Session 20 June 2009

Hildegarda said:
Laura and the team, thank you for the tremendous, tremendous insights and all the Work that brought them!

I am rereading the Wave #2 and knowing and remembering what you have been through and all what you have done, there are no words strong enough to thank you for all.

Thank you to you Laura and all the team. You are the Lighthouse. :flowers:
Vulcan59 said:
Session 20 June 2009 said:
A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

I can't help thinking about the above sentence. Why did the C's use 3 exclamation marks in the above sentence? Couldn't they have just said:-
"5 more years 2 go! 0 new year!
Any significance to those exclamation marks and the sentence structure?

Well, I certainly can't claim to have the answer to that, but, at this point I think we can gather that there are 5 more years until '0 new year' - the beginning of the next cycle - year 0, as it were. (We're currently at year 309,000 give or take a few). The meaning of '2 go!' is an interesting question.

If it adheres to the structure of the rest of the sentence, then we could logically assume that the 2 relates to years as well. Perhaps in 2 years something or someone 'goes'? Perhaps in 2 years, some process begins - as in 'go'. Perhaps in 2 years some shift in perception occurs? Perhaps I'm not even close on any of those guesses? ;)
Helle said:
My husband asked me how You guys are preparing for this Cataclysm, and if I really believe it! (He thinks I'm slightly mad, which makes my life somewhat difficult ;) )

How ARE you preparing? Materialistic I mean, as in housing, food, long term plans etc.
I have this strange faith that everything's going to be okay, that everything's going to happen as it should, and I'll know what to do etc.
Am I being a complete fool here? I mean, I'm actually not sure HOW to prepare materially (is that a word?!). I can't very well build me a bunker alone..
Mentally and spiritually I know how to prepare, I feel I've been ready since I was born!

Well, you seemed to have answered your own question, in a way. It seems a difficult question to ask how one prepares for such an event 'physically' as if to 'survive' it in the physical body - when all that we understand as physical may very well change. I would suggest that 'body-centric' thinking would not apply - though what that means exactly, I can't say.

I would also suggest that this is likely not a localized 'cataclysm' - it encompasses the entire planet - so what sort of preparations would one make to 'survive' such a thing? What does 'survive' even entail in such a context?

I would posit 'survive' means to have forged, fused and Worked to create a singular presence, 'I', 'soul', that will move forward with all one has learned intact - in order to walk onto the 'level playing' field ready to 'play'. Basically, to become the reality of the future - which is what we've been focusing on all along - building an Ark, as it were.

I do understand the question, since residing in these physical bodies, the physical is our touchstone, our template to envision everything else, so it's logical to think, 'ok, how do we 'survive' this?'

Well - what if this is not meant to be survived? Or, on the other hand, what if 'this' is nothing like we think it to be and any attempts to prepare fall short? What if 'this' and being prepared for it means nothing other than living each and every day we have as we have been living it - pushing ourselves, our understanding, our knowledge to the limit, expanding all of it and putting nothing in front of our own increase in knowledge and understanding - about ourselves, each other and this 'reality'?

It's an interesting question, Helle, and one that likely encompasses more than we can currently envision; one that very likely has little to do with stockpiling food or a bunker or any of that. I'm not saying that one shouldn't be doing what one thinks is best to survive the current and upcoming turbulent times, which may or may not involve stock piling food, and probably does - I'm just saying that when speaking of the end of a grand cycle, it seems that what we understand as how things might work will likely not apply.

We shall see!!
5 years is a long time - enough to give me hope that should I "survive" coming events for that long, I will have time to work and prepare - and read and learn (so much more!).

In five years, I could even finish the upcoming university studies - provided things remain "normal" enough in society that University keeps running. For whatever tiny, insignificant nothing whatsoever it is worth, I might be able to finish what I have started - not only esoterically but also exoterically.

On a side note, any advice on what to do with a long-standing project that objectively seems to be of little utility (unless getting a feel for signals, dynamics, low-level software architecture and how to write over-optimized processing code counts), as interesting as it can be - and continues to take some hours a day for the active periods of its on-and-off ongoing construction?
anart said:
Well, I certainly can't claim to have the answer to that, but, at this point I think we can gather that there are 5 more years until '0 new year' - the beginning of the next cycle - year 0, as it were. (We're currently at year 309,000 give or take a few). The meaning of '2 go!' is an interesting question.

If it adheres to the structure of the rest of the sentence, then we could logically assume that the 2 relates to years as well. Perhaps in 2 years something or someone 'goes'? Perhaps in 2 years, some process begins - as in 'go'. Perhaps in 2 years some shift in perception occurs? Perhaps I'm not even close on any of those guesses? ;)

Could it mean 2 people? Like maybe Ark and Laura? Perhaps they are going to get a jump on us. :thup:
anart said:
It seems a difficult question to ask how one prepares for such an event 'physically' as if to 'survive' it in the physical body - when all that we understand as physical may very well change....


I'm wondering if you are equating physical survival with transition to 4th density -- i.e., thinking that those who physically survive will "make it" to 4th density, and those who die in the cataclysms will not. If so, my understanding of what the C's having been telling us is that physical survival is probably moot in the larger scheme of things -- one might, for instance, transition to 4th density while still in one's current physical body, but one also could go to 5th density (i.e. "die") first. The point being that there is only one criteria for being "harvested", and that is that you are "ready".

However, there are other reasons that one might think and plan in terms of physically "surviving" as long as possible. One is to be here on the BBM to try and learn the many big and important lessons that will no doubt be before us in the coming days, regardless of whether one is among the "harvestable". Another is the opportunity to be of service to others during the coming difficulties, whether that means simply helping and comforting others through physical and psychological pain and distress, or teaching/guiding others about what is happening.

I'm going to be so bold as to paraphrase the C's and suggest that: "It's not WHERE you are -- or whether you LIVE or DIE -- when the Wave arrives, but WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE ABLE TO SEE".
A: The proper words should be spoken during the breathing. Joe, what is the Irish for life?

Q: (Joe) Eh... Beatha? {Pronounced something like "Bah Hah"}

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's it. B-E-A-T-H-A. That may not be the original spelling.

That word looks close to the word breath and reminded me of the quote from Gurdjieff that, "life is breath."
Laura said:
Q: (L) What technique is that?

A: Remember an entire night of cleansing tears?!

Q: (L) Yeah. Well, that was just a meditation technique I developed. I would breathe a certain way and repeat certain things in my mind as I breathed, and I did it every night. Strange things started happening.

A: Strange indeed! You stumbled instinctively on an ancient method that is unsurpassed in its efficacy. So why not share?

Q: (Joe) Spill the beans, Laura! (L) Well I just never thought it was anything particularly special - it just worked for me! I mean how does something like that compare to this Art of Living Kriya thing?

A: AoL is for beginners and robots!

Q: (laughter) (L) Well then why were you so enthusiastic when Craig proposed teaching us? I mean, he asked if he should teach us, and you said yes with seven exclamation points!

A: Got you to do it and jump started your thinking didn't we?!

Q: (L) So the point wasn't that this method was "the best" or the only one or so great. It was to draw our attention to the idea of breathing, or control of breath, as a means of effecting emotional healing. Is that it?

A: Absolutely!X7

Q: (laughter) (L) Shorthand. Um...

A: Remember that your method employed a powerful "seed".

Q: (DD) Seed? (L) Yeah, that's a reference to meditating with or without seed. (Joe) What was the seed? (L) Phrases that I used in my mind. (Allen) Were those phrases particular to you though, like something that someone has to come up with for themselves? (L) Well, I dunno, were those phrases particular for me?

A: They were super powerful!

Q: (C) Where they like prayers? (L) Yeah, and it's really funny because I started out using the Lord's Prayer. Then I decided that I wasn't happy with it because it wasn't open enough. It had associations with specific religious things, and so I rewrote it. I'll have to... It was something like... (DD) Did you use those words as a template? (L) Yeah. (Joe) I used to say a Lord's Prayer that was modified. At night, like a mantra, I used to just go over and over... (L) Did you do it in concert with breathing? (Joe) Not consciously. (L) Yeah, well you see, I did. It was very deliberate controlled breathing. I did this every night for months. (DD) How were you breathing? (L) Very similar to what Craig teaches, what they call this Victory Breath. (Joe) Was it both in and out through the nose? (L) In through the nose, out through the mouth. (Joe) Because I thought Victory Breath was weird when we did the course since it was all through the nose. (A**) Yeah, that's what was missing. (L) Yeah, I did it in through the nose, out through the mouth. It was in and count, hold and count, out and count. And it was very controlled... it was very similar to what they call this Ujjai breath, or Victory Breath. That was kind of familiar to me, because I'd done that for years. (C) And while you were doing it, you were saying... (L) I was repeating these phrases, and each phrase was created so that the in or out breath fit the phrase exactly. So for the first phrase, I would breathe in, and then out for the second phrase, etc. And my objective was to do it twenty times. I don't think I ever did it twenty times, because I would get to about ten or twelve, and then I would just leave the body or something, just zone. And after a certain number of times of doing that, then I had this... I dunno, I came back to myself with this... I dunno whether I want to call it a kundalini experience or not, but I felt there was this tremendous cleansing event that went on for hours and hours and hours. I've described it before. Something happened. But anyway, that was the story. So I found that to be very effective. I dunno what to ask now. (Joe) Is what you just described the idea?

Your idea of forming a "seed" for the breathing exercise reminded me of something I just read in Gnosis I in relation to external constatation.

External constatation can be passive. In this case it relates to objects
presented to us on the external film of events, without our exercising
any selection between them.

Alternatively it can be active, when it is directed at a chosen object. In this
active form, external constatation can make use of a particular method
which, when practiced regularly, helps us greatly to know the impression
we produce on others. Although not an aim in itself, this exercise is at least
a valuable means of discarding a great part of the false representations we
have of ourselves. This type of constatation can be called constatation by
reflection, or taking snapshots of oneself. These snapshots give the best results
when they are taken at meetings,9 while we are speaking. A sudden effort
of constatation then permits each of us to feel ourselves as we are seen at that
moment by those around us. An album of such snapshots allows us to
reconstruct in our mind's eye the image we present to others. To know
that image even better, a simple exercise with two mirrors is also very
useful. We know that our image in a mirror is inverted: the right becomes
left, and vice versa. If we look at ourselves by means of two mirrors, our
image is corrected. This generally gives us a strange impression. The
defects of our faces appear accentuated, because the eye can no longer
automatically correct our features, as it did in the case of an inverted image.

The exercise with two mirrors also allows us to see ourselves in profile.
We do not know our profile at all. These new visions of ourselves always
bring us something.

Orthodox practice knows another form of tresvenic, of active external
constatation, which it commonly uses. It acts in the prayer of Jesus, in
this form:

'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' 10 We can recognize
the double objective presented to the attention in this verse: asking for
grace, and consciousness of oneself as a sinner. The two elements required
for constatation are combined here, but only on condition that this prayer is
not done mechanically, but by a conscious effort of presence. Bishop Theophan
says in his commentaries that the force of this prayer does not reside
in the words. The words can be modified. The power of the invocation, he
says, lies in constating our degenerate state before God in His state of
perfection. We add that this simultaneous effort of constatation creates
what we called a difference of potential. This will generate a current of
grace. The prayer of Jesus is repeated a great number of times, up to ten or
even twenty thousand times a day, both by practising religious, and by

As far as I can tell nothing is mentioned in this section about combining this technique of external constatation with different modes of breathing. I wonder if the method of breathing you mention Laura could also be considered "a conscious effort of presence"? This, when applied with a seed, produces some tangible result. Sounds like that might be the case, although maybe I am mixing different concepts here?

Again, thanks for posting this latest session! :D

Csayeursost said:
On a side note, any advice on what to do with a long-standing project that objectively seems to be of little utility (unless getting a feel for signals, dynamics, low-level software architecture and how to write over-optimized processing code counts), as interesting as it can be - and continues to take some hours a day for the active periods of its on-and-off ongoing construction?

I'm not sure what an over-optimized processing code count is, but if it's something of interest to you, and you are learning and creating, then why not do it? Objectively, maybe it might not be of utility, but then again, maybe it is...

This is an excerpt from the Podcast - New Age Physics with Ark. He said something that stuck with me even though the context may not wholly fit with your situation:
Let me just make one comment that if I would be willing to, I could point at what she is saying is just philosophically and scientifically and even logically contradictory. It cannot be like that, okay. That's easy, and it would not be difficult. But why to waste time on such things, right. There are infinitely many contradictory and wrong, because they state more or less if you take it apart that zero equal one - ideas in the world. You cannot just spend your life on destroying this. It's much better to do something positive and I would prefer to use my time to create something that works rather than find and destroy all that is not working.
My poor attempt in phonetic explanation on eiri eolas. My language is phonetic so it's easy for me to say it even backwards (sounds like Latin or Rumanian backwards BTW) I will wrote the sounds but you have to put it together (I don't have microphone, and you wouldn't like my voice anyway)

Remember phonetic is: one letter one sound.

E is like e in "differ" or first E in "different", it's also similar to A when you spell it, but shorter.

I is like ee (eerie) in English, but short.

R is like r in "robot" in English, but harder, it is much more muffled in English

O is like "Oh" in English but shorter.

L is like l in "Carl", but less muffled.

A is like a in "car"

S is like s in "Guest" and "Guess" but short. Goes from tip of the tongue thru the front teeth

Then all you have to do is to put sounds together in the word, no changes on pronunciation of the letters. It should sound similar to "Airy Legolas"

This may be nonsense for non phonetic speaking people, but maybe can help to someone . . . .
Q: (L) So you're saying that there is a macro-collapse that has already begun?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is that possible? (Ark) Umm, well, yes.

A: Wait and see!

Thank you for this session.

It confirms what I have been feel viscerally for a long, long time.

But what happens to the children and adolescents who haven't had the opportunity to prepare? Why did they choose, (if they did choose), to come into the world at this time?

What are proper and externally considerate ways to prepare them? They're at the stage where their job is to learn how to live in a world that will not be the one that they will inherit.

But as we, the adults, don't know either, how can we be of use to them? I know that this issue has been discussed in another thread, but as the macro-collapse seems imminent, shouldn't this issue somehow be addressed? Or do we keep saying: "Do well in school. Study hard so that you can go to college and get a good job."

In terms of being in alignment with reality, isn't that way off?
webglider said:
But as we, the adults, don't know either, how can we be of use to them? I know that this issue has been discussed in another thread, but as the macro-collapse seems imminent, shouldn't this issue somehow be addressed? Or do we keep saying: "Do well in school. Study hard so that you can go to college and get a good job."

In terms of being in alignment with reality, isn't that way off?

I don't think imminence of a macro-collapse changes what's been said in past threads dealing with this issue. "Do well in school. Study hard so that you can go to college and get a good job." didn't really seem to be the message of those past threads either. I'm curious webglider, what do you think would be in alignment with reality in terms of this issue?
Anart said:
I would posit 'survive' means to have forged, fused and Worked to create a singular presence, 'I', 'soul', that will move forward with all one has learned intact - in order to walk onto the 'level playing' field ready to 'play'. Basically, to become the reality of the future - which is what we've been focusing on all along - building an Ark, as it were.

This is also my perception of things. - And has always BEEN my perception of things.

The question in me raised when I began reading 'Almost Human'. It got me thinking, that maybe we would be hit by some smaller clusters, before going out with a bang, which could inconvenience my normal livingstyle greatly ;) Hence I was thinking, that I could somehow prepare, and I suddenly felt stupid for always assuming, that I would either die and go to 4Th, or go straight to 4Th is some kind of transformation.

I have never wanted to survive this, as I'd be afraid to wake up here, having to do 3D scenario all over again :scared:

Pepperfritz said:
I'm going to be so bold as to paraphrase the C's and suggest that: "It's not WHERE you are -- or whether you LIVE or DIE -- when the Wave arrives, but WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE ABLE TO SEE".

I often doubt who I am, and if I am even able to see anything clearly at all.

I hope to God, that it's my destiny to go through this, either via 5Th, or straight to 4Th, I'm OK with either :)

I remember reading that prayer would keep one aligned with our destiny, and help us not get distracted. That will certainly be incorporated into my everyday routine. Prayer/meditation/breathing. Looking forward to that CD!
Bluelamp said:
I guess I can sort of see if you have future effects past causality at the macro level then us macro objects could act quantum like, like we know the future, even when there isn't direct conscious awareness of that future.

You also like to look at some o Mark Hadley's papers, a good start is here. Notice "Identified time-reversing spacetime manifolds as critical structures for the emergence of quantum phenomena.". And then "The crucial link is a relaxation of the strict causal structure that is normally imposed upon Einstein's theory, but which forms no part of the mathematical structure. This controversial work contrasts with the mainstream view that the theories are incompatible - with the favoured remedy being to discard general relativity and replace it with a quantum theory of gravity."

And the in Questions and Answers:

"Q: Is this just another interpretation of Quantum theory?
A: No it is a new theory with its own predictions (for example no graviton). It offers to explain quantum theory in terms of an accepted existing theory.
Q: Surely time reversal and closed timelike curves are just too ridiculous to consider as explanations of quantum theory?
A: Quantum theory is so weird that any explanation will have to involve a dramatic change to our ideas of causality."

"Closed timelike curves" are time loops.
Shar said:
Could it mean 2 people? Like maybe Ark and Laura? Perhaps they are going to get a jump on us. Thumbs up

Maybe Ark and Laura are destined to be the new Adam and Eve?!! :/

Laura said:
I agree that getting together to practice looks like a good idea but, again, let us get some more guidance and take things step by step. I've got a few things on my plate right now, but we ought to be having another session on Friday or Saturday and we'll try to get it to ya'll by the first of next week. I'll also try to get enough rest so that my energy will hold out for a longer session so we can get more done.
(L) Any other questions? I'm tired.
(L) Alright. I'd say let's say goodnight, because I'm whupped.
I'll make a CD that takes you through the exercise... just hang on! I'm gonna put a rush on this! Give me a week!

The C's have indicated 5 years. Is it really necessary for Laura to go at break-neck speed to deliver this, especially in view of her repeated comments of fatigue? Please Laura, take a breather (no pun intended)! Haste makes waste and I will gladly wait for this in whatever reasonable time it takes without any additional wear and tear on you! You have given so much, sacrificed so much, and put yourself and your loved ones in harm's way to bring knowledge to us! The least we can do is have patience! :flowers: Perhaps some hysterical laughing as in the clown school exercise would be beneficial as well! :D
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