Session 20 June 2009

Vulcan59 said:
Thanks Anart. So to put it another way, 5 more years to go will be the beginning of a new (year zero) era. Got it OSIT.

I think your Vulcan logic was getting in the way since it was phrased very uniquely. ;)
I had a weird experience one time I was meditating. I was just sitting there breathing with my legs folded and then my hole body started to get num. Then I got scared and got up quick and then my body stop being num. But it got num to the point where my body started to hurt that was weird.
Laura said:
Yes, there is that. But there is very little "internal momentary contradictions or "fleeting thoughts" that go on in me during sessions. For me, it is a state of total beginner's mind. I am just a question. That is, perhaps, the single most important quality for doing this sort of thing, I think - getting your self out of the way in terms of assumptions.

What is more problematic is the strong emotional beliefs and assumptions of others present. For example, it was very difficult to receive when Craig P was present. There was even one moment when the answer began to come and was suddenly diverted. It was this moment:

Q: (L) Alright. We're here because people have pressing questions. Ask away. (Craig) So. This is a big one for me. Who was behind the attempted assassination of my first spiritual teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?

A: You aren't going to like the answer. Let's just say elements of secret services were involved.

When the Cs came through with the second sentence of that answer, it was almost like the feeling you get when you walk into a wall... and the wall was the emotional state of Craig who simply would not be able to bear the whole answer that was sitting there in my head. I actually felt frustrated that it had been truncated.

This is really lamentable, I shudder when thinking the truth is there waiting for us and we have built a wall so thick around that now we are unable to receive it..
consciousnessrep said:
I had a weird experience one time I was meditating. I was just sitting there breathing with my legs folded and then my hole body started to get num. Then I got scared and got up quick and then my body stop being num. But it got num to the point where my body started to hurt that was weird.

Well there is nothing weird about it, if your legs are folded and especially if you are in lotus position you will cut off the circulation and as a consequence you will experience numbness in the lower part of the body.

The trick is to fold your legs "gently"
Corto Maltese said:
consciousnessrep said:
I had a weird experience one time I was meditating. I was just sitting there breathing with my legs folded and then my hole body started to get num. Then I got scared and got up quick and then my body stop being num. But it got num to the point where my body started to hurt that was weird.

Well there is nothing weird about it, if your legs are folded and especially if you are in lotus position you will cut off the circulation and as a consequence you will experience numbness in the lower part of the body.

The trick is to fold your legs "gently"

Trees don't let us see the forest :D
Perceval said:
Mr. Premise said:
Is it "Ba ba ba ba..." breathing in and "Ha ha ha ha...." breathing out, or one long Baaaaaaa... and one long Ha.......?

"Ba ha" is not meant to be said by the breather while breathing, it will be listened to while being played on a cd player or computer to guide the breathing

I'm also assuming that it can be also just be 'thought' in your head along with each 'in breath' (baaaa) and 'out breath' (haaaa), for the length of each breath.
consciousnessrep said:
I had a weird experience one time I was meditating. I was just sitting there breathing with my legs folded and then my hole body started to get numb. Then I got scared and got up quick and then my body stop being numb. But it got numb to the point where my body started to hurt that was weird.

It could be helpful to read my post;topicseen#msg90749, where you can find the following quote:
Parasthesia, tetanus and tremors, oh my!
The challenge is complicated by the fact that bioenergetic breathing tends to cause three harmless but potentially alarming side-effects: parasthesia, tetanus, and tremors. Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? Well, it is kind of exciting. This is powerful stuff. But these experiences really are harmless, and they tend to go away with practice. I myself went through them and came out the other side many years ago. Parasthesia simply means “altered sensation,” usually in the form of tingling that starts around the mouth, at the fingertips and in the toes. As it advances and spreads, it is usually accompanied by tetanus — sustained but mild contraction of muscles. The hands and feet tend to “claw up,” and your lips will feel like you’ve just been to the dentist! This is different than spasm, and it is more stiff than painful. It wears off quickly. Finally, tremors may sweep through the body erratically, perhaps favouring a specific limb or side, but this too passes rapidly — and should actually be indulged when it occurs. Let yourself shake. Be free! Martial arts and yoga practitioners may study their entire lives without knowing the sensation of qi.

In my experience and opinion there's a lot more to the numbness and muscle contractions than this scientific explanation; it is a crucial part of "diving" into your past and traumas that reside in your body (body memory). And I DON'T feel that one should try to "make them go away with practice", as the article suggests. The "side effects" will probably go away once you don't have any more traumas in store, when you are "done crying". Guess that means that it will never end ;)

I've "found" many suppressed traumatic memories when letting the numbness and spasms "do their thing" and following where they lead me. For example: For a long time I had spasms in my face (while doing the "bioenergetic breathing") - the face muscles contracted very powerfully in one particularly weird expression of some sort of horror (that almost hurt). On one "session" I then finally identified the feeling that was behind this facial expression - and whoa! That was a painful memory and I cried a lot, but when it was over I felt "I'm done with that memory, it will not haunt me any more".

So I feel that one must decide: "What ever happens let it happen. The only way out is THROUGH".

p.s. How does one make a hyperlink associated with a WORD, without the messy characters?
Laura said:
Session Date: June 20th 2009

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!
Actually, context means a lot... in this case, as "5 more years!" was finished... my mental question was "what do you mean?" and then came "2 go!" and then my mental question was "before what?" and the answer came: "0 new year!" and I understood that it meant the beginning of a new era.

Please bear with me bringing this again.
Although it can be just another my 'self-centered' point of view, I thought it can be something to be shared for "what do you mean?" part so I jumped to post it in anyway.

In Japanese we count numbers 1(Ichi), 2(Ni), 3(San), 4(Shi), 5(Go), 6(Roku), 7(Nana)...
So it was shocking to see C's first statement because of my user name "GotoGo".

My point is Go=5 can be applied to the 2nd one also.
It means 5 years to 5 and I speculate that can be meant 5D or man#5 (higher emotional center).

Well, it is hard to imagine Cs use the riddle with Japanese though... :-[
First I'd like to say thank you Laura and the Team for providing us with this session.

Now since the importance of breathing is a major part of this session I would like to ask, for anyone who has practiced controlled breathing if you have ever gotten...I'm not sure how to describe it any other way than a "tingling" or even a "Vibrating" sensation over any parts of your body?

I've practiced controlled breathing before (don't know if it was done properly) but I'd breathe in, hold for a certain count, exhale and hold for a certain count and then repeat, all while inhaling through the nose and exhaling out the mouth. And after a period of time of doing this controlled breathing the lower part of my mouth, my teeth kind of, and the center of my chest would start to tingle. It's unlike any feeling I've ever experienced before and always happens when I steady and control my breathing. The longer the duration that I steady my breathing the stronger the tingling or vibrating sensation gets. It eventually get's to a point where it kind of becomes uncomfortable so I stop. So I'm just kinda curious if anyone else has experienced any physical or at least what feels to be physical, side-effects to breathing exercises?
Andrew said:
Now since the importance of breathing is a major part of this session I would like to ask, for anyone who has practiced controlled breathing if you have ever gotten...I'm not sure how to describe it any other way than a "tingling" or even a "Vibrating" sensation over any parts of your body?

See my previous post, just my 2 cents...
[quote author= Andrew]...I'm not sure how to describe it any other way than a "tingling" or even a "Vibrating" sensation over any parts of your body?[/quote]
Taoists state that when an increased flow of chi opens blockages, vibrating and/or involuntary shaking may result. I have experienced this often. Chi Kung utilizes breathing with body movement/alignment.

Improved circulation of blood may also cause tingling, like the sensations felt when a leg or arm revives after "falling asleep." Interestingly, Taoism correlates the movement of chi with the movement of the blood.

Another possibility you may consider.
aragorn said:
p.s. How does one make a hyperlink associated with a WORD, without the messy characters?
Help : References

Something that's crossed my mind reading the thread so far, has the group tried doing a breathing excessive during a sessions?? Perhaps it would help keep the energy levels up/not make people so tired? Although it may be a bit like trying to stand on one leg, rub your stomach and pat your head all at once :P
[quote author=Laura link=topic=12737.msg91273#msg91273 date=12456078

Q: (L) And how would it be modified for the ancient version to be revived?

A: The proper words should be spoken during the breathing. Joe, what is the Irish for life?

Q: (Joe) Eh... Beatha? {Pronounced something like "Bah Hah"}

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's it. B-E-A-T-H-A. That may not be the original spelling.

A: Ba in Ha out.

Q: (C) And it's pronounced "baha"? (laughter and discussion of Kriya with "ba-ha" instead of "so-hum")

Thank you for yet another fascinating session. I find myself really emotional at the moment and reading this gives me hope that there is a powerful method that may help to clarify what needs to let go.

I was interested to notice that when I was taught Pranayama the variation I was taught used "Sa" on the inhalation and "Ha" on the exhalation instead of "So" and "Hum" . Closer to what the Cassipopaeans suggest in sound if not in meaning by using "Ba" and "Ha".

I look forward to the CD. Thanks again.
Thanks for the new session! As always a lot food for thought! However a short impression now:

A: It is not just "waves" beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves, it is also a quickening of the cosmos. Those who are not integrated will disintegrate at an even faster rate than ever.


Q: (laughter) (L) That sound suspiciously like Jason. (laughter) {omitted series of personal questions and answers} (L) Okay, you wanted to ask something about... (A**) What about these suicides in Bridgend, Wales? What's going on there?

A: Location amplifies the kinds of waves mentioned earlier leading to rapid disintegration.

Q: (L) So it's like underground water, or electromagnetic, or some kind of power point or something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (A**) So people are just disintegrating, and they're all hanging themselves. (Joe) Twenty four of them, all hung themselves. (A***) All under the age of thirty. (L) Well, you've got HAARP going, you've got microwave towers going, you've got cosmic waves going. (DD) I had a friend commit suicide in Tulsa last week.

A: Expect a lot more unstable behavior all over.

I immediately got hit with this one! I've noticed in my environment for some time now that people tend to be easier outraged and irritated even because of a trivial reason. It's more like an ongoing activity but the slight changes in behavior are noticeable. I may be wrong in my observations, tough.
Considering the narcissistic state of our world, it's just creepy to think about all those people losing control of themselves and fulfilling their deepest self-desires. I may sound now quite "apocalyptic" but imagine what would happen when informing the mass that they have a day of their lives left. Gosh, not going mad in those difficult times should certainly be a fruit of our Work here :)

As for the breathing techniques, I'm looking forward for the CD. It's really interesting and except some minor experiences I've never researched deeply in this field. Will do now.

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