Session 13 May 2017

Hi guys & many thank-yous to Laura,

Two things very noteworthy for me:

1) To just recap, as I am still a complete noob here on I have so far understood that the best way to contribute anonymously (vis a vis the NSA etc spooks tracking us at the source, not to obscure my donation for Cass, but equally happy to fully stay anon!) is directly to the fellowship's US account via PayPal? If so, what link should we use? I am happy to use an anonymous switch-capable gift card to get some obscuring on my side.

2) Finally, despite an awesome rest-of-the-session, still feeling a bit confused about the 61% vs 50% 1st Round Ms Le Pen discrepancy, especially since Asselineau was also said to have got 29% in this round leaving v little for all others combined. Maybe the percentage point total could have been well above 100% as many votes could have been destroyed just like so many now say were destroyed in the 2nd round amound Le Pen's voters, and the percentages could have compared to the final "counted" total rather than originally voted total prior to the 1st round rigging-rearrangement. Just another theory of what coulda've contributed and explained both the 61% (in this theory, percentage of the orginally cast for Le Pen compared to the final rigged total) or 50% (in this theory, originally cast for Ms Le Pen compared to all actual votes willingly cast by actual voters prior to the rigging)...

Totally speculating here in point 2 - but did anyone else also think of this as an option?
Thank you for the great session! Good luck with the SC treatment. It sounds very interesting and I really hope it will work for you, Laura and others. My gratitude to you for all you do! :hug2: A donation coming your way!
Thanks Laura The Chateau Crew and The C's, for that informative session...

As soon as funds are available our contribution will be made... count on us. :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Thank you Laura and team for the new session. Best wishes with the new treatment.

Laura said:
Session Date: May 13th 2017

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Niall, Joe, Possibility of Being (PoB), Chu, Data, Scottie, Arky, Noko the Wonderdog
(Pierre) How much did Macron get in the first round?

A: 12 percent.
At the airport, I watched BBC live of Macrons inauguration for a short time. They were saying Macron is second youngest president after Napolean. Thought WoW!. So much for 12% vote (when fairly compared against all the candidates). Western democracy became much uglier than the worst dictators. :headbash:
Thank you all for the session. Donated to the fund. The therapy sounds very interesting, and hopeful to alleviate the daily pain.

Laura, your efforts, as well as the entire FOTCM efforts, do help so many, including myself. This is the least one could do when help is requested for something as important as this.
Thanks to all the session members and especially Laura who continues to work even not feeling her best.

I donated to the Mothers Day Fund and I have great hopes for the new treatment. I know Ark and Laura have not left any stone unturned before considering this.

I don't blame you Laura for being scared to submit to anything Medical these days.

As for the election percentages I don't know why so many even try to make sense of the "official" numbers. If we could trust the media we wouldn't be asking the Cs for their opinions.

It's just like the US elections only this time they fudged a lot more for the French elections.

I hope as others mentioned that maybe there is some hope knowing there was a real majority in favor of Le Penn who are the real grassroots. Those people are probably the real backbone of France.
Thanks for another great session!

The election rigging was pretty obvious, but how far they rigged it is pretty shocking, if it's accurate.

I'll donate a pretty large amount in the next couple of days. Should I use the paypal option on the paleochrisianity site to the US FOTCM in dollars like I usually do? I also thought the cost of the stem cell treatment would be much higher. There should really be no problem raising 25,000 Euros. Please keep us updated on how much is raised so far. I'll make more donations as needed (as high as I can go) also a bit later, like early next month.
Oxajil said:
Menrva said:
Laura said:
A: The group that needs and loves you will be glad to give back in this essential way.

Indeed. Whatever it takes for all of you to be healthy and get your mojo back! Thank you for the session :flowers:

Exactly! And the stem cell therapy sounds promising!

Indeed, whatever it takes so you'll feel better! And the therapy really does sound promising. :hug2:

Thank you for the session, donation is made! :flowers:
Thank you for the session. The stem cell therapy sounds very promising, and with you being your own donor, there should be no chance of rejection. It's "All you!" as they say. :) A donation is on the way. Hopefully this body system 'reset' will help you, Andromeda and Galatea lick the really deep-rooted problems.
A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!
The "American way" reminds one of John Perkins and his book and talks about the economic hitmen. The idea is that if the advices of the economic advisors is not followed closely enough, or a leader does not behave according to the desires of the deep state, then CIA style operations and military intervention follow.

I wonder what time frame is under consideration, as it would take some time for people to all speak English or is it just for official and commercial use with local languages being secondary?
Thanks for another great session everyone! :thup:

The stem cell treatment sounds like it has to make a positive difference in one way or another. I'll definitely make a donation when I get home. Best Wishes to you Laura and a belated Happy Mother's Day! :hug2:
Happy mother's day Laura! and thank you for the session. I know a lady who received platelets plasm in her knee, that I know, is diferent of stem cells. she has Osteoarthritis and she had a very negative reaction, a very severe pain in the knee started inmediately and get inflammed. She has to be taken to the emergency and got morphine because nothing stoped the pain and of course she didn't improve. I think that she had an active infection in the knee and that's why she got that reaction, but it is weird, it is the only person that I know that had a negative reaction. I know people who has also good result also with ozone treatment, the blood is extracted, bubbled with ozone and reinjected. The gas is also injected in few amounts for therapeutic use.
Thank you so much for this Wonderlful session! The stem cell therapy sounds very promising. Funny, I was thinking about stem cell therapy today before reading the session, must be the crystals!

Also a bit concerning about how we will need the contact of the C's during trying times ahead :cry:

Also good to hear, Trump hasn't lost all his mojo, even though the game isn't over yet.

The French election results are shocking even though I figured this was the case. Seemed obvious.

I'm sorry to hear Laura, your in constant pain. It would be wonderful if this therapy would help you. I guess it figures our bodies ability to rejuvenate has been blocked in this way.
kalibex said:
Thank you for the update. Let us know if you do eventually need some donations for therapy costs.

Hi kalibex, I'm sorry to jump in but other forum members have already started donating. Laura cannot book the treatment unless she knows how much money she has available so we need to make donations first.

She explained it in this post:

Laura said:
JGeropoulas said:
I hope you pursue the stem cell treatment, and if you do, I will definitely make a contribution.

I've decided that I will do it IF we have sufficient funds. Thanks to all who have given from the heart thus far today. !!!

Laura said:
I am very humbled and grateful that so many of you have declared your willingness to help with this. It is probably better to donate to FOTCM in the US where it is possible to utilize funds in this way. The EU organization is not as flexible. You can put "Mother's Day Fund" in the note with the donation since today is Mother's Day in the US.

I've made my donation to FOTCM in EU before I saw this post. Is there any way to utilize money sent to Communauté Saint Martin for this purpose?
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