Session 18 May 2024

In general I think not.

It may help a little but I don't think that's the solution to the problem.

And what do you think is a solution to the problem?

The medieval Dark Ages did not have much activity and creativity.

Perhaps because medieval Dark Ages never existed?

Taking into consideration what Julius Hensel said about minerals and health of plants and animal and humans, perhaps minerals from falling comets could have a direct impact on human beings by increasing the nutritional value of their food? Perhaps such mineral rich food after the cometary bombardments would help humans to activate those truncated liquid genes that C's talked about, and that could be the reason why after cometary destruction of civilization there was always a burst of human activity and creativity? So the comets, and possibly volcanos which are activated by comets, have a role of fertilizer for the soil on the planet. And that soil would give not just health to humans, but also something more? Something similar to what the C's said about viruses?

I'd say yes, there some evidence that bombardments potentially have that creative effect. There are three potential catalysts for this increase in the nutritional - or even informational - value of food. The first is because impacts or airbursts have been shown to spread spread Platinum Metal Group dust across the planet.

In his series on the Holy Grail symbolism and comets, Randall Carlson has written about the effects of platinum group metals (PMGs), which primarily arrive on earth due to bombardments. In the case of plants, his reporting is quite interesting!

Last month I discussed some noteworthy etymological connections relating to encounters between the Earth and cosmic material, as well as some of the effects of such an encounter. I mentioned that an important constituent of this material delivered to Earth by way of comets and asteroids was the platinum group metals, or PGM’s and I quoted Soviet biologist Dr. Vasilieyev of Tomsk University regarding the remarkable genetic effects observed in the post 1908 impact environment at Tunguska, Siberia, where and I concluded with this statement:

“. . . incursion of cosmic material into the biosphere can indeed catalyze extraordinary evolutionary changes, which brings us to the threshold of the forgotten knowledge of cosmic alchemy. . .”

The key word here is catalyze, which means to be acted upon by a catalyst, a substance which either causes or accelerates a chemical change without, however, being permanently affected by the reaction. The platinum group metals are possessed of unique chemical and physical properties, among which are their effectiveness as catalysts for a variety of processes. The catalytic converter which transforms noxious automobile exhaust into harmless byproducts utilizes the PGMs to catalyze the conversion of toxic nitrogen dioxide into benign oxygen and nitrogen gas. Both the pre-Incans and the Egyptians held platinum in high esteem, incorporating it into beautiful jewelry.


That certain PGM’s could potentially have a profound impact on the human condition is hinted at in the work of Chemist Thomas J. Meade, and molecular biologist Jon F. Kayyem, whose experiments were described in a May, 1995 article in Scientifc American. Their area of interest was in the way electrons move through large, complex molecules, such as chlorophyll, which converts the energy of sunlight into plant food through the proton stimulated movement of electrons. While investigating the complex molecular structure DNA they inadvertently made a remarkable discovery. I will quote from the Scientific American article.

“They devised a way of binding atoms of ruthenium . . . to ribose, one of the backbone components of the helical chains of DNA. Ruthenium atoms act like electrical connectors into and out of the molecule; they have the added virtue of neither disrupting nor distorting its overall shape. [remember, a catalyst causes or accelerates a chemical change without, however, being permanently affected by the reaction]. Although there has been a long history of using such metals to understand DNA, the ruthenium-ribose combination revealed something extraordinary. The researchers examined the electrical properties of short lengths of double-helix DNA in which there was a ruthenium atom at each end of one of the strands. Meade and Kayyam estimated from earlier studies that a short single strand of DNA ought to conduct up to 100 electrons a second. Imagine their astonishment when they measured the rate of flow along the ruthenium-doped double helix: the current was up by a factor of more than 10,000 times—over a million electrons a second. It was as if the double helix was behaving like a piece of molecular wire.”
It would appear that the double helical geometry of the DNA molecule is a key factor in inducing resonance between it and the ruthenium atom, with the result that DNA is transformed into a superconductor. The implications of this remarkable effect remains to be seen. A considerable body of research has gone into the role of platinum group metals in the fight against disease, including cancer and Parkinson’s Disease, as well as their possible role in anti-aging therapies.

The International Platinum Group Metals Association has written on the potential of PGMs in the treatment of cancer: “PGM’s role in the fight against cancer is twofold: as the active ingredient in chemotherapy drugs and in radioactive implants for radiation therapy. In the first of these platinum compounds . . . have the unique quality of inhibiting the splitting and growth of cancerous cells . . . In brachytherapy, implants are made of platinum with the active ingredient of iridium isotopes. These are placed directly into tumours, giving a high radiation dose to the tumour while reducing the effect on surrounding healthy tissue.” Because of their excellent electrical conductivity and their inert, corrosion resistant character, platinum-iridium electrodes have become a critical component of heart pacemakers.

So it's sort of like the plants themselves start to channel. Who knows what happens when a cow or a goose eats grass like that! But at least there is potential for benefits to be transferred to the animal.

The second catalyst for this increase in the nutritional - or even informational - value of food is via the vibrations of the comets themselves. I'm not sure if these vibrations effect plants, but Laura writes that it does appear to affect the genetic material of humans, and thus could affect other animals as well.

In Laura's book Comets and the Horns of Moses, there is a section about hair, comets, and genetic changes entitled The Electrophonic Cosmic Logos.

Essentially, when a comet passes overheard, all manner of strange sounds are heard. 'Singing stars' or noisy meteors have been on record since Chinese observation in 817. There has also been more recent observations. From p. 127:

"These strange sounds were unexplained until Colin Keay, of the University of Newcastle in Australia suggested in 1980 that as meteors fall through the Earth's magnetic field, they generate radio signals audible to the human ear.

Keay knew that, ordinarily, radio waves are electromagnetic, not acoustic, and thus are not something that one ordinarily 'hears'. In order for something to be heard, acoustic waves - vibrations of the molecules of air - have to be present. These waves impinge on the eardrum and vibrate the inner ear, which then converts the vibrations into sound.

Electromagnetic waves such as radio signals and visible light don't need a medium to propagate, don't make waves in the air, and thus don't vibrate the human eardrum. Even radio waves of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz - low frequencies, corresponding to the range of acoustic frequencies that humans can register as sound - are, by themselves, inaudible.

To make radio waves audible, humans invented the transducer, a device that efficiently translates electromagnetic waves into air-moving waves which can then be heard as sound. What Keay discovered was that even ordinary objects can act as transducers. When slips of paper, aluminum foil and even eyeglasses were exposed by Keay to rapidly shifting electromagnetic fields (that is, radio waves of a very low frequency), the objects oscillated ever so slightly, creating the weak - and faintly audible - acoustic waves.

Keay postulated that falling meteors generate very low-frequency radio signals that travel at the speed of light to the ground, where they cause any number of things in the environment to vibrate, from your eyeglasses to your hair!

So, we have 'falling stars' that are 'singing songs', picked up by our hair as antennae. We can bet that animals pick up those frequencies as well. Further on the chapter, there is a discussion about Heat shock proteins (HSPs), and their role in human genetic maintenance.

HSPs (notably HSP70) are responsible for refolding damaged proteins. They 'get them back into shape', which means that they return them to a healthy structure, which in turn plays a key role in their ability to function properly.

However, despite their name, heat shock is not the only environmental factor that 'turns on' HSPs. VLF also has its effect - and HSPs are much more sensitive to VLF than heat.

From page 131:

"Such extra sensitivity to the magnetic field must have good evolutionary grounds. The interesting thermo-protective effect of the ELF [VLF] electromagnetic field exposure mentioned above, and the absence of any effects of weak electromagnetic fields on cell proliferation, may indicate that cells are not really expecting any damage from the weak electromagnetic impulse, but instead they are using the impulse as some kind of early warning system to prepare for the really hazardous other stress factors which often follow the electromagnetic impulse.

There is another aspect of this problem also: some recent findings in evolutionary biology suggest that HSPs play an important role in evolution. HSP90 guides the folding process of signal transduction proteins which play a key role in developmental pathways. When HSP70 functions normally, a large amount of genetic variation, usually present in genotype, is masked and does not reveal itself in phenotype. However, under the stress HSP70 is recruited to help chaperone a large number of other cellular proteins. Its normal role is impaired and it can no longer buffer variation.

Therefore some mutations will become unmaksed and individuals with abnormal phenotype will appear in the population. If a mutation proves to be beneficial in the new environmental conditions, the related traits will be preserved even after the HSP70 resumes its normal function.

Therefore, HSP70 acts as a capacitor for evolution.

So from that, I gather that we have been given an early warning system for cometary cataclysms as part of our 'original human blueprint'. When a comet passes overheard, emitting its 'song of change', our bodies respond. So, through HSP task-switching, a significant limiting factor on our DNA is removed. What happens to us physiologically depend on what we have cultivated inside us, genetically.

And this may also have an effect on animals, as well, though perhaps by a different mechanism.

The third potential catalyst is the red rain, or rain of blood reported throughout history and associated with airbursts. This is also from Randall Carlson:

On November 14/15 of 2012 a red rain was seen to fall over several provinces of Sri Lanka. Initial analysis of this rain seemed to indicate that the red color was caused by unicellular micro-organisms, presumed to be terrestrial in nature. Subsequent analysis, however, disclosed the presence of high concentrations of uranium in the outer layers of these cells. In an interview with cosmologist Chandra Wickramsinghe he states: “The concentration of uranium is not typical of earthly life forms and is another pointer to the alien origin of the red rain cells.”

In addition the cells lacked phosphorous in the nuclear region which led the scientists studying them to call them extremely unusual organisms. But could there be an extraterrestrial connection? Well, the answer is yes. About 10 days before the actual rainfall there were numerous meteor and fireball sightings in the area. It was concluded by Wickramasinghe that it was entirely possible that the microbial cells could have stayed aloft until changes in atmospheric pressure and moisture were conducive their raining out.


Sri Lanka Red rain falling. Rain water sample (left) and after the particles settled (right). Dried sediment (center).

Photomicrograph of particles from red rain sample

In an April, 2013 article in the Journal of Cosmology entitled “Discovery of Uranium in Outer Coat of Sri Lankan Red Rain Cells, the authors state: “The microbial content of the red rain that fell over central Sri Lanka in November/December 2012 shows generic similarities to that of the Kerala red rain.” The Kerala red rain the authors refer to was a similar event that took place in Kerala, India in May of 2001.

It is estimated in that occurrence over 50 thousand tons of red blood-like rain fell over an area of a few thousand square kilometers. However, in this case there was something more. The rainfall was preceded almost immediately by massive sonic booms, the kind that would be generated by a bolide or large meteor exploding in the atmosphere.

The red cells that were conveyed to Earth in the red rain of Kerala were truly extraordinary. Among their unexpected properties were not only survivability but the ability to reproduce at temperatures up to and exceeding 600 degrees Fahrenheit! Modern cooking ovens usually have a maximum temperature of 500° F. In addition the cells have a double wall structure which serves to protect the nucleus from damage, including from ultraviolet radiation. In other words these cells are ideally suited to survive a journey through space and a fiery passage through Earth’s atmosphere.

But from whence come these strange, red bloodlike cells? Patrick McCafferty, a chemical engineer and archeologist, has made an in-depth study of the red rain phenomenon throughout history. He authored an article on red rain for the International Journal of Astrobiology in 2008 in which he writes: “It was concluded that the red particles probably had an extraterrestrial origin, the result of a meteor airburst event on 25 July 2001, just hours before the red rain first started to fall.

This conclusion raises the possibility that, in space, there are objects that contain red, blood-like cells. In other words, comets possibly harbour life. Such an image of a comet, containing a liquid interior teeming with red cells, is difficult to imagine and even harder to accept.”

These cosmic biological cells - what is their action? Earth repair, human repair, or life repair in general, helping the renewal of the planet after impacts? Or are they destroyers? What affect do they have an effect on plants, animals, humans? It seems very little is known about the effect of these red cells. He claims this red liquid resides in the centre of the comets:

I quoted chemical engineer and archaeologist Patrick McCafferty who concluded in The International Journal of Astrobiology that the red rain particles were both extraterrestrial and biological in nature and that their source was the interior of comets, but, as he comments, “such an image of a comet, containing a liquid interior teeming with red cells, is difficult to imagine and even harder to accept.” Yet, as difficult as it may be to accept, it appears that a considerable amount evidence, both historical and empirical as well as mythical and anecdotal, leads to such a conclusion.

And I think he is here referring to them as nucleotide templates:
It was this sweeping up of millions of comets in the early stages of the formation of the Earth that delivered the great volume of water now comprising the hydrosphere: the world’s oceans, rivers, glaciers and groundwater.

It was this sweeping up that delivered the raw material of Life to Earth in the form of nucleotide templates.

It was this sweeping up of cosmic debris, including asteroids, that drives the process of evolution by interrupting the succession of Life on Earth with great catastrophes and mass extinction events and by delivering their payload of cosmic enzymes that initiate the extraordinary ‘rapid speciation’ events occurring in the wake of these tremendous catastrophic reboots of the Earth’s biosphere.

At any rate, it would be fascinating to know the interaction of all three of these potential catalysts - first the VLF 'sons' to prime the genome, then this mysterious red rain moving into the hydrosphere and the planet's ecology, possibly interacting the PGM dust coating potentially catalyzing genetic changes within all life forms.
Yes, both Randall and Laura were speculating how the comets could influence the human beings, but my suggestion is that it wouldn't necessarily require anything out of ordinary. Just space rocks being pulverized in the atmosphere and gradually falling on the ground where the plants would activate them. Now, in the old times, animals were, unlike today, freely grazing on pastures, so those activated minerals would end up in animals and, with the proper preparation of food, also in humans.

But, after some time, when the minerals disappear from the soil, and/or the people stop feeding the animals with fresh food, you get a collapse of civilization, as you can see today unfolding.
Yes, both Randall and Laura were speculating how the comets could influence the human beings, but my suggestion is that it wouldn't necessarily require anything out of ordinary. Just space rocks being pulverized in the atmosphere and gradually falling on the ground where the plants would activate them. Now, in the old times, animals were, unlike today, freely grazing on pastures, so those activated minerals would end up in animals and, with the proper preparation of food, also in humans.

But, after some time, when the minerals disappear from the soil, and/or the people stop feeding the animals with fresh food, you get a collapse of civilization, as you can see today unfolding.

Yes, the C's did say that "wild fed" animal meat is best, and perhaps your line of thinking gives a significant reason why - the animals were eating fresh fodder. This dietary factor you're tracing may be also why hunter-gatherers who continue to eat wild meat continue to have a shamanic tradition, as well as built-in social mechanisms to prevent accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few. Although that still did happen, and there were still issues of slavery and cannibalism. This is 3D after all.

Q: (Perceval) Is it possible for us to get all of our nutrients from animals without taking supplements?

A: It would be better if they were "wild fed" but you are able to figure this out.
Yes, the C's did say that "wild fed" animal meat is best, and perhaps your line of thinking gives a significant reason why - the animals were eating fresh fodder. This dietary factor you're tracing may be also why hunter-gatherers who continue to eat wild meat continue to have a shamanic tradition, as well as built-in social mechanisms to prevent accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few. Although that still did happen, and there were still issues of slavery and cannibalism. This is 3D after all.

Yes, they mentioned that diet is very important for shamans:

Q: (Psyche) We were checking some statistics and we realized that full siblings of schizophrenics are nine times more likely than the general population to have schizophrenia, and four times more likely to have bipolar disorder. Is {name redacted} affected by this genetic tendency?

A: Oh indeed! However this requires explanation. First of all, the genetics that are associated with schizophrenia can be either a doorway or a barrier. Second, the manifestation of schizophrenia can take non-ordinary pathways. That is to say that diet can activate the pathway without the concomitant benefits.

Q: (Burma) I think that they're saying that schizophrenia could essentially be a way to be open to seeing other aspects of reality but diet can make it so it basically just makes you crazy without actually seeing anything.

A: Primitive societies that eat according to the normal diet for human beings do not have "schizophrenics", but they do have shamans who can "see".

Q: (Perceval) So a schizophrenic on animal fat is a shaman. (L) Well, wait a minute. There's something real subtle here. What I think you're saying is that when these genetic pathways are activated through wrong diet, it screws up the shamanic capacity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, schizophrenia as we understand it or have witnessed it is a screw-up of something that could or might manifest in a completely different way on a different diet? Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that's what you meant by not only a doorway, but also a barrier because the person who is on the wrong diet and has schizophrenia is barred from being able to be a bridge between the worlds. They kind of get lost. They're barred from having a normal life, and they're also barred from coming back from their delusions or whatever they're seeing even if they're not delusions. Maybe they’re seeing, but they're unable to help or do anything.

Session 20 August 2011

(L) Okay. I just wanted to make sure we handled your question with sufficient thoroughness. And we found out a few little things. Okay. It says here ‘Niall and Joe have questions about the CME.’ So, ask your questions, Niall and Joe.

(Niall) When was the last year in which auroras were seen as widely around the world as they were last week?

A: 1989.

Q: (Joe) Is it just the strength of the current that would dictate damage to Earth's electrical infrastructure?

A: Direction of eruption also.

Q: (Chu) So, that's why it didn't fry everything.

(Joe) Okay. Are there any effects on human beings from an event like the one from last week?

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) And would the answer to the question of what those effects are, be: ‘Depends on the person’?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So, they can be positive or negative?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) I see. Does it involve DNA changes, essentially?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (Joe) What is the most common effect, let's say, on human beings from such things?

A: Quickening.

Q: (Joe) Okay. So, is that in any way similar to the purported effects of the Wave about hyperkinetic sensate and amplifying what is in a person?

A: Minor similarity.

Q: (Joe) So, what does quickening mean, then, in terms of the solar flare effects, or solar storm effects?

A: Whatever is present is "jumpstarted".

Caught an interesting tid bit at work this morning. The chickens our company processes have been growing faster than normal. Usually, "fast growth birds" (genetically selected breeds that put on weight very fast. 99%+ of chicken in food stores is "fast growth"), are harvested for processing around day 49. That is, 49 days from the day they are born, these chickens will be in the ideal weight range of 5-7ish lbs. Apparently, in the past few weeks, we have been pulling the birds out of the field earlier and earlier due to them growing too fast. Anything over 7lbs starts to become an animal welfare concern. As of today, we are harvesting birds at about 42 days. 42 days/49 days = ~15% faster growth. Even more wild, the rumor from up high (coming from someone I trust) is that this is happening for all the major chicken producers nationally.

I'll keep an eye out for any articles that substantiate this.
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