Session 18 May 2024

How do you reconcile that hypothesis with the C’s description of the anti-Universe as “no space; no time”, and the observations of anti-particles and construction of anti-atoms (eg. anti-helium), which would necessarily have positive spatial coordinates?
As I tried to explain in another post, I don't know if you saw it, I think the Cs presents the anti-universe (a concept we don't encounter in general relativity and that's normal) as zero time and space for a 3D physical being because this one belongs to a reality (3D universe) of positive unit of measurement. So, for him, referring to what he knows, considers as real and can measure via his perception, the anti-universe would reveal itself as an infinite void. A + unit of measurement cannot apprehend a - as a 0. In other words, for a 3D observer, the anti-universe is an infinite void. I have an idea of how to apprehend and perceive the anti-universe in its very nature but that would take us too far for now :)

As I said, in another post, antiparticles must be perceived, as Dirac, who invented antimatter, guessed as a hole in the energy structure. Here again, we find 0 as perceived by a 3D observer with a positive unit of measurement. To be able to understand antimatter on the same level as matter, there is only one possibility : get out of 3D reality and position yourself in 4D through the 4th dimension of space which is not really a dimension as such but rather a spatial reference because it is from it that all possible spatial structures beyond what can be represented in 3D are deployed. In 3D, a unit of measurement of x is valid for both the exterior and the interior, whereas in 4D, an exterior unit of measurement of dimension of space. It is this frequency of a particular nature which unfolds infinitely. There, we perceive matter as + and antimatter as -. At this level, we are no longer talking about spatial coordinates based on a constant unit of measurement, as in Euclidean, hyperbolic, parabolic or other geometry, we are talking about the very deformation of the structure of space. Some will say that this is exactly what Einstein proposed with his general relativity but this is not the case because its physical curvature is external, it has nothing to do with a deformation specific to the structure which comes from an action exterior/interior. For this, we must take into account an anti-space, which general relativity cannot absolutely do. The general relativity approach is a 3D hardware approach.

As for positive spatial coordinates, here we have another problem : in abstract 3D space (Euclidean or otherwise, they are all basically Euclidean in nature), we have negative and positive coordinates but this does not correspond to the negative character of the anti-universe we are talking about.​
That’s a valid hypothesis if your assumption about curvature holds but I don’t think it does.
After years of reflection on the subject (the fact that the theories of relativity did not please me, the problems of space coordinates abstract by their random nature), I am confident about the physical space/anti-space curvature that the we find in the form of matter/antimatter, exterior/interior.

As I mentioned in question posts for the Cs: for me, light has a particular characteristic, it is that it has 4 dimensions of which the 4th dimension is its interiority (the fact that it is identical to itself in every way). In other words, I would not be surprised if in 4D, we are aware that everything is light and that matter (and antimatter, let's not forget that in 4D, we are aware of both and their balance) is then a frozen form, constrained by light. For example, electricity would be light in its most constrained form. Since antimatter is the highway (accelerator, fastest way?) to 4D, this would be consistent with the fact that taking antimatter into account allows us (in connection with matter) to discover the 4th dimension of space and, ipso facto, to be in 4D, in the body of light. We would no longer have a constant unit of measurement as in 3D but with a variable unit of measurement thanks to the matter/antimatter interaction: we would have reached the key element, the variability of physics through the encounter of matter/antimatter, space /anti-space. And accessing the exterior and interior, at the same time, should result in +/- electrical charges. Having two qualitatively opposite electric charges should result in the inside or outside of the charge in question, a hole or a solid, a positive or negative curvature...​
I think they said it was the highway to 4D (22/06/96).
You're so right, my thought was faster than my writing. One step at a time, 4D, next Ether :-)

After my various discussions over the last few days, I am going to prepare a post of questions for the Cs. I'll keep you informed if anyone calls you out for future sessions. Do not hesitate to tell me, @Ryan, if I am not clear on certain points, if this can help refine or clarify certain questions. THANKS​
As I tried to explain in another post, I don't know if you saw it, I think the Cs presents the anti-universe (a concept we don't encounter in general relativity and that's normal) as zero time and space for a 3D physical being because this one belongs to a reality (3D universe) of positive unit of measurement. So, for him, referring to what he knows, considers as real and can measure via his perception, the anti-universe would reveal itself as an infinite void. A + unit of measurement cannot apprehend a - as a 0. In other words, for a 3D observer, the anti-universe is an infinite void. I have an idea of how to apprehend and perceive the anti-universe in its very nature but that would take us too far for now :)

As I said, in another post, antiparticles must be perceived, as Dirac, who invented antimatter, guessed as a hole in the energy structure. Here again, we find 0 as perceived by a 3D observer with a positive unit of measurement. To be able to understand antimatter on the same level as matter, there is only one possibility : get out of 3D reality and position yourself in 4D through the 4th dimension of space which is not really a dimension as such but rather a spatial reference because it is from it that all possible spatial structures beyond what can be represented in 3D are deployed. In 3D, a unit of measurement of x is valid for both the exterior and the interior, whereas in 4D, an exterior unit of measurement of dimension of space. It is this frequency of a particular nature which unfolds infinitely. There, we perceive matter as + and antimatter as -. At this level, we are no longer talking about spatial coordinates based on a constant unit of measurement, as in Euclidean, hyperbolic, parabolic or other geometry, we are talking about the very deformation of the structure of space. Some will say that this is exactly what Einstein proposed with his general relativity but this is not the case because its physical curvature is external, it has nothing to do with a deformation specific to the structure which comes from an action exterior/interior. For this, we must take into account an anti-space, which general relativity cannot absolutely do. The general relativity approach is a 3D hardware approach.

As for positive spatial coordinates, here we have another problem : in abstract 3D space (Euclidean or otherwise, they are all basically Euclidean in nature), we have negative and positive coordinates but this does not correspond to the negative character of the anti-universe we are talking about.

After years of reflection on the subject (the fact that the theories of relativity did not please me, the problems of space coordinates abstract by their random nature), I am confident about the physical space/anti-space curvature that the we find in the form of matter/antimatter, exterior/interior.

As I mentioned in question posts for the Cs: for me, light has a particular characteristic, it is that it has 4 dimensions of which the 4th dimension is its interiority (the fact that it is identical to itself in every way). In other words, I would not be surprised if in 4D, we are aware that everything is light and that matter (and antimatter, let's not forget that in 4D, we are aware of both and their balance) is then a frozen form, constrained by light. For example, electricity would be light in its most constrained form. Since antimatter is the highway (accelerator, fastest way?) to 4D, this would be consistent with the fact that taking antimatter into account allows us (in connection with matter) to discover the 4th dimension of space and, ipso facto, to be in 4D, in the body of light. We would no longer have a constant unit of measurement as in 3D but with a variable unit of measurement thanks to the matter/antimatter interaction: we would have reached the key element, the variability of physics through the encounter of matter/antimatter, space /anti-space. And accessing the exterior and interior, at the same time, should result in +/- electrical charges. Having two qualitatively opposite electric charges should result in the inside or outside of the charge in question, a hole or a solid, a positive or negative curvature...​

You're so right, my thought was faster than my writing. One step at a time, 4D, next Ether :-)

After my various discussions over the last few days, I am going to prepare a post of questions for the Cs. I'll keep you informed if anyone calls you out for future sessions. Do not hesitate to tell me, @Ryan, if I am not clear on certain points, if this can help refine or clarify certain questions. THANKS​
Antimatter in the universe and antimatter in the anti-universe are kind of two different situations. No space no time can refer both to the degenerate metric (high frequency, high energy, zero speed of light I think) or massless (which for matter/antimatter would mean no Higgs mechanism kicking in for whatever reason). A conformal structure (sort of a curvature of sorts maybe) could allow Einstein's relativity where it fits and allow the anti-universe and degenerate metric where they fit. Conformal infinity where I think Ark has the degenerate metric would interface between the universe and anti-universe. My best guess off of the top of my head would be the anti-universe has no Higgs mechanism for forming massive matter/anti-matter. Ether would be the conformal structure/geometry basically. I think Ark has the universe and anti-universe going in opposite directions of time after the big bang and in general you can model antimatter as time reversed matter. I think the two universes would then sort of connect at both zero and infinity forming a torus-like structure.

Frequency as the 4th dimension would be a degenerate metric aka +++0 instead of +++-. The zero means something else has to be time-like and it could be something like the Feynman propagator phase aka a frequency. It's kind of always there but stuck to time in the Einstein sense a lot for the usual +++- metric.
Antimatter in the universe and antimatter in the antiuniverse are kind of two different situations
Yes that can be summarized as "how to find the antiuniverse in the universe". Only solution: the universe in which we are registered is, in fact, a universe/antiuniverse polarity which is available at all levels of reality as a +/- resonance frequency. And to be aware of this dual reality, we must get out of 3D, which only quantum entanglement has begun to touch upon with the discoveries of Alain Aspect. In other words, making antimatter and matter interact should make it possible to play with time and space (zero time and space). How can we handle this in 3D? No man's land for science :-)

No space no time can refer both to the degenerate metric (high frequency, high energy, zero speed of light I think) or massless (which for matter/antimatter would mean no Higgs mechanism kicking in for whatever reason). A conformal structure (sort of a curvature of sorts maybe) could allow Einstein's relativity where it fits and allow the anti-universe and degenerate metric where they fit. Conformal infinity where I think Ark has the degenerate metric would interface between the universe and anti-universe.​
So the degenerate metric would be the antimatter's metric? I am not competent enough to (I have chosen not to) deal with the Higgs mechanism because I seek to obtain the real structure of space from mechanics and electromagnetism. My feeling is that modern physics has become too complex since the 3D hypotheses of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics to reach as simply as possible the nature of the 4th dimension of space which was sought from the 19th century. in the form of the aether which physicists of the time, and subsequently, sought in the form of a 3D concept (which implied that light was a 3D physical object). I admit that this is a question that would burn my lips if I could ask the question to the Cs : what's the simplest approach to reveal the true nature of the 4th dimension of space : return to Maxwell's equations in finding the right mathematical framework in which they are valid at all levels of reality or going even further into modern physical theories?

Afterwards my feeling is that all this reality outside of time and outside of space contains what could be perceived, from 3D, such as superluminal speeds, neutrinos, magnetic monopoles... basically, it's the door towards the hyperdimensional that neither special relativity, nor general relativity, nor quantum mechanics address.

Conformal infinity (degenerate metric) as interface universe/antiuniverse is maybe the frequency 3D/4D that Cs are talking about.​
Ether would be the conformal structure/geometry basically
I'm wondering if Ether is quantifiable by nature.
I think Ark has the universe and antiuniverse going in opposite directions of time after the big bang and in general you can model antimatter as time reversed matter. I think the two universes would then sort of connect at both zero and infinity forming a torus-like structure.

Yes, for a 3D being universe and antiuniverse are going in opposite directions (I believe Cs answered that to Rugiero Santilli during his amazing and unique session).
For me, it's not after the Big Bang, it's all the time. Big Bang is just the ultimate point of the general relativity.
Like you, I think the dynamic matter/antimatter is the double loop that the Cs talked about (from the 4th to the 6th density) giving the true nature of 0 and infinity as a degenerate metric.
Frequency as the 4th dimension would be a degenerate metric aka +++0 instead of +++-. The zero means something else has to be time-like and it could be something like the Feynman propagator phase aka a frequency. It's kind of always there but stuck to time in the Einstein sense a lot for the usual +++- metric.
Maybe aka +/- +/- +/- 0 since both matter and antimatter are involved. I think time is our version (vision) of a matter/antimatter, space/antispace dynamic that we can handle in 3D. Considering time positive and time negative, "at the same time", we get the NULL time (the 0 of the degenerate metric) with the +/- (the 0 space). Once we understand this, we can get a science without time...

Hope one day, our respective approach will join together :-)

Don't hesitate to ask questions to the Cs if you have the opportunity to. Thanks @John G for your answers.​
Invest in an HBOT, take ivermectin more regularly, invest in supplements. Do regularly exercise and support your hormonal system, especially if you're at a menopausal age. Spend some time in the H&W forum, there are tricks like a red light panel that can take you between 10-20 minutes while you do something else, and that will sooth your body.
What would you suggest to support the hormonal system? Supplements? Such as DHEA or Pregnenolone?

I have tested my hormones, they are in the range of levels typical for post menopause.
Parabolic shapes focus sound and I guess that's similar or the same as focussing sound waves. Parabolas can be used in both microphones, speakers, satellite dishes etc.

View attachment 96264
So I wonder if stonehenge for example wasn't exactly circular but more oval and had some area of it's circumference that was more parabolic in shape? Or if there were some kind of formula where specific stones within the structure that sound was directed at to arrive at a particular focal point.

Checked the definition of 'henge' and it can refer to a circle or oval shape.

In the Old English Translator, 'henge' also means 'to hang, suspend' (hon) as well as 'crucify, put clothes on' (hón), which sounds a little bit like a Roman tropaeum. But I wonder if it could also mean 'to float', or something like that?

You mention microphones and I think of the parabolic microphone.

Parabolic Microphone Example.jpg

Speakers as well, although what I think of is their positioning in the room which are situated in such a way that when the person sits in the 'sweet spot', or just inside the 'third point of the triangle' (because of where our ears are), you get the best sound. This is probably known to many here.

Audio 'Sweet Spot'.jpg

As well as satellite dishes which look like the parabolic microphone, the same idea applies to a reflector telescope.

But a really neat DIY way of hearing this focused effect is to 'sing into a bow window'. In our living room, we have a bow window, which is a set of four or more (we have five) windows set in an arch (most people think this is a bay window but it isn't). With as few objects as possible between you and the curtainless windows, stand immediately in front of the centre window, start to sing a drone tune and slowly walk backwards. Notice how the sound changes the further away you are. At some triangulation point, and this freaked me out when I heard it accidentally the first time, the sound will all of a sudden change. That's the 'sweet spot'.

I never thought of applying this effect to Stonehenge.

Here is the hand drawn picture from 1939 by Swedish aircraft designer Henry Kjellson that was printed at the back of Darkness Over Tibet supposedly showing certain Tibetan monks using acoustic levitation on a rock.

Q: (PopHistorian) How far has Earth's magnetic pole shifted since the year we call 1900?

(L) Isn't that a question that can be easily answered with some research?

(Ark) Wikipedia! You can find it on Wikipedia.

(L) Yeah, consult Wikipedia.

Just looked at the wikipedia entry. The latest magnetic pole position is from 2020. So this information is totally outdated as the magnetic north had been accelerating exponentially for a "long time" now. Someone did suppress a valid question while other, seemingly less important "stuff" goes through the screening process... Besides this, "go and look at Wikipedia" is a lame Argument. Wikipedia is heavily manipulated and even the non manipulated info must not be correct.

The magnetic pole did reach the possible "flipping point" around march this year and seems to "stall" there until now. It seems to be heading towards Siberia and is much closer to Russia now than back in 2020.
So the degenerate metric would be the antimatter's metric? I am not competent enough to (I have chosen not to) deal with the Higgs mechanism because I seek to obtain the real structure of space from mechanics and electromagnetism. My feeling is that modern physics has become too complex since the 3D hypotheses of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics to reach as simply as possible the nature of the 4th dimension of space which was sought from the 19th century. in the form of the aether which physicists of the time, and subsequently, sought in the form of a 3D concept (which implied that light was a 3D physical object). I admit that this is a question that would burn my lips if I could ask the question to the Cs : what's the simplest approach to reveal the true nature of the 4th dimension of space : return to Maxwell's equations in finding the right mathematical framework in which they are valid at all levels of reality or going even further into modern physical theories?

Afterwards my feeling is that all this reality outside of time and outside of space contains what could be perceived, from 3D, such as superluminal speeds, neutrinos, magnetic monopoles... basically, it's the door towards the hyperdimensional that neither special relativity, nor general relativity, nor quantum mechanics address.

Conformal infinity (degenerate metric) as interface universe/antiuniverse is maybe the frequency 3D/4D that Cs are talking about.​

I'm wondering if Ether is quantifiable by nature.
I think Ark only has the degenerate metric for the conformal infinity bridge between the universe and anti-universe not for the universe or anti-universe themselves. The full symmetry of Maxwell's equations including the superluminal solutions is the conformal group.
In the Old English Translator, 'henge' also means 'to hang, suspend' (hon) as well as 'crucify, put clothes on' (hón), which sounds a little bit like a Roman tropaeum. But I wonder if it could also mean 'to float', or something like that?

You mention microphones and I think of the parabolic microphone.

View attachment 96404

Speakers as well, although what I think of is their positioning in the room which are situated in such a way that when the person sits in the 'sweet spot', or just inside the 'third point of the triangle' (because of where our ears are), you get the best sound. This is probably known to many here.

View attachment 96407

As well as satellite dishes which look like the parabolic microphone, the same idea applies to a reflector telescope.

But a really neat DIY way of hearing this focused effect is to 'sing into a bow window'. In our living room, we have a bow window, which is a set of four or more (we have five) windows set in an arch (most people think this is a bay window but it isn't). With as few objects as possible between you and the curtainless windows, stand immediately in front of the centre window, start to sing a drone tune and slowly walk backwards. Notice how the sound changes the further away you are. At some triangulation point, and this freaked me out when I heard it accidentally the first time, the sound will all of a sudden change. That's the 'sweet spot'.

I never thought of applying this effect to Stonehenge.

Here is the hand drawn picture from 1939 by Swedish aircraft designer Henry Kjellson that was printed at the back of Darkness Over Tibet supposedly showing certain Tibetan monks using acoustic levitation on a rock.

View attachment 96414
Remember Tesla ideas of resonance frequency, this is the key of power we can not imagine (or that is hidden from us). Think about a molecular resonate generator. I have a theory that can possibly archive this. If there is anyone that would like the spend some time about this idea, I would like to share it. I am sure I am onto something. I had this idea many years ago.
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