Session 18 May 2019

Thank you to Laura and Ark and the entire group for the session and all the inspiration everyone has provided over these many years.
I wanted to add a comment on the timeline merge two hats event. I was wondering if it would be possible to ask a little more about what a timeline merge is. It seems to me that a timeline merge could also be like Laura and Ark meeting. If they had never crossed paths, had never met, each of their own timelines perse would be entirely different. It is highly probable that none of this here would even exist. It seems to me that the concept could be much broader than just Ark merging with some other timeline of himself.

As far as the two hats. The first couple of things that enter my mind are 'old makes new again' and 'thinking cap'. Perhaps Ark may soon need two thinking caps.
I would think that the two timelines only had minor differences e.g. the hats are almost perfectly identical. If there were major differences between the timelines then the shift in reality for the participants would have been much more dramatic. This is just speculation on my part, however.
I would think that the two timelines only had minor differences e.g. the hats are almost perfectly identical. If there were major differences between the timelines then the shift in reality for the participants would have been much more dramatic. This is just speculation on my part, however.

Yeah, I wonder how often something like this happens, but the signs are so subtle that they are more easily missed or explained away?
I want to help all i can. how can i help?

Good question, Sodajaxon. I think that this forum offers a great opportunity for helping by participating and sharing.

-There are always threads popping up from members asking questions about problems they are facing.
-By sharing our own problems/struggles, we encourage each other and we all learn together.
-There are always discussions on health, political, philosophical, psychological etc subjects, where our unique perspectives aid in enriching each other and expand our awareness.
-Posting SOTT articles on social media is another way to plant some truth seeds into the minds of people of our social circle.
-Above all, applying in our lives all we learn here, so that we ourselves become "the change we want to see in the world".

Just a few ideas...
Thank you a lot for this session, I read it yesterday and pass a weird night. The guilt thing is really something horrendous, I had a blighted ovum and a vanishing twin that left me with an over plaguing guilt which is really hard to let go, and which is currently making me fall asleep/stagnating easily and distraught about the future. I have no job, I use the incousciously/consciously guilt to justify myself to not move through life, staying home with my parents hoping to heal before doing and now that a "normal life" based on the past I know seems to be a no-go, I really need courageousness to get through it, or it feels like a terrible future is going to happen.

For the ancestor part, during meditation after seeking about my ancestry I felt a connection in the belly with a supposed Cathare woman, really strange, then after some time I felt in mid sleep an angel coming from above and showing me a healing in my gut. It is said that one part of the ancestors tree has exploited the other part, I have middle-age lords of Verona (the Scaliger, a powerful family that manipulated to get to the top) on one branch and farmers and peasants on the other, unfortunately informations and details is easier to have from the bad one.

Thank you again for this session, it seems things are really going fast, and I hope we can all sing together for the earth.
-Posting SOTT articles on social media is another way to plant some truth seeds into the minds of people of our social circle.
Some articles. Some are trying to justify killing civilians and ethnic cleansing or to hide the true about it. This is a problem to consider, because I think it's not that small one for this type of project. Some mistakes are part of the growth and learning process that is not over, of misunderstanding and confusion. Because no one on Earth is perfect. But some mistakes are unusually obnoxious and rough, at least from my point of view.
Someone will say, "What does he want, everything is great, perfect. La la land." I attended several religious groups, sects, and all tend to be so "pink." It looks nice, everyone is trying to feel good and to smile. This could be a trap because then development ceases if there is no effort, turbulence, challenge. Everyone already knows: each level and attitude has its own traps and tests. Coloring eyes in pink could be one.
Surely it is not perfect, there is room for improvement. And everybody knows that because it's logical, just needs to admit it.
And we live in this world, we are not in an isolated balloon, and this world is full of lies and illusions, and some person, well-intentioned or malicious, can spread lies about something. There is nothing that gives full knowledge, nothing to just swallow, not even SOTT. Similar is the error of Adam and Eve with the tree of life.

Q: (L) Who was that god who ordered them not to eat of this tree?
A: Complicated. Laura you are missing the obvious.
Q: (L) In what sense would the fruit of the tree of life be limiting?
A: Believing that one source contains all knowledge is contradicting reality.
Q: (L) What was the flaming sword barring re-entry to Eden?
A: Do you not understand?
Q: (L) No I do not understand.
A: Review. If the concept was the eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge provides all knowledge, then one is being deceived, because no one particular source can provide all knowledge. Therefore, when one believes in the deception, one has now trapped oneself within parameters. And, forevermore, the human race, will be poisoned by the very same problem which is reflected in several different ways: one is always seeking the truth through one pathway instead of seeking it through a myriad of pathways; and also believing in simplistic answers to very complex issues and questions.

Surely you know attacking SOTT is not going to be taken lightly here on the forum. You are surely entitled to your own opinions and views but you really need to be specific in your criticism with some real examples to support those views.

I have seen some articles trying to wash off the crimes of some Serbs (as Ratko Mladić) and this is part of the black and white worldview: if US, Croatia, NATO are put in the "bad guys", and the Serbs and Russians in the "good guys" team, then the reality is distorted accordingly. But reality is not that simple.
Another factor is impact of Russian-Serbian propaganda on SOTT (SOTT has weak spot on it by putting Russia and the company into good guys).

Which specific articles are you talking about?

Some articles. Some are trying to justify killing civilians and ethnic cleansing or to hide the true about it. This is a problem to consider, because I think it's not that small one for this type of project. Some mistakes are part of the growth and learning process that is not over, of misunderstanding and confusion. Because no one on Earth is perfect. But some mistakes are unusually obnoxious and rough, at least from my point of view.

Again you are not being specific.

As for one specific SOTT article on Serbia that does not exactly favor Serbia I just picked one.

Serbia elects first ever female PM (and she's also gay, and has CIA ties)

How does linking the Serbian PM with the CIA look like calling them the good guys or having black and white thinking?

Without being specific there is not much room for discussion.
I also think that prayer can make sense in the context of timelines. Praying for help for someone to get better. Praying for yourself and your family. Communication / attracting "a future" that is being prayed for. But I guess that sounds too much like "manifesting" or "create your own reality".

Anyway, I though I had more to share before lunch. Probably should have written it down or posted it on the forum before I headed out. Reading back on what I just wrote I thought there would be something more defined. I probably got side-tracked with the personal sharing bit (not that I'm regretting it!) but maybe a bit off topic. Could probably have started that in its own thread in a different section of the forum.


Thanks, for sharing those thoughts. I don't think it has to be "New Agey" to "create your own reality" as long as you first identify the reality in which you are now existing. I think you might benefit from getting some more information from one of the greatest teachers I know and that is Laura.

There is a great video where Laura explains how our choices determine our timelines and even which reality we want to move into:

Knowledge and Being Part 5 - Information Theory and Reality Creation - Part 1

It explains how our choices determine branching timelines and move us forward into a timeline with new possibilities.

Also, there are many other videos on different topics that could be of interest too on Cassiopaea.Org.

Thanks, for sharing those thoughts. I don't think it has to be "New Agey" to "create your own reality" as long as you first identify the reality in which you are now existing. I think you might benefit from getting some more information from one of the greatest teachers I know and that is Laura.

There is a great video where Laura explains how our choices determine our timelines and even which reality we want to move into:

Knowledge and Being Part 5 - Information Theory and Reality Creation - Part 1

It explains how our choices determine branching timelines and move us forward into a timeline with new possibilities.

Also, there are many other videos on different topics that could be of interest too on Cassiopaea.Org.
Very successful suggestion. And not only that, what part of us is the one that "chooses" to follow one or another timeline?

Our personality is the result of the sum of many things, but there is also a "little voice" that many, many times is not heard.

It is what makes us "see" that "choosing" a hard path, a path of sacrifice, is what makes us really ourselves, because seeing how the other path would be, the easy path, "we feel" that although the life would be easier, it would also be empty of content.

Many of this forum if they chose the "easy" way, they would be doing totally different to what they do now, with almost total security.

It is the price of "listening" to ourselves.:-)
So, I've been thinking about something after this session with the 2 caps, and then after an experience I have documented in my latest YT video about these Q-Link things.

You don't really have to watch the vid. In short: it seems these Q-Link pendants work to protect from things like EMF, but not necessarily for everyone. That led to the placebo effect, which led to interesting things like: Apparently, if 2 people need knee surgery, 1 gets surgery, and the other is put under but only a small incision is made and then bandaged up, the person who didn't have actual surgery may report improvement as if they actually had surgery! :umm:

Reiki might be another example: For us here, it works. For others, it doesn't. Why?

So then I started thinking... Is it just about belief, or is there more going on here?

The Theory:

Pure belief in something is not enough to make it work. The reason is that we all have an underlying "reality structure" in our brains/minds/souls. The reality structure (RS) affects and/or creates certain beliefs, but we can also have new beliefs on top of the RS that have nothing to do with the RS itself.

Eventually, the RS may adapt and change, at which point beliefs could turn into something more potent and real. In short, no, we can't really create reality by thinking about it at this level, but we can sort of influence things (including our own bodies) in a limited way based on our reality structure. The RS is kind of like a dial-up internet connection to something "higher", like 4d-like malleable reality. In 4d, we'd have a fiber connection. Here, it's a bit more winky.

The placebo effect may just be a simple example of our common reality structure that outlines how "highly-educated person in white coat who gives me pill = health".

Then we have the problem of how our reality structure is formed. Normally, we're raised and learn how things work. For most people, this doesn't change much over their lives.

For those of us who decide to dig in to interpreting and figuring out reality, well, we're in for a wild ride. As we do that and gain information which we can apply and therefore turn into knowledge, our structure changes. Things that were not possible before become possible.

There is also a flip side: The level of misinformation and lies we believe tends to eventually constrict our reality structure, warp it, and limit it in certain ways. Or, you can be a Catholic physicist and believe in Jesus, salvation, and gravity and photons, but anything outside those concepts is a no-no.

I suppose that's not much different than before, except what I'm wondering is if this "reality structure" is not just something mental or emotional. IOW, maybe it's not just a set of programs or ideas about the world, not just thoughts or feelings, but something far more fundamental in terms of consciousness. It's like our interface with reality.

The more we learn, the faster our "net connection" becomes, and the more things become possible. For a person who's underlying reality structure doesn't allow for something like a Q-Link or Reiki, it literally is not possible for them. For someone who doesn't believe, but finds those things work anyway, then their RS does allow for it for one reason or another.

For those of us who delve deeply into exploring reality, truth, falsehoods, and so on, new things open up. As that happens, we realize more and more than uncertainty is a huge part of the game. We always want things to be this way, or that. We want The Answer. As our reality structure grows, it becomes increasingly clear how little we know because there are so many new possibilities. Depending on the question asked, there are many answers.

That also might explain how awareness protects: simply Knowing about something alters our reality structure. It's not that we believe, but we KNOW something. Even if we aren't certain of it, there's new information there that expands our interface with "what is" and that may mean that what worked before to harm or hinder us no longer works. It's not just belief or simply being aware that does the trick, but also the pondering of that new information, re-evaluating old information, and essentially the Work of incorporating new data and connecting dots. Belief vs Knowledge is very much like Darwinism vs "ID": You don't get something for nothing, everything tends towards disorder and chaos, so some design work is required.

It's easy to believe or disbelieve, but it's a TON of work to actually learn new things, to struggle, and to attempt to grow in awareness and knowledge of everything that is out there.

That might all mean that we don't "go" to 4d. Apparently, we can have 2d animals and 3d humans and 4d critters in our "3d" world. Oh, and Jupiter is 4d along with the center of the sun, or whatever... So maybe density is more a question of the complexity of this reality structure, our interface to what is. You don't actually go anywhere, you just remove your 3d Oculus Virtual Reality headset. Normally, the only way to do that is to kick the bucket and go directly to 5d without passing Go or collecting $200.

Similarly, I suspect that this whole idea of "merging timelines" is a lot more ordinary than we might think. I don't mean that it happens all the time to everyone, but rather that we take it as a kind of insane Hollywood movie type of event, when the reality may be a bit more mundane - at least from a higher perspective. Still, IMO at least as a sort of Marker Event, it was pretty significant for the future of our group as a whole.

At the same time, if my lovely theory is even partially correct, it is not wise to hope that one will be "pulled along" with the group. We each must fight our own battles (together - yay!) and get to the point where our individual reality structures are ready / aligned / whatever.

In conclusion: 🦄 !!!

that's it ... thank you! :)
Cette nuit à 1h21, ce ne sont pas des coups à ma porte que j'ai entendus mais la sonnerie de ma porte, je me suis vue me dresser dans mon lit au ralenti puis j'ai pris conscience que j'étais endormie et ai réalisé que ce n'était pas réel dans notre réalité, mes chiens n'ayant pas bougé j'ai compris que c'était une fois de plus ce genre de rêves qui me réveillaient comme déjà raconté dans cette page du forum... C'est la première fois que je vois un autre moi vivant la même chose... J'ai tout de suite pensé à une fusion...

Last night at 1:21 am, I didn't hear knocks at my door but the ringing of my doorbell, I saw myself standing in my bed in slow motion then I realized that I was asleep and realized that it wasn't real in our reality, my dogs not having moved I understood that it was once again this kind of dreams that woke me up as already told in this page of the forum... It's the first time I've seen another me living the same thing.... I immediately thought of a merger....

Translated with
On the issue of the plan to destroy Christianity:
(L) They have manipulated things around now to the point where Christianity can be basically demonized and destroyed after they'd already manipulated Christians to think that Muslims are terrorists. So now, they're the bad guys for thinking what they've been manipulated to think. They've essentially put themselves in the position of being subject to destruction.
(Chu) It's like a super-evil way of gaslighting people.
(L) It's insidious. As far as I can see, Islam and Judaism as they are practiced today based on what Israel Shahak wrote, those are the closest things to materialistic Satanism that I've ever seen. And I'm not whitewashing Christianity either, but there are some foundational things about it that were truly good and benevolent.
A: Yes

Q: (L) If people could get back to the original Paleochristianity then the world would be a different place. But you're certainly not going to get there by materialistic Darwinism.
(Pierre) But when you look at history with a lot of distance, the feeling I get is that the most fundamental dynamic is that: the destruction of Christianity. And all we see today is...
A: How do you propose that they could make it possible to destroy Christianity?

Q: (L) Well, exactly what they're doing. Set up an opposition and then defend the opponent as a downtrodden minority.

(Joe) The point is that... I mean, you have in your head that there's going to be some kind of clash of civilizations, but that doesn't seem to be the point. If you look at social media today, they've gotten to the point where Christians are denounced as basically atavistic racist backward nutjobs. When they...

(Artemis) I think they want to speak...

A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality.
On June 1st there was a post by c.a. in the Ukraine thread with a video from South Front explaining how the splitting of the Orthodox Church is orchestrated and who is promoting it:
Regarding the anti Christian agenda, that I commented on earlier, there was in Germany:
Germany's federal police recorded almost 100 attacks on Christians or Christian institutions in Germany in 2017. Most violent incidents occurred among asylum-seekers living together in refugee homes.
And now in 2019 just published: Germany Sees Thirty Anti-Christian Attacks in Two Months
The data was compiled by the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, who noted around 30 separate incidents between April 1st and June 10th published on the group’s website.
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The data was compiled by the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, who noted around 30 separate incidents between April 1st and June 10th published on the group’s website.

I used the search on that website and these are the number of incidents on their database per year. I didn't use any filter except date, so it should include all types of incidents in any country in their database.

2018: 318
2017: 283 (over 275 in their 2018 report)
2016: 259 (over 250 in their 2018 report)
2015: 173 (over 180 in their 2018 report)
2014: 163
2013: 286
2012: 274
2011: 231
2010: 132
2009: 101
2008: 61
2007: 42
2006: 41
2005: 16
2004: 8
2000: 2
1999: 1
1998: 1

As for what is considered an incident, it is very wide. Their 2018 report includes the following definitions:

“Intolerance” refers to the cultural or social dimension, including hate crimes.
“Discrimination” refers to the legal dimension and denial of rights and access to justice.
“Squeeze” refers to the pressure Christians experience in all areas of life.
“Smash” refers to violence and aggression.

Their website seems to have been created in 2006, so using that year as a cutoff point I got the graph below. Even considering that people report more now a days and the dip in 2014/2015, there is a clear trend and 2018 has the absolute maximum so far. 2019 has 153 results at the moment.

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