But the most strong that I have buy here around and that I smoke right now is the peruvian "Mapacho"
My post is just for present it..
He have
20 time more nicotine than normal blond tobacco and is the one the shamans of North peru, close to here (Pucalpa, Iquitos, Tarapoto) use in the ceremonies..
I have a lot of info about on it in spanish and you can find it easy on the web.. and also somethings in english like this small presentation
http://www.salvialight.com/nicotiana-rustica.htm and more..
presentation in spanish
and some site where you can buy
https://www.heavenly-products.com/cart/index.php?cPath=156_129_113 but very expensive.. I buy here for less than 15$ the pound.
The rolls (what we call "guanglia" here) must have between 1 and 2 pounds
Is just a pleasure to share it, here