Wow. I have been reading and integrating a lot of Laura's work with the Cassies for a while now, but today I feel very compelled to share some information I've recently received that resonates with the discussion on "breath" and "life." I am a massage therapist and have been using Reiki for a few years now, and if I am committed to anything, I am committed to healing, integration, becoming whole physically, mentally, and spiritually, and so I am constantly seeking more efficient ways to do this.
Recently, I came across a website, According to this site, Quantum Touch is a energy healing modality, quite like Reiki, that utilizes breath and body awareness to resonate the practitioner to a higher frequency of Chi, Prana, Ki, Life-Force Energy, Love, Gravity ;), call it what you will. So, theoretically, through touch, the higher energy of the practitioner entrains the energy of the receiver so that they, the receiver, can utilize the energy to heal themselves of various conditions at a quantum level that would allow bones to literally realign themselves, chronic pain to leave, and much more. Anyway! If you have bared with me for this long, please read on because the best part of this story is that I decided to try it out! Now, having a very open mind to the infinite potential within all, I considered that the pictures on the website of severely curved spines that had realigned themselves in as little as one session might be the real deal since, theoretically, it made sense. Workshops and videos are offered, and the claim was that anyone, even children, can learn it easily. So being a reader, and having a healthy amount of skepticism, I chose the cheaper "learn by book" option.
So, I got the book in the mail, and though I had massages to do that day, I was able to take about 20 minutes to learn the breathing and body awareness techniques. In my first session, I was able to release VERY persistent knots and ease pain in tender areas by breathing into them. For any bodyworker, and the person with a big-ass persistent knot, this is revolutionary! Over the past week, since using Quantum touch ( I still use the Reiki symbols as well) I have been able to effortlessly relieve pain and tension knots that I normally have to struggle to release. My thumbs are much happier, and my clients are as well. I have not worked on anyone with spinal curvature yet, but I have experienced almost instant pain relief, a knee popping into place beneath a light touch, an elevated shoulder depressing, relieved menstrual cramps from running energy through a foot, and a few emotional releases as well. Each session is unique, and I look forward to my clients' issues with an openness to possibility and an acceptance that they and their body makes the choice of how to utilize the energy. This work can be a perfect expression of service to others (and, naturally, self) while honoring free will. And since the practitioner is allowing herself to be filled to overflowing with this energy, she, by healing, is healed. The idea is that all healing is ultimately self-healing, and this seems to be true on very many levels, if we remember that all is one.
Beyond the amazing physical benefits, the body awareness and breathing have brought a newfound sense of presence and magic into my life. I am more able to allow and receive what I need knowing that I am always a breath away from remembering myself and reconnecting to love, knowledge, and potential. I am not familiar with the art of living techniques, but am already incorporating the "ba-ha" method into my energy work and found that the energy flow feels more effortless. I believe that the Cassies have made it clear that integrating ourselves and reconnecting are essential to our expansion and I would recommend learning Quantum Touch to everyone, not just those who would like to do healing work for others. It is an excellent way to do self healing, chakra balancing, and emotional balancing. I give it to my food, water, pets, anything I love or consume. The possibilities are endless. I will be sure to post any miraculous experiences in my work as they come along, and I look forward to taking an Art of Living course soon, as well.
Thank you so much to Laura, Ark, and Company for your mind-blowing investment of time and energy towards illuminating those seeking the light. The synchronicity I experienced while reading the sessions on breathing after spending the morning working with the breath and affirmations was absolutely cosmic. Learning is fun.