Session 20 August 2011

To be more clear I am aware there are discussions on corrupted data, I don' remember if I read that in 'The Wave', or not, and I wanted to say was what I populated in my previous post as quoted was not collected by me with the potential risk to be corrupted data. That is.

It was done in a positive way = the new internal link posted, for avoiding any question mark, as this was precisely the point underlined by SolarMother.
It is how a discusion develops, it's fluid, and it evolves. One says : hey look at that reference, the other responds: maybe that reference is not very good, there are other possibilities, and so on.... not an argumentation where one wants to have right, it's a contribution and a sharing of information. Argumentation is confrontational, while discussion as in here is collaborative.
François said:
To be more clear I am aware there are discussions on corrupted data, I don' remember if I read that in 'The Wave', or not, and I wanted to say was what I populated in my previous post as quoted was not collected by me with the potential risk to be corrupted data. That is.

It was done in a positive way = the new link posted, for avoiding any question mark, as this was precisely the point underlined by SolarMother.

The more you try to "clear things up", the more you end up sounding legalistic, habitually missing the crux of the matter, defensive, anal, and, dare I say it ... French? If you can get over your self-importance for a second, you just might see how funny and ridiculous the whole thing is. (Yes, it's normal and even healthy to laugh at yourself.) But I'm predicting you will not...

(Just so you know, the issue of distortion in the sessions is dealt with in "Adventures with Cassiopaea". Pretty much the first 600 pages' worth is devoted to this topic, so it's hard to miss.)
François said:
You are dealing as you wish to push me to suicid.

I think that's enough for this evening, Francois. This is a very serious statement to make on a public forum, one we have a responsibility to take very seriously. It is late in the evening where you are, so please stop posting for this evening and return again tomorrow. If you are in danger of hurting yourself, please contact someone locally right now. There is nothing anyone on this forum can do to help you, since we are spread out all over the world.

I trust that you will call a friend or family member immediately. Please do not post here again this evening and get some rest.
Nobody is pushing here, just you. ;)

Get some rest, I really hope you are wise enough to not hurt yourself, as you know this forum is here to help!

I really really hope you stop feeling like this.
Thanks EGVG ,I am sure (I read a lot of your posts) you are a fine guy expressing a lot of sympathy.
(I remember I 'exagerated' on the 4 letters of your avatar name, too much, but you were very fine at that moment...)
Data said:
A.K. said:
We start to see stuff that normally unseen to the naked eye.

Are you saying that you or we can see such things as ghosts etc.?

Hi Data,

Well we could be. Since the veil is thinning and this 3D realm is having a lot of electrical phenomenon from the
cosmic dust that deposited into Earth's atmosphere. And also lots of earth changes that produce dust from volcanic activity and such.
From the transcripts (forgotten which ones), Cass has inform us that everything is bind together by gravity. And electricity is a byproduct
from it thus all the related events and possibly more generate this charge that disturb the very nature of the fabric of our perspectives.
Lastly everybody that practice meditation, good diet, cleansing of one's psyche...etc will eventually raise one's own FRV & sensitivity
substantially which aid the seeing of the unseen if one has reached that level (note it differs from every individual).

But my concern is sure we may see them but they may also see us. With the very veil thinning, who would know what matter of creature
falls from the other sides (sides denote dimension /density).

Have a peaceful day to all. ;)
Laura said:
As some of ya'll know, I recently read about the "Aquatic Ape Hypothesis" by Elaine Morgen which is based on the work of Sir Alister Hardy. Anyway, as a result, I've picked up a few used copies of some of his books and started reading one the other night. It's entitled "The Living Stream: Evolution and Man." He talks about all life on Earth as a vast living stream flowing through time. He came to this idea by looking at graphs of all the various species, both extant and extinct, and how they look like a river system in reverse. He writes:


Erwin Schroedinger, in his remarkable little book "What is Life" and also in his "Science and Human Temperament" suggested that one of the characteristics distinguishing a living organism from the rest of the material world is the fact that it feeds upon "negative entropy". He explains what he means as follows:

It is by avoiding the rapid decay into the inert state of "equilibrium", that an organism appears so enigmatic; so much so, that from the earliest times of human thought some special non-physical or supernatural force (vis viva, entelechy) was claimed to be operative in the organism, and in some quarters is still claimed.

How does the living organism avoid decay? The obvious answer is: by eating, drinking, breathing and (in the case of plants) assimilating. The technical term is metabolism. The Greek word means change or exchange.

Exchange of what?

Originally the underlying idea is, no doubt, exchange of material. That the exchange of material should be the essential thing is absurd. Any atom of nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, etc., is as good as any other of its kind; what could be gained by exchanging them?

What then is that precious something contained in our food which keeps us from death? That is easily answered. Every process, event, happening - call it what you will; in a word, everything that is going on in Nature means in increase of the entropy of the part of the world where it is going on. Thus a living organism continually increases its entropy - or as you might say, produces positive entropy - and thus tends to approach the dangerous stat of maximum entropy, which is death. It can only keep aloof from it, i.e. alive, by continually drawing from its environment negative entropy - which is something very positive as we shall immediately see. What an organism feeds on is negative entropy. Or, to put it less paradoxically, the essential thing in metabolism is that the organism succeeds in freeing itself from all the entropy it cannot help producing while alive.


What is (Schrodinger's)Negentropy? by Mae-wan Ho presents the latest thinking on the thermodynamics of organized complexity powering the engine of evolution of life through space-time. There are many ideas in this short and accessible paper with implications for our Work beyond my capacity to digest and assimilate. Others may find it useful to further understand man's place in the cosmos and the law's governing our potential evolution.
François said:
You are dealing as you wish to push me to suicid.
François said:
Thanks EGVG ,I am sure (I read a lot of your posts) you are a fine guy expressing a lot of sympathy.
(I remember I 'exagerated' on the 4 letters of your avatar name, too much, but you were very fine at that moment...)
Suicide your EGO, man! Not your "container". This is unbelieveable... How can you be so rude? I'm not saying i'm always polite, but youre just like a 13 year old doing emotional rampage on guys here. Can you see that? Everyone here is expressing a lot of sympathy. Nothing more on your ego i hope, maybe just say goodbye to it (do some Work-learning) and then come back as a new person without one blockade - there will be many more to overcome.
osher said:
François said:
You are dealing as you wish to push me to suicid.
François said:
Thanks EGVG ,I am sure (I read a lot of your posts) you are a fine guy expressing a lot of sympathy.
(I remember I 'exagerated' on the 4 letters of your avatar name, too much, but you were very fine at that moment...)
Suicide your EGO, man! Not your "container". This is unbelieveable... How can you be so rude? I'm not saying i'm always polite, but youre just like a 13 year old doing emotional rampage on guys here. Can you see that? Everyone here is expressing a lot of sympathy. Nothing more on your ego i hope, maybe just say goodbye to it (do some Work-learning) and then come back as a new person without one blockade - there will be many more to overcome.

I don't think it's possible to kill the ego/personality in oneself. If we didn't have egos, we would not be able to learn anything. It needs to be developed so it achieves a strong integrity and this cannot be done without applying mental hygiene and mental discipline on an everyday basis- that's why it's called a PROCESS. Through applying this process we can dissolve our false personality consisting of many little "I's", but this too takes time for one to achieve.
Laura said:
A: Elementals reading bits of emotion/thoughts.

A: {name redacted} planted the idea seed in a fertile ego.

Q: (L) Anything else?

A: {name redacted} is in for a very painful lesson.

You can give more information about this?

My English is terrible because of this I do not impart too much

and the subject seems to be close and so very interesting
Bernard Marks said:
You can give more information about this?

My English is terrible because of this I do not impart too much

and the subject seems to be close and so very interesting

wow... strongs thinks here..

sorry but i will change completely way...
I find a fiew days ago a strange message, maybe you know that, of a (suposed) channel between the dog Khéops and Pascal, (french, sorry)
You have something in english here... from 3min 40 and here from 5min 30
and something in french here... (for translate) and
Have a lot of interesting thinks in the "message for the humanity" like :
.- Nous sommes concernés par l'évolution de la race humaine, bien plus que vous ne sauriez l'imaginer.
.- We are concerned by the human race evolution, much more than you could imagine it.

my question is.. somebody know with who this person channels ? the dog, or she channels his égo, ...itself?
what going on here, something betweenn a skiso and a chaman? I want to said... she is vegetarian, (and the dog to!!!),
have a lot of interesting thinks, but I don't know...
sorry for my english..
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