Session 18 May 2024

Then there is the question of "additives" in the vax, which we don't know much about, but it probably wasn't good stuff, and it varied depending on vax batch according to the C's. No idea how sheddable that stuff is.
Yes I do think it's a really good question about composition or how sheddable all this stuff is for unvaccinated people, and of course better to take supplement to protect yourself just in case, thank Scottie for the answer !
Thank you Laura, Andromeda,the Chateau crew and everyone else for an amazing session. So glad to hear that Michael Jackson was really a good guy. I love listening to his music. I am sorry about Jordan Peterson's downfall. When I first came across him on YouTube I learned so much. The dietary advice is appreciated. Looks like I need to get to the farmer's market more often. Thanks again!
This should help:

Sounds like a business operation, the research on nattokinase being pretty legit.
Thank you for the information.

I was on a holistic regimen in the last 5 years. This information has some good ideas to try. If I apply slow reduction of the dosage and find a replacement of supplements, this would help. My current dose is small, Unfortunately the medical option here is quite limited since doctors are prescribing these drugs as a common solution to stress and sleep. A multi week induced coma is one solution I will not do.
Thank you so much for this amazing session!!

I'll leave this link here. Terrance Howard on Joe Rogan, released the exact same day as this session was done. Also interesting they both occured during the week of high spacial electrical activity!

I'm going to reaccumulate the Vax protocol and start taking it... I can't afford to do it for 6 months at this time but 2 weeks is better than nothing. I'm back on the ivermectin. NAC is a big one, I will stock that for the coming months.

There's a lot of material I want to read up on and I will get heavier into it once I'm through HVAC school.

As for Weston Prices activator X; I did a Google search years ago after reading the book and all I could come up with is vitamin K2. I'm taking the IM-7 form. I'm having trouble tagging Persej. That all being said, activator X may not be a specific nutrient but rather a result of the nutrient and energy conditions the grass experienced during spring growth. I think that's what the C's were explaining in their reply.
(Persej) What is the substance that Weston Price named ‘activator X’? And here's a description of the activator X: ‘He determined that neither total hours of sunshine nor temperature was the chief controlling factor' in how much activator X was present in the milk. Rather, 'the factor most potent was found to be the pasture fodder of the dairy animals. Rapidly growing grass, green or rapidly dried, was most efficient'.’ So what is this activator X?

A: Information! Note the fact that grass of a certain nature provided this. Apply that principle to foods.

I was wondering what have they meant by applying that principle to foods (other than pork), if they were talking to me specifically, at least partially. Because in the meantime I was also searching for answers about some of my old experiments with food and supplements, and nothing made any sense. And now I remembered that at that time I was consuming raw pastured eggs in the spring. So perhaps those eggs had this activator X in them that affected results with other things that I was taking? Perhaps that was my missing factor?
As for Weston Prices activator X; I did a Google search years ago after reading the book and all I could come up with is vitamin K2. I'm taking the IM-7 form. I'm having trouble tagging Persej. That all being said, activator X may not be a specific nutrient but rather a result of the nutrient and energy conditions the grass experienced during spring growth. I think that's what the C's were explaining in their reply.

Yes, it seems that it is something similar to Quinton plasma.
Thank you all for sharing this new session.
It was wonderful, as was this developing thread.

I feel we are fortunate to receive all this information, which also generates strong feelings of responsibility because of it.
In the past I had not internalized the importance of many things, considering them secondary to the Work.

Before, for example, I had learned from my own experience that the physical body should be treated with kindness and taken care of.
kindly, and to take care of it.
But the importance I attached to this was only for the purpose of being alive to do what I had to do spiritually.
I was not at all aware of how involved the bodily situation was in spiritual development.

Again I thank you for the brilliant questions, Cas's answers and the networking.

Translated with (free version):flowers:
(Keyhole) One quick question about pork. Would you be able to ask about the fatty acid composition of pork fat? Because they just said that pork is in general better than beef, but the composition of pork fat, the ratio of fatty acids has been associated with lots of chronic health issues in the research. So, could you ask them about whether consuming pork that's not been pasture fed - so, for instance, pork from the supermarket - is that still healthy for humans, given the fact that their feed changes the composition of the fatty acid, and that's thought to be a real problem, as per the research anyway?
(L) Can we break this down into simple questions? Is pork from the supermarket okay?
A: No
Q: (L) So, it needs to be pasture fed pork, basically?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, you're basically talking about things that would be ideal conditions?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And what about the fatty acid composition?
A: If the diet is varied, that issue does not arise.
In agricultural science in post-Soviet countries there is a unit of measurement called "feed unit". This is the amount of energy obtained from eating 1kg of oats. For example soya has 1.38 feed units so 1 unit of soya is 1/1.38 = 0.72kg and so on. And I took the number of feed units of different feeds and googled how much fat is for the same amount of energy intake.

oats - 1 (1kg)= 62g fat
soybean- 1.38 (0.72kg) = 64g fat
maize - 1.34 (0.74kg) = 35g fat
acorn - 1.15 (0.86kg) = 20g fat
wheat - 1.06 (0.94kg) = 23.5g fat
potato - 0.31 (3.2kg) = 3.2g fat
alfalfa and meadow grass - 0.19-0.22 (5kg) = 20g fat
carrot - 0.16 (6.2kg) = 12g fat
fodder beet - 0.11 (9kg) = 18g fat

The amount of PUFA fats everywhere 40-55% but it is difficult to find the ratio of omega 6/3 on these crops, but it can be seen that tubers and roots are the least fatty, respectively, the composition of animal fats will be more saturated.
Discovered this little tidbit while searching the sessions today:
C's Session 23rd May 1998 said:

Q: Another thing that he mentioned in passing was that the solar activity of 1989, when we all saw the Aurora Borealis here in Florida and everything was really strange because of this huge solar flare, that this was the most activity we have had since 1952, the year I was born. I was surprised to learn that the year of my birth was the last really big year of solar activity until then. He then goes on to propose that solar activity is the real cause of astrological personality types, that it has to do with the electromagnetic energy and rays emitted by the sun in the twisting and turning of its belts and quadrants of positive and negative energy, and shifting its poles and all of that. It is very complicated. Now, having said all of that, is there anything significant about these years of intense solar activity?
A: Solar activity does cause changes in the magnetic field surrounding earth, thus changing or altering frequency resonance vibrations. This is why the Maya believed in their "ages" and their transformations

So if there are 'cycles' in 'time'... did the recent solar activity also 'open doors' or change the frequency?

To keep track of time, the Maya observed and recorded the yearly cycles of the Sun; including the times of equinoxes, solstices, and the zenith and nadir passages.

Some researchers think that this obsession with the Sun and Venus was mainly due to the Mayans' fear of droughts and the decrease in women's fertility.​

Solar Cycle May Have Tumbled Mayan Empire
In sediment cores taken from Lake Chichancanab in northern Yucatan, the researchers found periodically reoccurring high concentrations of calcium sulfate, which is left behind when greater amounts of water evaporate from the ground during droughts. Based on this pattern, they concluded that the droughts occurred in a 208-year cycle. They further noted that this cycle closely coincided with a known 206-year variation in solar activity.
When the scientists compared the development of Mayan civilization with these cycles, it became evident that the society's development was slowed down every time the droughts occurred. The Maya relied heavily on rainfall and surface water, and both the end of the classical period and the ultimate demise of Mayan civilization coincided with one of these droughts.

Adrian G. Gilbert and Maurice M. Cotterell in their book "The Mayan Prophecies" wrote about the importance of the Sun for the Mayan culture. In the book they hypothesize that solar activity regulates the rise and fall of civilizations.
Large numbers of sunspots (Solar Maximum) correlate exactly with the growth of powerful and complex civilizations. Low sunspot activity is linked to periodic "dark ages" which are marked by a general decline in the level of cultural achievement that has coincided with the fall of major civilizations.​

There are even researchers who attribute certain economic and financial effects to solar activity.

Playing the Field: Geomagnetic Storms and the Stock Market
Abstract: A large body of psychological research has shown that geomagnetic storms have a profound effect on people's moods, and, in turn, people's moods have been found to be related to human behavior, judgments and decisions about risk. An important finding of this literature is that people often attribute their feelings and emotions to the wrong source, leading to incorrect judgments.​
Specifically, people affected by geomagnetic storms may be more inclined to sell stocks on stormy days because they incorrectly attribute their bad mood to negative economic prospects rather than bad environmental conditions.​
Misattribution of mood and pessimistic choices can translate into a relatively higher demand for riskless assets, causing the price of risky assets to fall or to rise less quickly than otherwise.​
The authors find strong empirical support in favor of a geomagnetic-storm effect in stock returns after controlling for market seasonals and other environmental and behavioral factors.​
Unusually high levels of geomagnetic activity have a negative, statistically and economically significant effect on the following week's stock returns for all U.S. stock market indices.

Now Gilbert & Cotterell also mention
There is evidence that serves to illustrate that women, deprived of solar radiation for a time, experience disruptive changes in their endocrine systems. This disruption in turn severely affects the production of the "regulatory" hormone melatonin and the fertility hormones estrogen and progesterone...radiation from the sun is responsible for the mutation of cells at the time of conception.​

Cotterell argue that astrological differences between people are due to variations in the solar wind which affects the Earth's magnetic field, which in turn influences the development of the fetus at conception.​
In other words, a newly fertilized human egg is marked at conception with the prevailing magnetic atmosphere pattern and this determines the astrological type at birth.

Cotterell's ideas came from a theory known as Astrogenetics which is basically the study of the influences of astronomical forces on biological rhythms and genetic factors:​
Cells could undergo mutation when subjected to varying magnetic fields with intensities below that of the Earth's own magnetic field.​

Indeed, the Earth is constantly subjected to variations in its magnetic field and geospace can be quiet, unsettled, active or geomagnetically stormy. So one can only wonder what kind of solar, planetary and interstellar influence is present when an egg is fertilized.

The following videos make me think about the amount of cosmic forces we receive daily through our stellar journey and not only when solar storms happen.

Radiation from coronal holes, sunspots, solar wind, auroras, solar storms, stellar dust, stellar wind, stellar plasma and who knows how many other emanations penetrate into our personal magnetic field.

(Joe) Okay. Are there any effects on human beings from an event like the one from last week?

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) And would the answer to the question of what those effects are, be: ‘Depends on the person’?

A: Yes.
(L) Right. So, I guess the first question we should ask before we even go any further with this, is, you said that the centers of spherical objects (and I think they even said all spherical objects, in a sense) were windows. So what is it a window to?

A: Depends on the object.
So, a crystal ball for divination may have a window into another dimension. That's why crystal balls are used for fortune-telling, not by accident. Old, decorated wine glasses with a round crystal in the stem could, in some sense, be a window to another dimension. The domes of temples and the tops of Orthodox churches are windows to another dimension when people pray there. A ball used to play football, basketball or tennis is a window to another dimension, hence the popularity and magnetism of such sports. A geographical globe or glowing planet in the room is a window to another dimension. Our eyes and heads are a window to another dimension. Some sexual body parts are spherical too. Clocks and light bulbs are windows to another dimension. Microphones and speakers could be a window to another dimension. Am I exaggerating a bit? Finally, explosives, New Year fireworks, and war explosions are, for a moment, windows to another dimension. And for a longer time in the event of a nuclear explosion. (Besides, the topic of karma and destruction appeared in some channeling, whether fake or not; the first one I came across was presented as a "conversation with an alien": it must have been created on the basis of some books, maybe RA material). Everything in space forms a sphere spontaneously, if only possible. So everything tends to be a window to another dimension. Black holes seem spherical. We should probably remember that atomic particles are also spherical from some point of view. I'm using the term 'dimension' generally as a placeholder term for possible concepts. (Anti-universe, density, dimension, time-space, whatever is possible)
So, a crystal ball for divination may have a window into another dimension. That's why crystal balls are used for fortune-telling, not by accident. Old, decorated wine glasses with a round crystal in the stem could, in some sense, be a window to another dimension. The domes of temples and the tops of Orthodox churches are windows to another dimension when people pray there. A ball used to play football, basketball or tennis is a window to another dimension, hence the popularity and magnetism of such sports. A geographical globe or glowing planet in the room is a window to another dimension. Our eyes and heads are a window to another dimension. Some sexual body parts are spherical too. Clocks and light bulbs are windows to another dimension. Microphones and speakers could be a window to another dimension. Am I exaggerating a bit? Finally, explosives, New Year fireworks, and war explosions are, for a moment, windows to another dimension. And for a longer time in the event of a nuclear explosion. (Besides, the topic of karma and destruction appeared in some channeling, whether fake or not; the first one I came across was presented as a "conversation with an alien": it must have been created on the basis of some books, maybe RA material). Everything in space forms a sphere spontaneously, if only possible. So everything tends to be a window to another dimension. Black holes seem spherical. We should probably remember that atomic particles are also spherical from some point of view. I'm using the term 'dimension' generally as a placeholder term for possible concepts. (Anti-universe, density, dimension, time-space, whatever is possible)
Going supersonic creates some kind of window. A bang, a gunshot, etc. In this case, a big bang would also act as this type of window. And perhaps this is how the transfer of material existence from a higher density took place? Or some stage of it
Wonderful session, thank you.

Q: (L) So, in other words, the damage that is done by them is so heinous that those who are involved in doing it incur very, very serious karmic burdens. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Interesting. I was wondering why Putin always waits for others to be the ones to shoot first even when they are slowly attacking the civilian population in Russia. The reason for always staying within the tolerable limits of diplomacy and ethics, unlike psychopaths who increasingly reveal their most sinister plans against humanity and act without fear of any consequences.

Now that the Cass say it's a "sin", it came to my mind that it's as if Putin always speaks to them beyond the obvious and simply pays them with the same coin if necessary and equivalently.

In addition to being very careful with targeted attacks when taking care of the surrounding civilian population. Like acorns, it waits for them to fall by natural cause and its own weight, it does not snatch the fruits from the tree.

(Joe) No. But we notice that there's a difference. So, we're wondering what, you know… others have experienced it as well. So, we're wondering if there's anything tangible to that or what might be the source of that perception?

A: Letting go of burdens. Your lives involve taking on the weight of the world and your group in particular. Also you probably also feel the protective bubble and the weight of protection.

And what about people who are outside of that group and have "strange" experiences even when you don't know them in person? could it be something to do with "group soul" or merely a personal identification? part and part according to the person and the type of experience? related to is it more important to "perceive" the experience?
Even though I am swinging in my own hammock of ignorance I know that letting go of all unnecessary burdens is a war that I must fight head on. This War is another form of hygiene . Peace is the health it brings. And since we are all heading into the eye of the storm , so to say, the more burdens are done away with that clutter the more I feel protected to meet whatever my future brings.
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