Session 18 May 2024

Laura and the team, thank you very much for the session!
The Cs confirmed how I always felt about eating eggs. But I kept on eating them. I should have listened to myself better.
About pork: I dont think any grocery store pork, even the organic kind, is grass fed.
So, eating pork with veggies and berries ocasionly plus the COVID post vac protocol is the best way to feed our bodies for now?
A: Letting go of burdens. Your lives involve taking on the weight of the world and your group in particular. Also you probably also feel the protective bubble and the weight of protection.
Question to the Cs and to the Team:
Can we, the forum members and supporters, help the Team to overcome this feeling? Can we somehow help in taking off the weight?
There must be something that can be done. This feeling of a burden is not a very beneficial feeling I think.
Laura and the team, thank you very much for the session!
The Cs confirmed how I always felt about eating eggs. But I kept on eating them. I should have listened to myself better.
About pork: I dont think any grocery store pork, even the organic kind, is grass fed.
If pasture fed pork isn't available, you could try to find grass fed beef. If you can't find grass fed beef, then you could go for the grocery store pork:
Q: (Keyhole) Sorry, a quick question. Pasture raised pork is extremely difficult to find, so what's better: beef or supermarket pork?

(L) Grass fed beef or supermarket pork. Well now you're adding another parameter to it.

A: Grass fed is better on both counts. But in absence, pork is better.
(Windmill Knight) The C's have mentioned that Jordan Peterson is a great soul, yet he is also very much driven by his emotions, and therefore, has trouble coping with objective reality. Lately, he has publicly made some remarks in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that are greatly off the mark and lacking in empathy, to say the least, like encouraging Netanyahu to 'give them hell', accusing the Palestinians of playing the victim, or calling anti-genocide demonstrators 'resentful, childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination.' Several of us have the impression that the Jordan Peterson, before his medical coma for his severe benzo withdrawal symptoms, is no more. He is particularly different since befriending the likes of Bibi Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. Is it really just his emotions that are twisting his views or is there something else at play here?

A: Peterson was subjected to intensive programming during his coma.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't replaced?

A: No

Q: (L) Just subjected to intensive programming, I'm assuming by 4th density?
A description of what it felt like waking out of that coma, from Peterson himself:

"I was confused and frustrated not knowing where I was, surrounded by people speaking a foreign language. I had six-inch tethers attaching me to the sides of the bed because, in my unconscious state, I had been agitated enough to try to remove the catheters from my arm and leave the ICU."
So my guess is, he tried to resist their programming, but couldn't due to confusion and a lack of awareness (about the paranormal and higher density negative beings, if nothing else).
I used the wrong word there, I should have written "shedding"! Luckily, I didn't get the vax.
I will try to do the antivax protocol as best as I can. It makes sense after reading all the info regarding the shedding and possible residual side effects of the Covid-19 virus.
I wonder, I had the last shot of this demonic vax about 2 years ago.... For so long will I be having these side effects? (The heart issues I mean). I guess only the C's could answer....
Trying to understand a bit if there were references in previous sessions about the dietary restrictions of both Judaism and Islam on the consumption of pork. Here are is what I found.

But first, as it's already been posted at the beginning of this thread, there was a reference to a "Race underpinning tribal code structure" that was "spliced into an animal", in the session on 23 August 2001. Along with the code 353535.

Perhaps my assumption on the meaning of the 353535 code is wrong, but I understand is that this genetic manipulation came from STS forces?

A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that some codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure" was spliced into an animal?
A: Close.

Next, is there reference to trichinosis, in the 7 June 1997 session:

Q: The next thing is the dietary restrictions. Many cultures eat rabbits and pigs, in specific, those of Aryan extraction. The rabbit was sacred to Athena, and the Celts ate a LOT of pork. Yet, here these items are restricted from the diet of the Jews. Is there any relation between the diet as outlined here, and the Aryan genetic tendencies to conquest and domination?
A: Trichinosis used to be nonexistent in Aryan types... But, mixing of genetic factors eliminated this.
Q: So, the Jews were susceptible to trichonosis, and the Aryans were not?
A: Originally.

This implies that beyond religious considerations, the Jews had a very practical reason to avoid pork. But, kind of rubs me the wrong way that a preventable disease could convince a whole nation to brush this food off entirely, specially after what's been revealed in the session.

Though it could be that the Jewish priests decided that trichinosis was dangerous enough for the wellbeing of their people, and so they just banned pork entirely and then the decision stuck and was carried on, on the basis of religion.

But, the C's have also said something super interesting about the god of the Jews, Yahweh.

Q: Was the Temple on Crete at Knossos, was it really a necropolis as Wunderlich suggests?
A: 5th density waiting room.
Q: Did they sacrifice humans there?
A: Yes.
Q: Did they sacrifice animals?
A: Yes.
Q: What animals were they sacrificing, and to whom?
A: Apis Bull in part.
Q: What was the other part?
A: Haho 353535
Q: "Ho" must be a name. Is Ho a name of a god?
A: HOH 353535
(T) Is it water? (L) Is it like Hawah? (A) HOH water?
A: Remember Irish pig.

This is where the reference the Irish Pig, in the session of 20 August 2001. And then a little later in the same session we have:

Q: We read that some Mason traveled to Ethiopia looking for something?
A: Close.
Q: Did they obtain the Book of Enoch from Ethiopia?
A: Close.
Q: Well, if it was close, what will get us closer?
A: Egypt.
Q: Did they make it up that they got it from Ethiopia? To throw people off?
A: Most likely.
Q: How did they know to look there?
A: Given the sign by Howah.
Q: (T) Should we ask who Howah is? (L) They already told us. This "Irish Pig" god.
The Moroccans say the name "Casablanca" comes from one white building where Portuguese sailors would meet people. Is this true?
A: Partly

The C's then say that this Howah is none other than Yahweh. Here is the session of 14 September 2001.

Q: Is the god worshipped in Judaism, Yahwah, really Howah, the Pig God?
A: Yes.

There is backing evidence for relating "Yahweh" and "Howah," found in the works of David Noel Freedman and C. R. Gianotti and referenced here.

What I don't know is how Howah and the Celtic mythology connect, but the swine was indeed worshipped across France and Britain in the Celt world.

In The Religion of the Ancient Celts, J. A. MacCulloch says:

The swine had been a sacred animal among the Celts, but had apparently become an anthropomorphic god of fertility, Moccus, assimilated to Mercury, perhaps because the Greek Hermes caused fertility in flocks and herds. Such a god was one of a class whose importance was great among the Celts as an agricultural people.

And also

The Galatian Celts abstained from eating the swine, and there has always been a prejudice against its flesh in the Highlands. This has a totemic appearance. But the swine is esteemed in Ireland, and in the texts monstrous swine are the staple article of famous feasts. These may have been legendary forms of old swine-gods, the feasts recalling sacrificial feasts on their flesh. Magic swine were also the immortal food of the gods.


When animals come to be domesticated, the old cult restrictions, e.g. against eating them, usually pass away. For this reason, perhaps, the Gauls, who worshipped an anthropomorphic swine-god, trafficked in the animal and may have eaten it

This means that there were some restrictions on eating pork in other places and religions too, or at least, some Celts had them. Maybe for the reasons outlined in the trichinosis exchange with the C's above?

So after this, maybe there is another reason for the Jews to have dietary restrictions on pork, based on the relationship between Yahweh and the Irish Pig god. Given how jarring Yahweh was described in the OT, I wonder if this dietary restriction also had to do with having more control over the population worshipping it, not allowing a better diet than the one they had.
So after this, maybe there is another reason for the Jews to have dietary restrictions on pork, based on the relationship between Yahweh and the Irish Pig god. Given how jarring Yahweh was described in the OT, I wonder if this dietary restriction also had to do with having more control over the population worshipping it, not allowing a better diet than the one they had.
Maybe, maybe it was a way to ensure that their "chosen people" would survive and be able to carry out their shenanigans in history, and then once the risk of disease was removed, then it was a way to ensure they'd not feed themselves with something containing a specific kind of information. In earlier sessions, Yahweh was described as a false teacher and a fictional being.

Truly, when you think about all the nastiness that the "chosen people" live with, starting at birth, being chosen by the STS overlords truly gives the concept of "selling your soul" and entirely new meaning, and even a practical one.
Thank you @John G for your response. I deduce from this that the degenerate metric characterizes the action which annihilates the positive measure (matter) to reach the domain of negative action (antimatter).

- Do we know why this very particular metric must be degenerate?
- What does it mean concretely that it is degenerate?
- What is the relationship between the 4th dimension of space (as a frequency reference) and this degenerate metric?
- Does the fact that it is degenerate mean that the frequency is not of the same type as those with which we work in electromagnetism where we only consider the positive solution which then allows us to speak of progressive waves for E and B?
- What does the infinite character of the conformal group refer to?
- Finally, what do you mean by "full symmetry" of Maxwell's equations?

Thanks for your help @John G, I'm asking all these questions in order to better understand this research to ask relevant questions to the Cs afterwards.​
At the conformal infinity bridge between the universe and anti-universe there is trapped light aka the speed of light is zero (but frequency/energy is high I believe) and it's this zero speed of light that makes it a degenerate metric:

Minkowski metric with c=0 is degenerate... If by "degenerate" you mean a zero determinant, then the Minkowski metric dt2−dr2c2 is also degenerate with c=∞ (please correct me if I am wrong). However, this is the case of the Galilean spacetime with separate spatial and temporal metrics. Physically though, yes, c=0 seems to imply no energy, no matter, no time, no motion, nothing happening ever. Still this space may have some interesting properties... A c=0 metric, corresponding to the quadratic form x2+y2+z2, with signature (+,+,+,0)... the corresponding c→0 limit describes a universe where "space is infinitely more important than time," so we can think of it as divided up into isolated points of 3d space, each of which has a timeline with a 1d time metric, reflecting the fact that a zero speed of light means nothing can move...

Since everything is technically traveling the speed of light since it's zero, it's like everything is a light-like reference frame and conventional physics says light does not have a reference frame but various people still discuss this possibility. You I guess would perceive your whole timeline through the bridge all at once and would have to differentiate "time" by frequency (Feynman propagator phase-like generalized affine one-form proper time of sorts). From Wikipedia's proper time article:

For lightlike paths, there exists no concept of proper time and it is undefined as the spacetime interval is zero. Instead, an arbitrary and physically irrelevant affine parameter unrelated to time must be introduced.
For the mainstream this is all into the physically irrelevant territory not surprisingly. Conformal infinity is literally at infinity coordinate-wise for a spacetime with conformal group symmetry (instead of Lorentz group symmetry) and full symmetry for Maxwell's equations would also be the conformal group instead of just the Lorentz group for Minkowski spacetime. The conformal group can allow things like time travel hence most physicists don't tend to go there.
I know this isn't the answer for which you are looking, but perhaps you should try feeling rather than thinking.

See which foods resonate with you. Listen to your body after you eat and eliminate the foods that didn't absorb well.

My diet consists mostly of pork, red/violet yams, carrots, citrus (lemon and calamansi), ginger, red and white onions, and many supplements: Iodine, Potent Multivitamins, Magnesium, an Omega Complex, Minerals, and Sodium Bicarbonate to adjust my pH.
It's indeed part of the process, thanks for the reminder.
The case for intolerance is however trickier when it comes to direct/linear physical reactions. That's why I intend to check what information we theoretically have first, in order get some idea of what could be, and then make experiments backed up by material as to act consciously.
I doubt you chose to adjust your pH with Sodium Bicarbonate simply by 'feeling' it, but I don't know your feeling capacity and I can be wrong.
I wonder if this dietary restriction also had to do with having more control over the population worshipping it, not allowing a better diet than the one they had.

Not only that, but perhaps eating certain foods would allow certain 4D STS to have a better connection with human beings. For example, if you want to have a connection with the Lizzies, you should eat reptiles. Or chickens, because they have genetic connection with reptiles. And even better, both reptiles and chickens eat bugs, so you will probably also have a better connection with Mantis aliens! Perhaps that is why eating bug proteins is heavily promoted these days.
Interesting session!

(Windmill Knight) The C's have mentioned that Jordan Peterson is a great soul, yet he is also very much driven by his emotions, and therefore, has trouble coping with objective reality. Lately, he has publicly made some remarks in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that are greatly off the mark and lacking in empathy, to say the least, like encouraging Netanyahu to 'give them hell', accusing the Palestinians of playing the victim, or calling anti-genocide demonstrators 'resentful, childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination.' Several of us have the impression that the Jordan Peterson, before his medical coma for his severe benzo withdrawal symptoms, is no more. He is particularly different since befriending the likes of Bibi Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. Is it really just his emotions that are twisting his views or is there something else at play here?

A: Peterson was subjected to intensive programming during his coma.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't replaced?

A: No

Q: (L) Just subjected to intensive programming, I'm assuming by 4th density?

A: Yes
I've wondered about this too. How could he read Political Ponerology and not connect the dots? Perhaps we could ask a followup question next time. I'd be interested to know if he has a handler in his close personal circle (like Grima Wormtongue) and if the spell might be broken if he were seperated from that person, or if it is more deply embedded in his mind with no handler needed. Perhaps there's something we could do to help him.

Q: (L) So, most people will not benefit from raw cow's milk?

A: Yes.

Q: (Chu) What kind of person benefits, then? What kind of issue are they treating that they might benefit from drinking it?

A: Genetics plays a role along with the ability to manage the information.

Q: (L) What information?

(Joe) The information contained in the protein.

(L) Is that what it is? The information in the protein?

A: Yes.

Q: (Chu) So, it's very hard to tell, basically, if it's good for you or not.

(L) Right.

A: Casein is a receiver/ transmitter like all proteins. You might say that persons with strong bovine affinity can do better with milk than others.

Interesting bit about proteins in food as information. It reminds me of a Chinese medicine concept of food and medicine "energetics". In this system foods and medicines are classified according to "energetic" characteristics such as temperature (ie cooling, warming or neutral) and other characteristics such as "tonifying" "draining" and "moving" that all reflect how they affect the body. For instance a person who is thin, sickly and deficient after a long illness would be given herbal medicines and foods that are "tonifying" and "warming" to help their body recover strength.

Milk is considered tonifying, cooling and damp/phlegm forming. It is thought to be quite tonifying (ie promotes strength in the body and growth) but it promotes the formation of phlegm, both in the lungs and nose and "phlegm" which is a Chinese concept that corresponds to nodules and tumors and fatty tissue accumulations. It also has a tendency to cause gas and loose stools (lactose intolerance) which is a "damp" sign in the digestion. These ideas match quite closely to what the C's are saying.

In the TCM system the negative effects can be somewhat mitigated by combining foods and medicines. The classic example for milk is to make so called "Golden milk" by combining it with a blend of warming spices like ginger, cardomum, tumeric and pepper. These spices offset the cold, damp, phlegmy properties of the milk and facilitate digestion. My guess is that this would be something to keep in mind when using milk medicinally.

Personally I've used it for short periods of time to help me put on weight, for instance during a 12 week "bulking" cycle which is like an artificial growth spurt where you're trying to put on weight intentionally. My body tolerates it well as long as I take lactase with it, but after a few months I start to accumulate abdominal fat and feel more and more lethargic so then I stop. Using warming herbs with it defintely helps me. Just a FWIW from my personal experience.
It's indeed part of the process, thanks for the reminder.
The case for intolerance is however trickier when it comes to direct/linear physical reactions. That's why I intend to check what information we theoretically have first, in order get some idea of what could be, and then make experiments backed up by material as to act consciously.
I doubt you chose to adjust your pH with Sodium Bicarbonate simply by 'feeling' it, but I don't know your feeling capacity and I can be wrong.

You're correct. Intolerance is cyclical if one doesn't have enough data.

Thank you for considering multiple variables. It wasn't my intent to make you stray from your intended path.

My apologies. 🙇
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