Session 21 December 2024

Q: (L) Can the 19-year lunar cycle be associated with a thinning of the veil?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But not necessarily always. Can the 19-year lunar cycle be utilized in some way to open portals into our reality and that sort of thing?

A: Yes indeed!

Q: (Andromeda) So what is the current thinning of the veil due to?

A: Wave.

Q: (Gaby) Well, I have a question about the lunar cycle. Is the next major lunar standstill on March 22, 2025 when we could potentially channel some positive energies through gravitational forces?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So we should make a plan for the lunar standstill in March. Keep that in mind, everybody!
Some of you might not have read Secret History of the World by Laura, so I'll extract the relevant part that inspired a correspondent to calculate the 19-year lunar cycle event in 2006, leaving enough clues to calculate the same event in 2025.

From Secret History of the World:

And this brings us to a further revelation of Diodorus regarding the Hyperboreans:
"And there is also on the island both a magnificent sacred precinct of Apollo and a notable temple, which is adorned with many votive offerings and is spherical in shape. Furthermore, a city is there which is sacred to this god, and the majority of its inhabitants are players on the cithara; and these continually play on this instrument in the temple and sing hymns of praise to the god, glorifying his deeds… They say also that the moon, as viewed from this island, appears to be but a little distance from the earth and to have upon it prominences, like those of the earth, which are visible to the eye. The account is also given that the god visits the island every nineteen years, the period in which the return of the stars to the same place in the heavens is accomplished, and for this reason the Greeks call the nineteen-year period the “year of Meton”. At the time of this appearance of the god he both plays on the cithara and dances continuously the night through from the vernal equinox until the rising of the Pleiades, expressing in this manner his delight in his successes. And the kings of this city and the supervisors of the sacred precinct are called Boreades, since they are descendants of Boreas, and the succession to these positions is always kept in their family."194
The moon is so close to the earth every nineteen years because the major lunar standstill is the maximum monthly range of Moon rising and setting.
I would like to note immediately how similar the above story of the Maenads murdering their husbands is to the story of the daughters of Danaus murdering their husbands on the wedding night connected to the story of the massacre at the Cloisters of Ambrius attributed much later to Hengist and Horsa. Keeping in mind that the Danaans were the family of the hero Perseus who cut off the head of Medusa, while comparing this to the beheading of Orpheus and his “singing” head floating down the river. The two themes, wives murdering husbands and a significant beheading are startling enough to give us pause. Was an original legend then later adapted to a different usage, assimilated to a different group or tribe? More than once?
In any event, we have discovered a most interesting little collection of things all in one place. First a “round temple” on an island that can only be Britain, may be describing Stonehenge and the way in which it was utilized by a group of people. Next we see that Diodorus is suggesting that the 19-year lunar calendar is a product of the Hyperboreans and that it relates to a period in which the “return of the stars” is accomplished. We realize immediately that these “stars” must refer to a geometric relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth, rather than the “stars” in terms of real stars and the planets because they certainly do not “return” to any particular position every nineteen years. And we now suspect that this may have something to do with a gravitational node of a three-body system.
We begin to think that these ancient people really knew something!

In the Temple of Apollo, we also find that there are musicians whose job it is to continually play in the temple and sing, and the most famous of ancient singers and musicians is associated with the worship of Apollo. This suggests to us the possible use of sound for something; the utilization of gravitational nodes, perhaps?
During a major lunar standstill, there is a gravitational node of a three-body system: The moon, the Earth and the Sun. Someone made a nice illustration that I posted in the 19 Year Cycle Lunar Standstill Upcoming. There's a beautiful alignment:


March 22nd, 2025, the Moon reaches its greatest declination, and the moon, sun and Earth align in such a way, allowing for a unique gravitational node of a three-body system that happens only every 19 years.
Some of you might not have read Secret History of the World by Laura, so I'll extract the relevant part that inspired a correspondent to calculate the 19-year lunar cycle event in 2006, leaving enough clues to calculate the same event in 2025.

From Secret History of the World:

The moon is so close to the earth every nineteen years because the major lunar standstill is the maximum monthly range of Moon rising and setting.

During a major lunar standstill, there is a gravitational node of a three-body system: The moon, the Earth and the Sun. Someone made a nice illustration that I posted in the 19 Year Cycle Lunar Standstill Upcoming. There's a beautiful alignment:


March 22nd, 2025, the Moon reaches its greatest declination, and the moon, sun and Earth align in such a way, allowing for a unique gravitational node of a three-body system that happens only every 19 years.
Thanks Gaby! I was trying to find a video to better visualize this ~19 y. period and just stumbled on this one that isn't really explaining what I was looking for.. instead it points out how really awesome could be the 'real' movement between the three bodies, Sun, Earth and Moon. Interesting to watch:

本に。Anata wa dare desu ka Hi Mu So Tori san?Kotaete o negai shimasu.
I don't know how to read my name.I didn't even think I'd call myself anyone, so I combined the original pen name with the name of someone I liked. By the way, 飛鳥 is read as "asuka".There are theories about the etymology of the reading "Asuka", such as theories of the origin of foreign words and theories of the origin of topographical names, but it is not clear what is known. I like the sound of Asuka. I don't think it's a good idea to write about personal things here, so I'll stop here.
Session Date: December 21st 2024

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Bella, Falcor, The Lunar Module

FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Abats, Adobe US, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Aliana, Altair, Ana Huitzil, Anamarija, anartist, Andrian, Ant22, Approaching Infinity, Arwenn, Aya, Beau, Bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dirgni, domi, dugdeep, fabric, finduilas495, France, Gawan, Glenn, Gottathink, Gwellian, Harmony99, Herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, hiker, hlat&his wife, iamthatis, irjO, iscreamsandwish, Ivan_, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Josi, Juba, Keyhole, Kinyash, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, Kosma, Laurentien2, Laurs, Lilou, loreta, LQB, Luis Miguel, marek760, Mari , Mark, Mark7, Martina, Meg, Mililea, Miracle, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, Natus Videre, Navigator, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, Pophistorian, Puma, RedFox, Redrock12, Regulattor , Ryan, rylek, Ryu, Saman, seek10, seeker2seer, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Temperance, Timótheos, Tristan, Turgon, voyageur, whitecoast, Windmill knight, Yas, Z…, Zar, Zim

Q: (L) I guess we're just going to do it, huh?

(Andromeda) Guess so. No reason not to.

(L) I reckon!

A: We are here, do not fear. Milonnioa of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Whatever. All right. So I guess the big question on everybody's mind as NiallyBob just put it a minute ago, "How about those drones?!" I think we better break it down into a little bit better questions than that. Are the drones a strictly human-originated phenomenon?

A: No

Q: (L) Are some of the drones, say, hyperdimensional for lack of a... hyperdimensional, alien, or whatever?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is there a visible difference between the human origin drones and the hyperdimensional drones?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why are they appearing in such great numbers and over such a wide area and apparently for a long time period? Yeah, so I'm asking why?

A: Many reasons depending on which time, place, and context. Closest description is human origin drones are meant to distract from "alien" drones and probes.

Q: (L) What are the alien drones or probes up to?

A: Psychic reading and influencing of selected populations.

Q: (L) Is there any significance to the fact that this has happened kind of repeatedly over a period of at least five years at approximately the same time of the year?

(Andromeda) Well, from what I understand, the last three years have been at the same time of year.

(L) Last three years.

(Andromeda) Right. And then before that there was one in July or something.

(Joe) Here's the thing: A year ago, almost a year ago, and the year before, there were drones sighted over Langley Air Force Base. Last year for 17 days.

(Chu) There was one in December-January, 2019 according to Approaching Infinity.

(Joe) Yeah, I mean, you can go back quite a long time for sightings over military bases. You can go back to the sixties if you want. So the question is whether or not the sightings, for example one year ago over Langley Air Force Base, have anything to do with what's happening today? Or is that a separate...?

(L) So are they all related in some way?

A: Similar.

Q: (L) So they're there for reading and influencing of selected populations?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Over a military base.

(Niall) Specifically military populations?

(Joe) Only a military base.

(L) Is it specifically military or, okay... Is it only military?

A: No

Q: (Andromeda) They were also spotted over two US military bases in the UK, and one in Germany, both this year in November.

(Chu) And if you count the orbs, then it's more widespread.

(Andromeda) Well, were those the same kind of thing in the UK and in Germany?

A: Close

Q: (Joe) So maybe a question is: Given that drones have been sighted over various military bases - and drones as in UFOs, they may be drones, maybe UFOs - over military bases going back many years up until last year. What is the significance of such a widespread phenomenon over the past month?

A: Acclimatising the public.

Q: (Joe) That's what I thought. So that was the specific agenda in it being such a widespread phenomenon.

(L) Okay, do they also... I mean, I understand that probably a lot of them are... Maybe the reason they're so plentiful at this point in time is because gradually human beings have built up their stockpile of such drones so they can send them up to confuse things even better than they could before. Is that part of it?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So this would be acclimatizing the public to an eventual disclosure of "aliens"?

A: Eventually. But spooking the population is also seen as desirable.

Q: (Andromeda) They're trying to spook people.

(PoB) It just about spooking or there are other influencing causes or reasons?

(L) I think that the human-created drones are seen as being useful for spooking because they put 'em up there, they know what they are, they're in control of 'em, but they deny it. And of course that's like doing the whole COVID thing. People could see stuff in front of their eyes, and it was just being denied. What do they call it?

(Andromeda) It's gaslighting.

(L) Yeah, gaslighting.

(Joe) So is it true to say that this was like a "aliens" plan to have these drones or craft fly around and then the military, the government, deep state, whatever, decided to put theirs up when they realized it was happening to muddy the waters? Is that a reasonable...?

A: Close

Q: (Joe) And with all the denials from the government saying there's nothing going on here, do they actually know fully what is going on?

A: No

Q: (Andromeda) They know at least partially that it's...

(L) They know what they're doing and they know that the aliens are doing something, but they don't really fully know what the aliens are doing.

(Andromeda) What their plan is...

(Joe) No, but the question is...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Have they tried to shoot one down?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So people like the Pentagon spoke, at that level of government, ya know, overt government figures... Did they know of this alien presence?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) So why are the aliens doing it now?

A: Part of ongoing plans falling into place. [ferocious dogs growl and bark during answer :)]

Q: (L) And I guess we've already been told what those plans are.

(Joe) Well, are they? Do we? Have we?

(L) We have been a number of times.

(Joe) Long term or short term?

(L) So, you say that they want to influence and read...

(Andromeda) And that's part of a larger plan.

(L) Influence and read...

(seek10) Can we ask why New Jersey is the spot?

A: Heavily programmed population there.

Q: (L) Where is that place where they had all those weird experiments going on? Montauk! Where is Montauk in relation to New Jersey?

(Joe) Isn't that New York?

(Niall) Long Island, no?

[Montauk is a hamlet located at the eastern tip of Long Island, New York]

(L) Does Montauk have anything to do with any of this?

A: Yes. It is all interrelated.

Q: (L) So my guess is that they have people there that are programmed to do things and that they're interested in determining if they're ready to perform their programmed activities or if they need additional programming... Okay... Are they planning to turn people on or off in terms of programming?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Surely reading and influencing of members of the population could be done without such a visible display of lights in the sky and stuff. So it seems that the main agenda here is obviously to spook the population and prepare them, like I said, acclimatize them to lights in the sky, UFOs...

A: Also, the invisibility granted by a firmly structured density veil is not as secure as previously.

Q: (Joe) Okay. So it's likely that a lot more of these things are going to be seen around the world.

(L) So does that mean that when people have in the past or in other times and places been read and influenced and so forth - we kind of joke about it as being like the cryptogeographic being - that what's actually happening is some kind of orbs or something are nearby, only they are concealed from view because the veil is more secure. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So with the veil being less secure, or "thinning" as we call it, that means that a lot more of this type of activity is visually seen and probably will be seen elsewhere - as well as other things that ordinarily would be concealed by the veil. Is that true?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So this is setting up an explanation in advance for that phenomenon being more visible, that people will say, "Oh, it's just like in New Jersey: It was drones." It's a pretty poor effort on the part of government to convince people these are just drones. I mean, I suppose it's the best they can do, but...

(Chu) Well, they're also telling people, even if they do say they're aliens, they're saying, "They're benevolent! See, they're not doing anything to you!"

(L) Yeah. And the other thing is they're also trying to really reinforce the idea that it is a totally physical phenomenon. Because I mean, really covering up the highly strange nature of these things is one of their main goals and tricks.

(Joe) But surely the "aliens" have the ability to always make it appear as if it's a physical phenomenon?

A: No

Q: (Joe) They don't always have the ability to appear as drones or lights in the sky?

(L) Actually, if you think about it, all the UFO sightings that have been proven to be, or shown to be really legit have always had high strangeness associated with them.

(Joe) But not the ones in New Jersey recently.

(L) But we're talking about human-made drones.

(Joe) I'm talking about alien drones that are appearing as - generally speaking - as a drone, a drone type object. People are saying that doesn't look like a plane. It's too small, it's weird, et cetera, et cetera. So they're not able to make it look exactly like a drone. But they do seem to be able to manifest as something that people see as a physical object, albeit a bit strange looking.

A: Some of those are human made decoys.

Q: (Joe) Right.

(Chu) And then there's the weird orbs and stuff that don't look very human.

(Joe) Well, there are a few, but the vast majority are ambiguous.

(Andromeda) There's a mixed bag.

(Niall) There's been a lot of videos of lights flashing on and off.

(L) So somebody on the chat wants to know if the UFOs want to gauge how aware the population is getting? Um, do they want to...?

A: Testing of the will, yes.

Q: (Andromeda) And also probably testing for the reaction to that kind of thing.

(L) So what were you saying, Niall?

(Niall) There are lots of videos people are posting. We don't know, but they claim to be associated with drones or in the areas where these drones are seen, where either street lights or car lights or building lights are not just flashing, they're blinking on and off.

(Joe) And radio interference.

(Niall) Is this associated with the sightings in the sky at all?

(L) Your question is really loose. Is this associated with the drones? Or is it associated with the alien craft? I mean, make a distinction here. There's all kinds of shit going on in the sky.

(Niall) I don't assume that it's associated with any of it. I don't know if it is. That's why I wanna go one first, then the next.

(Andromeda) Could it be associated with the human decoy drones, the alien craft, or even part of this thinning of the veil? Weather phenomenon?

(L) Yeah.

(Andromeda) Is it associated with any of those?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Which one?

A: All sometimes.

Q: (L) But we know from case histories that UFOs make cars stop, make things blink, etc. I mean, we've seen that repeatedly in the case histories. We also know that overflying comet or meteorite fragments can cause all the car alarms in a neighborhood to go off, as well as all of the garage doors to open and close and so forth because there's electromagnetic anomalies. And we also know it can happen from weather. So, you'd have to take a particular case in order to get an answer, a particular case and say, was this one due to whatever. Because if it's happening and the drones are there at the time, we may assume that it's associated.

(Niall) Okay. Well, then let's assume, okay.

(Joe) They said that it was part of an ongoing plan falling into place. Is that a long-term plan, or does this happening now in recent weeks have anything to do with... Is it related in any way to Trump becoming president and something that's planned for that? Or is it a longer term acclimatization only?

A: As previously noted, there was a change in plans, thus some recalibration is needed.

Q: (L) So... Okay, let me ask this: Is this activity beneficial to human beings?

A: Decidedly not.

Q: (Joe) Why not?

A: Review plans to amalgamate and rule humans after the changes.

Q: (Joe) But that was going to happen... Okay, so it's just part of that longer term plan then.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And that was always going to happen, correct?

(L) That's always been their plan, but...

(Andromeda) Barring something that changed it, I suppose.

(Joe) The C's have talked about that from day one.

(Gaby) Does the current thinning of the veil that's going on now have anything to do with the 19-year lunar cycle in some sense?

A: No

Q: (L) Can the 19-year lunar cycle be associated with a thinning of the veil?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But not necessarily always. Can the 19-year lunar cycle be utilized in some way to open portals into our reality and that sort of thing?

A: Yes indeed!

Q: (Andromeda) So what is the current thinning of the veil due to?

A: Wave.

Q: (Gaby) Well, I have a question about the lunar cycle. Is the next major lunar standstill on March 22, 2025 when we could potentially channel some positive energies through gravitational forces?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So we should make a plan for the lunar standstill in March. Keep that in mind, everybody! Okay. Are we done with the drones?

Q: (Chu) You want to see if any of the questions on the chat catch your attention here?

(whitecoast) Does the thinning veil make it harder for 4D ships to maintain a "fixed" appearance matching the likeness of 3D craft?

A: Can.

Q: (Joe) What percentage, if we can get a percentage, roughly of the drones that have been cited were "alien" versus human?

(L) What percentage of them were alien?

A: 37

Q: (L) 37 percent.

(Joe) That means there were a majority of...

(L) Distractions.

(Joe) Well, 3D drones. Also, so in that context then, do humans, the government, deep state, whatever, do they have drone technology that is pretty far beyond what most of us here and the average person is aware of?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Pretty fancy stuff. So is the government using their drones to send signals to people and...?

A: Yes and those who have been vaccinated have transmitters and receivers.

Q: (Joe) So we're talking here maybe already or very quickly, we're getting to the point where so-called alien tech and human tech is merging or indistinguishable to some extent, or not indistinguishable, but difficult...

(Andromeda) Difficult to distinguish from a distance.

Q: (L) Would you say it's difficult to distinguish without careful analysis?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, what else?

(Ant22) With Tucker Carlson talking about [the UFO phenomenon] being supernatural in interviews, I guess the material nature of the UFO phenomenon is something they'd want to reinforce.

(L) Is that why they're doing this?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I'm sure it's part. Let's see... Well, we kind of covered that:

(Ivan) Are the battery malfunctions that people have reported real? If real, are they related to the aliens or the drones? I am asking because this type of thing has been reported by Simon Hein in his book and related to crop circles or near crop circles. Again, if real, what is it that causes a battery's charge to drop instantly?

(L) We were kind of talking about that cars going off and on and we know about battery malfunctions occur with many UFO interactions. We just kind of covered that. What is it that causes a battery's charge to drop instantly? Now that's an interesting question.

A: The energy is drawn off into 4D.

Q: (Joe) Is that a natural function?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when there's a breach in the veil, either naturally or when it's being blasted by, say, comet fragments or meteors, or when it's happening because UFOs are breaching it, it causes a loss of energy to 4D?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that a natural transference from 3D to 4D? Does that happen at any time there's a veil breach in that sense?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But then that energy comes back into 3D from 4D, doesn't it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there are ways that it comes in and then ways that it goes out. What are some of the ways that it comes in?

A: Lightning, for example.

Q: (L) All right. Next question:

(Saman) Can we know a bit more in general layman terms how this stage of the Wave cycle is causing the thinning of the veil that normally hides hyperdimensional activity from 3D STS beings?

A: There are no specific layman terms. But in general just think of 3D merging into 4D.

(Joe) Can we, it's not on the drones, but it may be related to the thinning of the veil. We're just wondering about Leia who had an accident.

(Andromeda) We assume a fall.

(Joe) We assume she had a fall, but anyway, she broke two ribs a few days ago. Don't know how. Outside somewhere. It was anomalous. It was weird. Strange. Was that...

(Chu) What happened to her?

A: Encounter with energy anomaly.

Q: (Andromeda) Did this thing cause her to jump or fall or something like that?

A: Pushed.

Q: (Joe) What was the nature of the energy anomaly?

A: Like an energy "wind".

Q: (Joe) Is that related to thinning of the veil?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And did something similar happen to Falcor that same evening?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it kind of like a wind that something he ran into or some kind of a...?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) It just hit him?

(Joe) So he didn't see anything. The thing is, he ran off or something as if he was aware of something.

A: Animals have a different perception of energy.

Q: (Joe) So it wasn't something that was particularly malevolent or benevolent?

A: No

Q: (L) But, I mean, you can't say that a hurricane is malevolent or benevolent, but it...

(Niall) Falcor started yelping like he was in pain.

(Joe) Well, he ran into something. Something hit him.

(Andromeda) Something hit him.

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) Like an energy wind.

(L) Or a blockage or something like that.

(Andromeda) Poor little puppies!

(Joe) It was more or less outside your window.

(L) Yeah, it was outside my office window. It was weird.

(Andromeda) Is there anything we can do to protect the puppies against this kind of thing?

A: Present times are very unstable for all beings. Awareness and vigilance protect.

Q: (L) All right. I have to take a momentary break.

[Laura leaves...]

(Joe) Poor Leia!

(Niall) She was pushed enough by something...

(Joe) Deliberately.

(Andromeda) Poor little honey... It didn't make sense that she would fall.

(Niall) She must have been on the ledge.

(Andromeda) Yeah, she must have been close enough, but I mean, it just doesn't make sense that she would fall. It's not slippery. She doesn't get way up close to the edge unless we're there.

(Niall) An energy wind... Well, the follow-up question would be, are humans subjected to random energy winds as well?

(Chu) Probably.

(Joe) That's a good question. Why it would happen with the two dogs as opposed to...

(Andromeda) humans.

(Niall) And why on the same day?

(Andromeda) Right. Oh, we could ask about the starlings.

(Ark) I wonder if we are in energy anomaly special zone. I remember these cars crashing nearby for no reason, you know? No one there and weren't there three? Three accidents.

(Andromeda) I think they said it was because there was a bubble over us here.

(Joe) A bubble of protection, yeah.

(Jefferson) My son's car flew up in the wind two summers ago, And we asked the Cs.

(Andromeda) That's right!

(Jefferson) Yeah, the car flew up and then landed upside down.

(Joe) Right.

(Jefferson) Some energy difference.

(Niall) So yeah, it obviously does hit people then.

(Ark) But cars are not driven by animals.

(Joe) No, not yet.

(Niall) Except in Groundhog Day.

(Chu) It could be different types of winds too. Some that affect animals, some that affect people.

(Ark) Yeah.

(Joe) When the wind is in the east. [Laughter; it's a reference to the BBC series, "Bleak House"]

[Laura returns]

(Andromeda) We've got two more questions.

(L) Oh, I thought of a question too.

(Andromeda) You go first.

(L) Can these energy winds be created or stimulated by other things such as...? I mean, in our reality, if a helicopter lands on your front lawn, there's a whole lot of wind. Is there something similar to that with these energy winds? Is it evidence of some other kind of hyperdimensional activity?

(Andromeda) Like an effect of something else...

(L) Yeah.

A: Indeed and usually.

Q: (Andromeda) And can they affect humans? I mean, this was both of the doggies in one day.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Oh, and is there anything to the starlings that have been coming a lot more than usual and landing in our trees?

(L) Is there anything, as in what?

(Andromeda) As in any energetic related thing?

A: Yes. Signs all over the earth.

Q: (Joe) Do the accidents or the events with the two dogs imply that there was some activity interested in this house here, or at that time?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And what were they up to?

A: Trying to read and influence.

Q: (Niall) Was there one of those probes nearby?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Argh! I never saw it. Why didn't it show itself? Show your face!

(Gaby) I saw, well, I thought I saw a red light, but I figured it was the Christmas lights.

(L) So, does the protective bubble we have erected during some of our activities help protect us against things like that?

A: For the most part, yes.

Q: (L) So we need to shore up our defenses.

A: Yes. And stay aware.

Q: (L) Okay. All right. Are we done with that? Are we done with that, people?

[Attendees on zoom nod]

(seek10) One question, Laura: Can 3D drones disappear into thin air? I think that's part of a Philadelphia experiment.

A: No

Q: (L) I guess if they disappear into thin air, we know they're alien.

(Farmies) Are frequency emitting health bands, such as Wave 1 and Nikki effective treatments against Lyme Disease as is claimed?

A: Not likely.

Q: (Farmies) Do they also work for other conditions they claim to help?

A: Not strong enough to make a difference.

(L) All right. Any other questions? Because I wanted this one to be a quick one tonight. We had to do this because of the drones.

(Kinyash) Is there any chance that the current "invasion" can cause the deep state to prevent Trump from being inaugurated by instituting Continuity of Government?

A: Possible but not likely.

Q: (IrjO) Was the guy Luigi the real killer of the CEO of UnitedHealthCare?

A: No

Q: (Niall) Wow! So the kid who is in prison now, and was just perp walked yesterday, was framed.

(L) Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) So, who killed him?

A: Pro.

Q: (Joe) Working for Intel agencies?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So the head of the pharma company was taken out because...

A: He knew too much and was high risk.

Q: (Joe) Was that related to vaccines?

A: Corruption.

Q: (Joe) So, what are the chances that this Luigi guy will actually take the fall for it?

(L) What do you mean? What's your question?

(Joe) Will they be successful in prosecuting him and putting the blame on him?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Poor guy.

(Andromeda and Gaby) Yeah.

(Joe) Because he wasn't there, obviously.

(Niall) He wasn't there. It was someone else. And people saw that! It was so obvious...

A: Steamrolled.

Q: (L) So, steamrolled instead of railroaded.

A: Yes

Q: (Scottie) That's why there was... there was a picture going around on social media where he had peed his pants and somebody made a joke out of it and said, "Oh, first you assassinated the CEO, and then you peed your pants!" I'm like, well, yeah, maybe that's because he didn't do it. I might have peed my pants too.

(Andromeda) Yeah...

(L) All right. Is there anything we need to know that we didn't ask?

A: Stay alert. Things can get hectic! Goodbye.

(Scottie) That's the understatement of the year!

(L) Yeah, we know that! Well, well, well, drones, a complicated topic. Poor Luigi.

"(seek10) Can we ask why New Jersey is the spot?

A: Heavily programmed population there."

For what it is worth - I researched lightly, the area of the United States reaction to the Radio Broadcast of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" . Ground zero for the storyline was the fictional town of Grovers Mill, New Jersey. So the human reaction of fear and panic happened in New Jersey (which is a frightfully small state - 8,279 sq miles or 13323.759 sq kilometers) and in New York City and Long Island, which geographically are linearly next to each other AND Montauk is on the far Eastern part of that line. October 30, 1938 was the broadcast date. So basically the C's saying that this area is "Heavily programmed" and probably have been for a long time. I lived in Jersey City for 10 years and indeed, the population is very weird and I had to move back to the Upper Central USA.
:wizard: Thanks so very much Laura,Andromeda ,all the Chateau Crew and of course Milonnioa of Cassiopaea

(L) So, does the protective bubble we have erected during some of our activities help protect us against things like that?

A: For the most part, yes.

Q: (L) So we need to shore up our defenses.

A: Yes. And stay aware.

very much !

Q: (Joe) Is that a natural transference from 3D to 4D? Does that happen at any time there's a veil breach in that sense?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But then that energy comes back into 3D from 4D, doesn't it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there are ways that it comes in and then ways that it goes out. What are some of the ways that it comes in?

A: Lightning, for example.
A connection with the phenomena of lightning and sprites?

:wizard: Thanks so very much Laura,Andromeda ,all the Chateau Crew and of course Milonnioa of Cassiopaea

(L) So, does the protective bubble we have erected during some of our activities help protect us against things like that?

A: For the most part, yes.

Q: (L) So we need to shore up our defenses.

A: Yes. And stay aware.

very much !


How does one go about erecting a protective bubble? Can someone provide step-by-step instructions?
How does one go about erecting a protective bubble? Can someone provide step-by-step instructions?

Yes, here's one way to do it:

From the book Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself :

Energy Bubble

This is a simple and effective visualization that can help your subconscious mind let go of taking on so much responsibility for other people’s feelings.You can do this first thing when you wake up in the morning, or as you remember throughout the day.

Imagine a clear bubble all around your body. It surrounds you completely and is about two or three feet away from your skin on all sides. It goes out in front, behind you, to the sides, above your head, and even several feet down into the ground beneath you. It can be completely clear or it can have a slight color to it, whichever color you like: green, blue, pink, red, yellow, or anything that feels right. Mine is typically light green.

Take a moment to look around you, imagining this bubble. Seeing it on all sides, becoming more aware of its presence. This is your energy bubble. It stands between you and other people as a semi-permeable membrane. That means it lets in certain things while keeping others out. Other people’s anger, anxiety, judgments and criticisms remain outside the bubble. Love, excitement, and positive connection can pass right through so you can feel it deeply.

This may seem strange to you, or too simple to be of any real impact. But it can be quite powerful. Imagery and symbols communicate directly with our emotional brain in a way that words and language do not. This is one of the reasons why our dreams, which are made up almost entirely of imagery and symbols, are often so dominated by feelings.

I first began using this technique when I was doing face-to-face counseling as a psychotherapist. I noticed that after certain sessions I would be affected by what my client had shared, emotionally wrapped up in the drama of their lives, as if I were the one who was fighting with my partner, breaking up, anxious, or depressed. I wanted to be supportive, yet I needed to take care of myself in order to do effective work and thrive in my own life.

Each morning before I began my sessions, I would take several minutes to imagine this bubble. I gave mine a bright, transparent green color that I could see through. I would remind myself that it kept everything out that wasn’t mine, and that taking on other people’s struggles was very different than helping them through theirs.

During sessions, when there was a particularly intense moment or story that a client was sharing with me, I would remind myself of the bubble and let myself imagine it there again in the session. Sometimes, I would imagine clear water cascading down on the outside of the bubble, gently washing the outside and adding another boundary to keep me completely safe.

If I felt myself taking in too much of any emotion that I didn’t need, I would imagine myself gently moving it back outside the bubble with my next exhale, saying in my mind, this is not mine, thank you.

Using this technique doesn’t eliminate compassion or empathy for the people around us. We can still be strongly moved by the joys and sorrows of the people in our lives. It just helps distinguish between being moved by another’s suffering, and taking that suffering on as your own. Seeing the pain and desiring to help alleviate it is compassion. Feeling the pain and becoming angry, sad, anxious, or upset yourself is a sign of taking on something that is not yours.

You can experiment with this technique to emotionally release feeling overly responsible for others’ experiences. For example, one of my clients, Olivia, imagined this bubble around herself whenever her mother was angry. Her mother would storm around the kitchen, silently oozing anger and resentment in a way that was hard to ignore. She would occasionally say something to my client in an impatient or harsh tone.

Olivia felt responsible for her mother’s anger, even though she intellectually knew that it had nothing to do with her. Regardless, she would instantly react with strong feelings of anxiety, unease, and an impulse to door say something that would fix it instantly (or just run away).

As she imagined this bubble, she became more able to simply be in the presence of her mother, doing what she needed to do in the kitchen, while feeling more space between them. During one session, she told me that while she was in the kitchen with this energy bubble around her she had this insight, which helped her feel calmer around her mother, even when she was angry: There’s something going on with her, and those are her feelings to deal with, not mine.

Is this energy bubble going to solve all of your problems and bring you instant joy, peace, and happiness forever and ever? Yes. And for the low price of $9,999.99 you can get your very own bubble now!

No, this bubble is not a cure all. But it is a simple and easily doable technique that can powerfully reinforce what you need to remember in situations that matter. Combined with what you are learning in this chapter and in this book, it can help you be freer around others, no matter what is happening around you.

You can engage in the same creative use of imagination to create a bubble of protection over your whole house, too. I also posted about strategic enclosure, and this energy bubble practice fits in with that, IMO. We live in a world of energy after all.
A: We are here, do not fear. Milonnioa of Cassiopaea.

Thanks Cas, thanks to the team for doing and sharing this great session.❤️
We really needed to know what this flashy drone and light activity was all about.

How interesting that the mind reading and influence activities, something that 4D STS has been doing for so long, now don't have a total choice of being visible or invisible while doing it.

A: Also, the invisibility granted by a firmly structured density veil is not as secure as previously.

And all indications are that this will increase, and perhaps rapidly.
In such a scenario, my suspicion is that the narrative they will foster most strongly, especially at the beginning of this new stage, will be:

(Chu) Well, they're also telling people, even if they do say they're aliens, they're saying, "They're benevolent! See, they're not doing anything to you!"

Exactly. Fortunately, lies are some and not all of the things that can be seen or heard in this world.
Also, if our FAITH IS TRUE, the advice to not focus too much on the problem (lie in this case), and focus more on the solution (truth in this case) makes a lot of sense.
I think it is very important to keep that in mind at this time, because the transition is a process and, we can neither assure nor rule out that we are living the first stages.

Whatever the transition process is, let's not forget that in 4D thoughts can be more fluidly concretized and/or visible.
Hence the importance of focusing less on the problem and more on the solution.
If this applies and is advisable for life in 3D, imagine then the relevance it can have in 4D.

This has many implications, but now I am just trying to point out one with all this.
Perhaps I can better explain with a practical example what I mean:

Suppose we are faced with a lie. Something that according to the knowledge we have, we can objectively see it as the lie that it is. OK?
Good. Now, let's put our potential into practice, to see to it that that lie stays where it is, that is, on a ground of observation or our ground of observation, so to speak.
The idea is not to allow that lie to pass into the creative terrain that we all have.

Our creative part should concentrate above all on the specific Truths that make that lie a lie, and not on the lie itself, since the lie in particular we have already studied, analyzed and understood in the field of observation, or contemplation is perhaps a correct term as well.

The practical result of this conscious activity is that we would be transmitting, reflecting or projecting truths to the environment, without increasing the prominence of the lie in question, or that it makes more noise than it was already doing in that environment.
The mere fact of bringing factual information into the environment makes a difference.
It increases the likelihood that people in that environment will detect lies and see them for the lies they are.

This is no different than what we've already been doing as best we can. I'm just trying to imagine how it works or what the dynamics of functioning on the “planes of thought” would be like.

In short, I'm thinking about the mental discipline that was always important to have, but more importantly how relevant and determining mental discipline can become, during the reality change process, and in the new reality as well.

Anyway, we have a lot to learn by working on a daily basis.
The above were just some thoughts.
Don't think I ramble all day long like I do now. Just sometimes.🤗

Happy New Year to all!!!! 🥂🎄
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