Session 2 January 1999

I look through these semi-solid agglomerating sheets of rain/plasma/consciousness to a shifting refracted landscape. This is a description of what it might be like to view 4d with its variable physicality.

Google: What causes sheets of rain?
"Rain falls in drops because of a process called coalescence. Coalescence occurs when water droplets in the atmosphere combine and grow in size until they become heavy enough to fall to the ground."

Google: What does it mean to be sheets of rain?
"So a sheet of rain is when it's raining so heavily that the individual drops feel like one continuous stream of water. It's another way of saying heavy rain."

-stream of consciousness, river of life.
-consciousness is represented by water
-A rain drop is one dimensional dot; a sheet is a two dimensional plane (planes of existence, dimensions)
-Consciousness Units coalesce into a viable soul which lives eternally

When I think of "Sheets of Rain", I see layers separated by opposing electrical charges. -+-+-+-+-+-.

Just an observation: the transcripts seem to jump out through time at me, as if they were written fresh this morning, anticipating my presence.
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