Session 13 May 2017

A wave has come, but a great wave of love, wonderful medicine for any disease.
I will make my donation gladly the coming month, any time is good for this kind of actions.

I wonder if Laura feeds properly and, on the other hand, if the house where she currently lives has the right vibrations for her and her family.

Thanks for such a transcendental and transmuting session.
Chère Laura, je suis avec toi de tout mon coeur. J'espère que tu pourras bien te réposer en Russie, Ark à tes côtés te sera une grande aide. On parle souvent de l'âme russe, et il doit y avoir une bonne raison, ce sont des gens avec un énorme coeur. Je suis sûre que là-bas vous serez beaucoup mieux protégés qu'ailleurs. Je pense aussi que nous sommes déjà à l'aube de ce que les C's annoncent à travers toi. (Depuis déjà trois semaines j'entends très mal, mes trompes d'eustache sont bouchées, et j'entends sans cesse dans ma tête « l'Hymne à la joie » de Beethoven. C'est peut-être l'un des effets des cristaux…?)
Nous sommes un grand nombre à t'aimer pour tout ce que tu nous as donné depuis bien d'années. Ta maladie est une grande souffrance pour toi, jen suis pleinement consciente, mais elle est aussi le meilleur moyen de rassembler toutes nos âmes dans un élan d'amour et de reconnaissance envers toi, Laura. Cela est très beau, et nous dépasse. Que la joie et la santé soient avec toi.

Dear Laura, I am with you with all my heart, and I hope that you'll be best in Russia with Ark at your side. We can often hear talking about Russian soul, surely for a very good reason, these are people with a huge heart. I am sure that there you'll be much better protected than elsewhere. I also think that we are already at the dawn of what announce C's by your way. (Since three weeks I hear very badly, my eustachian tubes are clogged, and I hear constantly in my head Beethoven's « Ode to Joy », it's perhaps one of the crystal's effects…?)

We are so many people to love you for all that you have given us since so many years. Your illness is a great suffering for you - I am fully aware, but it is also the best way to gather all of our souls in a burst of love and gratitude to you, Laura. This is a very beautiful thing, and beyond us. May joy and health be with you.
Digmo said:
Why might it have been so slow, just tired arms? I just remembered the session Laura directly channeled and VB asked Laura a question with a lot of wishful thinking in it and she felt pressure and said a very quiet "yes."Perhaps they didn't mean to say yes exactly because of free will but, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a bad idea.

Or perhaps it was a humorous way of making their answer clear enough? ;)

After a "long" and detailed "yes" that was delivered quickly, this time they replied with a "slow", but short "yes". ;)

Haven't you ever did it yourself to someone else, when you wanted to make sure they would get your answer?
Thank you so much.

I've been wanting to start a discussion on extended fasting, I've done some reading in the last few years on it and have a strong feeling that it is a vital element missing from the quest for health, I could be wrong. Or I could be right. It could certainly be run past the C's.

My health is horrible. Keto has little impact, actually I must say it makes me feel worse mentally and emotionally. I don't use much fat, I can't tolerate it very well, so need to cycle out frequently or I get too skinny.

The two things I have found that benefit me most are exercise and fasting (not at the same time)

I have not yet attempted a long fast, I usually do 4 or 5 days at a time and it's really the only time I feel any good or have any hope that one day I might have some health.

I lack so much energy that keeping up with a thread (just one) is exhausting.

Should we open a discussion about extended fasting ???

I'm really interested and I would like very much to be involved in any experimentation with it.

Dr. Herbert Shelton has been discussed here before. I 100% think that although stem cell replacement therapy could be an answer, that nature has already given us the ability to regenerate ourselves. Cost free. Money didn't exist when the body was designed.

And from another site
Stem Cell Therapy and Fasting: The Remarkable Connection
Posted on 09/22/2013 by Paul Harris
Stem cells are the body’s naturally designed and designated agents of cellular rejuvenation. Each stem cell is impregnated with what can best be described as an electro-chemical signature from the body’s cellular regenerative and restorative blueprint.

Every human, animal and plant is endowed, at birth, with this natural health blueprint. It is somewhat electromagnetic in nature and appears to respond to strong, sustained streams of thought.

Stem cell therapy: wave of the future or voice from the past?

The new field of stem cell therapy (specifically, stem cell driven regenerative medicine) is not as new or otherworldly as it may seem, at first glance. For example; during the later stages of a prolonged fast of 3 to 4 weeks, through the power of autolysis, (wherein the body searches for any internally stored food sources with which to feed its cells) your body will simultaneously stir into activity stem cells located within soft tissue clusters, various organs, fluid and semi-solid mediums and hard structures such as bones, teeth, hair and nails.

When the stem cells are strategically positioned for best system-wide utilization the body begins tapping into the concentrated, electrochemical healing power stored within these cells to repair and replace destroyed or damaged bodily tissue.

This phenomenon has been observed many times by the author and by thousands of traditional and alternative medicine practitioners skilled in the art and science of therapeutic fast supervision.

Hippocrates of Cos, the father of western medicine, was a staunch believer in the power of therapeutic fasting to release this hidden, healing power within the body. He considered it to be the single most important factor in recovery from disease or injury.

Hereward Carrington, PhD., author of Vitality, Fasting and Nutrition, had this to say about the rejuvenative power of fasting:

“That the heart is invariably strengthened and invigorated by fasting is true beyond a doubt.

I take the stand that fasting is the greatest of all strengtheners of weak hearts…”

Dr. Herbert Shelton and the healing force of nature

Dr. Herbert Shelton, formerly one of the world’s recognized authorities on fasting and cellular rejuvenation, observed literally hundreds of patients with heart disease miraculously develop strong and active hearts immediately following prolonged fasts. Although Shelton often attributed these results to the healing force of nature, this, undoubtedly, was the result, in part, of aggressive stem cell reconstructive and replacement activity.

Shelton kept records on numerous patients who experienced this same cellular rejuvenation of the heart and circulatory system. He witnessed this same result with many patients stricken with gout, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The King’s College Stem Cell Research Findings

The current results being experienced in the blossoming field of regenerative medicine are reflective of the results one can obtain with a prolonged therapeutic fast. The difference being that with a fast stem cells are released slowly into the various fluid, soft tissue, semi-solid and hard structures of the body, en-masse, to repair or replace bodily tissue, as required.

Current stem cell technology often extracts and subsequently reintegrates a patient’s own induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs which are basically self replicating, all-purpose stem cells) in a specific location – such as a knee, hip or elbow, in the case of certain forms of arthritis.

A group of research scientists at King’s College in London, England, recently discovered that stem cells found in the heart are charged with the duty of repairing and replacing compromised heart muscle tissue damaged by heart attack or other trauma.

The scientists also learned that when cardiac stem cells are removed and then re-injected into the same heart the stem cells will quickly begin repairing any damage to the heart.

It all sounds exciting, promising, frightening, mysterious and highly compelling – all wrapped up together. Many claim stem cell therapy borders on the edge of science fiction.

Personal observation and study have led me to conclude the results people are experiencing using stem cell therapy and platelet-rich-plasma therapy sound a lot like the results you can get during and after a prolonged fast.

Granted, no amount of fasting will grow a new liver, as was recently accomplished by a Japanese regenerative medicine research team using induced pluripotent stem cells. But then what do you do with the precipitated calcium in an arthritic joint once the calcium has been ‘melted’ away from the joint and needs to re-enter the body’s economy or to be excreted?

Does it matter HOW it was melted? The point is this excess calcium must, somehow, be absorbed into the blood, lymph or intercellular fluid or be excreted from the body ASAP. If not it will inevitably tend to redeposit in weak and vulnerable joints or other tissues.

I have seen no convincing evidence stem cell therapy can do this as well as a therapeutic fast. There are checks and balances on both sides of the equation.

Summary and view point

Science has come a long way with regenerative medicine. Stem cells are being discovered virtually everyday that can be made suitable to correct many illnesses, including, heart disease and arthritis.

The verdict is still out on stem cell therapy. But given time and a much greater understanding of their potential uses in regenerative medicine, they may yet prove to be a blessing to us all – a gift from the Highest.

Yet, let us keep in mind and not forget stem cells are nothing new to life or to our bodies. They have been with us since the beginning of the human specie. They will be with us for the duration of our existence on earth.

Nature has always enabled access to stem cells of the highest quality. A simple, prolonged fast will usually do the trick. Never-the-less, if you are in a hurry to correct structural or functional deficiencies, or to restore sight or hearing, and if you are not interested in allowing nature to unfold her healing forces in a slow, deliberate and safe manner, then stem cell therapy may be the winning ticket for you..

Like I said, I feel so unwell a lot of the time that most of my spare time is dedicated to sleeping, laying in bed reading (but usually remember little of what I read) and not much else.

I just keep thinking, is fasting the missing link. ???

Once again, thank you for this session.

I wish everyone health. We need you Laura, I hope you find the answer to your ill health soon. It's all starting to get too scary. :O
I've donated to CSM before Beau's posts, I hope it's okay. I'll donate next month to QFG.

Regarding the election results, focusing on what the C's said about Marine Le Pen score (61%), it could involve many things :
  • People who wanted to vote for her, but got scared / brainwashed by the MSM propaganda
  • People who wanted to vote for her, but couldn't vote because their registration on the electoral list was cancelled for "some reasons" (it happened a lot)
  • People who voted for her, but the ballot was damaged or misprinted and counted as void (also happened a lot)
  • People who voted for her, but the ballot was switched (plain old rigging, no clues about that)
  • Probably many other things, as I'm not an expert in election rigging
Laura said:
So was Emmanuel Macron raped by his teacher when he was 15 as suggested by this psychiatrist?

A: He was willing enough.

I found this answer from the Cs troubling. We are in a world with pedophiles getting away with their attacks. Here it appears the Cs are implying the child consented, an argument often used by pedophiles and their protectors.

Laura said:
Q: (L) But at 15... Can you really understand the consequences?

(Pierre) No. And a lot of boys when you're 15, there are a lot of hormones.

Laura and Pierre appropriately and quickly questioned the Cs answer as well.
hlat said:
Laura said:
So was Emmanuel Macron raped by his teacher when he was 15 as suggested by this psychiatrist?

A: He was willing enough.

I found this answer from the Cs troubling. We are in a world with pedophiles getting away with their attacks. Here it appears the Cs are implying the child consented, an argument often used by pedophiles and their protectors.

Laura said:
Q: (L) But at 15... Can you really understand the consequences?

(Pierre) No. And a lot of boys when you're 15, there are a lot of hormones.

Laura and Pierre appropriately and quickly questioned the Cs answer as well.


In context the Cs show their awareness that the teacher was a predator in this situation with their following remark:

(L) It seems to me that she took it to mean more than it should ever have meant. There have been teachers and students that have had affairs and interactions, and then they go their separate ways. But she seems to be the one in control.

A: Like a fox.

The fact that a 15 year old boy was probably easy prey does not mean they were saying it was OK. That is my impression of their reply. FWIW
happyliza said:
Also it was unusual for Laura to forget to ask the name of the C's communicating at the beginning.

Laura has already addressed this and explained that they quickly shift into the Cs mode these days:
Laura said:
No, that is not terribly unusual. In fact, since we have been doing so many sessions with the Cs for crystal selection, we sort of switch into mode rather quickly of late.

Several times in the past sessions the Cs would remind Laura that the usual protocol had been missed and remind her.
In addition to that there are several times in the past that the questions in the sessions were well underway before they realized they had not asked for the name of the Cs as is the normal proceedure. So this is not always "unusual".

Here are some of those times when the request for a name was forgotten:

Session 26 November 1994
Q: (L) Now for the questions...
A: Who am I Laura? You are slipping
Q: (L) Well, you told me last time that I didn't have to ask every time. Okay, who do we have with us
A: Fun.
Q: (L) Your name is fun?
A: Silly.
Q: (T) We're being silly or we're just going to have a fun silly evening?
A: Laura needs to lighten up a bit.
Q: (L) Okay, can we have your name, please?
A: Murean.
Q: (L) {Attempt to pronounce} Glad to have you with us Murean.
A: Accent on 2nd syllable.

Session 18 February 1995
Q: (T) You have the floor, redirect.
A: Pause... wait for important information to be directed through our channel. You forgot id inquiry.
Q: (L) Where are you from?
A: Cass. Children are not cooperating. {Laura sends children to bed. Much negative feeling engendered
thereby.} Thank you. You need to be more open, remember, we are you!!!!!

Session 25 February 1995
Q: (J) Who do we have with us tonight, we didn't ask.
A: Concentrate. Slow mental processes down. Less pressure. {GB lightens up.}
Q: (L) Who do we have with us tonight?
A: Who are we?
Q: Who are you?
A: Cassiopaeans.
Q: And who do we have with us?
A: Pommori.

Session 25 November 1995
Q: (L) Okay, we have some questions for tonight...
A: What, no greeting?
Q: (L) Hello, how are you?
A: Fine, thank you, how are you?
Q: (L) We are fine. A little bit frazzled, but I am sure you are aware of that.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) In terms of this frazzled state, would you care to address that or do we need to ask questions?
A: Who are we?
Q: (L) Sorry. Who do we have with us tonight?
A: Jilliore.

Session 17 February 1996
Q: (L) We have several questions on the list I would like to get to before anyone else gets here.
Actually, SV has some questions about her investing strategy.
A: Who are we?
Q: (L) I'm sorry. Who do we have with us tonight?
A: Piliannah.

Session 27 September 1996
Q: (L) Have you been listening to our conversation about when Ark may arrive?
A: You have not asked for ID.
Q: (L) Okay, sorry. Who do we have with us this evening?
A: Lanirre.
Q: (L) And where are you from?
A: Cassiopaea.

Session 23 March 2013
Q: (L) We forgot to ask who's with us tonight!
A: Pronoia.
Q: (L) And where do you transmit from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Keit said:
Digmo said:
Why might it have been so slow, just tired arms? I just remembered the session Laura directly channeled and VB asked Laura a question with a lot of wishful thinking in it and she felt pressure and said a very quiet "yes."Perhaps they didn't mean to say yes exactly because of free will but, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a bad idea.

Or perhaps it was a humorous way of making their answer clear enough? ;)

After a "long" and detailed "yes" that was delivered quickly, this time they replied with a "slow", but short "yes". ;)

Haven't you ever did it yourself to someone else, when you wanted to make sure they would get your answer?

That was the point. There was a lot of complaining about sore arms after the previous answer and exclamations about how hard it had been to keep up with the speed. MOST of that was omitted from the transcript as noise. Obviously that omission has led to false assumptions. Geeze, people complain if you keep in every little remark, and they get false impressions if you don't. I thought that just enough was left in, but apparently not.
Laura said:
Keit said:
Digmo said:
Why might it have been so slow, just tired arms? I just remembered the session Laura directly channeled and VB asked Laura a question with a lot of wishful thinking in it and she felt pressure and said a very quiet "yes."Perhaps they didn't mean to say yes exactly because of free will but, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a bad idea.

Or perhaps it was a humorous way of making their answer clear enough? ;)

After a "long" and detailed "yes" that was delivered quickly, this time they replied with a "slow", but short "yes". ;)

Haven't you ever did it yourself to someone else, when you wanted to make sure they would get your answer?

That was the point. There was a lot of complaining about sore arms after the previous answer and exclamations about how hard it had been to keep up with the speed. MOST of that was omitted from the transcript as noise. Obviously that omission has led to false assumptions. Geeze, people complain if you keep in every little remark, and they get false impressions if you don't. I thought that just enough was left in, but apparently not.
You can't keep everyone happy all the time :lol: please get well soon Laura you are a treasure.

I've donated to the Mother's Day fund transaction I'd 6R941315ET949553H. Hope we get the funds raised soon.
Fluffy said:
Like I said, I feel so unwell a lot of the time that most of my spare time is dedicated to sleeping, laying in bed reading (but usually remember little of what I read) and not much else.

I just keep thinking, is fasting the missing link. ???

If you have never tried it, you might want to consider it, but only after a bit more research. You might want to read up on the differences between dry fast and water fasting too. In some cases though, it doesn't really deal with the main issues. Perhaps for someone who is in a bad condition but has a healthier "terrain", it works better, I don't know. What I do know is that it can be stressful, and if one doesn't have the necessary energy to go through the process biologically speaking, it doesn't bring much benefits, and it could even be dangerous if too prolonged. Maybe it's due to damage in the mitochondria? Several of us (including Laura) have fasted for up to 3 weeks in the past. Some reported good benefits, some hardly any. It's interesting to see the link made with stem cells, though.

Edit: clarity
hlat said:
Laura said:
So was Emmanuel Macron raped by his teacher when he was 15 as suggested by this psychiatrist?

A: He was willing enough.

I found this answer from the Cs troubling. We are in a world with pedophiles getting away with their attacks. Here it appears the Cs are implying the child consented, an argument often used by pedophiles and their protectors.

Laura said:
Q: (L) But at 15... Can you really understand the consequences?

(Pierre) No. And a lot of boys when you're 15, there are a lot of hormones.

Laura and Pierre appropriately and quickly questioned the Cs answer as well.

I didn't see any problem with their answer, they just simply stated the facts. A boy at that age with a possible character disorder (e.g. narcissism, manipulative personality, psychopathy), wouldn't be hard to persuade into doing that. I think this has more to do with what kind of personality (disorder, wounding) M. had at that age, and how B. identified this, and made him a target. I suspect there could be more to this story than we know, perhaps some kind of "secret society" thing going on, where B. made him her apprentice, or something. That might also be a possible cause to why he was willing enough – he saw this as an opportunity to get into the elite circles.
hlat said:
Laura said:
So was Emmanuel Macron raped by his teacher when he was 15 as suggested by this psychiatrist?

A: He was willing enough.

I found this answer from the Cs troubling. We are in a world with pedophiles getting away with their attacks. Here it appears the Cs are implying the child consented, an argument often used by pedophiles and their protectors.

Well, to me this was obvious. I remember at that age, I had enough hormones in my system such that if necessary, I probably could have impregnated half the planet without breaking a sweat. :whistle: At the same time, I had horrible acne, was socially awkward, and a total nerd. Lovely combination! :P

So had some older person decided to take advantage of my state, it's not hard to see how I might have ended up in the same situation. Of course, I didn't, thank god!

I understood their answer as, "Well, it takes 2 to tango, but yeah...15, randy, and naive? Do the math!"
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