-pulling of: "How could I have been soo stupid??! etc... etc..

Until now, I only missed a small jackpot equal to my last performance on the below linked page. I documented it and will publish, in the thread of Project C.

Realizing this recent mistake, that psychological shock-trauma felt like as if burning bubbly champagne was poured onto my naked brain tissue, the liquid going down the back of my neck to my spine. It was cold, but burned like fire at the same time.

Imagine, how missing "next level jackpot" will feel like. Its nine times the amount of money.. how it'll feel like? Or missing the full jackpot of 3,000,000........ How THAT will feel like?? Repeatedly? :(

Lot like day-trading or doing risky stock-market activity as a job. Its just instead of money, I'm playing with the precious fuel gathered in rarely occurring high-energy states. High life-energy amount is very difficult to gather!

That's why I called this "waging bloody battles". Doing it in a stupid way - and not doing The Work the right way - to save-create energy - always makes such bloody mess of available soul-energy.

Remember, when Gurdjieff was talking about how he set his ways to slowly acquire / build up in himself large amounts of "rare vibrations" -- which will enable him [as he planned] to cure the cancer in the body of his wife??

The he got car-accidented, he got shot with bullets and as a result, his health collapsed. He was no longer able to collect those vibrations. He missed that chance in his life! The Lizzie Matrix became victorious and canceled that specific plan of his!

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Very much like how foreign [UK] mercenaries now are shocked in Ukraine discovering the hyper-harsh reality of war. Against the professional Russian military. Completely different to the good old times, when these mercenaries were fighting inept men in sandals in Afghanistan.. The Russian soldiers are already prepared for the hyper-intense shocks of modern warfare! While the stupid foreign mercenaries are still used to "Shock & Awe"-style air superiority in Iraq - drone-bombing weddings in the Middle-East. They are now suddenly confronted with the super-intense war in the new Objective Military Reality of Ukraine!

Just like the Russians, I had to deal with the hyper-intense war of incoming rocket fire from the Lizzie-Matrix! Several thousand failures, frustrations, hard-shocks! Forged the iron in me in hot fire.

Remember, how the C's said the Lizzies are aware of prophetic patternings? Their Matrix - which is slave-herding humanity - is tasked to intelligently & deftly auto-correct the 'Lizard controlled reality' to ruin any human-prophesizing effort!

This is why, I think, an achieved victory in a big battle completely changed Caesar. He was a new man after the immense trauma-shock he and his army suffered fighting-pushing through horribly bloody battles.
I think, after such hard-won victories, when Caesar inspected his seriously and fatally wounded troops - and the civilian population and the living areas destroyed - , the whole experience caused in him such an immense "Psychological Shell-shock"
, that he was not the same man anymore.
I think this is what he realized in his High Soul and this is why he began to frequently resorting to clemency and he practiced / offered mercy after that.

Such hard-fought battles - the shocks suffered - ultimately do completely change a man, I think!
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SELF-DOUBT = meaning - me correctly foreseeing numbers in high-energy state (A), but at the same time doubting myself in those few critical seconds! Doubts mean thinking that those foreseen numbers were illusions! A mistake! This will cause hesitation. Vacillation. Me not making the bet. But in minutes it immediately will turn out that those foreseen numbers were indeed correct and I missed the jackpot, because of SELF-DOUBT:
Maybe one should have self-doubt about such attempts to win the lottery.

Session 7 November 1994:
Q: (L) Is T.C. Lethbridge's theory about dowsing correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it possible to dowse things in other dimensions by lengthening the string?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it possible by using this technique to dowse winning lottery numbers?

A: Difficult; intentions must be pure.

Q: (L) It is very difficult to have pure intentions about money, isn't it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But if, theoretically, one did have pure intentions, would they be able to dowse numbers...

A: Tall order. Yes.

Q: (L) Are lottery numbers... fixed?

A: Everything is at some level. But choice is at what level will be experienced.

I hope you are aware this project is a "Tall order".
I hope you are aware this project is a "Tall order".
Regards numbers, as things stand ATM, I can only see couple minutes ahead into the future. The only lottery-company game that makes draws for this time-range, offers the smallest 'jackpots'.
I want to score these first. Then order a specific group of [currently] expensive supplements that are very rich in flavonoids and really help. Then go for the big game. I expect my numbers vision to improve as we progress further into 4th density as well.
Writing this down helped. Because it feels that it increases responsibility. Solidifies aim. Steels and steadies effort.
Regards numbers, as things stand ATM, I can only see couple minutes ahead into the future. The only lottery-company game that makes draws for this time-range, offers the smallest 'jackpots'.
I want to score these first. Then order a specific group of [currently] expensive supplements that are very rich in flavonoids and really help. Then go for the big game. I expect my numbers vision to improve as we progress further into 4th density as well.
Writing this down helped. Because it feels that it increases responsibility. Solidifies aim. Steels and steadies effort.

I wish you success in your adventure. It is interesting how you noticed the "time" factor" in the number sequences. It does sound like you may be on to something. Keep us updated if there is something you think might be important.
what does FRV mean
I think it means Frequency Range Variability, you do not have one frequency but a variability of these. And that Range gives you the possibilities of "seeing" things and "reading" things. If I am totally oversimplifying, please tell me and I will be sorry, but that was the simplest way for me to put it
I think it means Frequency Range Variability, you do not have one frequency but a variability of these. And that Range gives you the possibilities of "seeing" things and "reading" things. If I am totally oversimplifying, please tell me and I will be sorry, but that was the simplest way for me to put it
From my understanding, and for clarification, FRV in the C’s terms from the transcripts is “Frequency Resonance Vibration”.
A few definitions I quickly put together.
I’m sure once pondered, one can see the reference to perhaps how our energy field is our “FRV” identifying each one of us, individually.
Hope this helps.
“ the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second.”
Resonance -
an example would be “the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating.”
Vibration -
“periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system ...”
what does FRV mean

Q: (L) There was a discussion the other day and it made me curious. It seems that some people simply do not have the capacity to understand certain concepts. Is this a function of vibrational frequency?

A: That is not quite hitting at the subject matter in the way in which you desire to answer the question. In other words, it is a parallel understanding pattern. It is not vibrational frequency that determines ability to conceive of any particular notion. Vibrational frequency involves the groove, or pattern, that one has chosen in general terms. But, to give you an example, there are those who are of very LOW, as you would measure, vibrational frequency, who are able to conceive of extremely complicated issues and have also discovered extremely precise, complicated, and intricate answers to very complex notions and problems from your standpoint in the illusion. But, the frequency vibrational level has more to do with the emotional path that leads either to Service to Self at its greatest possible expression, or Service to Others at its greatest possible expression, not with intellectual capacity. So it is possible for a completely STS individual at any density level to be completely cognizant of all existence, just as it is possible for a completely STO individual to be completely cognizant of all existence. It has nothing to do with vibrational frequency because that is the emotional pathway

A: This process takes place naturally. Now, a warning for you. Frequency resonance modulations of vibration rate can be altered or modified from outside if one is not cautious and/or aware enough, and thus takes necessary precautions.

Q: (L) Well, the wave is just part of a grand cycle. (T) And we are here to set up a frequency to pull as many beings through the wave, when it passes, and that is the whole purpose of why we are here... Is this so?

A: That implies interference with free will.

Q: (L) So, we are here to set up a frequency so that others may join with us

Q: (F) Yeah, the psychic who finds dead people. (L) Well, I don't even know who she is. (F) She's very famous. (L) Well, I must be living in a cave. I was reading today in "Bringers of the Dawn" about people who are keepers of frequency. Is this an accurate concept?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are Frank and I keepers of frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are we nearly at the frequency we need to keep?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) At this point of dimensional transition, is what we are doing, anchoring a frequency, are we creating a sort of "super string" network that will literally create another earth in 4th density, which will then exist in 4th density, and the old 3rd density earth -- almost like the splitting of a one celled organism, only in this splitting one half of it moves into another dimension and is energized and quite literally created by the anchoring frequency, while the old one remains and experiences 3rd density reality?

A: Step by step.

Q: (L) Are we anchoring frequency to create a split?

A: One developing conduit.

Q: (L) We are developing a conduit?

A: Yes. One.

Q: (J) How many conduits do we need?

A: Open.

Q: (T) Is this conduit going to allow those who remain behind to be able to move to 4th density easier when they are ready?

A: No.

Q: (T) What is the conduit for?

A: You and those who will follow you

(Pierre) I have a question about FRV. In reference to the Triple Bad Day, the C's added FRV also on top of pandemics, social unrest, and financial crisis. Is it because these people resonate only at low frequencies with the information field and because of the geomagnetic field weakening, their connection will be altered or severed?

A: Close.
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