Session 19 October 2024

Very few, most are liars.

The few genuine ones that are there are even fewer thanks to the "habitat".

In the words of Ra (Law of One) "many are lost in the planetary game" (I am paraphrasing from memory).
Maybe. However, I think there is a genetic component to psychic abilities. It may well run in families. I am a Gaelic Celt and the Gaels have always spoken of people with the "second sight". My late Irish grandmother had it since she had powers of precognition or foresight. Even I have it to a slight degree since words or numbers spring into my mind before someone even utters them. But then I am also an identical twin, a group of people who are claimed to have greater natural psychic abilities than the average, e.g., telepathy (all I can tell you here is that genuine pain transference from one twin to another is real since I and my brother have experienced it first hand more than once even when we were not together!). My youngest daughter also had the ability to see ghosts as a child. She found it highly disturbing. As she grew older the gift, if that is what you can call it, faded no doubt to her relief. Maybe she is just better at ignoring it now though.

I recall Laura mentioning that she knew of people who had an inbuilt gift for staunching blood flow. It was a natural gift because she said that some of these people were pretty unsavoury characters, drunkards etc. There is certainly an ancient history of gifted women in Celtic Cornwall who had the inherent ability to staunch the flow of blood from wounds, a handy skill in the days before modern hospitals and emergency services, without the need for medical equipment or torniquets. They would often be called to the scene of an accident to practice their craft. Whether this practice has died out now due to modern medicine, I do not know.

Although scientific studies into paranormal abilities is something that has largely been ignored by the western scientific establishment, that is not the case in the East where such scientific studies have been undertaken particularly in Russia and China. I am sure this is a topic that has been dealt with before on the Forum so I have no wish to go over old ground here. It makes sense though that with 8 billion people on this planet there will be those few who have inherited paranormal gifts through their genetics that were once probably widespread amongst our distant pre-Flood ancestors.​
Thank you all for sharing another nice Session.
—this Session: on October 19th 2024—
A: Pay attention to last final messages. Things are really heating up. There are certifiable, insane persons in positions of power.​

Well, kind off I’m missing a little the format of those earlier Sessions where is called at the moment some unplanned questions. Those ones have a flavor like an interesting dynamism —in spite of those questions of the jar’s tips :-)… after all, at the least, they bring good humor, which is always welcome and necessary. Next it is another C’s last final message:​
February 25th 2023 Session

A: You are all doing well. We know it is difficult, but a bit more humor might help. Also do have some fun together!

October 14, 1995 Session
Q: ……………(TK) Are we asking all the wrong questions here?
(J) Naaah!
A: There are no such.​

Moreover, should be told that again, more than the usual has been a constant the richness of the posts of the Sessions’ threads —indeed, not only Sessions’ posts but diverse forum’s threads have been much deep, informative and so interesting. It’s hard to find time to read all, yet usually is easy to find out good stuff everywhere.

Then comes to mind some common place words, as they use to enlighten me, which may as well serve the forum as a good reminder: Persevere on your clarity despite the “show” and go beyond it. Trust not in the ego but in your soul.
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November 22, 1997 Session

Q: How does one make the water in the body into heavy water?
A: See previous responses!

Q: Is it as simple as going into a trance an humming ‘ooom?’
A: On the right track, but short of destination.

Q: Does it have something to do with the bones... using the bones in the body as resonators?
A: Just review when convenient. Guessing will derail you.

June 19, 1999 Session
A: No guessing allowed!
Very well, next are some notes on this Session (and on Others) that at last reached the way to come up here posted —oh doubts! to post or not, can they be helpful? Besides, well, the C’s already warned that some of us are slackers… and so, it is time to step in with less guessing and stretching. Anyway, taking the leap:
—this Session: on October 19th 2024—
A: ………….But you have a larger perspective that it is all happening for a reason. To restore balance. Think of it in terms of the legendary battle between Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of Zoroaster. Though it is not as simple as depicted there. Close enough for horseshoes.

Q: (L) …………Well, the thing is, is that basically Ahriman and Ahura Mazda, being more or less equal, came to an agreement that each would have domination over the Earth for a certain period of time.

Indeed, not as simple. However Laura already, as I see, hit the crucial clue. That’s to say: The “battle” between Ahriman and Ahura Mazda is characterized by a cycle where at one period rules Mazda and another one where rules Ahriman. Nevertheless how are constructed these cycles? What or who are the mechanisms and instruments for such manifestations in the 3D reality?

And is this latter paragraph important? Well, as I see, such geometry impacts and even directs all 3D life. And if we recall that 6D Cassiopaeans are us, as well as, attach to us our “5D self,” then we have the 6D Cs “touched” by extension —or if one prefer to roughly say: we are parts of the 6D soul. Wave somewhere? Yet, notice that neither Ahriman, nor Mazda are ever destroyed but instead they remain and just cyclically diminish or raise their influence, … and so both seem STS tools?! And yet, one poses as good, and the other is openly evil. Or at least for 309 thousand years till now, if one likes of symbolic dates from our false conception of time.

So, got expanded the depiction here? If not, how more complex is the actual depiction? Well anew we could remember that this is the realm of the three. Then, as kinda stated too by the C’s: “Connect the threes… look for the 3 beautiful meanings”. Well, then must be, must exist a third element in addition to Ahriman and Mazda creating such system of “cyclation”. Maybe, Ahriman and Mazda could be physical parts —part 3D, part 4D?— which work like 2 vectors around an axis? And so, is there that axis, or in it, where we find a third element completing such gearing?

Oh, there are world myths and stories besides Zoroaster speaking of cosmic, magical cycles, you know. But, well, the C’s are really wise, and so, their example —i.e. Ahriman; Mazda— for sure fits the 4 shoes of the horse. :-)


Trimorphe Hekate
A glimpse of a sculpture from Hadrian Roman period showing 3 columns
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Thanks very much for this session and it was good to hear from Pierre. This is definitely the season of remembrance. A few days ago, a friend of the family had passed away on Halloween. It was also twenty years to the day that his mother died on Halloween (oddly enough, she was born on Friday the 13th!). It truly is like it was all planned ahead of time on some level.
Thank you very much to all who participated, for your questions and for being there with your energy especially Laura and Andromeda on the board for channeling.👩‍❤️‍👩

Knowing that Pierre finds a way to communicate and tries to leave a sign to be found touches me and makes me realize that there is healing, joy and peace wherever it is found, it is a certain hope that our loved ones who are no longer with us in this 3D are possibly in a better place.
What Pierre says about his “physical” state I link it to the I link it to Joe's comment about “enjoying the show”.
Joe said:
(Joe) As well. That's apart from the people who are actually suffering. So we have the cosmology that you're not your body and it's part of a grand plan, and all those different things, but it still makes it difficult to enjoy.
Pierre said:
The bodymind can be quite blind and fearful

In the Session 25 July 1998
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not?
Q: (L) Yes, I do see...

A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the "Native Americans" vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm.
In relation to the current session and this is also said by Pierre: "No one can save another"
Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer "food for thought." In other words, thou art not so special, despiteth thy perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you "there." Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."

Q: (L) Now, the big question is: what are we supposed to DO with this information?
A: As with all else, it is not what you should do with it,
it is just that you have it.
conversion (n.) mid-14c., originally of religion, "a radical and complete change in spirit, purpose, and direction of life away from sin and toward love of God," from Old French conversion "change, transformation, entry into religious life; way of life, behavior; dwelling, residence; sexual intercourse," from Latin conversionem (nominative conversio) "a turning round, revolving; alteration, change," noun of action from past-participle stem of convertere "to turn around; to transform," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + vertere "to turn" (from PIE root *wer- (2) "to turn, bend").

This says that what it takes to be a hyperdimensional body in SO we must first (and I join) have become inside so that we can receive with antennae the changes coming from outside, these changes that @MJF #260 mentions above. You really have to do the work to be worthy, to connect the centers with the soul, to get closer to a perspective of what it is to be special, then this would help to keep the balance in 4D, "there.", where the real battle is supposed to be, un campo nivelado. And as everything happens in simultaneity when it is said that the kingdom is coming to earth, it could also mean the help that is on the way.

If the “ veil remains unbroken” it is because the human being is “blind and fearful” in all its expressions, and to be able to break this pattern translates into spreading the information that what matters is the soul not the body, the awareness that this is so will decant deep down and with time of suffering and austerity will only transform into understanding for many.
I've not read the book, but I saw the film many years ago. Yes, it's very grim and a hard watch, but I'm glad I saw it. It's one to file alongside "Children of Men", the kind of movie that you only need to see once, but it will make an impact that's for sure.
The author of The Road, Cormac McCarthy, also wrote Blood Meridian, his magnum opus and another grim scenario, the hyper-violent subjugation of the American South-Western frontier in the 1870s/1880s, and a vivid comment on the violence at the heart of America (are we likely to see another outbreak of that violence in the next few weeks, or months? As I speak, Trump is leading 230-210 in the electoral colleges). If you can stomach Blood Meridian's subject matter, you'll find the language is utterly magnificent. I try to read it each year, a sublime reminder of this 3D world we live in.
I don't know about anyone else, but I had hope that if I didn't make it through the transition of earth from 3D to 4D, that I hopefully would be able to see it in 5D if I gained enough knowledge. I feel like Pierre had reached that point. If he didn't, then I certainly haven't either and that is upsetting. Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?
Well from what I can gather, 5D is a place where souls go for rest and contemplation after they leave their bodies in 3D. It sounds like a great place to be to me, but after that, we souls go where we need to go. Where we 'fit', and sometimes where we ask to go, in order to learn and to do the 'work' in order to learn and progress in the directions that we need.

For all we know, Pierre may be the type of stubborn person who wants to come back to 3D because of those 3 books he had planned to write! If those were the circumstances, he may be given the opportunity to do so (hopefully with a 'discount' on the degree of difficulty due to the 'work' he has done previously). That's one posibility. Another posibility is that he is still recovering emotionally in 5D and cannot 'see' 4D yet (because he doesn't need to).

I believe a person's spiritual journey is a very individual thing, but that is just my current opinion.
On the basis of this life my future life is framed . Perhaps I will be clearer if I write that I build my own destiny for my future life by my present actions , but my present destiny is already fixed due to my past actions. In the ultimate analysis It is my ego that I seek to gratify when I pretend to serve people. By my indulging in evil thoughts , words , and deeds I am only placing the hangman's noose around my neck. The experience of straining when it begins to tighten is not uncommon I believe and no doubt that I will weep when the sentence is executed.
I've been thinking about the session with Pierre. Why has he not been able to see 4D?? Since it seems we are moving to 4D 'soon', according to the C's, even though we may not be aware of it when we get there, why cannot Pierre see it? I know there are a lot of variables regarding 4D like not everyone is going, etc. I am simply simplifying for this question. Is it masked because of where the world's state currently is? Does he have to wait to access it until he is better acclimated to 5D? Perhaps he has to wait until 3D earth enters 4D? I didn't think much about it when I was reading the session, but this question has been in the back of my mind since. I don't know about anyone else, but I had hope that if I didn't make it through the transition of earth from 3D to 4D, that I hopefully would be able to see it in 5D if I gained enough knowledge. I feel like Pierre had reached that point. If he didn't, then I certainly haven't either and that is upsetting. Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?
This is how look at this.
As I remember, the C's said that souls are protected when on 5D or when transitioning to 5D. Even 4D STS cannot manipulate or abuse them when on 5D. Something along that line, but not the exact words.

So, since 4D STS cannot reach souls/spirits when on 5D because of the way the densities are naturally designed, I guess 5D residents are also somehow shielded from accessing 4D from 5D unless they are ready and have decided to reincarnate to 3D or 4D.
But I suppose that from 5D they can "access" and "see" 3D, or maybe I am wrong.
I don't know, maybe it is all created/designed that way.
I wonder if he was a friend of Beatle George Harrison who was deeply into eastern meditation. Harrison supported a British political party called the Natural Law Party ("NLP" - see: Natural Law Party - Wikipedia). Indeed, Harrison even performed a benefit concert in support of the party in 1992. In the UK, NLP candidate Geoffrey Clements advocated the use of Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi program's yogic flying practice to reduce crime and war deaths. The NLP even included videos of practitioners performing "yogic flying" in one of their election broadcasts - just about one of the weirdest election broadcasts I have even seen. Here is a link to a sample video demonstrating the art of yogic flying: yogic flying - Suchen Videos

Random aside here -- I noticed that RFK Jr. (whose name was forced to remain on the ballot despite dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump) was running under the Natural Law Party in MI.

Just thought that was interesting!
Random aside here -- I noticed that RFK Jr. (whose name was forced to remain on the ballot despite dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump) was running under the Natural Law Party in MI.

Just thought that was interesting!
Yes it is. The Natural Law Party has an international presence, including in the USA, and can be viewed more as an international political movement than simply just a party. Although they contested elections in the United States, the NLP was largely disbanded in 2004 but some state affiliates, such as Michigan, have kept their ballot positions and allied with other small parties. This could explain why RFK Jr. was running under their banner in Michigan. Presumably, he associated himself with the NLP because he endorsed the alternative health system promoted by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as set out in his Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health.

Apparently, a week before the UK's 1992 general election, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had suggested to George Harrison that he, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr stand for election as MPs for Liverpool as NLP candidates, but they declined. Could you just imagine the media circus if they had agreed to stand.​
Yes it is. The Natural Law Party has an international presence, including in the USA, and can be viewed more as an international political movement than simply just a party. Although they contested elections in the United States, the NLP was largely disbanded in 2004 but some state affiliates, such as Michigan, have kept their ballot positions and allied with other small parties. This could explain why RFK Jr. was running under their banner in Michigan. Presumably, he associated himself with the NLP because he endorsed the alternative health system promoted by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as set out in his Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health.

Apparently, a week before the UK's 1992 general election, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had suggested to George Harrison that he, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr stand for election as MPs for Liverpool as NLP candidates, but they declined. Could you just imagine the media circus if they had agreed to stand.​

Thank you so much for the additional context!

Speaking of McCartney, have you ever read his anecdote about how he once had this mind-blowing, ground-shaking epiphany while stoned out of his mind and hurriedly wrote it down to find in the morning so he wouldn't forget... only to wake up the following day to a hastily scribbled note that simply said, "There are seven levels," which, without further context, meant nothing to him in his sober state?

Once I came across the Cassiopaean material and learned about densities one through seven, I had my own little epiphany that McCartney probably had a brief lifting of the veil that unfortunately didn't stick.
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