Q: (A) A neutron star is a pulsar. The question is, what is so particular about neutron stars, because
anything which is not understood...
A: Quantum physics...
Q: (T) The answer to what causes neutron stars is in quantum physics? Or, is to be found in quantum
physics? Is that what they're saying? (A) Or it is known...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) OK, so, if you look up pulsars, it will tell you, I guess... (A) OK...
A: What was the key premise to your "Noah Syndrome"
Q: (L) The key premise? Transformation...
A: By what means, what causative factor.
Q: (L) Well, the causative factor was bodies of the solar system interacting and exchanging energies.
The energies exchanged by the bodies of the solar system having a profound effect upon the life on any
of those bodies, such as people on the planet Earth. The emanations of the sun, if the sun were to
increase its vibration or its surface, a teeny tiny little bit, the Earth would be so charged with electricity,
that... I mean, one solar flare, and everything goes haywire. If the sun oscillates inside - they measure
oscillations in it; they have all different periods - what if it has a really major oscillation, like every
3,600 years or so? Because they've measured them in terms of minutes, days, months, years. You
have the 11 year cycle, there's the 22 year cycle. There's a whole bunch of different cycles of
oscillations in the sun, what if it has a really big one? And what if, when it does that, it pulses? And
when it pulses, it so charges the solar system with electricity that all the bodies in the solar system just
go haywire! (T) Is that the base premise of... (L) That's the base premise of 'The Noah Syndrome.' (T)
OK, folks, there you have it, the base premise of the 'Noah Syndrome' is that the sun pulses regularly.
A: A pulsar pulses at an extremely rapid rate.
Q: (T) It creates a frequency... (L) Well, everything's frequency...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Well, this was a specific frequency they were looking for. The rate of vibration is the rate of
frequency. And it creates a frequency that they said was something that would be beneficial to... (L)
No, this location is the beneficial thing, right here, this house.
A: No.
Q: (A) But, I do not understand. The frequency...
A: Your planetary realm.
Q: (L) OK, your planetary realm is what they were referring to. (A) OK, there is something about
pulsar, because it brings these pulses with a certain frequency. But, of course, it is not these pulses
that are important for transmission, because the pulses take hundreds of years to get here. This we
know. (L) But, the pulsar is the window... (A) It's a window... (L) The window between densities. (A)
Yes, but what is the pulsar that is so specific that it makes a window? Is it this frequency? Or, is it
something else? Which physical phenomenon is responsible for making this window? Can we specify,
something more exactly than saying that it's just quantum physics?
A: What is the nature of neutron stars, supernovae, "black holes," et cetera?
Q: (L) You go in a black hole, and you come out a pulsar?!
A: All are the junction of matter/antimatter... the borderline between realities as you know them...
material realms/etheric realms, density level junctures, realities. One can pass through these windows
with ease; remember, the stars and planets are windows too.
Q: (L) And stars and planets were described as being giant atoms. Is an atom a window?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Is a proton a window?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) OK, so it is. And it's massive, so let me ask. Is photon a window, too?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is gravity something from the center of the window to a reflective opposite in the ethereal
realm, rather than the attraction between objects in this material realm?
A: Gravity is the "binder" common to all imaginable existence. That is all you really need to know.
Q: (L) Okay, binder. Does gravity bind in the same way that weak hydrogen bonds bind the DNA
A: No.
Q: OK, then, does gravity bind the way the phosphate bond binds the carbon atom?
A: These are material. The missing link for all you folks is that gravity is as much antimatter as
Q: (A) I would like to ask, not now, but maybe later, about the, is this the concept that our space/time
is the boundary of a domain? Is that correct picture?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) All right, Then, concerning this gravity, and the antimatter, is it a correct picture that there are
two such domains; positive and negative one, and the gravity has something to do with the exchange
between the positive and negative?
A: Gravity is the "fuel," or "life blood" of absolutely everything that exists!!!