A: Main prep should be psychological and spiritual. As to appearance, nothing like what you would expect. Most will be done via proxies as invaders do not fit earth's FRV. [Review of answer] Some dramatic displays of power and control are possible.
Q: (Joe) Who are the proxies most likely to be from our perspective?
A: Heads of government who are "plugged in" or replacements.
Q: (Joe) The dramatic displays of power and control that are possible, who would they come from? I mean, who would be giving these dramatic displays of power and control?
(L) Dramatic displays coming from UFOs?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They said most of it will be done by proxies, i.e. human beings, and there'll be dramatic displays of power and control.
(L) Yeah, but then we read the answer and then they threw that last part in afterwards. So, it was like an additional note on the topic. Well, people who've researched it know that they've turned off all the missiles at some place in Montana or somewhere years and years ago.
(Joe) Does that imply a generalized awareness of aliens among the human population at some point?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Can you imagine what that's gonna be like? Even all of us sitting here, we've all been reading about it, thinking about it, and talking about it for 25-30 years. And yet, if and when they ever actually came out and said, "Hi guys! Here we are!" We'd probably all go into some kind of panic attack.
(Joe) I'd be gettin' my gun!
(L) Well, I mean, c'mon! We've been programmed all our lives to think such things don't exist. It's all just a conspiracy theory. But all the conspiracy theories have been coming true! OMG!
(Andromeda) I know. And even when you know about them, it's still jaw-dropping.
(Joe) But they said as well that it would be nothing like what you would expect. So, what we're expecting is like Hollywood: Independence Day, the mothership in the sky, that kind of thing. Probably it's not going to be like that. So, how would it manifest?
(L) Why would it not be like that?
A: Overt violation of free will thus generating sharp and inclusive opposition.
Q: (L) So in other words, if they came out and announced they were invading, all the people would be upset and they'd unite together. Their unification would be sufficient to fend off or reject or otherwise negate the aliens' ability to enter our reality? Is that what you're saying?
A: Close.
Q: (Joe) People wouldn't be receptive to them.
(L) So it's all gotta be done by stealth.
(Joe) How do you get around it then? How do you introduce the idea of the existence of aliens without presenting yourself...?
(Chu) By not making it look like an invasion.
(L) Here to help. Displays of power by stopping warlike activity, being the saviors of humankind or something like that...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They'll present themselves as benevolent. It wasn't even that they were gonna be aggressive... It's more like how do they present themselves? Is it a ship?
(L) Well they can present themselves without presenting an invasion.
(Chu) Like miracles in the past or something like that? Angels?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) We'll just have to wait and see.
A: Weather and geological activity also involved.
Q: (Chu) That one wouldn't grow awareness in aliens. People would just think it's a weather event.
(Scottie) Unless they come and save us from weather or geological events...
(L) So we have no idea what we're facing. And you can't help us out any more there?
A: To do so would violate learning directive. It is good that you know that prominent figures are already preparing the ground. Such as Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
(L) So we have no idea what we're facing. And you can't help us out any more there?
A: To do so would violate learning directive. It is good that you know that prominent figures are already preparing the ground. Such as Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
...is a device used by the powerful, social ruling elite to manipulate and shape public opinion with the intention of gaining approval for the implementation of societal controls PRS involves three discrete, but interrelated phases Initially, dominant individuals, groups, and/or organizations covertly engineer or exploit a problem to legitimize the enactment of laws, rules, and restrictions. Then, via an unquestioning media, the issue is broadcast, amplified, and popularized. Bringing the problem to the forefront of public attention arouses a strong social demand for action (reaction), which advances acceptance of a “predetermined” solution.
Compounding crises are widening their impact across societies, hitting the livelihoods of a far broader section of the population, and destabilizing more economies in the world, than traditionally vulnerable communities and fragile states. Building on the most severe risks expected to impact in 2023 – including “Energy supply crisis”, “Rising inflation” and “Food supply crisis” – a global Cost-of-living crisis is already being felt. Economic impacts have been cushioned by countries that can afford it, but many lower-income countries are facing multiple crises: debt, climate change and food security. Continued supply-side pressures risk turning the current cost-of- living crisis into a wider humanitarian crisis within the next two years in many import-dependent markets...
Q: (seeker2seer) Would the alien invasion appear as a false second coming of Christ with angels?
A: Might be spun that way.
(L) Well they can present themselves without presenting an invasion.
(Chu) Like miracles in the past or something like that? Angels?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) We'll just have to wait and see.
A: Weather and geological activity also involved.
Q: (Chu) That one wouldn't grow awareness in aliens. People would just think it's a weather event.
(Scottie) Unless they come and save us from weather or geological events...
Q: (L) "One of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound, but his death stroke was healed and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement and admiration..." What does it mean that one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound?
A: Aliens.
Q: (L) The aliens will seem to be a deadly wound to the Beast?
A: Initially.
Q: (L) "But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth went after the Beast with amazement and admiration..." What does this mean?
A: Initial fear gives way to worship and admiration.
Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon?
A: World Body Politic.
Q: (L) And who is this Beast?
A: New World Order aka Brotherhood aka Lizzies aka antichrist.
Joe, is that you?Q: (L) Can you imagine what that's gonna be like? Even all of us sitting here, we've all been reading about it, thinking about it, and talking about it for 25-30 years. And yet, if and when they ever actually came out and said, "Hi guys! Here we are!" We'd probably all go into some kind of panic attack.
(Joe) I'd be gettin' my gun!
A: He is now initiated.
Could someone clarified please.
Many thanks for this new session!
Joe, is that you?
You can probably see that I was trying to get the 'real deal' in these questions, but, as usual, "no dice". BUT, that doesn't mean we can't speculate. So, how to reconcile these apparently opposing ideas of NO overt "alien invasion", but instead "via proxies", BUT there still being a generalized awareness of aliens (i.e. not proxies alone) AND "dramatic displays of power and control"?
That's great info. And probably to handle with care and not to assume that all those who die from the vacc are OP's. They say 'many' though. I'd be curious what percentage of vacc victims being OP's.A: Not really. Remember, this is a campaign for control and death. Those who have died did so as a result of ignorance. In many cases, it is OPs that are unable to achieve insight. OPs do not make "pre-incarnational agreements".
Q: (L) So OPs don't make pre-incarnational agreements because they do not have crystallized souls that are capable of doing that. Is that it?
A: Yes
This brought a wide smile and some nice fuzzy feeling inside thus I proclaim it's true.Q: (ryu) You said in a previous session that our group’s greatest weakness was the lack of true collinearity. Have we gotten better on that front?
A: Yes.
I've actually had a lot of dreams about the future where the mundane and the arcane have sort of merged and the general theme is that there are certain people that you can sense telepathically that you kind of avoid because they are hunting you. These same people also seem to exert their telepathic influence over "normies" making them almost drone-like, but in the way of a blind devotion to a cherished patriarch, not borg-like or anything like that. So society gets divided into two camps, those who adore these leadership figures who are actually avatars for Mantis and Reptillian aliens, and those who do not want to submit to the authority these leaders claim to possess. The aliens mobilize the normies to eliminate the "rebels" from the world, but the masses of alien-controlled devotees are fairly weak and ineffective because they're basically hollow shells of human beings. Whenever I get into an altercation with one of the avatars and they get backed into a corner, the aliens either intervene directly by showing up in a UFO or climbing out of some portal between dimensions. Sometimes my psychic abilities are strong enough to beat off the aliens, but most of the time I just run because they have superior jedi-powers. The normies seem to be dimly aware that their cherished leaders are not entirely human, they are something quite other, but they don't really care, as they offer protection and guidance. For whatever it's worth.You can probably see that I was trying to get the 'real deal' in these questions, but, as usual, "no dice". BUT, that doesn't mean we can't speculate. So, how to reconcile these apparently opposing ideas of NO overt "alien invasion", but instead "via proxies", BUT there still being a generalized awareness of aliens (i.e. not proxies alone) AND "dramatic displays of power and control"?
So, what might it look like, taking into consideration that it appears it would be relatively "seemless", to us, like a "natural evolution" from one thing to the next until it's all out there and everyone takes it as relatively normal?
A: Main prep should be psychological and spiritual. As to appearance, nothing like what you would expect. Most will be done via proxies as invaders do not fit earth's FRV.
That's great info. And probably to handle with care and not to assume that all those who die from the vacc are OP's. They say 'many' though. I'd be curious what percentage of vacc victims being OP's.