Session 13 May 2017

Thank you Laura and team for this new session. We knew that all the elections are manipulated, the C's confirming this fact. I wish you a prompt healing with this new therapy under the Russian sky.
Altair said:
Laura said:
I am very humbled and grateful that so many of you have declared your willingness to help with this. It is probably better to donate to FOTCM in the US where it is possible to utilize funds in this way. The EU organization is not as flexible. You can put "Mother's Day Fund" in the note with the donation since today is Mother's Day in the US.

I've made my donation to FOTCM in EU before I saw this post. Is there any way to utilize money sent to Communauté Saint Martin for this purpose?

For those who are still asking where to donate. The post from Laura above was pretty clear to me.

So, the way to go is :

°Go to
°Click on "Support FOTCM"
°Follow the instructions there

That is what I did.
Thank you for the very interesting session! :flowers: :wizard: Laura, wish for your trip to Russia become a reality, and for the treatment to be a huge success! :love: :hug2:
Ambrose said:
2) Finally, despite an awesome rest-of-the-session, still feeling a bit confused about the 61% vs 50% 1st Round Ms Le Pen discrepancy, especially since Asselineau was also said to have got 29% in this round leaving v little for all others combined. Maybe the percentage point total could have been well above 100% as many votes could have been destroyed just like so many now say were destroyed in the 2nd round amound Le Pen's voters, and the percentages could have compared to the final "counted" total rather than originally voted total prior to the 1st round rigging-rearrangement. Just another theory of what coulda've contributed and explained both the 61% (in this theory, percentage of the orginally cast for Le Pen compared to the final rigged total) or 50% (in this theory, originally cast for Ms Le Pen compared to all actual votes willingly cast by actual voters prior to the rigging)...

Totally speculating here in point 2 - but did anyone else also think of this as an option?

Well, it bothered me too and there was some "confusion" felt at the time of the question and I had the sensation that there was so much meddling and muddling that it was hard to get a straight answer. At first, I thought about calling the Cs back to re-ask those questions, but then I thought "well, there have been a number of times that I have thought the answers were nutty but they turned out to be right for reasons that we hadn't thought of." So, let's let it stand. My guess is also that there was a lot more going on there than met the eye and if they could have eliminated LePen from the first round, they would have. But their vote rigging wasn't quite sufficient.
Thanks for the session, as always much to ponder, I've added to the "mothers day fund" as well, hopefully we can make it happen soon :)
Thank you for the session ... very beautiful thoughts about been a carrier of a seed for new time ... remind me a lot on the messages from L/L Research ... yes that is our beauty to be calm and open to this idea so that we don't feel our efforts useless if we can't see results, as results are already there but not "visible" so directly in this "dimension" ...

and wish you all the best with your health to all the crew! :flowers: :hug2:
Gawan said:
Thanks for describing the session so fast and it was again very interesting. That the votes got rigged I was sure, but in that amount, was surprising. I think they wanted to make sure after what happened in the USA.

Pashalis said:
manitoban said:
Thank you for the fascinating session!

(L) Well, comparatively speaking, as far as medical treatments go, it's not as expensive as some things that really don't work. But it's still expensive enough that it's beyond our budget. I don't see how we can finance it.

A: The group that needs and loves you will be glad to give back in this essential way.

We will indeed! :hug2:

Indeed! Just made a donation...

We support you wherever we can, Laura! And I also made a donation.

Thanks Team! I am in as well. The world has been a better place thanks to your efforts. :flowers:
Merci beaucoup à Laura et l’équipe du château pour cette session. :hug2:

Samedi j’avais commencé à remplir le document pour devenir membre du groupe Fotcm et arrivé vers la fin du document j’ai fermé parce que je ne savais pas ce que je pouvais réellement apporter au membre du groupe fotcm, aujourd’hui je sais ce que je peux apporter, je ferai un don, à chaque fois qu’il m’est possible de le faire, pour la thérapie des cellules souches , parce que sans Laura tout ceci n’existerait pas et ma (notre) vie serai certainement chaotique.

Je vous aime Laura :hug:

Thank you very much to Laura and the castle team for this session. :hug2:

On Saturday I started to fill in the document to become a member of the Fotcm group and arrived at the end of the document I closed because I did not know what I could actually bring to the fotcm group member, today I know what Which I can bring, I will make a donation, whenever I can, for stem cell therapy, because without Laura all this would not exist and my (our) life would certainly be chaotic .

I love you Laura :hug:
Laura said:
Well, it bothered me too and there was some "confusion" felt at the time of the question and I had the sensation that there was so much meddling and muddling that it was hard to get a straight answer. At first, I thought about calling the Cs back to re-ask those questions, but then I thought "well, there have been a number of times that I have thought the answers were nutty but they turned out to be right for reasons that we hadn't thought of." So, let's let it stand. My guess is also that there was a lot more going on there than met the eye and if they could have eliminated LePen from the first round, they would have. But their vote rigging wasn't quite sufficient.

Yeah, that was my feeling about the whole thing: like, "Well, of course it doesn't all add up! It was uber-rigged."

Maybe it's just the result of adding in fake Macron ballots, destroying Le Pen ballots, etc. And then getting it totally screwed up in terms of total numbers, which the C's may have been trying to hint at without revealing something they can't yet reveal...

Actually, I like to imagine the deep state-happy bozos secretly trying to burn a bunch of Le Pen ballots, but not having a big enough fireplace or trash can, so they end up having to eat them.
Thank you (again) for the session.
The French elections : "the Manchurian candidate" won, just like the movie...

Count me in for 'Mothers day' donation. Don't have a PayPal account so I will have to go to another department than FOTCM.

Get better soon Laura! Thank you for all your work, your guidance, your books, the recommended books.

Thank you Chateau crew, very much
Ambrose said:
2) Finally, despite an awesome rest-of-the-session, still feeling a bit confused about the 61% vs 50% 1st Round Ms Le Pen discrepancy, especially since Asselineau was also said to have got 29% in this round leaving v little for all others combined. Maybe the percentage point total could have been well above 100% as many votes could have been destroyed just like so many now say were destroyed in the 2nd round amound Le Pen's voters, and the percentages could have compared to the final "counted" total rather than originally voted total prior to the 1st round rigging-rearrangement. Just another theory of what coulda've contributed and explained both the 61% (in this theory, percentage of the orginally cast for Le Pen compared to the final rigged total) or 50% (in this theory, originally cast for Ms Le Pen compared to all actual votes willingly cast by actual voters prior to the rigging)...

Totally speculating here in point 2 - but did anyone else also think of this as an option?

Yes, that was exactly my thoughts by falling asleep on yesterday evening: total votes were more than 100% due to stuffing of urns, and that was for me the only reason I could get to the why numbers did not fit with the whole.

Laura said:
Well, it bothered me too and there was some "confusion" felt at the time of the question and I had the sensation that there was so much meddling and muddling that it was hard to get a straight answer. At first, I thought about calling the Cs back to re-ask those questions, but then I thought "well, there have been a number of times that I have thought the answers were nutty but they turned out to be right for reasons that we hadn't thought of." So, let's let it stand. My guess is also that there was a lot more going on there than met the eye and if they could have eliminated LePen from the first round, they would have. But their vote rigging wasn't quite sufficient.

Thanks for the session and transcript Laura and crew.

Maybe on a next time, one question about result of each candidate at 1st round could give us some kind of understanding: Make an addition of all results and get an approximation of how much they stuffed the urns, with all that is above 100%.

But I do think on the contrario that the Le Pen presence at 2nd round was necessary to make win Macron even by cheating as it's all about ideology and trick, a remake of 2002, at least in mind of most of French people, and that's in this way MSM gave us soup. PTB needed "the devil" Le Pen at 2nd round to make win their candidate Macron "the angel". So they had to make him win the 1st round, and trick is almost complete...
Scottie said:
Laura said:
Well, it bothered me too and there was some "confusion" felt at the time of the question and I had the sensation that there was so much meddling and muddling that it was hard to get a straight answer. At first, I thought about calling the Cs back to re-ask those questions, but then I thought "well, there have been a number of times that I have thought the answers were nutty but they turned out to be right for reasons that we hadn't thought of." So, let's let it stand. My guess is also that there was a lot more going on there than met the eye and if they could have eliminated LePen from the first round, they would have. But their vote rigging wasn't quite sufficient.

Yeah, that was my feeling about the whole thing: like, "Well, of course it doesn't all add up! It was uber-rigged."

Maybe it's just the result of adding in fake Macron ballots, destroying Le Pen ballots, etc. And then getting it totally screwed up in terms of total numbers, which the C's may have been trying to hint at without revealing something they can't yet reveal...

Actually, I like to imagine the deep state-happy bozos secretly trying to burn a bunch of Le Pen ballots, but not having a big enough fireplace or trash can, so they end up having to eat them.

Yeah, imagine the logistics involved in reversing a result by up to 50%. In a country of 47 million voters, they'd have to somehow 'manage' 20+ million votes. Rather than tamper with existing, legitimate ballot papers, it might be that they insert millions of fake votes somewhere along the way. So they'd end up with a pool of 60+ million 'votes', and to get it back down to roughly 47 million total (i.e. 100%), they'd then select the desired percentage for each candidate, and discard the excess. Maybe that's why the Cs can't give exact percentages: the total number of votes (i.e. the '100%') is variable!
Gandalf said:
Thanks so much for another great session. :hug:

manitoban said:
(L) Well, comparatively speaking, as far as medical treatments go, it's not as expensive as some things that really don't work. But it's still expensive enough that it's beyond our budget. I don't see how we can finance it.

A: The group that needs and loves you will be glad to give back in this essential way.

We will indeed! :hug2:

Totally agree with that. I will be more than glad to give back in this essentail way.

Me too.I have just made my "Mother's day" donation.
I hope that you will be in much better condition after this therapy.

It is just unbelievable how they are rigging the elections.
But also the climate is getting colder. Maybe in a very near future, the breaking point will be when people will start freezing and starving because of that and the "elected chosen ones" will not be able to fulfill people's needs.Then they will face the anger of the people. Then the people will start to be more aware that the authorities are not there to protect and fulfill people's needs, but that they are there to protect private and corporate needs of the "psychopathic elite".
And that day will come very soon.

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