Session 18 May 2019

FWIW, I'm currently reading a book called 'When Ghosts Speak - Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits' by Mary Ann Winkowski that you might find helpful. What you wrote above about your grandfather reminded of what I'd read yesterday in Chapter 4 titled 'Why Some Souls Stay Behind.' In the chapter, the author goes over a few of the most common reasons spirits remain earthbound. One example is 'Attachments to Places or Things' and another 'Fear of Judgement or Punishment.' I almost didn't purchase this book when I was at the bookstore several weeks ago but I'm glad I did. Prefer to keep an open mind on the topic.

'Fear of Judgement or Punishment' looks like it could apply to BrendaH's grandfather, given the seeking of a cure in other religions. He might be afraid of judgement and punishment from an angered God that he might think he betrayed.
Ok, all is fine. I just thought I heard noises, that's all. But I was still in adrenaline mode.
I just thought I heard noises, that's all. But I DID hear noises. I specifically heard the lock being messed with.
Maybe it has to do with the "hyperkinetic sensate" the Cs talked in a session about transition 3 to 4 D ?
I'm so confused about all what I read about timeline merging, other densities, it's so difficult to get out years of cartesian conditionning.
The first time I read the Wave serie, it was as though I read a science-fiction book!! It was so incredible and far from my everyday life. I then took conscious that I'm very ignorant, that I was in a rosy world (monde de bisounours, I mean but don't know how to say it in english).

And now, reading this thread makes me feel it closer. I'm thankfull to you all for this knowledge. Without it, I would be crushed.
Since many days, I feel very uncomfortable, I can't figure out what.
Amazing session filled with joy! Thank you so much. This is a list more to be desired than gold.

The one that I retained most concerns the importance of sharing thoughts, impressions, worries, fears, etc.
A big one indeed, yet we are many being reluctant to do so. It is an ongoing process that takes more or less time depending on the person, but the flavor of certain posts shows more and more opening, or so is my impression. On the forum, I've always been concerned by making noise, and being too self-centered, and all kind of other inner narratives that prevented me from sharing and growing. It is getting easier finally, and I know I have much to share if I want to progress. And I really do.
Some posts are really brave, I admire it as it encourages us all to open up.
Repetition is a good thing.

We sure hope to see more people joining FOTCM and scheduling stays either here or at the NC facility, or both!!! We would like to meet everyone!!!

Here is a thought I've been reluctant to share. I'll do my best to meet the requirements needed to join the FOTCM, to finally be able to meet you and participate in FOTCM projects. I'm worried I'll never make it, and I am not sure how to reach that level. Anyway, I'll persist.

The two caps, that's incredible. Funny that we were trying to figure out the movie Mirage recently. It boggles the mind.
I had a dream a bit prior to the session, I was in a classroom full of strangers and each person were given a unique sheet of paper with a very specific symbol painted in black that was supposed to represent their unicity. Each were beautiful, and I was really curious to know mine. When the teacher came to me, I had two! I was the only one to receive two, it was strange. It represented two symmetric parts of a sort of leaf, and when joined together, multiple colors filled the blanks inside to form a unique, colorful and beautiful leaf.

Hard not to think about it when reading the session.

Thanks again for the strength you provide us with. Looking forward to this morning routine and other projects.
BrendaH, I looked up your reading and my general impression is that it could be seen as reflecting pretty much what you described about the situation of your grandfather. His is returning to 5D but he is struggling to complete the process. Line 2 seems to imply that he is indeed returning to rest but that there might still be something he needs to correct before proceeding. Line 4 that help from others is good but that it is ultimately his journey to complete. And line 6 that there is still danger of something going not so well IF he makes the wrong choice, perhaps not letting go of something in this world, which according to your account might be related to his trying to "force" himself into health to the point of uncharacteristically seeking a cure in other religions and not yet accepting what has happened to him. So, perhaps continue to reassure him and try to communicate about acceptance of his ill health?

And at your end, I would read it as know that it is good that you are helping him but that ultimately you are not the one responsible for his journey, only he is.

Please take this with all the grains of salt possible, I'm trying to help but I might be overreaching.

Thank you, it helps! ☺
Such an inspiring session, thanks! It’s message came at a synchronistic time as I had been thinking about implementing an update on the list provided here. I’m now considering what “future self” I’d like to see. Improvement in my diet are required (an ongoing issue) and picking up my yoga practice again are a must. The 2 hats! Isn’t that Interesting! I love these little bizarre twists in our standard reality bubble, really makes me think!
I also need to work on sharing more. I wondered recently, if Trump being elected was a substantial, positive timeline shift as “the bad guys” are being exposed in the USA, and possibly a crack in their plans.My best to all. It’s a glorious spring here after the record breaking snow this winter :-)
This session was a gift of amazing grace! Thank you so much for your service to bring this into our reality.

The timing and information given spoke directly to me and relates directly to the events and situations in my life right now. What is even more amazing is these events began around the same time as the second cap appearing, the closure of Laura's family situation, and timeline merger. I will write more details in another thread but in summary I am in the process of being released from an unhealthy, draining, and now physically violent and dangerous marriage to a narcissist. It is a fluid situation but the narcissist is out of my home but not out of my life yet. In the short time we have been separated I can feel my energy, sanity, and assertiveness returning with a newfound sense of freedom to be.

Thank you so much BrendaH for compiling the list of steps/actions!

From reading other member's comments it seems an important aspect of this timeline merger is the release from draining relationships and situations. One must hope this is an important action to help us achieve full tribal strength to endure and help save others during these times of increasing chaos.
Laura, have you heard of the "mandela effect"? It's a kind of phenomenon that has been more and more noticed, and it is speculated to be related with the merging of parallel timelines. It's REALLY creepy! Lots of the alleged mandela effect cases nowadays are just people with bad memory wanting some attention, but there are legit cases if one digs deep enough, for sure. The phenomenon is real.
(L) It's to survive and serve others!


Great Session, Thank you for sharing.

I have been working quite a bit on logo's and slogans at the moment and it came to me that "Survive and Serve Others" would make a good slogon.

In most places of survival there is a common saying that is often repeated, "Survive and Prosper" - as in, follow us, read us and we will teach you not just how to survive but to prosper in these rapidly changing times.

"Survive and Serve" would be quite unusual in that realm and I think people would instinctively know that it means a similar thing but the "Serve" part would evoke curiosity.

I don't know but I like it! AND I would buy the TShirt too! :)
Timeline merge weirdness:

I must be mistaken, but I definitely purchased lots of meat and marrow bones on Thursday with my new debit card - activated in May - that has the new paypass chip. At the store I just howered this card over the counter, until we heard the "peeeeek" sound. I processed & put the meat into the fridge, checked the meat in the fridge just now: its there.

I'm authorizing a different payment right now and of course checking the balance: on this card's transaction history the meat purchase amount should have showed up immediately on Thursday as locked amount. Its not there. There is nothing in the history! The last purchase shows a little amount on Tuesday. Since there, its nothing.. Since Tuesday my balance didn't change. They have always locked all purchases without exception!!
On their E-bank login page there is the usual notice: They say they are doing their usual maintenance work from Friday till the end of weekend.

So, I'm looking forward to do similarly bountiful PayPass purchases with this card in the future! :lol:
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It has been mentioned in other times, someone made an effort so that the image of Notre Dame´s fire were compared with that image that has been in the collective unconscious: the fall of the WTC.


Related to the above is that strange temporary mix up on Youtube linking the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral to 9/11:

YouTube videos tracking the Notre-Dame Cathedral fire mistakenly showed some viewers information about the September 11 terror attacks

I'd originally read about the mix up in the Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris thread and I remember it being the first thing that came to mind after reading the part in the session about the fire at Notre Dame.
Timelines merge question:
Is there a possibility that a bone - teeth, pelvis piece or a finger digit, etc.. - was removed many years ago because of medical necessity and now as a result of merging timelines it is detected - one way or another - that that bone is back?
Then, when it was time for bed, I thought, "Ya know, I'm gonna get up early and do Qigong."

A few notes: "Qigong" is not actually Qigong. It's something that Ark and Chu formulated, and have been doing for about 1 year. It's a combo of Qigong, yoga, 5 Tibetan Arky Exercises, stretches, and some normal exercises for building strength. They do it every day first thing in the morning.
Hello Scottie, I have traditionally been a night person, and this sparked my interest. Could you please put out a video of this exercise regimen so that we can visualise the exercises. I'm in my 70's so might not need it to be too energetic.
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