Session 18 May 2019

Thanks everyone involved in this session, it was powerful in many ways. It left me with a deep feeling of motivation and inspiration.

Funny enough, for the past couple of weeks prior to this session I felt more present and clear minded.

The timeline merge event is just mind bending! Good to know that it was for good, and that Ark now has 2 favorite caps :-D

About ancestors, Family Constellations it's a very useful tool to be aware of behavioral patterns that we share with our ancestors - both, good and bad - work with them, having healthier relationships in general, and develop a more authentic identity.

My friend with whom I'm taking constellations also told me some time ago that we can indeed ask for blessings or help to the right ancestors, and that you do not need to know about them, you can pray to the ancestors of good life in general:

Dear Ancestors of Good Life... and then you add what you see fit.

Of course, non-anticipation applies here too! ;-D I really think that those kind of prayers have had a positive impact in my life.

A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality.


A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!

This last remarks reminded me of the importance of being aware of the 'theological drama', and paying attention to reality... and that of course includes our inner reality as our psyche is the 'battleground between the forces of good and evil' in higher densities.

Q: (T) Now wait a minute. I am losing the whole train here. What were we before the Fall?
A: 3rd density STO.
Q: (T) We were third density STO at this time. Was this after the battle that had transpired?
A: Was battle.
Q: (L) The battle was in us?
A: Through you.

Q: (T) Okay, we were STO at that point. You have said before that on this density we have the choice of being STS or STO.
A: Oh T, the battle is always there, it’s “when” you choose that counts!

These points in particular:

  • Avoid dissociating and feeding negative thought loops: dissociating is being in a fantasy and not paying attention to reality. If you dissociate, you have negative thoughts that lead to negative thought loops.
  • Share impressions and troubles: thoughts, worries, fears, etc. Not doing this “dramatically changes the inner landscape and can even shut down the receptors so that you are more subject to STS manipulation of thoughts and feelings via mechanical means.”
  • Conserve energy and not feeding STS dynamics: STS uses many tricks and traps to suck people into negative dynamics so that they become food. When you become food, you're feeding the STS side and empowering it against not only your own best interests, but also against the best interests of STO itself. We have to be careful not to fall into the pity trap, they’ll try to make us feel guilty or sorry for them, and that makes us food. At the same time you're feeding your own ego because you feel like a savior or needed or like you'll get something. It's that dynamic of the feminine vampire.
    • We need to have the right feelings towards the right person in the right context.

Reminded me of this session:

Q: (T) Who talks to me when I am having conversations with myself in my head?
A: You.
Q: (L) Am I talking to other beings?
A: Have.
Q: (T) Can you tell me who they are?
A: Lizards.
Q: (T) Why are they talking to me?
A: Trying to convert you. Remember, T, your chronic depression represents a “battle” zone.
Q: (T) I no longer am depressed and they are talking to me more.
A: Watch out!
Q: (T) Can I turn them off?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Who is “Sing”?
A: Leader of forces assigned to influence you.
Q: (T) Forces, as in many are assigned to me personally?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) How many are in this force?
A: Seven.
Q: (T) Do they do this because of the implants that are in me?
A: All part of process.
Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them?
A: Not control, influence.
Q: (T) No, not to control, influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I’m angry for a short time but then I’m angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do?
A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?
A: Not necessary.
Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?
A: Now you are “fighting fire with fire.”
Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?
A: Open. But what does phrase imply?
Q: (L) What they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back.
A: Bingo.
Q: (T) What I am getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that back to them? Is that a possibility?
A: Why? How effective is a light socket without a plug in it? How effective is a motor that is never turned on? Implants are ineffective if not used.
Q: (J) The power source has to be on for the implant to work for them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and emotions. (T) But I am still a third density being. I have all the emotions of a third density being, the whole gamut, and that is part of what makes me a third density being. Therefore I can’t turn one emotion off without upsetting the balance of the other emotions, emotions are almost an analogy to the light and the dark.
A: No. If you choose, you may have only positive emotions.
Q: (T) Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to have and I’d like to have that, what does that do to the sensor equipment of the Lizzies?
A: Cancels them.
Q: (T) So they are tuned to negative frequencies?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do?
A: Go elsewhere.
Q: (L) Be aware, though, that when you first start turning this off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go away.
A: Exactly.
Q: (L) So, when you first get a clue and you start getting a grip on your emotions and dealing with everything that happens to you with acceptance and knowledge that all is a manifestation of your own creation and for your ultimate good, for a period of time they may try ten times harder to get you back as a food source, but then once they realize they can’t, then they do finally let loose?
A: You and Frank are experiencing this right now.
Q: (L) This is true. (F) We have both been under massive attack. Just doing this work has been a struggle to keep at it with everything coming from every direction. (L) The hardest has been to stay in a frame of mind to do it.
Q: (T) Is the attack I have been under the past few months the first assault?
A: Yes. Only first assault.
Q: (T) So, the more positive I become, the more they are going to continue trying, and I am assuming that because you said I have seven beings of some kind assigned to me, that they find something interesting in me that they want to keep?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Should it make me happy that they think I am important enough to have seven beings assigned to me personally? Should I take that as a compliment?
A: No.
Q: (J) Is T’s level of negativity what makes him attractive to them? His capability for strong negativity?
A: Vice versa.
Q: (J) Please explain. What makes him attractive to them?
A: Not attractive, a threat.
Q: (L) I think there are a lot of people they start working on very early in life because they do like a scan and determine that a person has potential for great light so they start working on them when they are young and defenseless to try and take them out of the game, so to speak. (F) Not only great good, but also potential for knowledge. (L) Is this the case here?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It isn’t your potential for negativity; it is your potential for good. (F) Right. If you look around you then you will see the mainstream of society, and they just seem to move through life and enjoy wallowing in materiality, these people don’t seem to suffer as much. (L) There seems to be two classes of people the Lizzies like to go after, extremely weak ones and those they haul off and eat or experiment on; and those who have potential strength and positivity. (F) The people they don’t attack are those who they already have and they don’t have to work on them. If you have the potential to rise above the Service-to-Self orientation, then you are a threat. (T) Okay. Where were we? Just by being positive will shut off the Lizzies desire to mess with me?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) That’s all there is to it? But the implants will still be there?
A: So what?
Q: (T) Do the implants do anything besides transmit the frequency?
A: No.
Q: (T) And, as long as I am being negative it is transmitting and they can track me that way?
A: Close.
Q: (T) If I shut them off by being positive, they can’t track me any longer?
A: Can track but not influence.
Q: (T) I am not buying into the victim line. (L) The major point here is that knowledge breeds awareness which gives you the ability to detect it when they try to influence you in very subtle ways so that you can begin to control your mind and resist early on and that is the key.
A: Close enough.

The books about the Criminal Mind, Healing Developmental Trauma, and inteligent design are quite useful to increase awareness and develop the ability to detect any influence that condition your behavior, internal or external... But well, sharing is also very important, that's something that I need to do more often here.

I don't know if it's even necessary or useful in the forum, but what about having a thread for sharing thoughts? Like a Thought Log that helps us share not situations or dynamics in general, but simple thoughts? Then we can recognize individual thought patterns (similar to what Yochelson and Samenow did), and even group thought patterns. For this last, we could even be able to recognize something like the "wetiko virus" or "beaming" when the thoughts are similar and recurrent between some of us... Just an idea.
Auriez vous un lien pour "prophétie Celestine décrit la situation de 4D" ?... Merci d'avance...

Would you have a link for "Celestine prophecy describes the situation of 4D"?.... Thank you in advance....

Bonjour Perlou,
en français le livre s'appelle "La prophétie des Andes" de James Redfield.

Et il y a aussi un film qui a été fait sur ce livre "La prophétie de Célestine". J'ai adoré voir ce film et m'a permis dans le passé de mieux comprendre le principe de l'énergie! Ceux qui donne et ceux qui la prend.
Voici un lien où tu pourras voir le film au complet publier sur Facebook!
La prophétie de Célestine
Bonne journée (du Québec)

Auriez vous un lien pour "prophétie Celestine décrit la situation de 4D" ?... Merci d'avance...

Would you have a link for "Celestine prophecy describes the situation of 4D"?.... Thank you in advance....

Hi Perlou,
in French the book is called "La prophétie des Andes" by James Redfield.

And there is also a film that was made about this book "Celestine's Prophecy". I loved watching this film and in the past I have been able to better understand the principle of energy! Those who give and those who take it.
Here is a link where you can see the entire movie published on Vimeo!
The Celestine Prophecy
Have a good day (from Québec)
Colinear wave reading consciousness unit is probably the closest but I included some others.

Thank you. I think a search on densities would get closer. What I had in mind was along the lines of when the C's said. "Density refers to conscious awareness only. When one becomes aware, all conforms to that awareness."
Thank you. I think a search on densities would get closer. What I had in mind was along the lines of when the C's said. "Density refers to conscious awareness only. When one becomes aware, all conforms to that awareness."

I think this is the session possibly.

Session 29 June 1996:
Q: (L) Are there equal amounts of matter and antimatter at all densities?

A: Yes. Remember, density refers to one's conscious awareness only. Once one is aware, all [many spirals of the planchette] conforms to that awareness.
I remembered this exchange which is quite pertinent:

Q: (L) Well, I guess we can try asking some questions. Let me see the list. Hold everything! Pause! {Stops to read over list of questions.} Ok, I have a series of questions that have been written out here. The first one is; why have we all been feeling so inflamed/low on energy/depressed/irritable for the last two weeks?

A: Cosmic changes in process. Each person experiences this differently according to genetics and environment. Recall previous sufferings preparatory to DNA boosts? All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.

Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with our super-moon dance?

A: Indeed. And recall that the universe is about balance. After each period of suffering there is always joy.

Q: (Burma Jones) What do they mean by “psychic hygiene”?

A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on

Q: (Ark) So, uh, I will tell a story about this “using all your senses”. A few days ago, I went out and I almost had an accident. I was driving on the interior peripherique - on the lane that was closest to the middle. There are three lanes. There was a guy behind me who was very unhappy that I was driving only 90kmh. He was swaying from left to right, trying to get past me and I could see it in the rear-view mirror. I looked to the right and realized I cannot do anything, because there was a car. I could see it.

So, I stayed. After about two minutes, you know, the one behind me again starts to act impatient behind me. But then, I look in the mirror again and the car to the right is gone. So I figure he must have moved somewhere else. Then I started to do {Ark makes descriptive hand gestures showing his driving maneuver} – only the car was there exactly in the right angle [to be in the blind spot.] But, uh, he was a young guy and he was fast. He steps on the brakes – and nothing happened, you see? I usually do not do such things. I was thinking very fast and that he must be gone, but I was not 100% sure. So, I should have waited until I was 100% sure. So, of course nothing happened, he just got upset.

A: We have more in mind. Take care with interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well that’s kinda like creating your own reality, isn’t it?

A: Not what we mean… Keep your guard up and do not allow negative energies to slip by… such as believing lies… listening to negative music while thinking it is positive…watching negative movies and thinking it is negligible. It is extremely important to not lie to the self. One can listen or watch many things as long as the truth of the orientation is known, acknowledged, and understood. Clear?

Q: (L) So, in other words: awareness. Calling a spade a spade and not allowing something negative to enter you and believing it is positive. You can see it, perceive it and acknowledge it but not allow it to influence you. Because obviously, you cannot shut off your perceptions of the world, but you can control how it affects you. So, don’t let it inside, thinking it’s something that it’s not.

(Belibaste) So, see it as it is. If it is negative, see it as negative.

(L) Yeah, and they’re saying to focus on truth in order for changes to manifest in you that are positive. That is, “positive” can mean acknowledging that something is negative because it is truth.

Q: (Galatea) Choose the seeds you wish to water.

(L) Is that basically what we’re talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say that everybody needs a panoramic retro-mirror.

A: Yes

The part of the session above has stayed with me throughout the years though I didn’t realize it was from a session as far back as 2011. It seems to tie in really well with the current session, thanks for sharing the link. It brings to mind this part of the current session:

(Pierre) And this discussion suggests that for a long time we talked about how important to see reality as it is. But from this exchange, it suggests to me that beyond the thoughts, very important is also to have the right feelings towards the right person in the right context. Is that right?

A: Yes.

As an aside, I also found it interesting that the 2011 session excerpt above mentions ‘choose the seeds you wish to water’ as this very topic is brought up in the current session, with reference to ‘what you sow, you reap.’
Jones et Sylvia, un grand merci pour vos liens, je vais regarder le film en Français et j'ai trouvé sur Amazon France "
La prophétie des Andes - L'intégrale des romans de James Redfield par James Redfield".
Je voulais aussi signaler que cette nuit je n'ai pas entendu de coups "boum" mais l'aboiement d'un chien... C'est nouveau et cela ne venait pas de dehors... J'ai pensé que c'était peut-être une fusion avec la réalité d'un autre moi quelque part... Juste une idée...
Merci aussi à tous les autres pour leurs partages...

Jones and Sylvia, a big thank you for your links, I will watch the movie in French and I found on Amazon France ".
The Prophecy of the Andes - The Complete Novels of James Redfield by James Redfield".
I also wanted to point out that last night I didn't hear any "boom" blows but the barking of a dog... It's new and it didn't come from outside.... I thought maybe it was a fusion with the reality of another me somewhere.... Just an idea....

Translated with
Jones et Sylvia, un grand merci pour vos liens, je vais regarder le film en Français et j'ai trouvé sur Amazon France "
La prophétie des Andes - L'intégrale des romans de James Redfield par James Redfield".
Je voulais aussi signaler que cette nuit je n'ai pas entendu de coups "boum" mais l'aboiement d'un chien... C'est nouveau et cela ne venait pas de dehors... J'ai pensé que c'était peut-être une fusion avec la réalité d'un autre moi quelque part... Juste une idée...
Merci aussi à tous les autres pour leurs partages...

Jones and Sylvia, a big thank you for your links, I will watch the movie in French and I found on Amazon France ".
The Prophecy of the Andes - The Complete Novels of James Redfield by James Redfield".
I also wanted to point out that last night I didn't hear any "boom" blows but the barking of a dog... It's new and it didn't come from outside.... I thought maybe it was a fusion with the reality of another me somewhere.... Just an idea....

Translated with


Just to network. I heard what sounded like dogs barking from my deck at about 1:50 Am from our deck yesterday. It sounded like a dog in pain with an almost human quality. Then I heard other dogs barking and maybe human voices mixed in. May have just been ordinary dogs but our residential neighborhood is fairly quiet and that's the first time any group of dogs have ever made noise. The painful sound got my attention and there were quiet pauses between maybe three episodes within about 5-7 minutes. Kind of a "new" and strange incident.
Merci encore pour le lien du film que je viens de voir, il me semble que je l'avais déjà vu mais que je n'avais pas la connaissance, et la compréhension de LAURA, je peux vous dire que mes larmes ont coulées...
STEVE, cet aboiement d'un chien n'était pas douloureux, c'était juste un jappement et une seule fois... Merci de ton partage...

Thank you again for the link of the film I just saw, it seems to me that I had already seen it but that I did not have the knowledge, and understand LAURA, I can tell you that my tears have flowed...
STEVE, that bark of a dog was not painful, it was just a bark and only once... Thank you for sharing....
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I became aware of another potentially related puzzling event today. In 2006, I lost an amethyst earring while living in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. It was a silly loss, I just dropped it and it went down the water sink in the bathroom. I was unable to recover it. They were just simple little spheres, like pearls, and they were among my favorite earrings, so I kept the uneven one. Years go by and I went on amazon and bought another pair. The earrings were not as described, because when they arrived, they were white amethysts and not purple. I left it at that, thinking that maybe one day I'll come across another pair in a street market or something with the right color as a replacement to the lost one. I didn't insist in finding another pair online because I thought that was "forcing to recover a permanent loss".

Many years go by and the time of the Cassiopaean Crystals came. A few months or a year after I received my set, I decided to pile up all my precious stones jewels that I have received as gifts throughout the years and clear their charge, re-charging them with the same prayers and song that came with the Cs Crystals. Since then, I have prayed and sang to them (+ my Cs Crystals) on a regular basis, barely missing a week or two at a time. I always leave the precious stones jewels in a bronze bowl covered by the photos of my grandfather and Putin, and last night I added my Cassiopaean Crystal Connection manual with the prayers and song on top of it. My Cs Crystals live by my night desk nearby with Laura's photo, and I lay each one on top of a Reiki symbol. Last weekend I took all my jewels plus my Cs crystals to a visit to FOTCM France, not wanting to leave them behind because a stranger was going to work in my room while I was away to fix the ceiling which was leaking water due to damage. I left behind only the home crystal.

Sometimes I get all the precious stones out and re-arrange them and I've always recalled the amethyst earring single and uneven, missing its pair, as it has since 2006. I did that perhaps one month ago or two. But today, as I was singing to my crystals, I stopped mid way of my singing, noticing that they're paired again?! One is slightly bigger, but it matches the color. Where did it came from? Uh? I'm genuinely puzzled or must be too tired and busy to keep up with the details of our daily reality!

I keep track of jewels fairly well as it has been always traditionally symbolical if something happens to them, e.g. break one or lose one in chaotic days or great emotional upheaval times. Last time an earring fell from my ear for seemingly no good reason, was on the day of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.

Despite my careful track of everything, I don't discard a common explanation for this one, although I can't think of one right now. Either or, now I have a complete pair of purple amethysts' sphere earrings.

If I come across in my memory banks of a day when I bought one uneven amethyst earring in a market, I'll let you guys know.


I became aware of another potentially related puzzling event today. In 2006, I lost an amethyst earring while living in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. It was a silly loss, I just dropped it and it went down the water sink in the bathroom. I was unable to recover it. They were just simple little spheres, like pearls, and they were among my favorite earrings, so I kept the uneven one. Years go by and I went on amazon and bought another pair. The earrings were not as described, because when they arrived, they were white amethysts and not purple. I left it at that, thinking that maybe one day I'll come across another pair in a street market or something with the right color as a replacement to the lost one. I didn't insist in finding another pair online because I thought that was "forcing to recover a permanent loss".

Many years go by and the time of the Cassiopaean Crystals came. A few months or a year after I received my set, I decided to pile up all my precious stones jewels that I have received as gifts throughout the years and clear their charge, re-charging them with the same prayers and song that came with the Cs Crystals. Since then, I have prayed and sang to them (+ my Cs Crystals) on a regular basis, barely missing a week or two at a time. I always leave the precious stones jewels in a bronze bowl covered by the photos of my grandfather and Putin, and last night I added my Cassiopaean Crystal Connection manual with the prayers and song on top of it. My Cs Crystals live by my night desk nearby with Laura's photo, and I lay each one on top of a Reiki symbol. Last weekend I took all my jewels plus my Cs crystals to a visit to FOTCM France, not wanting to leave them behind because a stranger was going to work in my room while I was away to fix the ceiling which was leaking water due to damage. I left behind only the home crystal.

Sometimes I get all the precious stones out and re-arrange them and I've always recalled the amethyst earring single and uneven, missing its pair, as it has since 2006. I did that perhaps one month ago or two. But today, as I was singing to my crystals, I stopped mid way of my singing, noticing that they're paired again?! One is slightly bigger, but it matches the color. Where did it came from? Uh? I'm genuinely puzzled or must be too tired and busy to keep up with the details of our daily reality!

I keep track of jewels fairly well as it has been always traditionally symbolical if something happens to them, e.g. break one or lose one in chaotic days or great emotional upheaval times. Last time an earring fell from my ear for seemingly no good reason, was on the day of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.

Despite my careful track of everything, I don't discard a common explanation for this one, although I can't think of one right now. Either or, now I have a complete pair of purple amethysts' sphere earrings.

If I come across in my memory banks of a day when I bought one uneven amethyst earring in a market, I'll let you guys know.


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Uf, this is something Gaby. I am astounded.
So thinking about a few points
- Us being "wave-reading consciousness units"
- What Scottie wrote about our Reality Structure
- The references to the Poltergeist session talking about subconsciously decoding information and using the vacuum somehow
- Pierre's experiments with Coral Castle-like gravity alteration referred to as subconscious decoding
- The idea that our proteins have "antennae" and we have "receivership capability"

All this seems to connect (sorry for stating the obvious lol). It just seems like Scottie's idea makes more and more sense in context of all of the above, at least in my head. So if we open up a wider channel to whatever we are always connected to (cosmic information field, whatever), which means increasing our receivership capability and decoding capability, is what probably would change our "reality structure", and in many ways, our reality. And since we're "wave-reading", well, our own wi-fi works by transmitting information using waves also, so maybe this is just the way information "flows" in general. The C's have always stressed that the best way to define 4D is as a level of awareness, that's the key. But it also seems to be a "place" in the sense that 4D beings can show up in 3D, can take humans up to 4D, etc. But being there doesn't make you a "4d being", so without the awareness, you can't do anything there anyway. And awareness of what? Probably the information that we're unable to receive and decode in our current state.

So I guess what I'm saying is maybe graduating from 3D isn't exactly like "hey you learned all your 3D lessons, here's a diploma, welcome to 4D" as some arbitrary transition point. Maybe it's this gradual increasing of receivership capability and wave-reading and decoding capability which step-by-step gets you into 4D level of awareness naturally. Going along with Scottie's analogy that our connection is a dial-up and 4D is fiber, if you bring a bunch of dialups together, you can match the speed of fiber right? So this is why you'd need a collinear network - together you can be like a single 4D being, and because of that increased connection as a group (and that could ONLY work as a truly collinear group, otherwise it's just a bunch of separated dialups), you can accomplish miraculous things together as a unit, tapping into that fiber power you created by linking up properly. And when you witness those miraculous group capabilities, your personal reality structure is affected as well, and your personal bandwidth is increased!

So anyway, maybe that's another reason that networking and collinearity is so important - it's not just cooperation and many hands working together, which is of course a major reason, but possibly it literally enables decoding/receiving information in such a way that our individual belief centers (reality structures) currently prevent, and when we witness this unified capability, we have no choice but to change what we believe to be possible, growing our individual receivership capability, which in turn, impacts the entire group, and of course creates even crazier possibilities at the group and individual level. Anyway, just some thoughts.
Addendum: The C's have described "The Wave" as "Realm Border Crossing Wave" and when asked about that, they said what is the root of realm? Reality. So if we take that further and say, what is reality? Things that are real. What is real? Well, whatever your deep assumptions/beliefs restrict you to. And they have said "it is fun to see how much you can access". So it's all a matter of access/receivership. And why do the C's hang around as a "unified thought form"? Why would 6D beings need to unify, again, beyond the obvious benefits of unification? Probably the same reason as why we need to do it - receivership capability, "access" is increased when multiple beings combine into a singular super-being. Even though from our perspective each 6D being is already a superbeing, but given that there is no limit, why should they not utilize the same approach of enhancing capability/awareness as we do? RA spoke of "social memory complex", and so on.

I just wanted to kinda throw all those concepts into a pot, because I think they all connect, and while the motto of the C's is "knowledge protects", as Scottie said, there is probably a deeper level to that - your reality structure changes, which inherently protects. But on top of that, I'd also add, being properly networked and unified with others is itself a great protection, because of greater knowledge shared in the network, and greater "group receivership capability" which is always going to be greater than any individual. The protection trickles down, I guess in the same way that our individual cells make up a completed human, which is composed of many proteins and their antennae, and because they're combined into a single "greater organism", they survive and serve a much more profound function than they would individually, and the level of information a human can decode/receive is far beyond what an individual cell can do. But because they're part of the greater organism, that same organism can intelligently guide individual cells into actions that enhance their individual capabilities - like repairing a "body part", which wouldn't even be a concept if the larger organism didn't exist as such.

In retrospect all this seems kinda obvious, but somehow my brain never really connected it all like this, so throwing it out there.
May have just been ordinary dogs but our residential neighborhood is fairly quiet and that's the first time any group of dogs have ever made noise.
It could be quite ordinary dogs being rattled by something extraordinary. I think many weird things are happening that we don't notice, but dogs have different senses, so they might react to stuff that we miss.

Why would 6D beings need to unify, again, beyond the obvious benefits of unification?
I think in their case it may not be a 'need' as much as a natural result of being so much in sync that there's really no other way.
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