Session 13 May 2017

Thanks for sharing this session. Sorry to hear about your lack of energy and health, Laura. I'll happily donate some money for your "Russian adventure"!

Those figures the C's gave regarding the French election are quite astonishing. However, thinking about it, those in control (deep state, oligarchic super-rich families) probably wanted to tweak the results with a wide margin, because of the recent miscalculations with Brexit and Trump. Makes one wonder about the nuts-and-bolts of this tweaking: perhaps those ballots were scanned by some machine/computer? That would make tweaking pretty easy.

I have a feeling of "quite before the storm", that mayhem is just around the corner. I may be overreacting, but perhaps you guys living in France should have an escape plan ready, in case things get out of hand over there?
Laura said:
About the stem-cell thing: it kinda scares me - anything medical does.

Is there any way to get testimonials or to speak to others who have gone through the treatment? It could at least provide more data points.
Foxx said:
Laura said:
About the stem-cell thing: it kinda scares me - anything medical does.

Is there any way to get testimonials or to speak to others who have gone through the treatment? It could at least provide more data points.

Yes, this is the minima to do.
A: What's important is what comes after.

Q: (L) So in other words, what we're doing is carrying a seed through massive changes?

(Galatea) We're like Frodo trekking through Mordor to chuck the ring into the fiery pit of Mount Doom.

A: Close enough!

Funny, these past few months I have been thinking about that scene where Aragorn and Gandalf are engaged in their last fight in order to distract Sauron while Frodo and Sam are getting really close to Mordor (or so they hope). There is one shot of Gandalf who looks incredibly exhausted. That is how I have been feeling as well from time to time. Oh well, maybe it's just menopause.

I am also in, Laura, but my financial situation is a bit complicated ATM, so I don't know when exactly I can donate (depending on circumstances).

BTW, thanks a lot, girls, for the session! :flowers:
Thank you all for the session, I really appreciate as always, much love.

I'm quite astonished in front of such cheating regarding election figures :shock:.

The operation seems quite heavy indeed, but if it can better things it's great. You're such a examplary couple Laura and Ark, I think about this future earth and made my best to make things sustainable "after".

I'll donate gladly for Mother's day ! May the peace come to the all group, :flowers:.
Having gotten the official results of the French election, my first thought was "it was tweaked" considering what has been going on elsewhere: there was is also a feeling in the air of readily toppling Macron *(1)_in a possible future_ by impeachment and selecting a new French president posthaste.

Anybody, who wishes to partake in the New Reality, where Laura regains her vitality and voice and we are performing the FOTCM Crystal Singing Sessions, here is the chance to energize the process via donation that will take those there, who are very willingly participating in the process.

For the others, who are unwilling to donate - closely tied to state of mind and psyche and how their consciousnesses are reading reality -, I think a very different timeline probably awaits:

A: [Letters come quickly] Well, you and many others will very much need to communicate with us in the times of turmoil bearing down on your realm.
That turmoil might be significantly mitigated for those, who donate thus making an important choice to select a *(1)better future timeline, a more livable one.

Its all in the choices: mentally, in what reality do you wish to participate? The sick-and-tired-one or the healthy energized reality with a good chance of *(1)winning our battles in general?

Thank You for the session! A good wake up call.
Thank you very much for the new session, everyone! :flowers: Very interesting, as always. Looks like things may get worse soon in France and the rest of Europe. I'll send a check tomorrow to help out in case Laura decides to pursue these treatments. It's the very least we can all do!
Thank you for another wonderful and informative session Laura and the crew!! :flowers: :wizard:

Donation sent from me too :hug2:

However, I must say the good old "I'm not doing enough" feeling is here again. I imagine Laura would like to book the treatment ASAP - and given her description of how she's been feeling she definitely should!!! I'd therefore like to make another donation later on this month when, well, more funds become available on my end to double up what I already sent. I was wondering if there is a deadline for this?

A: The group that needs and loves you will be glad to give back in this essential way.

Yes! That! And I feel totally privileged to be a part of the group!! :love:
Thank you for the session! Not surprising the election was rigged and that dark times led by the US deep state are coming down the pipe. It is sure to be interesting, but scary to say the least. Sure does seem like the people and pieces are nearly in place for even more major changes and events to start unfolding.

Sorry to hear that Laura and others have been experiencing significant health difficulties.

A: [Letters come quickly] Well, you and many others will very much need to communicate with us in the times of turmoil bearing down on your realm. So best if you use the knowledge gathered to prepare yourself to be available and ready. The task you and your group have undertaken is of world changing significance and commensurate forces have ranged against you to prevent your success. The relentless nature of the attacks has sapped you. There are methods revealed by knowledge to counter the effects. Use them!!!

A: The group that needs and loves you will be glad to give back in this essential way.


I’ve been tinkering around with buying Bitcoin for about 9 months with success. I will gladly donate toward helping fund the SC treatment.

Whether it is updates here or a status bar showing donation progress, I like the idea of showing where we are at. It can be a motivator to donate more and keep on track for further donations OSIT.
Dragon said:
Thank you so much for the session and only can say that I will gladly contribute for medical treatment

Yes, Ark followed a number of forums where it was being discussed. He didn't find anybody unhappy with it. And he was also reading Russian forums.
(Pierre) So you circumvent this blockage, this attack, by mobilizing your stem cells through direct injection in the blood. In the paper you were reading earlier, they mention activating the stem cells. How do they activate stem cells?

A: Sound and light

The C’s explanation of how stem cells are activated made me recall this intriguing SOTT article
( ). In it Sayer Ji quotes John Reid, the UK inventor of the cymascope (a technology that renders sound visible) who hosts a website called Cymatics - A Bridge To the Unseen World:

"Our world is teeming with beautiful holographic sound bubbles that envelop us in shimmering patterns of acoustic energy, each bubble rushing away at around 700 miles an hour as new bubbles form from the source of the sound. Whether the sound is emitted from your voice or from some other source, such as a musical instrument, this 'bubble-in-a-hurry' leaves a fleeting vibrational imprint on the surface of your body: every cell in the surface tissues of your body actually receives sound patterns from the bubbles that surround you."

…"You create infrared light even when you speak...The atoms and molecules of air within this expanding bubble are bumping into each other, each collision transferring your voice vibrations to the nearest atom or molecule. As these 'bumps' occur they cause infrared light to be created due to the friction between the magnetic shells of the air particles. The infrared light carries with it the modulations of your voice that rush away at the incredible speed of 186,000 miles per second. Unlike the sound of a voice, which becomes inaudible after about one mile, the infrared light created by your voice rushes out into space where it travels for eternity, carrying your words or songs to the stars.

Thus, there is a direct relationship between sound and light and in fact there can be no light in the Universe without sound because light is only created when atoms collide with each other, and such collisions are sound. So light and life owe their existence to sound."

I hope you pursue the stem cell treatment, and if you do, I will definitely make a contribution.
Thank you so much, the questions about election in France fit perfectly with what we here, in the colony, were guessing (in Montreal), between French-France and french-Canadian nationals. I just never thought they could fudge the numbers that much. Pretty incredible to realize...

The revelation of how much stem cell treatment (therapy) can help those who need it - also hit home!!! And I truly hope that it can help Laura have a better quality of life. You are an inspiration on so many levels that I'm breathless re-reading the transcript. In Canada to day is mothers'day, so I wish a wonderful day to all the ladies on the forum.
JGeropoulas said:
I hope you pursue the stem cell treatment, and if you do, I will definitely make a contribution.

I've decided that I will do it IF we have sufficient funds. Thanks to all who have given from the heart thus far today. !!!
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