Session 13 May 2017

Un grand merci Laura et toute l'équipe, je suis de France et cette communication m'a fait du bien intérieurement car entre la "réalité" et mon ressenti (intuition, perception), cette période électorale a été difficile à vivre. Une grande incompréhension m'habitait, mais grâce à cette communication, j'accepte mieux les faits et cela me réconcilie avec les Français. J'avais trop d'espoir d'un changement en cette vieille 3D.

A big thank you Laura and the whole team, I am from France and this communication has done me good internally because between "reality" and my feeling (intuition, perception), this electoral period was difficult to live. A great misunderstanding in me, but with this communication, I accept the facts better and it reconciles me with the French. I had too much hope of a change in this old 3D.
Chu said:
We are half way there more or less!

Every new session connects us more than anything else, here on the forum, IMO. But having opportunity to be involved in something so important to help Laura with her health connects us even more. Earwen made a donation for both of us and soon as we start to work there's more to come.
Laura said:
JGeropoulas said:
I hope you pursue the stem cell treatment, and if you do, I will definitely make a contribution.

I've decided that I will do it IF we have sufficient funds. Thanks to all who have given from the heart thus far today. !!!

Great. Really happy to see that you are going to do it and that Ark will go with you.

Donation done. Should be able to do another one next month.
happyliza said:
What I was very concerned about with the Session WAS the above irregularities. Remember that the C's had said that it was impossible for them to rig the votes More than 20%.. So how come this has now changed? I realize they may have been meaning at that particular 'time', and that they have got more desperate and 'wiser' from the 'failures' like Brexit and Trump.

Not sure where you got that part about the Cs saying it was impossible to rig the elections by more than 20%? From my understanding, the previous elections were rigged by at least that amount and given the current circumstances and desperation by the PTB to ensure they get the result they want, it shouldn't be at all suspect that they could get away with manipulating the numbers even more, especially when they have the mainstream media completely in their hands.

happyliza said:
Also it was unusual for Laura to forget to ask the name of the C's communicating at the beginning.

I guess it can happen, especially when you have so many things going on and are in so much pain.

There is of course always a risk associated with traveling and undergoing such an operation, but as Laura said, Ark and the crew have done extensive research about the clinic and the available studies on the therapy, and are likely aware of the risks involved to make that decision IMHO.
Thanks for the session very interesting. I have suspected that it doesn't matter how much or what they have to do to get the results and candidate they want. They will just do it. We have it all to come in the UK, it does feel hopeless but will wait and see what happens and keep trying to do the best I can.

Sorry to see Laura and others arestruggling I can't donate now but will give additional funds at the end of the month. Please all of you take care, sending my love and best wishes for now and funds later. Thank you :hug2:
Thank you for this very interesting new session.
These elections profoundly exhausted me. Like many French I suppose!

The percentages given by the C's are indeed strange, although there is no doubt that there has been fraud.

It would perhaps be more difficult to rig the elections if all voters join their political party, by adhering.
For example, they could not justify a low score for Asselineau if the UPR had several million members.
If people become aware of the manipulation of voting results, this could be the solution to fight this electoral fraud.

Donation made ! I hope from the bottom of my heart that the therapy will be effective. Happy Mother's Day, Laura!
Gandalf said:
Laura said:
JGeropoulas said:
I hope you pursue the stem cell treatment, and if you do, I will definitely make a contribution.

I've decided that I will do it IF we have sufficient funds. Thanks to all who have given from the heart thus far today. !!!

Great. Really happy to see that you are going to do it and that Ark will go with you.

Donation done.

Yes, I was happy to see that too. Just added another gift to Mother’s Day fund, it pains me to hear that there’s so much suffering after all that’s been given.

For those of us who may not be able to contribute much or anything financially, then adding our energies to the network, both here on the forum or in other projects will still be a big help I think. It all helps as a way to lighten the load for Laura and for the rest of the household too. :hug2:
Chu said:
We are half way there more or less!

Great news; I will be making a donation soon too. Hopefully this treatment will help ease Laura's burden. Thanks for everything that you all have done for us. :love:
Chu said:
Finally, it really is heart-warming to see so many of you giving back in this way. We are half way there more or less!

Thank you Chu for giving back more infos from the chateau, my heart melt hearing about Laura and the crew's conditions. I think because we are all part of this process your declaration was really what we needed. Hope Laura get the funds soon enough !
Thank you so much for the session! I have just made a donation.

And they told me that Ark could come and stay in my room at the clinic.

I am really happy about that. The thought of being away from home for a couple of weeks and undergoing this revolutionary type of therapy must be very scary indeed Laura.

Perhaps, as well as donating what we can, we can each offer more prayers for Laura and the Chateau crew at this difficult time, and for success in this treatment. :flowers: :hug2:
Thank you chateau crew, for asking for us about the world affairs.
Nico said:
Chu said:
Finally, it really is heart-warming to see so many of you giving back in this way. We are half way there more or less!

Thank you Chu for giving back more infos from the chateau, my heart melt hearing about Laura and the crew's conditions. I think because we are all part of this process your declaration was really what we needed. Hope Laura get the funds soon enough !
This i feel, too. I will help hold up Laura for the time around the treatment, from where i am.
I sent to CSM, before reading further. Maybe Chu can sort that out?
Altair said:
Laura said:
I am very humbled and grateful that so many of you have declared your willingness to help with this. It is probably better to donate to FOTCM in the US where it is possible to utilize funds in this way. The EU organization is not as flexible. You can put "Mother's Day Fund" in the note with the donation since today is Mother's Day in the US.

I've made my donation to FOTCM in EU before I saw this post. Is there any way to utilize money sent to Communauté Saint Martin for this purpose?

Same thing on my side. I can sent another batch to the US-front if necessary. Just let us know if more is needed.
Thank you for the session!

Mother's Day Fund donation will be in the mail to NC this week, and another one next pay cycle!

Let's make this happen! :bacon:
Wow, that is really great to hear that the fund raising is about half way there for what's needed! I'll make my donation tomorrow (or the next day if I can't do it tomorrow, but I think it should be fine tomorrow morning). If Laura's suffering is finally reduced or eliminated with this therapy, it will have been a long time coming; and the rest of the crew who have serious health issues to contend with will also be able to get some relief at some point!

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