Session 16 July 1994

Shijing, you are not alone on this I also get the same impression, and I feel the diet detox could be something very useful to combat this possibly. When Laura posted the thread about parasites in the diet section it made me think "they" might be planning on methodically stalking us and changing the containers from the inside out, and getting a maximum energy transfer when programming is complete to restart a new and bigger farm with more nutritious containers for there own purposes, but that's just my thoughts after rereading this session.
I think it's cool that in the very first session we see the trademark "knowledge protects", however in a variant form: awareness protects, ignorance endangers. Also, that they suggest meditation to ease the pain produced by knowledge of the world as it is. Even from the first session, there were the seeds for FOTCM!

Laura said:
Q: (L) What is your name?
A: Mucpeor.

Belibaste started an interesting thread here: which deals with this name, specifically the "peor" ending. Laura posted an excerpt that will hopefully be included in Horns of Moses on the Heresy of Peor in the Old Testament. The heresy is linked to the Midianites, and to Baal worship in the region. Laura writes:

Laura said:
The author of P ends the story by putting words in Yahweh's mouth to Moses saying: "Trouble the Midianites, and strike them. For they troubled you with their enticements by which they enticed you over the matter of Peor." Whatever it was that was taking place in that tent, apparently it was part of the practice of the Midianites, and the P author is making it clear that such will no longer be tolerated. And this event is entirely in line with the other mythic tales of the patriarchs and their practice of a religion that was, initially, based on acknowledgement of the feminine, and the shamanic ecstasies of ascent. We will later see how other stories indicate the process of controverting this worship to that of a male god, and that the writing of this new Torah was merely a major step in this process. A major point to consider here is that the "god" who spoke to the patriarchs was, very likely, the goddess. It can, of course, be claimed that this was simply vulgar paganism or nature worship. But again, please observe the historical effects of this transformation and judge the tree by its fruit.

See also these two posts on "Baal" or "Beelzebub" by Laura:

A: (paraphrased) 94 per cent of the human population are "containers" that will be totally consumed as ingredients/parts for a new race (i.e. reprototype).
A: Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children.

In the second volume of his UFOs and the National Security State, Rich Dolan identifies the first public mention of these "vats". In 1987 John Lear "leaked" a whole bunch of UFO (dis?)information on Paranet. As Dolan writes (pp. 420-424), summarizing Lear's statements:

Dolan said:
The alien need for body parts - both human and other - was much greater than they had let on. [...] according to Lear, aliens consumed the enzymes and blood of cattle and humans, often apparently while the victims were stil living. Body parts were taken to underground laboratories [e.g. Dulce] where humans of all ages were kept in large test tube-like vats. [...] They were creating a human-alien hybrid race. And many of the nations missing children were actually being consumed by the aliens as food. [Lear wrote:] "the invasion is essentially complete and everytyhing is over but the screaming." Forget the mass landings and ray guns, said Lear. A highly advanced civilization could probaly complete its program before anyone knew what happened.

Lear said he got his information from sources in the intelligence community. So it seems that a lot of this info was true, albeit mixed in with disinfo.

Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
A: Deep subconscious.

This is an interesting idea - that the subconscious holds within it the roots of not only "animal instinct", but also all that is considered "psychic" - with its roots in the late 1800s, I think, and the work of psychologist (and "parapsychologist") Frederick Myers. While Freud is credited with "discovering the unconscious", his ideas were primitive compared to Myers'. Myers' work later influenced both William James and Aldous Huxley.
Shijing said:
11 July 98

Q: (A) I want to continue questions from the previous
session. First, about this companion star: where is it
now; which part of the zodiac?
A: Libra Constellation.

Does anyone happen to know if this is why 'sun in Libra' ends up being important?

I don't know for sure, but this looks plausible. After all, the "twin suns" comment in the song foreshadows the research on a dark companion sun. So by "sun in libra" it looks like a hint, only that the "sun" in libra isn't Sol!

I remember someone else pointing out on another thread (I don't remember which one) that 94 percent is what you are left with if you subtract the 6 percent of the population which is psychopathic. If that is accurate and not merely coincidental, then I presume that there is some sort of a reason why psychopaths aren't genetically suitable for recycling (my other assumption, based on later transcripts, is that it is 4D STS who are running the project).

I think the "94%" answer was a clue for Ponerology. Also, check out this article by Laura:

Laura (quoting an article by Dave McGowan) said:
... a global population reduction of some 6 billion people is likely to take place during the 21st Century

(For the mathematically impaired, Campbell is talking about no less than a 94% reduction in the world's population. If you feel that you and all of your loved ones are among the lucky 6% who will be spared, then I suppose there is no cause for alarm and you can feel free to stop reading now.)

So, from this it looks like the 6% NOT used for parts are the pathocrats (psychopaths and other deviants). The 3D level of the plan is population reduction, which no doubt mask HD agendas.
Q: (L) Are we all abducted by the same group?
A: Mostly.
Q: (L) What did they do to us?
A: Gave false memories. Made you inhibited child - headaches - sick at school.
Q: (C) Where is my implant?
A: Head.
Q: Frank?
A: Same.
Q: Laura?
A: Same.
Q: (L) What are the implants for?
A: Study device.
Q: (L) To study what?
A: Soul composition.

My question:
Has there been any medical investigation done to localize the implants and verify if they really exist?
ROEL said:
Q: (L) Are we all abducted by the same group?
A: Mostly.
Q: (L) What did they do to us?
A: Gave false memories. Made you inhibited child - headaches - sick at school.
Q: (C) Where is my implant?
A: Head.
Q: Frank?
A: Same.
Q: Laura?
A: Same.
Q: (L) What are the implants for?
A: Study device.
Q: (L) To study what?
A: Soul composition.

My question:
Has there been any medical investigation done to localize the implants and verify if they really exist?


Have you read the wave series?

Are you curious about implants in general or just verifying something physical from the C's transcripts?

Sorry for the short message though I can't answer further without knowing your current level of understanding.
Franco said:
My question:
Has there been any medical investigation done to localize the implants and verify if they really exist?


Have you read the wave series?

Are you curious about implants in general or just verifying something physical from the C's transcripts?

Sorry for the short message though I can't answer further without knowing your current level of understanding.

I, too, am curious if you have read the entire Wave series as your questions would be answered there.

Reading just the transcripts without the context of what was going on and what was being thought at the time of the questions, etc. leaves a lot of really good information out.

I think that you would really enjoy these more if you were to read them in the context given by the Wave.
Q: [Unknown question.]
A: Go to Denver airports.
Q: (L) When is all this going to happen?
A: Scandal - Scandal - Denver Airport.
Q: (L) What about the Denver airport?
A: Scandal.
Q: I don't understand.
A: New Denver airport.
Q: I don't understand.
A: Pay attention.
Q: Okay, we are paying attention. What are you trying to tell us?
A: Denver new airport big, big, big, big scandal.
Q: (L) What kind of scandal?
A: Government.
Q: (L) Specifically what?
A: You will see. Dallas airport is secret base; Orlando too; Miami Too.
Q: (L) What about Denver airport and how does it relate to prophecies?
A: Denver reveals the government. Look for it. Pay attention.

Please look at this short movie: (english voice, polish subtitles)


Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
KAP said:
Please look at this short movie: (english voice, polish subtitles)


I feel that the noise in this movie is substantial. The information presented about the burying of the five original buildings and the extensive underground networking, as unfounded as it may be, seems to be more relevant than the nonsense concerning swastikas. The murals are also presented in a subjective way. For instance, i came across this youtube video . In my opinion the explanation this video it offers regarding the murals, the cornerstones and other things referenced in the first video is more objective. Be this as it may there are several issues brought up in the first video, such as the placement of the barbed wire fence, that is indeed curious. After watching it I was rather confused as to why the Queen of England and other dignitaries were interested in purchasing real-estate so close to a "concentration camp" - assuming that the 'aliases' they are using are so transparent that they can be uncovered with a little elbow grease. Hopefully this can be some food for thought.
You feel the noise, but You also see the information: "new world airport commision" table (with main masonic symbol) - 2:14, apocalyptic pictures - 3:13, etc. Explanation, interpretation may be noise. Curiosity: Denver is nicknamed the "Mile-High City" because its official elevation is exactly one mile, or 5,280 feet (1,609 m) above sea level.

Your video is blocked by UMG (YouTube's partner) in my country. Please write title, I will find it. My previous link "the mysteries of Denver Airport", Zahra Malik and Chris Cheong.
From what I could find the title is "Facts Behind the Denver Airport Conspiracy". The work is uncredited other than his username - 'fekseko'. In a bit of a rush so I can type all that I want but I hope this helps!
There was an interesting question posed in the video. If they exist, what would you need a sprinkler system for in a concrete tunnel? Lets just say that this area was an underground bunker. A place where the elite could hide out and survive various catastrophic scenario's that effect the surface environment, such as a pandemic of some virus or radio-active fall-out, or even fall-out from volcano's or asteroids. Then, what if the populace found out about this place where they might be able to go in order to survive; They make it to the tunnels and are working their way toward the shelter areas (which could indeed go very deep)... Well the easiest way to take them out would be to gas them.

Regardless of the subjectivity of the videos, I think it is very important to question the purpose of this airport and the secrets that surround it. How would one go about getting objective information about something so secret? When the rest of the world starts bombing the US, I wonder if this airport will be a target?
My question:
Has there been any medical investigation done to localize the implants and verify if they really exist?

There was a book called something like "Aliens and the Scalpel" by a surgeon Dr Roger Leir which dealt with identification and surgical removal of what is claimed to be Alien Implants.

This is one of my favorite sessions, shocking but looking from today's perspective with assistance of EE breathing and meditation, detox program and half a tone of books ;) it's a whole different story, I can only say; THANK YOU Laura and C's.

I must say for years I was (at least to say) allarmed with "total consumption" agenda, and it took me really long time to digest and process whole session 16.07.94, Agree with Shijing's point of view related to possible final destinations of 94% of population. But there's something I would like to ask:

1- if we exclude 6% of psychopath who will probably start from very beginning of big cycle, unless 4D sts replant them somewhere else as their pets (although I doubt in that, they do not need competition in energy feeding except if that's gonna be somewhere again on some planet before wave arrival), than what are the plans for OPs, that is 47% of whole population (if we divide 94% of population without psychopaths, 50% are OPs=47% of populus) due to the fact they are soulless as well? As much I remember in one session it was said after they die, they go to 5D where they have second death. OK understood, but I'm curious if their production will stop in post-cat earth (3D or 4D earth)??.

2-It we assume that who ever start the cycle in 3D earth (again) will be de-energized in some way with all cataclysm thing, and even more will be nice to assume that 4D will leave them allone because of small amounts of energy left behind in 3D. But than, 4D always have plan B I guess, are they really gonna leave 3D humanity allone in post cat earth or they will start whole process of time travels and manipulations again and again???

3-Assuming that some portion of population will end on 4D they will be pretty exposed to Lizzie's attacks, especially portion of STO humanity, how knowledge can protect newbies there when Lizzie's will have much more knowledge than any 4D newcomers?? :cry:

And definitely, C's thank you the most for this:

Q: (L) Is there anything else we can do for protection?
A: Learn, meditate, read
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