Session 18 May 2024

I have to admit that it is a long time now since I looked at the Ra material in any depth, so thank you for bringing this to the Forum's attention. Apart from the focus on the deleterious effects that nuclear explosions can have on the souls of those killed by them and the ongoing harm to the planet they cause, the Ra channel also made a few interesting observations on other matters touched on in this particular thread.

For example, Ra mentioned that Nikola Tesla was a wanderer who may have been linked in some way with the infamous Philadelphia Experiment run by the US Navy:

"Information offered through wanderer, sound vibration, Nikola [Tesla], also being experimented with for potential destruction: example, your so-called Philadelphia Experiment."

Tesla died aged 86 in his Manhattan hotel room on 7 January 1943 supposedly from a heart attack. This was the same year that most researchers believe the Philadelphia Experiment occurred. The Experiment allegedly involved the use of the inventor's Tesla Coils, which could explain his possible involvement. To this day, the Experiment is viewed as a hoax - see the Wikipedia entry for the Experiment for example: Philadelphia Experiment - Wikipedia.

However, the Wikipedia account does mention the theory that the Experiment was run in order to demonstrate some aspect of an unpublished UFT by Albert Einstein:

"The experiment was allegedly based on an aspect of some unified field theory, a term coined by Albert Einstein to describe a class of potential theories; such theories would aim to describe – mathematically and physically – the interrelated nature of the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, in other words, uniting their respective fields into a single field."

As to Einstein's unpublished UFT, the C's suggested that he had completed it in secret:

Q: (A) Yes, a comment is needed. I am confused about space, time, Einstein's general relativity, gravitation and electromagnetism.

A: Einstein's Theory of Relativity is only partially correct. That is why we say that there is no "dimension" of time. As far as gravity and electromagnetics are concerned, we suggest a review of the as yet publicly unfinished Unified Field Theory of the same gentleman. Was it completed and put into application in secret? Hmmmmm... And, if so, what are the ramifications? Maybe you could make the same discoveries.

My guess is that the Philadelphia Experiment was the secret application of the unpublished UFT that the C's are hinting at above.

Despite Wikipedia promoting the view that the Experiment was a hoax or, at best, a misunderstanding of a genuine experiment that had had nothing to do with invisibility, both the C's and Ra (through the Law of One channel) have stated that it was a genuine experiment and the C's have also implied that the Experiment led to the accidental discovery of time travel, a discovery that was subsequently taken forward by the Hungarian-American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann, with the main subsequent research being undertaken at the Camp Hero military base at Montauk, Long Island.

Von Neumann had worked on the Manhattan Project that led to the Americans detonating the first nuclear war head (at least in modern times) and was also a pioneer in building the mathematical framework of quantum physics. Sticking with the nuclear weapons theme, von Neumann would play a key role in the design and development of the United States' first ICBM programs. It may be of interest to learn that von Neumann studied mathematics at the University of Göttingen under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, where his tutor was the German mathematician David Hilbert who made many important contributions to mathematics in the 19th and 20th centuries and after whom von Neumann coined the term Hilbert Space, which allows the methods of linear algebra and calculus to be generalised from (finite-dimensional) Euclidean vector spaces to spaces that may be infinite-dimensional. The fact that he received a grant from the American Rockefeller Foundation suggest to me that he was talent spotted early by the PTB. Whilst at Göttingen, he seems to have shown a particular interest in hypercomplex number systems and their representations.

Representation theory is a branch of mathematics that studies abstract algebraic structures by representing their elements as linear transformations of vector spaces, and studies modules over these abstract algebraic structures. A simple example is how the symmetries of regular polygons, consisting of reflections and rotations, transform the polygon. Representation theory is a useful method because it reduces problems in abstract algebra to problems in linear algebra. The algebraic objects amenable to such a description include groups, associative algebras and Lie algebras - the last of these being an area which I believe Ark has shown a great interest in as regards his research into UFT. As to "symmetries", the C's once said "Remember, symmetry, by its very nature, combines both realms of possibility. It is all inclusive, rather than inharmoniously exclusive."

In October 1929 von Neumann moved to Princeton University as a visiting lecturer in mathematical physics. In 1933 he accepted a tenured professorship at the Institute for Advanced Study in New Jersey, which was effectively the USA's top scientific think tank at that time. Curiously for a mathematician, he had a passion for and encyclopaedic knowledge of ancient history, and he enjoyed reading Ancient Greek historians in the original Greek. The mathematician Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann's closest friend in the Unites States, suspected they may have shaped his views on how future events could play out and how human nature and society worked in general.

Von Neumann was known for always being happy to provide others of all ability levels with scientific and mathematical advice. Almost certainly von Neumann would have known Einstein at Princeton, where the latter was also based. Although a brilliant theoretical physicist, Einstein was not renowned as a foremost mathematician like von Neumann (indeed Einstein's wife was considered to be a better mathematician than her husband). This is borne out to some extent by what the C's said here in response to Ark's comments on Kulaza-Klein theory*:
Q: Ark did some reading on the Einstein thing, the letters to Kaluza, and there did not seem to be anything that E did in the period mentioned that would make one tend to think that there was a UFT from him in that time. But, Kaluza DID have an interesting idea about a 5 dimensional cylinder UFT which Einstein thought was quite startling. Yet, it seems that Einstein somewhat delayed Kaluza's presentation. What struck me was the word 'cylinder' which reminded me of the earlier session where I asked if the Germans had developed a time machine and you said 'yes,' and that it was in Antarctica, and that 'they' were 'exploring the loop of the cylinder.' You said that the loop of the cylinder was a 4th thru 6th density profile. Could you give me some elaboration on this cylinder, the loop of the cylinder, and whether it was Kaluza who did the UFT and not Einstein?

A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!

Q: Is it true that Kaluza had the theory and Einstein didn't?

A: Maybe it is that Einstein first hypothesized, and others were then commissioned for the purpose of completion in order to lead to application.

*Kaluza–Klein theory (KK theory) is a classical unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism built around the idea of a fifth dimension beyond the common 4D of space and time

There would also seem to have been political and security issues surrounding Einstein's work, which was being conducted at a time of growing international tensions with the emergence of the Soviet Union and the rise of the Nazis to power, judging from what the C's said here:
Q: (A) Related to these gravity waves, in 1936 Einstein wrote a paper which was rejected, in which he claims to have discovered that there are no gravity waves. When you talk...

A: Cloak for others. Einstein knew differently, but was forced to comply for political and security reasons.

I would not be surprised that von Neumann may have secretly been brought in to help Einstein in formulating his unpublished UFT, since his mathematical expertise far surpassed that of Einstein. If true, this would also make sense of von Neumann being involved in the Philadelphia Experiment and the subsequent time travel research that would later be conducted at Montauk, Long Island (though Von Neumann died in February 1957, long before experiments were supposed to have commenced at Montauk).

Also of note here is the fact that Von Neumann believed that much of his mathematical thought occurred intuitively; he would often go to sleep with a problem unsolved and know the answer upon waking up. Stanislaw Ulam noted that von Neumann's way of thinking might not be visual, but more aural.

This last point makes me think of what the Ra channel said about the inspiration behind the gaining of knowledge regarding nuclear energy:
What was the mechanism of fulfilling the desire for the information regarding nuclear energy?

I am Ra. As we understand your query, the mechanism was what you may call inspiration.

Was this inspiration a— Would an entity impress the person desiring the information with thoughts? Would this be the mechanism of inspiration?

I am Ra. The mechanism of inspiration involves an extraordinary faculty of desire, or will, to know or to receive in a certain area accompanied by the ability to open to and trust in what you may call intuition.

It is known that Nikola Tesla also received such inspirations but in his case they were definitely more visual. He could picture completed inventions in his mind and even rotate them in three dimensions. Similarly, Einstein also spoke of receiving sudden intuitions too, some of which came in his dreams:
When Albert Einstein was an adolescent, he had a vivid dream that would influence the course of his life. Einstein describes his dream (dreamed around 1890-95) as follows:

The dream was an inspiration for what was to become the Theory of Relativity. Einstein says that his entire scientific career was a meditation on this dream.

This led Einstein once to remark:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein

For more on the influence of dreams on famous scientists, see: Dreams and visions in scientific innovation.

Then there is, of course, the C's reference to Thor's Pantheum, a subterranean army of Aryan psychic projectors who direct their efforts towards influencing the high level creative forces, meaning here the creative arts. However, this would not necessarily rule out a similar group influencing high level scientists and engineers. Indeed, the C's themselves mention how scientists can channel unwittingly without knowledge of doing so:

Q: (A) There are several people who essentially think the same direction as we have been discussing... they are almost on the same track. Matti Pitkanen is one of them and Tony Smith is the other. How can these two guys have these similar ideas without having access to channelling?

A: Who said they they have no access to channelling? Some channel without knowing it.

Finally, where Ra mentions the devastating effects of the nuclear blasts on the victims at Hiroshima and Nagasaki:​

"I am Ra. Those who were destroyed, not by radiation, but by the trauma of the energy release, found not only the body/mind/spirit complex made unviable, but also a disarrangement of that unique vibratory complex you have called the spirit complex, which we understand as a mind/body/spirit complex, to be completely disarranged without possibility of re-integration. This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator, and thus we were given permission not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit, or portion, or holograph, or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One."

I find it curious that he mentions the term "holograph" in connection with the spirits of the victims who are supposedly a microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One (God, Seventh Density). This reference seems to me to lend credence to the notion of our living in a holographic universe.

Whilst delving through the old transcripts, I came across the following description of a person's heightened awareness at 4th density, which builds on comments I made in earlier posts about our current limited view of the electromagnetic spectrum and Pythagoras's concept of the 'Music of the Spheres' - the ability to hear the sun and the planets:
Q: (V) Does 4th density earth exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) And there are human beings...

A: All exists always.

Q: (L) Where is the 4th density earth, aside from being in 4th density?

A: Another realm.

Q: (L) Are there 4th density US existing NOW on this 4th density earth?

A: Yes. Us.

Q: (V) When you are on 4th density and look at the Sun, do you see the same thing we see here? When you look at the Moon, do you have the same visual experience?

A: No. Awareness is broader.

Q: (L) Well, what would you see when looking at the Sun?

A: Entire visual spectrum.

Q: (L) You mean we would be able to see all the things that we can now only see with instruments? Like the corona, the solar wind, et cetera?

A: The entire sphere from all possible angles of realization?

Q: (L) Would we be able to HEAR the Sun?

A: If chosen.

Q: (L) What does the Sun sound like?

A: Not answerable.

For French speakers : if you're interested in the Ra teachings that Laura talks about in her videos or texts, here's what I found on their site, freely accessible and offered free of charge after translation by volunteers (Home). If it can help some on their way... Enjoy :-)


  • Ra - Guide des concepts.pdf
    3.8 MB · Views: 4
  • Ra - Tome 2.pdf
    7.8 MB · Views: 4
  • Ra - Tome 1.pdf
    14.3 MB · Views: 7
He served in that role under Truman until his enforced resignation in March 1949. Soon afterwards, he was admitted as a patient to the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC) in Bethesda, Maryland where he was diagnosed as suffering from severe depression. Forrestal seemed to be on the road to recovery but on 22 May 1942 his body was discovered on the third floor of the hospital having seemingly fallen from the 16th floor where his room was located.
For the record: from the context as well as via wiki , the date of his death should be stated as 22 May 1949 !
Hmmm .... it seems that Monkeypox is back in the news again. See: MSN


Scientists have warned of a dangerous new strain of monkeypox that could spread internationally if it not properly contained.

Researchers in the Democratic Republic of Congo are currently tracking the strain and have warned international spread could come with more severe symptoms and a higher mortality rate.

The strain is called Clade 1b and was first discovered in September among sex workers in Kamtigu, a mining town in the country.
Hello MJF. In the winter of 2024, I suffered from smallpox (it’s a long story), and then the series “The X-Files” (Mulder and Scully:cool:) caught my eye, which many of us watched in the mid-90s.
I highly recommend watching The X-Files AGAIN, taking into account all the accumulated knowledge (and gray hairs too). What seemed like nonsense and fantasy in the 90s no longer seems so after 30 years.
At the center of the narrative of the first seasons of The X-Files (in addition to the main theme of aliens) is the smallpox virus. More precisely, a modified and deadly smallpox virus (carried by mutant bees), created in Pentagon laboratories for the purpose of exterminating people (first in the USA and Canada, then in other countries). According to the plot of the series, back in the 60-70-80s, the US government, under the guise of vaccinating the population (children and adults) against smallpox, secretly collected the DNA of all Americans into a single database. Each American was assigned an individual marker number, and a dossier was created for each one. Based on these millions of unique human DNA, various biological weapons were developed for the mass destruction of people in the future.
As is usual with real psychopaths, in addition to smallpox, “backup” options for exterminating people and other viruses (black cancer and so on) were developed.
In parallel with this, work was carried out on the hybridization of humans and aliens. These hybrids were supposed to survive the smallpox/black cancer epidemic and survive.
Hello MJF. In the winter of 2024, I suffered from smallpox (it’s a long story), and then the series “The X-Files” (Mulder and Scully:cool:) caught my eye, which many of us watched in the mid-90s.
I highly recommend watching The X-Files AGAIN, taking into account all the accumulated knowledge (and gray hairs too). What seemed like nonsense and fantasy in the 90s no longer seems so after 30 years.
At the center of the narrative of the first seasons of The X-Files (in addition to the main theme of aliens) is the smallpox virus. More precisely, a modified and deadly smallpox virus (carried by mutant bees), created in Pentagon laboratories for the purpose of exterminating people (first in the USA and Canada, then in other countries). According to the plot of the series, back in the 60-70-80s, the US government, under the guise of vaccinating the population (children and adults) against smallpox, secretly collected the DNA of all Americans into a single database. Each American was assigned an individual marker number, and a dossier was created for each one. Based on these millions of unique human DNA, various biological weapons were developed for the mass destruction of people in the future.
As is usual with real psychopaths, in addition to smallpox, “backup” options for exterminating people and other viruses (black cancer and so on) were developed.
In parallel with this, work was carried out on the hybridization of humans and aliens. These hybrids were supposed to survive the smallpox/black cancer epidemic and survive.
I thought the X-Files was a great show and for those who did not see it when it first aired, it would still be well worth a view today. Indeed, the show even got quoted a few times in the transcripts:

Session 19 November 1994:​

V) Does X-files have the Lizzie influence?

A: No.

Q: (T) Does X-files tell the people what they need to hear?

A: Yes.

That's a pretty good endorsement coming from the C's. This particular session occurred nearly two years before the C's spoke of the Aryan army of subterranean psychic projectors which they called Thor's Pantheum, who influence the high level creative forces of those involved with the creative arts. Perhaps the writers and producers of the X-Files were an example of such influence. Could the episode you speak of have been part of some sort of predictive programming maybe?

As to the alien/Human hybrids surviving the smallpox outbreak, the C's have said that the Orions want to cull most of the human race prior to the shift to 4th density and use the remainder as vessels for a new race. To this end, there is a genuine ongoing hybridisation programme being carried out according to the C's:

Session 14 October 1995:

Q: (L) I want to ask about one thing from the Matrix material. I want to know who and what are the "Esseseni?"

A: Hybrids, new.

Q: (L) They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of? What are the sources of the material for the hybridization?

A: Humans and grays.

Q: (L) Are the Esseseni positively oriented beings, as has been suggested by some?

A: Split.

Q: (T): Some STS, some STO?

A: Yes.

You will note that 1995 coincides with the airing of the X-Files on TV. I would also add that Professor David Jacobs in his excellent book The Threat, described one female alien abductee's hypnotic regression session where she spoke of being shown a movie by alien greys of a family scene which involved a mixed group of humans and hybrids. What amazed her was that the hybrids were completely indistinguishable from the humans. Could the hybrids she saw have been the Esseseni? The C's have spoken about "Walk-Ins" recently and of how a couple of million underworlders are currently working here on the surface but one must also ask how many of these alien hybrids may be walking among us now, given how long ago the Matrix material was written?

I would not dream of pressing you on how you may have contracted smallpox very recently by the sound of things, given you mentioned the winter of 2024. However, I had thought smallpox had been all but eradicated save perhaps for the occasional outbreak in remote third world regions. However, given that the recent outbreaks of monkeypox have primarily been in Central Africa (although it was also seen in Europe mainly among pockets of homosexually active men), and the World Health Organisation (WHO) is proposing to roll out a smallpox vaccination programme in the affected regions (question: how does a smallpox vaccine protect you against monkeypox?), could this be what the C's meant recently when they said the PTB were working on a new pandemic aimed primarily at culling the black population, which would, however, backfire since it would spread beyond the intended target group. Perhaps someone can track down the quote? Could these smallpox vaccinations be a means of spreading this new pandemic and is monkeypox the virus pandemic the C's had in mind?​
I thought the X-Files was a great show and for those who did not see it when it first aired, it would still be well worth a view today. Indeed, the show even got quoted a few times in the transcripts:

Session 19 November 1994:​

V) Does X-files have the Lizzie influence?

A: No.

Q: (T) Does X-files tell the people what they need to hear?

A: Yes.

That's a pretty good endorsement coming from the C's. This particular session occurred nearly two years before the C's spoke of the Aryan army of subterranean psychic projectors which they called Thor's Pantheum, who influence the high level creative forces of those involved with the creative arts. Perhaps the writers and producers of the X-Files were an example of such influence. Could the episode you speak of have been part of some sort of predictive programming maybe?

As to the alien/Human hybrids surviving the smallpox outbreak, the C's have said that the Orions want to cull most of the human race prior to the shift to 4th density and use the remainder as vessels for a new race. To this end, there is a genuine ongoing hybridisation programme being carried out according to the C's:

Session 14 October 1995:

Q: (L) I want to ask about one thing from the Matrix material. I want to know who and what are the "Esseseni?"

A: Hybrids, new.

Q: (L) They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of? What are the sources of the material for the hybridization?

A: Humans and grays.

Q: (L) Are the Esseseni positively oriented beings, as has been suggested by some?

A: Split.

Q: (T): Some STS, some STO?

A: Yes.

You will note that 1995 coincides with the airing of the X-Files on TV. I would also add that Professor David Jacobs in his excellent book The Threat, described one female alien abductee's hypnotic regression session where she spoke of being shown a movie by alien greys of a family scene which involved a mixed group of humans and hybrids. What amazed her was that the hybrids were completely indistinguishable from the humans. Could the hybrids she saw have been the Esseseni? The C's have spoken about "Walk-Ins" recently and of how a couple of million underworlders are currently working here on the surface but one must also ask how many of these alien hybrids may be walking among us now, given how long ago the Matrix material was written?

I would not dream of pressing you on how you may have contracted smallpox very recently by the sound of things, given you mentioned the winter of 2024. However, I had thought smallpox had been all but eradicated save perhaps for the occasional outbreak in remote third world regions. However, given that the recent outbreaks of monkeypox have primarily been in Central Africa (although it was also seen in Europe mainly among pockets of homosexually active men), and the World Health Organisation (WHO) is proposing to roll out a smallpox vaccination programme in the affected regions (question: how does a smallpox vaccine protect you against monkeypox?), could this be what the C's meant recently when they said the PTB were working on a new pandemic aimed primarily at culling the black population, which would, however, backfire since it would spread beyond the intended target group. Perhaps someone can track down the quote? Could these smallpox vaccinations be a means of spreading this new pandemic and is monkeypox the virus pandemic the C's had in mind?​
hey, session 9 May 2020 , session 23 April 2022 , both have smallpox mentioned therein. Smallpox
The quote is from Session 9 January 2005.
Thank you very much for finding this. As I said before, the context in which the C's statement was made can be very important and that is certainly the case here. Quoting the relevant extract in full:

Q: Was the strike on the Pentagon for the purpose of taking out the people involved in legitimate training exercises who would have known the truth of the events of that day?

A: Now, another interesting question! What is up with the Navy?

Q: What is up with the navy?

A: Maybe they know things they don't tell. Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle.

Q: Can you clarify?

A: Let's just say that the navy wouldn't play with the bullies because they know about bigger bullies. The navy learned a lot from the Philadelphia experiment. George Bush senior tried to get all the data about the things he heard and saw, but failed.

Q: What is the navy doing now?

A: Flying under the radar and waiting.

You will notice that the C's did not answer Laura's question about the so called 'plane' strike on the Pentagon, which was in fact a missile dressed up to look like an aircraft. Instead, they answered with another question by asking "What is up with the Navy?" This response appears to wrongfoot Laura. However, I think it was intended to show that there is inter-service rivalry between the various branches of the US armed forces and that they may be withholding secrets from each other. As I said previously, the wing of the Pentagon that was hit by the missile strike was supposedly that of the Navy and especially the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which was implicated along with the CIA in the mocking up and release of the Majestic 12 papers to the UFO research community in 1985. These papers contained a mixture of both true information on Roswell and disinformation. It was perhaps intended as a testing of the water where alien disclosure was concerned. Things have moved on since then, of course, and the US Navy has more recently been involved with the release of the 'Tic Tac' UFO videos. These were Pentagon UFO videos containing visual recordings made by forward-looking infrared cameras (FLIR) mounted on United States Navy fighter jets based aboard the aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2004, 2014 and 2015, with additional footage taken by other Navy personnel in 2019. Could this be what the C's meant by the US Navy "Flying under the radar and waiting"? I am not aware that the USAF has released any similar videos but stand to be corrected.

Where the C's say that the US Navy "know things they don't tell" and "Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle", this tells me that the US Navy has data and information that they are not sharing with the other branches of the US armed forces and with the wider US intelligence community. The C's references to a certain respect for "nature" and a "hesitancy to meddle" seems to be connected with what the Navy may have learned from the Philadelphia Experiment, which they seem to have kept to themselves. This is why I made a point of mentioning that Albert Einstein, if he was connected with the Philadelphia Experiment as Carl Allen alleged, was directly contracted to the US Navy meaning that any scientific findings that came out of that experiment stayed with the US Navy, no doubt under the protection of non-disclosure agreements.

As to the "bullies" and "bigger bullies", the first reference may have been to human agencies, presumably the PTB and secret government, which links into the Consortium and the second reference may well have been to the Orions, including the Greys and Lizards and the Aryan subterranean civilisation of the 'Nation of the Third Eye'. On this last point, let us recall the experiences of US Navy Admiral Richard Byrd who led a US Navy task force down to the Antarctic under Operation High Jump (1946-47), only to see his ships and planes come under attack by flying saucers (the "bigger bullies"):
Q: [Terry's question about what Admiral Byrd may have seen over the pole.]

A: Yes, but he was led to believe he was chasing what amounted to merely an encampment of detached Nazis.

Q: [So Byrd must have SEEN something and was then led off the track...]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What do these guys plan on doing?

A: This is where "The Master Race" is being developed.

Q: (L) And what is the timeframe they have planned for this activity?

A: Never mind.

Admiral Byrd was subsequently sworn to secrecy but since he would have been debriefed by senior Naval staff, I would suggest that the US Navy learned a lot of details from Byrd that were not necessarily shared with the other services, i.e., the Army and the USAAF, which later that year became the USAF. Remember also that this was only a few months before the Roswell crash. Indeed, the C's reference to "Flying under the radar and waiting", may even be an indirect reference to the Roswell crash since the C's told us elsewhere that the Roswell crash (or crashes) was caused by radar interference:

Session 22 October 1994:
Q: (L) In discussion of a purported crash of a space craft in Roswell, it was remarked that this crash was caused by ionization. Could you be more specific?

A: That reference simply means the bouncing of what you call radar beams off of the ions existing in the atmosphere at the time, caused electromagnetic disturbance which interfered the gravitational balancing system of that particular craft.

Q: (L) Why were the ions present at that time and not at other times?

A: The ions were charged at that time because of storm activity.

As to the reference to the "Master Race", could this involve the Esseseni hybrids I mentioned in my last post?
hey, session 9 May 2020 , session 23 April 2022 , both have smallpox mentioned therein. Smallpox
Good spots. The 23 April 2022 session may be the more relevant here:

(Gaby) In a prior session, they were saying it was not mostly the US experiments that were a threat to humanity, but instead a space virus. So, if that's the case, in theory if there's a 4th density STS virus coming up, will it be a DNA or an RNA virus?


Q: (Gaby) And what kind of disease will it produce?

A: Most likely to be similar to primitive smallpox.

Q: (Pierre) Primitive smallpox is nasty. It's a descendant of the Black Death.

(L) I think we decided that primitive smallpox was the Black Death.

Session 9 May 2020:

(L) Look at the Black Death. It was a virus even though some people still think it wasn't. Some researchers now think that what we know as smallpox is what remains of it. That's something that was SO... I mean, smallpox is not a friendly sickness to say the least, but it's nothing like the Black Death.

Could what is currently being reported as monkeypox be in reality a primitive form of smallpox, which might explain why the WHO are talking about rolling out a smallpox vaccination programme in the regions affected?​
Thank you very much for finding this. As I said before, the context in which the C's statement was made can be very important and that is certainly the case here. Quoting the relevant extract in full:

Q: Was the strike on the Pentagon for the purpose of taking out the people involved in legitimate training exercises who would have known the truth of the events of that day?

A: Now, another interesting question! What is up with the Navy?

Q: What is up with the navy?

A: Maybe they know things they don't tell. Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle.

Q: Can you clarify?

A: Let's just say that the navy wouldn't play with the bullies because they know about bigger bullies. The navy learned a lot from the Philadelphia experiment. George Bush senior tried to get all the data about the things he heard and saw, but failed.

Q: What is the navy doing now?

A: Flying under the radar and waiting.

You will notice that the C's did not answer Laura's question about the so called 'plane' strike on the Pentagon, which was in fact a missile dressed up to look like an aircraft. Instead, they answered with another question by asking "What is up with the Navy?" This response appears to wrongfoot Laura. However, I think it was intended to show that there is inter-service rivalry between the various branches of the US armed forces and that they may be withholding secrets from each other. As I said previously, the wing of the Pentagon that was hit by the missile strike was supposedly that of the Navy and especially the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which was implicated along with the CIA in the mocking up and release of the Majestic 12 papers to the UFO research community in 1985. These papers contained a mixture of both true information on Roswell and disinformation. It was perhaps intended as a testing of the water where alien disclosure was concerned. Things have moved on since then, of course, and the US Navy has more recently been involved with the release of the 'Tic Tac' UFO videos. These were Pentagon UFO videos containing visual recordings made by forward-looking infrared cameras (FLIR) mounted on United States Navy fighter jets based aboard the aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2004, 2014 and 2015, with additional footage taken by other Navy personnel in 2019. Could this be what the C's meant by the US Navy "Flying under the radar and waiting"? I am not aware that the USAF has released any similar videos but stand to be corrected.

Where the C's say that the US Navy "know things they don't tell" and "Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle", this tells me that the US Navy has data and information that they are not sharing with the other branches of the US armed forces and with the wider US intelligence community. The C's references to a certain respect for "nature" and a "hesitancy to meddle" seems to be connected with what the Navy may have learned from the Philadelphia Experiment, which they seem to have kept to themselves. This is why I made a point of mentioning that Albert Einstein, if he was connected with the Philadelphia Experiment as Carl Allen alleged, was directly contracted to the US Navy meaning that any scientific findings that came out of that experiment stayed with the US Navy, no doubt under the protection of non-disclosure agreements.

As to the "bullies" and "bigger bullies", the first reference may have been to human agencies, presumably the PTB and secret government, which links into the Consortium and the second reference may well have been to the Orions, including the Greys and Lizards and the Aryan subterranean civilisation of the 'Nation of the Third Eye'. On this last point, let us recall the experiences of US Navy Admiral Richard Byrd who led a US Navy task force down to the Antarctic under Operation High Jump (1946-47), only to see his ships and planes come under attack by flying saucers (the "bigger bullies"):
Q: [Terry's question about what Admiral Byrd may have seen over the pole.]

A: Yes, but he was led to believe he was chasing what amounted to merely an encampment of detached Nazis.

Q: [So Byrd must have SEEN something and was then led off the track...]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What do these guys plan on doing?

A: This is where "The Master Race" is being developed.

Q: (L) And what is the timeframe they have planned for this activity?

A: Never mind.

Admiral Byrd was subsequently sworn to secrecy but since he would have been debriefed by senior Naval staff, I would suggest that the US Navy learned a lot of details from Byrd that were not necessarily shared with the other services, i.e., the Army and the USAAF, which later that year became the USAF. Remember also that this was only a few months before the Roswell crash. Indeed, the C's reference to "Flying under the radar and waiting", may even be an indirect reference to the Roswell crash since the C's told us elsewhere that the Roswell crash (or crashes) was caused by radar interference:

Session 22 October 1994:
Q: (L) In discussion of a purported crash of a space craft in Roswell, it was remarked that this crash was caused by ionization. Could you be more specific?

A: That reference simply means the bouncing of what you call radar beams off of the ions existing in the atmosphere at the time, caused electromagnetic disturbance which interfered the gravitational balancing system of that particular craft.

Q: (L) Why were the ions present at that time and not at other times?

A: The ions were charged at that time because of storm activity.

As to the reference to the "Master Race", could this involve the Esseseni hybrids I mentioned in my last post?
On that last point I made, I have just spotted a fairly recent refence in the transcripts to the underworlders, which may tie-in with the "Master Race" reference:​

Session 24 June 2023:

(happyliza) I’m interested to know whether John DeSouza is aware or mentions in his book about Terra Terrestrials - that is, the underground race.

(L) She could read the book and find that out, but he's obviously not. He's not aware of the underground race or reasons for harvesting of human materials.

(happyliza) The preparations can just as easily be for an invasion of the millions in Earth's center and various places on Earth too. Also the motherships, both of which the C's have talked about.

(L) So, I think that's probably what we're looking at. Is that true? That it's preparation from an invasion from underground and from like motherships carrying - what do they call 'em? The Nephilim-type things?

A: Yes.

I guess the timeframe for such an invasion is a lot closer in 2024 than it was in August 1996 when the C's referred to the Master Race being formed underground. From what the C's said in other session, these guys will make the SS look like a bunch of boy scouts by comparison.​
I would not dream of pressing you on how you may have contracted smallpox very recently by the sound of things, given you mentioned the winter of 2024. However, I had thought smallpox had been all but eradicated save perhaps for the occasional outbreak in remote third world regions.
I did not mean smallpox (variola), but chickenpox (varicella). I fell ill with the latter variant (it is not so terrible and fatal, however, it took me 3-4 months to recover). It's okay, you can put your gun down, I'm not sick anymore.:-D
I don't think many ordinary people are at risk. But since I take medications that suppress (and weaken) the immune system, I am at risk. In combination with a cold winter (below -25C for a long time), this provoked the disease.

As to the alien/Human hybrids surviving the smallpox outbreak, the C's have said that the Orions want to cull most of the human race prior to the shift to 4th density and use the remainder as vessels for a new race. To this end, there is a genuine ongoing hybridisation programme being carried out according to the C's:
Judging by the latest seasons of The X-Files, the hybridization program has been generally completed since then (from 94-95).
The hybrids shown in seasons 9, 10, 11 are no longer simply indistinguishable from people. These hybrids are actually like superhumans, like supersoldiers: they can read people’s thoughts, they are able to take on the appearance of any person, they can create mass hallucinations in people, regenerate body cells, etc. That is, they are completely ready to move into 4D.
I did not mean smallpox (variola), but chickenpox (varicella). I fell ill with the latter variant (it is not so terrible and fatal, however, it took me 3-4 months to recover). It's okay, you can put your gun down, I'm not sick anymore.:-D
I don't think many ordinary people are at risk. But since I take medications that suppress (and weaken) the immune system, I am at risk. In combination with a cold winter (below -25C for a long time), this provoked the disease.

Judging by the latest seasons of The X-Files, the hybridization program has been generally completed since then (from 94-95).
The hybrids shown in seasons 9, 10, 11 are no longer simply indistinguishable from people. These hybrids are actually like superhumans, like supersoldiers: they can read people’s thoughts, they are able to take on the appearance of any person, they can create mass hallucinations in people, regenerate body cells, etc. That is, they are completely ready to move into 4D.

I am glad to hear that you are not sick anymore. I had chickenpox (varicella zoster) as a child and it was very unpleasant but it is far worse if you catch it as an adult. Even those who have had chickenpox can years later succumb to what in England we call shingles (herpes zoster), since the chickenpox virus continues to remain in your system in a dormant state but can be reactivated in a virulent, more concentrated, form, which usually breaks out in one part of the body and can be extremely painful. Shingles tends to affect the elderly and those whose immune systems are suppressed or compromised by other ailments or medical treatments. However, there are exceptions. For example, my then four year old daughter, who had previously had chickenpox, contracted shingles (the doctor who diagnosed it even called in the community nurse to show her the shingles since it is very rare for a child to get it) and, as a result, my then baby son contracted chickenpox from her.

The X-Files was highly entertaining (they made a couple of X-Files movies too) but as the C's pointed out on one occasion the show was, at the end of the day, still fiction. Many of the show's themes were regarded as staple conspiracy theory fodder by TV reviewers. One such theme was that of the super soldiers, a subject which many conspiracy oriented websites have been promoting for years. Have the US military been working on the creation of super soldiers? Who knows. They certainly have been working on material augments that can make ordinary soldiers stronger. However, is it possible that hybrids reared in underground bases can have superhuman strength, more robust bodies and attributes like telepathy, I would argue yes.

Perhaps the C's gave us a further clue when they told us that Queen Nefertiti (a hybrid from the underground civilisation with an elongated head who the C's described as being a "deep level punctuator) was locked away for five years and people were suspicious of the fact that she failed to contract the plague, which was endemic in Egypt at that time and had already claimed several members of the Egyptian royal family including at least two of her daughters. It would seem that she may have had a superior immune system to protect her:

Session 23 August 2001:
Q: (L) Well, it seems that Nefertiti disappeared from history in the 12th year of the reign of Akhenaten. He then died in the 17th year of his reign. If Nefertiti was Sarah, where was she during this five year period, if Akhenaten died going after her when Abraham/Moses carried her off?

A: Locked up.

Session 2 February 2003:

Q: (L) Did Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah get some sort of sickness that contributed to the necessity of locking her up?

A: No, in fact it was the fact that she did not get sick that made her the object of suspicion.

If Nefertiti was a hybrid, what kind of a hybrid was she? The C's gave us a major clue here:

Session 18 March 2000:

Q: I do want to ask about this head of Tutankhamen: why was his head so extremely elongated, as well as the heads of the other members of that family?

A: Trace gene.

Q: Where did the trace gene come from?

A: Last "call."

Q: The last visit of the Nephilim?

A: Close enough.

Q: Did the gene come through Akhenaten or Nefertiti?

A: One sound like nephilim, or your "Nefilim."

Q: So, Nefertiti.

This answer suggests she was a scale-down Nephilim hybrid. In the transcripts, the C's agreed with Laura's analysis that Nefertiti was the biblical Sarai or Sarah, the wife of the biblical patriarch Abraham. They also said she was chiefly responsible for her husband Akhenaten's sun worship (in the form of the Aten):​

Q: HO must stand for something. I don't understand. Was Nefertiti responsible for Akhenaten's Sun worship?
A: Mostly.

Q: Well why did it turn into Sun worship instead of Moon worship?
A: Future honour of Ra
. Go 353535. Deity.

The reference to Ra is very interesting here since Ra was, of course, the Egyptian sun god prior to him being eclipsed by the Aten during Akhenaten's reign, his main religious centre being located at Heliopolis (the Hebrew On). Curiously, the biblical name "Sarah" or "Sarai" establishes a clear link to the god Ra since the name "Sara" (or Sare) in Egyptian converts to "Sa-Ra" meaning "Son of Ra". You will note that this is clearly a male name, although it can be feminised by the addition of the "t" hieroglyph converting it into "Sat-Ra". So, how did Sarah end up with a male form of the name? The answer may lie with an earlier Egyptian queen, who was the first acclaimed ruler of the "two lands" or the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt, whose name was Sobeknefuru or Sobekkara who was the last monarch of the 12th dynasty. Sobeknefuru only reigned for four years but was something of a role model and inspiration for later Egyptian female monarchs such as Hatshesput (an 18th dynasty queen) and quite probably Nefertiti too.

The same can also be said of the biblical patriarch Moses (who according to the C's was also Abraham) whose name almost certainly derives from the Egyptian name or title "Mosis" meaning "son of".

Apologies for digressing a bit but when you learn these things, one wants to pass them on. However, the theme of super soldiers or super humans, as depicted in the X-Files, is not a new theme in fiction by any means. As I have pointed out before, the Rosicrucian author and head of the 'Orphic Circle' (to which Lewis Carroll belonged), Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, wrote about such a race in his influential 19 century book Vril-The Coming Race (there is now a thread on the Forum about it). Citing an earlier post where I provided a synopsis of the book:

Using the Wikipedia entry for the book to provide a brief synopsis, the novel commences with the narrator and hero accidently finding his way into a subterranean world occupied by beings who seem to him to resemble angels [pure Aryans]. He befriends the first being he meets, who guides him around a city that is reminiscent of ancient Egyptian architecture. The hero discovers that these beings, who call themselves Vril-ya, have great telepathic and other parapsychological abilities, such as being able to transmit information, get rid of pain, and put others to sleep. It transpires that the Vril-ya are descendants of an antediluvian civilisation called the Ana, who live in networks of caverns linked by tunnels. Originally surface dwellers, they fled underground thousands of years ago to escape a massive flood and gained greater power by facing and dominating the harsh conditions of the Earth. Their society is a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being an "all-permeating fluid" called "Vril", a latent source of energy [free energy or energy from the vacuum] that the spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree that depends on their hereditary constitution. This mastery gives them access to an extraordinary force that can be controlled at will. The powers of the Vril include the ability to heal, change, and destroy beings and things; the destructive powers in particular are immense, allowing a few young Vril-ya children to destroy entire cities if necessary. The Vril-ya believe in the permanence of life, which according to them is not destroyed but merely changes form. After falling in love with his guide's daughter, he eventually has to flee for his life but with the help of his lover he manages to return to the surface, where he warns that in time the Vril-ya will run out of habitable space underground and will claim the surface of the Earth, destroying mankind in the process, if necessary.

From this synopsis, you can readily see that the story contains features that are eerily reminiscent of what the C's have told us about the 3rd/4th Density Aryan underground civilisation, including the Nation of the Third Eye. The comparisons between what Bulwer-Lytton describes in his book and what the C's have told us seem to close to be mere chance.

See: Session 29 July 2023

Do these beings sound a bit like your super soldiers in the X-Files? Bulwer-Lytton even warns that one day this race may invade the surface world one day to claim it for their own and destroy mankind in the process. This point again ties in with the exchange with the C's I quoted in my previous post:
(happyliza) The preparations can just as easily be for an invasion of the millions in Earth's center and various places on Earth too. Also the motherships, both of which the C's have talked about.

(L) So, I think that's probably what we're looking at. Is that true? That it's preparation from
[for] an invasion from underground and from like motherships carrying - what do they call 'em? The Nephilim-type things?

A: Yes.

It is curious that Bulwer-Lytton described this super race as the descendants of an antediluvian civilisation called the "Ana". This immediately makes me think of the Anunnaki and their chief god Anu, a name that can also be linked with the Irish mythological people called the Tuatha de Danann, the people of the goddess Danu or Anu, supposedly the mother of the Irish gods. The Tuatha de Danann were meant to be a supernatural race of red-haired giants with extraordinary powers. They may well be the Biblical Tribe of Dan too. The Tuatha de Danann were evidently supermen too who defeated the Formorians to conquer Ireland.

One has to ask though how Bulwer-Lytton was able to describe these Aryan super beings from an underground civilisation so accurately since they seem to be almost an exact match to the bi-density Aryan human beings the C's have described in the transcripts and to Charles Hall's Tall Whites. Did Bulwer-Lytton meet them as some say Adolf Hitler and the Thule Society did? Or was his accurate description inspired by Thor's Pantheum of Aryan psychic projectors?

Incidentally, why did the C's use the name Thor, the Norse god of thunder, as the name of the pantheum. The C's recently said that the Norse myths are saturated with references to the Nordic Covenant and added that the covenant was made in 4th density, which could suggest it may have been made within the underworld by some of the Aryan types who may then have come up to the surface or even possibly on Kantek prior to its destruction. Any thoughts?

Although they have been mentioned before, this talk of super soldiers makes me think again of the extraordinary Swedish twin sisters, Ursula Eriksson and Sabina Eriksson, who miraculously escaped death on an English motorway - see: Ursula and Sabina Eriksson - Wikipedia

See also 'Motorway M6,UK Madness - Swedish Twins'

One of them even brutally killed a man who was supposedly helping her, suggesting possible psychopathic traits. Could they have been hybrid products of the underground civilisation's Master Race breeding programme? How they survived is still beyond me.
Incidentally, why did the C's use the name Thor, the Norse god of thunder, as the name of the pantheum. The C's recently said that the Norse myths are saturated with references to the Nordic Covenant and added that the covenant was made in 4th density, which could suggest it may have been made within the underworld by some of the Aryan types who may then have come up to the surface or even possibly on Kantek prior to its destruction. Any thoughts?
Always interesting and fun how you look at these matters, MJF, which can get one revisiting, so thanks.

It seems that in 2024 the Cs said that the Nordic Covenant (NC) indeed was - to the question of "where was it made?" - was made in 4d. 'Made' being the reference. In 1998 (Dec 26) the Cs had provided some nuanced descriptions of NC's beginnings:

Q: How long has the Nordic Covenant been in existence?

A: 5129 years.

Before going further, a search of that date only brings that one date stamp mentioned, so what else was happening around that time that a convenient was needed to be made (and the need to make it)?

If one looks at the term 5 thousand years ago, being rather close to that time stamp mark, only one refence comes up that relates to the Nephilim as you looked to, with much more being said. So, was that date front and center to the Nephilim?:
{October 22 1994}

Q: (L) Tell me about the Nephilim.

A: That was a race of beings in the third level of density which came from an actual planet at another point in this particular galaxy also in the third level of density, who were taken, or shall we say kidnapped, reprogrammed and retrained by the Lizard Beings to act as enforcers during a particular era of what you would measure as your past.

Q: (L) What era was that?

A: That was an era... it would have been approximately 8 to 5 thousand years ago but there are also dates relating to 12 to 14 thousand years ago and others. Dating system is not ours and does not exist for us.

Q: (L) For how many years did these beings exist on our earth?

A: Approximately 15 to 18 hundred years. They died off because they were not able to reproduce naturally in the atmosphere of the earth and experimentation to try to cause them to intermix with the human population did not succeed.

Q: (L) When did the last of them die off?

A: Probably near 6 to 7 thousand years ago. But there is also a reference point of 12 to 14 thousand years as well.

Q: (L) What was the name of the planet they came from?

A: Dorlaqua.

Q: (L) Where was this planet located?

A: This planet was located in the Orion complex.

So, there are multiple date ranges in the particular, and a little over 5 thousand years ago (5219) marks the covenant being made - in 4d, and yet one reads below it was mostly between humans and humans (with 4d overtures) to obscure reality. With pure conjecture, one might imagine surface human populations becoming very aware of some ugly intentions and acts from out there, and a covenant was enacted (as can be read below) to guard secrets:

Back to December 1998

Q: Is the Nordic Covenant made between humans and other humans, or between humans and higher density beings?

A: Mostly between humans and humans, but some of the other.

Q: Does this Nordic Covenant exist on the earth today in similar format as it did at its inception?

A: Yes.

Q: Is this Nordic Covenant the same as you have referred to as the Quorum?

A: No.

Q: Would you say that the Nordic Covenant and the Quorum are in opposition, or just different?

A: Segmented relationship.

Q: Is there any particular thing about this that I ought to ask at the moment that I am not going to discover in the course of my research? The mail group asked a few questions about this, so I thought I ought to approach the subject. Is the Covenant made between people who are blond and blue-eyed?

A: Not the central issue.

Q: What is the central issue of the Nordic Covenant?

A: Bloodline extends off the planet.

Q: Is this Nordic Covenant a group that is in place on the planet for the purpose of guarding or propagating a particular bloodline?

A: To guard secrets.

Q: What does this secret have to do with a bloodline?

A: You should be able to figure this one out!

Q: Are these people with this bloodline and with these secrets the same ones involved with the genetic engineering of new bodies for the Lizzies to occupy at the point of transition to 4th density?

A: No.

Q: Are these secrets negative to our civilization or race?

From your perspective, maybe.

Q: Do these bloodlines have to do with Nephilim?

A little.

Q: What secrets are they guarding?

A: Your origins; the nature of your being.

Q: So, this Nordic Covenant is that which wishes to maintain the darkness of our realm, the time loops, the replays, and all that sort of thing?

One of the players, yes.

You also said that the Nordic Covenant was a duality, that it could be positive or negative. So, if that is the negative side of it, is the positive the same, or different?

A: Too complex for your current understanding.

"Too complex" for us is rather limiting in a current sense.

As for the Nephilim, again the said from 'your perspective,' and it was said that they were "taken, or shall we say kidnapped, reprogrammed and retrained by the Lizard Beings to act as enforcers." So, from their pre-reprograming perspective, this race was subject to their own shocks at the hand of the lizzies, and then they became their shock troopers here on earth (and are not many moderns becoming weaponized by various means to be a new bread of enforcers?).

The lizzies have been playing around in 3d for a long time, as has been told, and with the NC, which seems to be an aside from the Nephilim (as they said their role was 'a little' when it came to bloodlines), the lizzies aim looked to "maintain the darkness of our realm, the time loops, the replays," and so on and so forth. With the Nephilim, they did create enforcers which they seem to be trying to do again as said above.

The below is from October 22, 1994 and offers quite a bit (perhaps the very basics) in review (above this section was discussion of abduction, fear, souls, with lizzie sustenance followed, et cetera):
A: Both those that you describe as the Lizard Beings and those you describe as the Grays. This is necessary for their survival in each case. Even though the Grays are not natural parts of the short wave cycle, but rather an artificial creation by the Lizard Beings, but nevertheless they mimic the nourishment functions.

Q: (L) Since they are artificially created by the Lizard beings, does this mean they have no souls?

A: That's correct.

Q: (L) How do they function? Are they like robots?

A: They function by interaction with the souls of the Lizard beings. This technology is extremely far in advance of that with which you are familiar, but the Gray beings are not only built and designed artificially, but also function as a projection mentally and psychically of the Lizard beings. They are like four dimensional probes.

Q: (L) As four dimensional probes, what are their capabilities?

A: They have all the same capabilities of the Lizard beings except for the fact that their physical appearance is entirely different and they do not have souls of their own and also their biological structure is internally different. But, their functioning is the same and in order to remain as projection beings they also must absorb nutrients in the same fashion both spiritually and physically as the Lizard beings do. The reason the negative energy is necessary fuel is that the Lizard beings and the Grays are both living in the fourth level of density, which is the highest level of density one can exist in serving only self as these entities do. So, therefore, they must absorb negative energy because the fourth level of density is the highest example of self service which is a negative thought pattern. The fourth level of density is a progression from the third level of density. With each progression upward in density level, the existence for the individual conscious entity becomes less difficult. So, therefore, the fourth level of density is less difficult to exist in that the third, the third is less difficult than the second and so on. It puts less strain on the soul energy. Therefore, beings existing on the fourth level of density can draw from beings existing on the third level of density in terms of absorption of negative soul energy. Likewise, beings on the third level of density can draw from beings on the second level of density, though this type of drawing is not as necessary but is done. This is why human beings existing on the third level frequently cause pain and suffering to those of the animal kingdom who exist on the second level of density because you are drawing negative soul energy as beings who primarily serve self, as you do, from those on the second level, and on the first, and so on. Now, as you advance to the fourth level of density which is coming up for you, you must now make a choice as to whether to progress to service to others or to remain at the level of service to self. This will be the decision which will take quite some time for you to adjust to. This is what is referred to as the "thousand year period." This is the period as measured in your calendar terms that will determine whether or not you will advance to service to others or remain at the level of service to self. And those who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self. And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of expression to that of service to others. And, since they have such, as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and also to recreate their race metabolically.

Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don't they just breed us in pens on their own planet?

A: They do.

Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just move in and take over?

A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species; 2: increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power; 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density. To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail.

Q: (L) How can you be so sure it will fail?

A: Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level. You know how you wishfully think? Well, it isn't quite reality for you because you are on the third level, but if you are on the fourth level and you were to perform the same function, it would indeed be your awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be.

With all the forward sessions providing so much more (much more on the undergrounders), and then what can be seen today in our so-called modern 3d surface times, times in which 4d seem to be desperately acting through our 3d ptb (with some deep punctuators) on so many levels. All these matters today seem to be helping to achieve lizzies 4d aims of parts 1 through 4 above, which is all so connected it seems, as a basis of STS (4d using 3d) to locked it all in.
As I said before, this was my first interpretation of what was said, or rather my first attempt.
Because it turns out that afterwards, some questions came to my mind, which had not crossed my mind before.
I think your questions are based on a misreading of the discussion which can seem like a paradox; to break it down a bit:

C's Session 29th June 1996 said:
Q: (L) You said that changing the unit involves movement to another density. You also said that antimatter realm is the door to, or the pathway to, ethereal existence. Is 4th density, therefore, an antimatter universe?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do the beings in 4th density manifest in an antimatter state?
A: Both.
(L) Is 4th density a density where both matter and antimatter are in balance?
Notice that there's an assumption in Laura's question here: that matter and antimatter are out of balance outside of 4th density. This is why the C's responded:

C's Session 29th June 1996 said:
A: Not in balance, in evidence.
I.e. the C's are saying that, yes, there is a distinction regarding antimatter/matter in 4th density, but not with regard to the balance itself - the subject of Laura's question - but rather the awareness of the balance. They then clarify this by saying:

C's Session 29th June 1996 said:
A: Close. Antimatter and matter are balanced everywhere.
So antimatter and matter are balanced everywhere, and the awareness of the balance is what is different between densities, similar to the awareness of many/all other aspects of existence, according to the C's cosmology. At least, that's how I see it.
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I think your questions are based on a misreading of the discussion which can seem like a paradox; to break it down a bit:
"C's Session 29th June 1996 said:
Q: (L) You said that changing the unit involves movement to another density. You also said that antimatter realm is the door to, or the pathway to, ethereal existence. Is 4th density, therefore, an antimatter universe?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do the beings in 4th density manifest in an antimatter state?
A: Both.
(L) Is 4th density a density where both matter and antimatter are in balance?"
Notice that there's an assumption in Laura's question here: that matter and antimatter are out of balance outside of 4th density. This is why the C's responded:
"C's Session 29th June 1996 said:
A: Not in balance, in evidence."
I.e. the C's are saying that, yes, there is a distinction regarding antimatter/matter in 4th density, but not with regard to the balance itself - the subject of Laura's question - but rather the awareness of the balance. They then clarify this by saying:
"C's Session 29th June 1996 said:
A: Close. Antimatter and matter are balanced everywhere."
So antimatter and matter are balanced everywhere, and the awareness of the balance is what is different between densities, similar to the awareness of many/all other aspects of existence, according to the C's cosmology. At least, that's how I see it.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Your explanation of how you understand it has been very useful to me.👍
This saves me a lot of energy spent uselessly, guessing on bases that are not.
It seems that my first interpretation was on the right track, and on that basis my efforts will return.
To reconcile this in my mind, I thought that perhaps the Cas are referring to the fact that the balance between matter and antimatter, is not a peculiarity of 4D, since that is the case everywhere. And, that what is a particularity of 4D, is that the relationship or linkage between matter and antimatter is in evidence there.

Thanks also to Marc Johanson, Ricardo, Christx11, and all for their appreciated contributions on the subject.
There is much food for thought every day.
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