Session 16 September 2017

Many thanks for another fascinating session. I too would like to know more about mirrors. It just worked out that my bedroom is currently furnished without a mirror, and I have thought from time to time I would reconfigure my furniture to change that, but now I think I will keep it the same, especially since I am sleeping so well. :lol:
Thank you very much for the fascinating session! A lot of interesting information.
Thanks for the new session. It is a shame Trump wasn't able to make any progress toward 'draining the swamp', but instead was swallowed up by it. Although, I am not surprised with the many psychopaths he is surrounded by (such as McCain, who needs to just go away already!). I guess mother nature will have to be the cure for what ails the USA. :(
Hindsight Man said:
Regarding Trumpy being a perfect puppet,I wonder if some kind of major military confrontation is back on the menu.I mean,that comment regarding inefficiency of the US military was certainly interesting.Cassies did mention that US would be hated the way Nazi Germany was,so perhaps something similar will happen,though as to how it would play out I'm not sure.It seem like the odds of a violent revolution in the US have 'fizzled' as the mainstream media tones down it's rhetoric on Donny,yet that doesn't exclude some kind of a violent conflict overseas.Seeing as the aforementioned negative selection of psychopathy takes it toll even during peace time,the stress of war could lead to all out military collapse.Sort of like a really fat,infected body on the verge of death bursting open as it continues to consume rancid food.

Almost as bad as Turnbully. Donations Scandal Another Headache for Australia's Turnbull.

My point is that as armchair observers it's easy to rant or denigrate but who knows the pressure being used against those in leadership positions.

Also there is the internal corruption and blackmail the keeps the truth under wraps.

Former CIA Agent Blows Whistle On Secret Shadow Government

Silencing Whistleblowers

By Kevin Shipp, contributing writer for

Why don’t more “whistle blowers” come out to expose illegal or unconstitutional secret government operations? If these activities are so illegal, why are people not coming forward to report them?

Over the last fifty years US government intelligence agencies have perfected a complex, sequential system to systematically silence or destroy any employee, including his or her family, who attempts to reveal illegal or unconstitutional activities conducted as part of secret government operations.

As a condition of employment, military and intelligence employees recruited for secret operations are required to sign a “secrecy agreement,” or “nondisclosure agreement,” before being given access to the position, which offers high pay and status in the organization. This agreement threatens civil and criminal penalties if the employee reveals ANY information regarding the program. Thinking the agreement will only be used for legal purposes and will get them the coveted job, all employees eagerly sign it.

This secrecy agreement was originally designed to protect legitimate classified information, to protect military personnel during wartime and protect legitimate national defense information and technology.

However, because of the binding power of the agreement, government agencies began using it as a powerful tool to silence federal employees who question the legality of certain government operations. It was the perfect tool to threaten, silence or jail any whistle blower who dared to challenge the secret operations of government.

Today, the secrecy agreement is routinely used as an efficient weapon to intimidate or silence employees. Annual refresher briefings are given to remind employees of the penalties for violating the agreement. These penalties include huge fines, termination, financial ruin and even prison – all of which mean the destruction of their lives and their families. Most will not reveal any wrongdoing, no matter how egregious, for fear of calculated, severe retribution.

When employees sign the secrecy agreement and are cleared for classified programs, they are not told they are giving up their right to a jury trial, or to sue the agency that hired them. If they try to do so as a whistle blower, they find they have no right to be heard in federal court. Many have found this out when their case was denied; then it was too late. That is part of the system.

If the employee attempts to contact their Congressman or Senator, their representative is blocked from receiving any information about their case, because they do not have the necessary “clearance.”

When the employee attempts to blow the whistle to the Congressional intelligence committees, their response is ignored. It is made clear to committee members that they are not to touch such cases, so they refer them back to their Senator or Congressman, who cannot access information involved in their case.

If a courageous employee continues to proceed and blow the whistle, a system of personal and career destruction follows. This begins with promotions being denied, being turned down for sensitive or career enhancing assignments, and their files being flagged, ruining their reputation inside their agency. At this point their career is over. If they go quietly, the retribution stops.

When the employee still continues their effort to report the information, their travel records, personnel records, medical records and security records are searched for mistakes or damaging information that can be used to threaten them with termination. Their telephones and computers are monitored searching for incriminating information. If no substantive information can be found, it is fabricated and placed in their file.

Employees who refuse to back down are then subjected to internal “security investigations,” multiple, hostile “interviews,” attempting to get them to recant their information, and multiple polygraph interrogations.

In many cases, the employee is commanded to report to the internal medical office for psychological evaluation. If they comply, the evaluation labels them as paranoid, unstable, or disgruntled. This information is placed in their file and is used later to justify the agency’s action in the event of outside scrutiny.

If the employee contacts a member of the news media, they are immediately cited with violating their secrecy agreement and criminal penalties are filed against them. Several news media outlets are connected to the CIA and NSA and notify them of the employee’s contact.

Finally, the employee is forced to resign after being threatened with termination in kangaroo court meetings where the information fabricated in their files is used against them.

After termination or forced resignation, interest rates on their internal credit union loans are raised to make the payments unaffordable. The release of the employee’s retirement funds needed provide for their family are blocked (a felony). The agency black lists them from gaining employment with other government agencies or contractors, further ruining them financially.

Dehumanized, financially ruined and under severe emotional and mental pressure, the employee’s family begins to break apart. If the family’s foundation is not strong, this results in alcoholism, depression and divorce. In some cases, it has resulted in the employee committing suicide, the ultimate goal of the program of destruction. This silences the employee permanently, obscuring the agency’s role in their destruction. It is the perfect crime.

Should the employee still have the resolve to endure this program of career and personal destruction and continues to press for release of the information, or if his family members attempt to sue the agency for the illegal activity, classified agencies will invoke the secretive State Secrets Privilege, which orders the employee and his family not to reveal the information or face prison. If the family’s case reaches federal court, the State Secrets Privilege is invoked and the case is shut down – and sealed. Federal judges rubber stamp the censoring of the case without reviewing the case facts.

Now that the employee’s case, and in some cases their family’s case, is shut down and under seal, citing “national security,” the process of silencing the employee is complete. Many are never heard from again, fearing prison if they talk to anyone, including an attorney.

Using attractive awards of multi-million dollar contracts, the US government military industrial complex convinces private corporations that their employees must be cleared and sign secrecy agreements. This includes employees at all levels, from secretaries to CEOs. Once they have signed the secrecy agreement, they are bound to keep all information, including potentially illegal information, quiet, being threatened with the same penalties.

To date, over five million Americans have been required to sign this secrecy agreement and now fall under the shadow of the State Secrets Privilege.

Only a few federal employees have made it through this systematic process of destruction to reveal what they know about the illegal operation they observed. Sadly, some whistle blowers have died “mysterious” deaths or committed “suicide.”

Employees in intelligence agencies are aware of penalties contained in the secrecy agreement and the huge risk in violating it, even to expose corruption. Most look the other way to protect their careers, retirements and families. Many have observed the outward signs of the system of personal and career destruction used on others and a culture of fear exists. But, they are not fully aware of all that is being done. The full scope of the system is only known at the higher levels of the organization and is hidden from employees, until its use is necessary.

This is why we do not see whistle blowers coming out and reporting what they have seen. This system has been used and perfected for over fifty years. It is being used because it works.

It works, unless the system is exposed, the whistle blower knows what is coming and prepares for it, and they are supported by private organizations and individuals dedicated to truth in government.

This support is essential, not only to protect the whistle blower and their family, but also to defend our Constitutional form of government from tyranny.

Kevin Shipp: Former CIA Counter Terrorism, Counterintelligence and Staff Security Officer. Author, From the Company of Shadows - CIA operations/use of secrecy.
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Information Clearing House editorial policy.
Thank you all for sharing this session! I too was saddened to read about Trump giving in but with all that's continued to go on I had a suspicion that that's what had happened. I guess we'll see where it goes from here. :/
Data said:
You may have seen this illustration before, but this is allegedly the total volume of water on Earth if collected into a sphere. Looks like it is 'not much'.

And this is accurate because? :huh:
What caught my attention was in relation to the question about the recent spat of Naval mishaps; "Psychopathy takes it's toll." That prompted me to get back to reading chapter 5 of PP which Laura had suggested re-reading. That Lobaczewski was quite a find! He really lays out a framework from which to understand the current phenomenon as concerns the U.S. pretty much to a tee! Scary because the next phase is full blow Pathocracy which could easily unfold right after Trump, whenever that is. OSIT

Added: Thanks for the session!
genero81 said:
What caught my attention was in relation to the question about the recent spat of Naval mishaps; "Psychopathy takes it's toll." That prompted me to get back to reading chapter 5 of PP which Laura had suggested re-reading. That Lobaczewski was quite a find! He really lays out a framework from which to understand the current phenomenon as concerns the U.S. pretty much to a tee! Scary because the next phase is full blow Pathocracy which could easily unfold right after Trump, whenever that is. OSIT

Added: Thanks for the session!

For those not familiar "PP" is Political Ponerology: A Science of Evil Applied for Political Purposes.

I hate unfamiliar acronyms. FWIW (For what it's worth). ;)

But I think you are right genero81.
goyacobol said:
genero81 said:
What caught my attention was in relation to the question about the recent spat of Naval mishaps; "Psychopathy takes it's toll." That prompted me to get back to reading chapter 5 of PP which Laura had suggested re-reading. That Lobaczewski was quite a find! He really lays out a framework from which to understand the current phenomenon as concerns the U.S. pretty much to a tee! Scary because the next phase is full blow Pathocracy which could easily unfold right after Trump, whenever that is. OSIT

Added: Thanks for the session!

For those not familiar "PP" is Political Ponerology: A Science of Evil Applied for Political Purposes.

I hate unfamiliar acronyms. FWIW (For what it's worth). ;)

But I think you are right genero81.

LOL, I actually did think about that but opted for the faster way. You're right, thanks for making that clear for others not familiar. I'll try not to be as lazy next time. ;)
Thank you for great session! :flowers:

The part with mirrors is very interesting to me too. Reminded me when I was reading about them from Feng Shui perspective.
In example:
Mirrors have been called the aspirin of Feng Shui” because they can be used to “cure” so many problems in a space - use them wisely.

Used as an expression of the Water Feng Shui element, the right placement of mirrors can really bring beneficial energy to specific areas of your home or office.

Because mirrors bring the energy of the water Feng Shui element, they are used as effective cures in the bagua areas that benefit the most from this Feng Shui element.

The next powerful Feng Shui use of mirrors is to draw a beneficial quality of energy (called Sheng Chi in Feng Shui) into any home or office. For example, a mirror placed in a way that reflects a beautiful view from the garden will draw this good Feng Shui energy into your space.


Best Feng Shui areas to have a mirror are:
- East (Health & Family)
- Southeast (Wealth & Abundance)
- North (Career & Path in Life)

Feng Shui areas to avoid placing a big mirror are:
- South (Fame & Reputation)
- directly facing the main door
- directly facing your bed
- above your bed
It is also not good Feng Shui to place your mirrors so that they directly reflect each other.

If you have little ones at home, try to have at least one full-length mirror where that they can see themselves fully (rather than have mirrors where they see just the chopped image of themselves). This will contribute to a higher self-esteem, as well as a stronger sense of inner security.
Data said:
You may have seen this illustration before, but this is allegedly the total volume of water on Earth if collected into a sphere. Looks like it is 'not much'.

That is undoubtedly ridiculous! Surely they only mean fresh water?

Quick, somebody calculate the volume of earth's water and the volume of Earth itself and put them side by side as cubes.
Laura said:
Data said:
You may have seen this illustration before, but this is allegedly the total volume of water on Earth if collected into a sphere. Looks like it is 'not much'.

That is undoubtedly ridiculous! Surely they only mean fresh water?

Quick, somebody calculate the volume of earth's water and the volume of Earth itself and put them side by side as cubes.

It might be true... Here's what I found: said:
Earth's mass is 6.6 sextillion tons (5.9722 x 10^24 kilograms). It volume is about 260 billion cubic miles (1 trillion cubic kilometers). The total surface area of Earth is about 197 million square miles (510 million square km). About 71 percent is covered by water and 29 percent by land.

How much water is there on the earth? said:
Scientists calculate that the total mass of the oceans on Earth is 1.35 x 10^18 metric tonnes, which is 1/4400 the total mass of the Earth. In other words, while the oceans cover 71% of the Earth's surface, they only account for 0.02% of our planet's total mass. Dec 2, 2014

From wikipedia: said:
The total volume of water on Earth is estimated at 1.386 billion km³ (333 million cubic miles), with 97.5% being salt water and 2.5% being fresh water. Of the fresh water, only 0.3% is in liquid form on the surface.

Different sources, but if we focus on volume in billions of cubic kms, the entire earth's volume is 1000 billion km³ and the volume of all of the water on the earth is 1.386 billion km³ or 0.1386% of the total volume of the earth . I haven't been able to find a tool to generate a visual representation yet.
Foxx said:
Thanks everyone for the session! Sad to see that Trump caved to the deep state, but also not surprising. With the rate the US is deteriorating, it sounds like he could very well be the one going down with the ship.

Laura said:
(L) Was this the same event that left that gigantic scar on Mars? (I don’t know how anybody can look at that scar and not get the willies!)

I had to look up the Mars scar, so for reference I believe this is the one:


34 years in my lifetime and I never once acknowledged or seen this scar before.

thank you all for transcribing!
I found a graphic that I think roughly portrays the differences in volume. The attached graphic shows the volume of 1 Liter vs 1 mililiter (1cm³).

In my last post I figured that the volume of the earth's water is 1.386 billion km³ vs the total volume of the earth at 1000 billion km³. If we converted the entire volume of the earth to 1 Liter the volume of all the water would be 1.386 mL. So the small cube in the graphic is a little bit smaller than it should be.


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