Helle said:
My husband asked me how You guys are preparing for this Cataclysm, and if I really believe it! (He thinks I'm slightly mad, which makes my life somewhat difficult ;) )
How ARE you preparing? Materialistic I mean, as in housing, food, long term plans etc.
I have this strange faith that everything's going to be okay, that everything's going to happen as it should, and I'll know what to do etc.
Am I being a complete fool here? I mean, I'm actually not sure HOW to prepare materially (is that a word?!). I can't very well build me a bunker alone..
Mentally and spiritually I know how to prepare, I feel I've been ready since I was born!
Personally, I don't really have a "long-term plan". Sure, one can stockpile food and batteries and build an underground lair, but note that this is exactly what the pathocracy appears to be doing. If only they have a pass into the underground bunker, they'll survive any potential cataclysms. If only they have a big seed vault filled with genetically contaminated seeds that self-destruct after one season, they'll be okay.

If only...
In terms of a single individual or family, what can you do? Stockpile food, and if/when things get bad enough, everyone else will be starving, and they will find out about your stash of food. Even if you are in the country, mass migrations of people out of cities could easily make your "country hideaway" not so "country" and not so hidden!
I guess my point is that if things really do get THAT bad, then all bets are off. All the solutions or preventative measures we can think of are generally based on 3D thinking - which is what got us all into this mess to begin with.
I think the best ways to prepare for whatever the future holds is like Laura said: detox the body, mind, and soul. That may just give you the advantage you need to really see what to do, and when to do it.
None of us are getting out of this life alive. That much we know. So what remains is: The only thing that matters is what we do with the time we are given (thanks Gandalf!!). ;D
Together, we might be able to accomplish something, but maybe we can't yet even envision exactly what that "something" is! Part of always "having a plan" is obsession with the 3D way of doing things, the need for comfort, of a "sure thing". But nothing in this life is certain. And the more we try to cling to a way of life, a way of being, or our own miseries, the more we probably need to learn something about getting over those handicaps - detoxing, as it were.
I believe that the future is open and the possibilities are limitless. I base this belief on the "impossible" tasks I have seen accomplished so far by others, and on my own experiences over the past many years. I also think that we've got a LOT of work to do. If we spend all of our time worrying about how we will eat and where we will sleep and if we'll have enough shower gel, we will lose a lot of energy that could actually be put into really Doing something and enabling us to collectively find that alternate path towards something greater than the destiny that the PTB have outlined for us all.