Session 13 May 2017

Thanks for sharing another session, everyone. Will also be more the glad to contribute. The therapy does sound a bit scary and painful also. Wishing for a complete, quick recovery, and may your mojo be restored. :hug2:
manitoban said:
Thank you for the fascinating session!

(L) Well, comparatively speaking, as far as medical treatments go, it's not as expensive as some things that really don't work. But it's still expensive enough that it's beyond our budget. I don't see how we can finance it.

A: The group that needs and loves you will be glad to give back in this essential way.

We will indeed! :hug2:

For sure! And if possible, let us know if any additional donations are needed, because I'm sure those of us who can won't mind sending a little more to help out.
Fascinating session in terms of the STEM cells. Just remembered when some years ago they suggested Gawan to look into that to cure himself. So the research and testing has progressed since. Great to hear.

The French election news is almost crazy. TPTB won't get away with this for too long.

Anyway, thank you very much for the 'boarding', asking and doing the transcript! :wizard: :flowers:

And count me in for the crowd-funding of Laura's trip! :hug2:
Thank you for another amazing session!

You can count on a donation from me although it probably will be towards the end of this month. Laura, your steadfast dedication and service to others has continually been an inspiration to me and so many. Worry not, for you are loved and supported in whatever you may need and I, too, will be willing to donate more than once if needed.
As for the Trumpster, his ego runs the show, he could fire almost his entire staff tomorrow, the main problem being his son-in -law, Krushner, not that the Trumpster doesn't have similiar connections coming up through the system in the NY area. Trump has been pretty specific in his statements over the years, so there is probably some 'core' values there... but he doesn't seem to know what he's doing, but he isn't the Carter type, if anything, he'll start attacking many people if they continue to threaten his ego, and perhaps that is the best catalyst for the sleepy people in this country and the world? I do remember that one story about him getting out of his car a couple decades ago to stop some guy doing something to another, as his mother had that same type of situation.. so you can see that he's rather reactive... highly so, especially if his ego is attacked... which makes those trying to handle him step carefully, as he's more sensitive than they are... he doesn't seem to have been taking it up the a$$ like so many of the regular club members... which do seem to be coming out of the closet more and more these days... makes you wonder if they are doing it consciously or not... as it appears to be mostly the later.

As for LePen's win... has been saying that since the election with all those damaged ballots that seemed to have been all hers. ;) but that too reminds me of most of these votes, such as the Scottish one. Did they seriously think they'd get a fair vote count? Has LePen been quiet to set up for the next elections for Parliament or whatever it's called there? Isn't that in a month or so? Here's what JimStone's site had posted,
LePen most likely beat Macron by 4 million votes
Here is the math:

33 million votes cast (and counted). 16 million votes cast (and nullified due to damaged ballots, and claimed "forfeited protest votes".)

Votes cast to Macron: 22 million. Votes invalidated by damaged ballots (100 percent of these were LePen:) 15 million. Votes for LePen that were not invalidated by damaged ballots: 11 million. Probable actual protest votes, no more than 1 million LePen: 11 million plus 15 million is 26 million.


LePen: 26 million.
Macron: 22 million.
Protest: 1 million.

But it is a lot worse than that, because there were extra ballots printed for Macron, that went poof into nowhere. So obviously they got stuffed. Macron DEFINITELY, beyond a doubt, did not get 22 million votes.

Macron is openly and publicly stated even by the MSM to be the Rothchild big banker choice. Macron hates France, and did not even honor the national anthem after "winning". It is flatly impossible for him to have been elected. In French elections, any damaged ballot is automatically thrown out as "spoiled". So to steal a French election all you have to do is tear up most of one candidate's ballots before mailing them out. They will then be rejected when counted. This is precisely what happened to LePen. The torn ballots by the millions, which are a confirmed fact, prove the French election was stolen.

Beyond saying this while the MSM refuses to report it, what can I say or do? There is nothing I can do about it if the French just sit there and suck it up.

It took a huge secret operation to destroy that many LePen ballots by hand. Thousands of people had to have been employed to do it. Who could keep such secrets? Only the Jewish community. The only thing that is going to fix the world's problems at this point is wiping out the entire Rothchild family and then calling the Jews to account. We may all be pissed about Soros in the U.S., but the big demon is still the Rothchild dynasty, and it is high time for the entire world to rise up and declare it will not be owned!

Russia is not stupid. They know the French election was stolen. If Russia does not nuke the London financial district with Tsar Bomba in any conflict, they will have missed the mark and failed in the most pathetic possible way.

As a kid, it was hard to envision Russia being the answer. Let's hope to God things have changed that much, and Russia has the balls to do the right thing..

The bottom line is that the electoral process in Western nations has been mostly subverted, with numerous photos of torn ballots in France to prove it. The media silence on the topic of torn ballots is absolutely spooky.

As for the stem cells, it reminded of the blood sacrifice of children the SG types like to utilize.... not news, but mentioned here and there, such as interviews by Robert David Steele etc.... all that 'pizza' they love so much... based in more youthful blood 'donations'.... etc.
Hello all !
Big hugs for the session (I wanted to change from the traditional "thanks" ^^)

I'm happy to say that I just sent a donation.
By reading the session then the first comments I thought that the amount would have been quite higher, like 100k+ ... But 25k is finally "fair" considering the experimental treatment, and they should be rapidly met, at least I hope. Indeed, giving a kind of donation progression bar would be useful, and this could be used for other purposes in the future.
I also laugh when I read Laura considering the possibility to ask for a group price, I thought +/- the same by thinking about the "groupon" website concept... But even with, let's say a 20% discount, 20k € is much difficult to gather for many people nowodays.

About technology, from what the C's answered, it's based and sound and light. I'm wondering if PEMF or Rife machine systems could help to achieve the same goal, but here it's not sound or light. At least, PEMF is listed in the list of treatments Laura posted. The final idea I have about is simply to know if it would be feasible to create a cheap tool that anyone could buy and use regularly to achieve "some" of the same results (?)

About the session : I did not well understood, from what the C's answered (and as some other members already commented about), what are finally the real numbers for the % of votes of the 1st round ? It's not that knowing this would help, but it's just because it finally looks like an "unclear" answer and I'm wondering if the session itself wasn't rigged, at least at this moment (?)
I also take into consideration that it's possible that for the group's safety living in France, some parts of the session may have been cut or let's say censored as it happened after the Charly hebdo affair.

But i haven't yet read any members asking what I consider as a crucial question (or questions), maybe it's because i'm still a great optimist and I think this would be possible to do something, but here it is : Can we do something against such riggings ??? Or, in 2 questions more practically : for the actual elections in France, is there a way to prove something, to do something ? And second, what about the future if it's always rigged, how to protect against such rigs in the future, what can we do ?
I just dislike so much the ... let's say "implicit acceptation of having been fooled and we can't help about".
If all the reinformation websites and blogs of France would at least share their respective communities in a kind of central portail (web site), this could bring a consequent number of people, which is continuously raising. With such number of people, collective decisions/actions could be really change some things, but also, these reinformation websites would protect themselves from being one day officially ripped off by the system who will probably start to try to get them down ones by ones.

Cheers to all
Thank you for another session. Laura, I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time still working and posting with no mojo and "the girls" as well. I will send a donation by mail to US FOTCM by end of the week and another later if needed. :hug:
Thank you Laura and Team for the interesting session. It's good to know that in a world of corrupt science stem cell actually works...and of all people in the whole wide world who can do a proper job of it, it would be the 'lives-saving' Russians (yet again!). Really looking forward to the day when they work their expertise on you, Laura :) and we'll be making a donation soon.
Thank you so much for sharing the new session!

Laura said:
About the stem-cell thing: it kinda scares me - anything medical does. It's a place called Swiss Medica and they have clinics in Switzerland, Belgrade, Slovenia and the main one in Moscow which is where the head doctor usually is. Ark had a long conversation with him via skype asking about his research and stuff. He said that he STRONGLY recommended that I go to the Moscow clinic rather than the others possibly because they can do more there.

If you decide, for some reason, to come to Belgrade, keep in mind that we have a network here. :flowers:
Thanks for the sessions everyone. Those voter results sure are astonishing, I guess the PTB will not take any chances. Count me in for donations today, and some more once I see you all in several weeks.
Thanks for this new enlightening session. It was pretty clear that the French vote was rigged, but I was gobsmacked at the extent of it.

Ona another note - I'd like to make a contribution towards Laura's trip to Russia, but I'm confused where I should do that. Ordinarily I donate straight to the community in France, but now am I supposed to donate to the US page for this specific purpose? I'll donate as soon as I know where.
msante said:
I will gladly donate for your adventure. Helping you with this treatment is just a tiny contribution in exchange for everything you have done for us and for humanity. :-[
Donated... It's a start... More soon. :-[
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