Session 18 May 2024

A: Information! Note the fact that grass of a certain nature provided this. Apply that principle to foods.

Studies are most often of little value because subjects are self-selecting. A truly random group is almost never seen.

Weighing and measuring constituents of a substance can be indicative if the potentials of information are taken into account. This is why pork is better for advanced humans than beef or many other meats.

The information of the pig is more in line with the direction of the human. The meat of the pig is composed of proteins with similar receivership capacity.

I'm very interested in the data that was not received.

In what direction are we going as a group?

What food is ideal for humans that are rapidly growing since pork is not a completely optimised option?

What should one consider if one grows their own food aside from the linear path of information in the diet and nutrients of every life form involved?
Well, your last sentence says a lot about it. Consider that he also was under a coma for severe benzo withdrawal. Benzodiazepines have various properties, including hypnotic ones. They're the psych drugs that are among the most difficult to interrupt, if not the most difficult ones. A lot of people just can't do it.

That's good to know. If you take his use of benzodiazepines, the jabs he took, the lack of knowledge and of a network, that makes for quite a grooming of Peterson.

A description of what it felt like waking out of that coma, from Peterson himself:

"I was confused and frustrated not knowing where I was, surrounded by people speaking a foreign language. I had six-inch tethers attaching me to the sides of the bed because, in my unconscious state, I had been agitated enough to try to remove the catheters from my arm and leave the ICU."

So my guess is, he tried to resist their programming, but couldn't due to confusion and a lack of awareness (about the paranormal and higher density negative beings, if nothing else).

Thanks for digging out this detail, as I've been wondering about a couple of questions regarding their intensive programming of Peterson.

The C's once said that Peterson was a great soul and so I was wondering why he wouldn't have any sort of protection from programming during a coma?

Also, what exactly is it that makes him a 'great soul', and what exactly is the 6D definition of a "great soul"? And what is the reason, if he is a great soul, that he didn't have any protection whatsoever from such nasty programming going on? And what are the repercussions for him as a soul?

For example, will Peterson be experiencing karmic repercussions for his falling into line with the Israeli psychopaths and genocide, and if so in how far? If he was heavily programmed by 4D STS to fall in line with their agenda, does that take away some responsibility when facing his karmic debts in 5D, as he would be "merely" a victim of 4D STS attacks? Even if that were the case, wouldn't he still be indebted to all his previous followers who saw a role model and teacher in him? Or, would there be an inherent part of him that, on some level, allowed the programming to happen? Niall's post above seems to indicate that he did struggle against it, but apparently in vain.

So let's attempt to picture this from the vantage point of Peterson's "higher soul" (be it 4D, 5D, or 6D). Peterson's lack of knowledge, awareness and network, plus using detrimental medical substances were already sufficient enough grooming for 4D STS to be successful in programming him so nefariously that his "higher soul" could not protect him anymore? Is his incarnation now considered to be a failed mission, a game over, and another incarnation will have to follow for another try? Or is there still a way to save himself?

I've wondered about this too. How could he read Political Ponerology and not connect the dots? Perhaps we could ask a followup question next time. I'd be interested to know if he has a handler in his close personal circle (like Grima Wormtongue) and if the spell might be broken if he were seperated from that person, or if it is more deply embedded in his mind with no handler needed. Perhaps there's something we could do to help him.

That's an interesting question indeed and could well be the case. His circle of friends would offer enough opportunity for it.

I've also been wondering why neither his wife, nor his daughter, nor his son would be informed enough to see through (at least some of) the political lies to be of help to him in pointing those things out to him. Is this a programming of an entire family, or are members of his family taking the role of a handler or enabler, however unconscious that might be?
You're not the only one. From where I sit, I can say that everybody must consider that they were exposed to the spike vaccine, regardless of vaccination status and efforts to not come into contact. It's best to work with the working hypothesis that you were, and take measures. Imagine living in a bubble and then having to make contact with people in a hospital setting because of an emergency of yourself or a loved one. You want to be able to navigate with the reassurance that you have taken measures based on knowledge that protects.
Gaby, an overdue thank you for all the info and analysis you provide and have provided here. You’ve been tremendously helpful to me and my family (and many others, I’m sure), and I’m grateful. I didnt take the vax, but have had a lingering notion that I may have been impacted—mildly, I hope—by shedding. I should learn to listen better to those little inner promptings. Anyway, on to detox…

Otherwise, this seems to be an important session—much gratitude to you and all who participated and commented.
Regarding Jordan Peterson, I think it's a good thing for him to have a family, though I find his daughter gives me a real bad vibe. I can't help but notice he is now massively emotionally invested in Israel and early Judaism and I wonder if he's been programmed to be soul shattered as he won't be able to handle the terrible truth when the inevitable push-back towards Israel occurs.
(warning subjective) , My impression of Mr. J.P.s "near evironment ", is that his wife is a an OP , his daughter I'm unclear though, questionable life choices if not however (but who hasn't been there ) . This leads me to a question that I've long since wondered , eh , since there must be somewhat of a mechanism to keep the balance of OP's / potentially souled , does male human + female OP = potentially souled , versus, say , male OP + female human = OP ( or at least a tendency to result as such ?)
Thank you for the session.

Unfortunately, US Wellness Meats is not a good source because they feed their pigs grain. Also, within the last 10 years, they also had fed their pigs GMO.
I am not finding where you got your information from.

All of our pasture-raised heritage pork is from like-minded, sustainable family farms. Our animals forage for food in open pastures while being supplemented with non-GMO feed. They aren't given any antibiotics, GMOs, or added hormones. We even offer sugar-free pork products like our top-selling pork bacon made with only pork and sea salt! Whatever US Wellness Meat pastured pork product you choose, you can rest assured that you are eating the cleanest, tastiest, and most sustainable pork available in the United States. Enjoy.

Plus they don't vaccinate the animals.
Do you use mRNA vaccines?
No. None of our animals receive mRNA vaccines and we have no intention of doing so.
So after this, maybe there is another reason for the Jews to have dietary restrictions on pork, based on the relationship between Yahweh and the Irish Pig god. Given how jarring Yahweh was described in the OT, I wonder if this dietary restriction also had to do with having more control over the population worshipping it, not allowing a better diet than the one they had.

A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that some codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure" was spliced into an animal?
A: Close.

What can make it closer, OP maybe.

This session may not refer to the restriction of pork consumption but may give clue to other reason as to why it consumption was prohibited.

There is some more clue in the transcript related to the Jew and their genetic origin. Maybe we can interpret that old session differently today. But first this;

Session Date: May 18th 2024
A: Casein is a receiver/ transmitter like all proteins. You might say that persons with strong bovine affinity can do better with milk than others.

Q: (Gaby) Organic portals?

What about persons with strong swine affinity.

Here are some selected part of this session;

September 16, 1995

Q: (L) What was the origin of the Hebrew People?

A: Genetic construct.

(L) Who did this genetic construct?

A: Guess.

Q: The Atlanteans?

A: Not that simple.

Q: (L) The lizzies?

A: How about joint effort?

Q: (RC) The Sirians and the Pleiadians?

A: Getting colder.

Q: (L) The Orion Union?

A: Okay, but include C.O.C. How does one restrain density 2 companion?

Q: (L) Chain? Chain of Command? Are there any actual inhabited planets in the Pleaides?

A: Yes.

Could they mean, how does one restrain density 2 companion genetically modify into 3rd density body (OP), a second density soul pool to which, a codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure’’ was introduced for the purpose of a specific genetic manipulation. See bellow

Q: (L) And what was the desired result of the Hebrew genetic manipulation?

A: Further control through the fostering of mistrust and hostility, leading to enslavement and warring. … Also accomplished renewed and invigorated 3rd to 4th density "feeding."

(L) Alright, the Orions created the Hebrews. What was the purpose for which this genetic variation was created?

A: Manipulation.

As we have lerned from the C’s, the Orion sts are master genetic engineer and to a lesser degree, the Atlantean. From the epic of Odysseus some of those know talent, knowledge in genetic engineering, was preserved and transmitted through the age. See bellow

Circe, in Greek legend, a sorceress, the daughter of Helios, the sun god, and of the ocean nymph Perse. She was able by means of drugs and incantations to change humans into wolves, lions, and swine. The Greek hero Odysseus visited her island, Aeaea, with his companions, whom she changed into swine. But Odysseus, protected by the herb moly (a gift from Hermes), compelled her to restore them to their original shape. He stayed with her for one year before resuming his journey. The story is told by Homer in the Odyssey, Books X and XII. Greco-Roman tradition placed her island near Italy or located her on Mount Circeo.

Restore them in their original shape or turn swine into human or second density to third density body.

Reading this old session take a new turn after 29 years and today evens in Israel Palestine sure make you wonder from which soul pool were these follower of Abraham (geeze event a portion of his name as a porcine connection) selected from. A tribe with more than 40% of defective OP, psychopath, but what about the rest, how many non defective OP constitute the rest of the population.

Yes it may sound harsh to contemplate this possibility but viewing a video posted yesterday on the tread war in Israel and seeing how they executed innocent Palestinian and dumping them in a pit and bury them after, that was la goute qui a fait déborder le vase and believe me I wrote much more yesterday but restrain myself.

Chain of command indeed, let start with a pig headed god giving them 10 commandments. That may hold them somewhat.
Gaby, an overdue thank you for all the info and analysis you provide and have provided here. You’ve been tremendously helpful to me and my family (and many others, I’m sure), and I’m grateful. I didnt take the vax, but have had a lingering notion that I may have been impacted—mildly, I hope—by shedding. I should learn to listen better to those little inner promptings. Anyway, on to detox…

Otherwise, this seems to be an important session—much gratitude to you and all who participated and commented.
Thanks Ulysses- I echo what you shared -a few days ago after the recent session from the Cs I was scrolling through the H&W threads (going back to 2020-onwards)connected with covid and the experimental vax - It was a reminder to just how dedicated you are Gaby in oofering your experiences and research- all freely given in the spirit of STO - also to alot of others who shared and networked in and around 2020 when all this lockdown vax /virus agenda really kicked off. The networking/sharing has given me an immense ammount of support and love from afar during those very scarey and challenging times - yes I know -it aint over yet !! Hearfelt ThanYou !
Bears are closely related to pigs in terms of genetics.
A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that some codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure" was spliced into an animal?
A: Close.

What can make it closer, OP maybe.

This session may not refer to the restriction of pork consumption but may give clue to other reason as to why it consumption was prohibited.

There is some more clue in the transcript related to the Jew and their genetic origin. Maybe we can interpret that old session differently today. But first this;

Session Date: May 18th 2024
A: Casein is a receiver/ transmitter like all proteins. You might say that persons with strong bovine affinity can do better with milk than others.

Q: (Gaby) Organic portals?

What about persons with strong swine affinity.

Here are some selected part of this session;

September 16, 1995

Q: (L) What was the origin of the Hebrew People?

A: Genetic construct.

(L) Who did this genetic construct?

A: Guess.

Q: The Atlanteans?

A: Not that simple.

Q: (L) The lizzies?

A: How about joint effort?

Q: (RC) The Sirians and the Pleiadians?

A: Getting colder.

Q: (L) The Orion Union?

A: Okay, but include C.O.C. How does one restrain density 2 companion?

Q: (L) Chain? Chain of Command? Are there any actual inhabited planets in the Pleaides?

A: Yes.

Could they mean, how does one restrain density 2 companion genetically modify into 3rd density body (OP), a second density soul pool to which, a codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure’’ was introduced for the purpose of a specific genetic manipulation. See bellow

Q: (L) And what was the desired result of the Hebrew genetic manipulation?

A: Further control through the fostering of mistrust and hostility, leading to enslavement and warring. … Also accomplished renewed and invigorated 3rd to 4th density "feeding."

(L) Alright, the Orions created the Hebrews. What was the purpose for which this genetic variation was created?

A: Manipulation.

As we have lerned from the C’s, the Orion sts are master genetic engineer and to a lesser degree, the Atlantean. From the epic of Odysseus some of those know talent, knowledge in genetic engineering, was preserved and transmitted through the age. See bellow

Circe, in Greek legend, a sorceress, the daughter of Helios, the sun god, and of the ocean nymph Perse. She was able by means of drugs and incantations to change humans into wolves, lions, and swine. The Greek hero Odysseus visited her island, Aeaea, with his companions, whom she changed into swine. But Odysseus, protected by the herb moly (a gift from Hermes), compelled her to restore them to their original shape. He stayed with her for one year before resuming his journey. The story is told by Homer in the Odyssey, Books X and XII. Greco-Roman tradition placed her island near Italy or located her on Mount Circeo.

Restore them in their original shape or turn swine into human or second density to third density body.

Reading this old session take a new turn after 29 years and today evens in Israel Palestine sure make you wonder from which soul pool were these follower of Abraham (geeze event a portion of his name as a porcine connection) selected from. A tribe with more than 40% of defective OP, psychopath, but what about the rest, how many non defective OP constitute the rest of the population.

Yes it may sound harsh to contemplate this possibility but viewing a video posted yesterday on the tread war in Israel and seeing how they executed innocent Palestinian and dumping them in a pit and bury them after, that was la goute qui a fait déborder le vase and believe me I wrote much more yesterday but restrain myself.

Chain of command indeed, let start with a pig headed god giving them 10 commandments. That may hold them somewhat.

Good find with the Circe connection. One interesting bit about that story is that Circe is associated etymologically with 'church' - so it was understood perhaps that religious institutions were responsible for turning people into livestock.

It has me seeing the phrase 'cast not your pearls before swine' in a new light.

And also there's the piece from Marcus Aurelius, 10.28, whose advice may be applied to the crazies on the left these days, as well as petty tyrants:

Imagine every man who is grieved at anything or discontented to be like a pig which is sacrificed and kicks and screams.

Like this pig also is he who on his bed in silence laments the bonds in which we are held. And consider that only to the rational animal is it given to follow voluntarily what happens; but simply to follow is a necessity imposed on all.

And then there's also Orwell's book Animal Farm, with the pig taking on its famous role, and finding its affinity with the farmer.

Anyways, an interesting metaphor through the ages. It may have something to do with 'greed is a sickness', pigs being notorious for their greedy eating habits. Is it possible that during The Fall there was genetic manipulation beyond ten factors being burnt off by light? Maybe something was added at that time to make us more beast-like? Pig DNA?
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