Session 21 June 2014

Laura said:
Q: (L) Alright. Okay, the question on my mind: We have had in the last 10 days or 2 weeks or whatever a bunch of really odd tornadoes. There have been tornadoes appearing in places where tornadoes historically don't show up very often, if at all. Plus, there was a complete double-tornado with... What was it? It had multiple vortices?

(Kniall) There were two events. One was a twin tornado, and one was one tornado with multiple vortices.

(L) Okay. So, what all of this...

A: Remember "Day After Tomorrow" and the comments we made about the coming global superstorm some "time" ago. You are presently witnessing many of the things that will intensify as time goes forward. Ain't it awesome?!!
It is a good time to see "Day After Tomorrow" again! And also to share it with family and friends. Things are changing before our eyes.
l apprenti de forgeron said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Alright. Okay, the question on my mind: We have had in the last 10 days or 2 weeks or whatever a bunch of really odd tornadoes. There have been tornadoes appearing in places where tornadoes historically don't show up very often, if at all. Plus, there was a complete double-tornado with... What was it? It had multiple vortices?

(Kniall) There were two events. One was a twin tornado, and one was one tornado with multiple vortices.

(L) Okay. So, what all of this...

A: Remember "Day After Tomorrow" and the comments we made about the coming global superstorm some "time" ago. You are presently witnessing many of the things that will intensify as time goes forward. Ain't it awesome?!!
It is a good time to see "Day After Tomorrow" again! And also to share it with family and friends. Things are changing before our eyes.

Indeed, hail's been dropping all over Europe the last few days, there's tornadoes everywhere,
the magnetic field is weakening even more, especially over America. I've also ran into this article today,

Unseasonable Cold Blast Looming; Pattern Similar to Last Winter

An unseasonably cold airmass looks to wash over the northern United States, in a pattern eerily similar to the one seen this past winter.
So, we watched "The Day After Tomorrow" again and darn! It really depicts all the stuff going on with the weather now, only in the movie, it's all jammed into a short period, very dramatic, while it is actually happening more widely spaced in time and location; a more gradual buildup. But it really is freaky to see it there and then in real life.

The movie was based partly on Strieber and Bell's "The Coming Global Superstorm" which we asked about back in 2000.

18 March 2000 said:
Q: You also made a remark once that ice ages occur much, much faster than people ever thought...
A: Yes.
Q: Do we need to invest in some mukluks and snowshoes?
A: ??
Q: Well, what I am trying to get at is: should we start stockpiling firewood?
A: Maybe.
Q: So, it could be that fast?
A: Oh yes, and faster when in response to global"warming."
Q: When you put "warming" in quotes, you obviously mean warming in more than just an ordinary sense? Is that correct?
A: And/or not really "warm."
Q: Whitley Strieber and Art Bell have published a book about a "global superstorm." Is any of the information they have given in this book fairly accurate?
A: Derived from non-human sources known for stark accuracy, when convenient.
Q: What makes it convenient at the present time for them to be "starkly accurate?"
A: Fits into plans.
Q: Plans for what?
A: Do we not know already?
Q: In other words: world conquest and the takeover of humanity?
A: Not as simple.
Q: What would make my statement more accurate?
A: Call it amalgamation.

Then, we watched the movie for the first time in 2010:

6 July 2010 said:
Q: (L) Okay, so in the next 5 years, what is the percentage of probability of the supervolcano at Yellowstone going off?

A: 58%

Q: (L) 58, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) 58 percent. Well, that's more than half, but still kind of 50/50 in the next five years. (Chu) There was a question we talked about today about what would happen in the southern hemisphere... (L) Yes. So, if there was a global superstorm like in the movie we watched today [The Day After Tomorrow], what goes on in the southern hemisphere during such an event? The movie only showed storms in the Northern Hemisphere.

A: Less violent storms but storms nonetheless.

Q: (L) What about an ice age?

A: Ice ages grip the south somewhat, but the greatest damage is via drought, floods, and earthquakes.

Going back even further to Cs' earliest comments about an oncoming Ice Age at a time when what they were saying was impossible for us to imagine, four years before 9-11 changed everything:

22 Feb 1997 said:
A: VG mentioned the weather. Was that a bit "nippy" for you in central Europe in December and January, Arkadiusz?

Q: (T) VG mentioned the weather, and the changes in it. What was the name of that movie we watched up in Tallahassee, I forgot the name of it...

{T then spoke about a science fiction movie we saw. Aliens were here among us, and were plotting to affect the weather in such a way as to make the planet uninhabitable for us, but perfect for them. Naturally, there was secrecy and cover-ups. Then the subject moved to the cell phone towers that were noted in rural areas of North Florida. This then lead to a question about the cell phone towers. First part of question lost.}

Q: (T)...transmit to us and back... what can be transmitted? Can the negative energy be focused through these microwave towers?

(VG) And what was the correlation between the strange weather and the harvesting?

(L) Because we were told that the weather changes were due to the energy buildup of the wave. That was two years ago. And it had nothing to do with the 'harvest.'

(T) But it could also be that HAARP adds to it. (J) Ok, well, let's ask...

(L) Well, they would love for us to think that HAARP has something to do with weather. 'Yes, we're having bizarre weather. Let's blame it on HAARP!' because we're going to think about HAARP... What a perfect...

(T) Well, HAARP has a lot more to do than just the weather. They can put all the energy-based stuff that they've been experimenting on in one place, because they can do whatever they want, just by changing the frequencies... (J) Or, even just continue to mess the weather up, to continue to create negative vibrations, worry and uncertainty...

(VG) I guess the point I'm trying to get at is, are these weather changes promoting some changes in the physical body, that's making the physical body more 'harvestable?' (T) Could very well be. (L) Well, it's all interconnected, but I wouldn't say that one is the cause of the other, just to say that they occur... (T) But why, as we were talking about earlier, is all this weird stuff going on all through the media?

A: We told you that "HAARP" was being designated for capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete "order on the surface of the planet" in either 3rd or 4th density.

Q: (L) Is HAARP in operation at the present time?

A: Yes, in its early stages.

Q: (T) Is the spreading of all these communication towers out across the country the equivalent of a HAARP program on a continental scale?

A: Back up system.

Q: (L) So, they don't need the towers to operate the HAARP system, but they are there as the backup?

A: Towers serve dual and lateral purposes.

Q: (T) Local and regional authorities can use the towers to track people, amongst other things. (L) Is the weather being controlled or changed or in any way affected by HAARP?

A: Climate is being influenced by three factors, and soon a fourth.

Q: (L) All right, I'll take the bait; give me the three factors, and also the fourth!.

A: 1) Wave approach.

2) Chlorofluorocarbon increase in atmosphere, thus affecting ozone layer.

3) Change in the planet's axis rotation orientation.

4) Artificial tampering by 3rd and 4th density STS forces in a number of different ways. ...

Q: (L) All right, were those given in the order in which they are occurring? The fourth being the one that's coming later?

A: Maybe, but remember this: a change in the speed of the rotation may not be reported while it is imperceptible except by instrumentation. Equator is slightly "wider" than the polar zones. But, this discrepancy is decreasing slowly currently. One change to occur in 21st Century is sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then North America. Ice ages develop much, much, much faster than thought.

[Discussion of new scientific theory recently presented that the earth is expanding.]

Q: (T) Is the Earth expanding? That's just putting it bluntly, but, is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (A) Yes, that's the theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists were thinking.

A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable, propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly at points of magnetic significance.

Q: (J) What causes the change in the axis?

A: By slow down of rotation. Earth alternately heats up and cools down in interior.

Q: (L) Why does it do that? What's the cause of this?

A: Part of cycle related to energy exerted upon surface by the frequency resonance vibrational profile of humans and others.

Q: (T) Now we took it off on a tangent. (L) Well, we need to wrap it up soon here. Is there anything further on this harvest, or on the planetery changes that we need to get to at this point?

A: Ask.

Q: (T) Ok, let's go back to the beginning of the session, when we were talking about the acceleration/expansion on underground bases in preparation for the harvest. Is that world-wide, we're talking here?

A: Yes, but United States is focus, due to particularly cooperative power structure profile.

Q: (T) Do we want to ask about the power structure profile? (L) No, we know what that is; they agreed to work with them. But, what I would like to know is what particular steps are being taken, what particular activities are being stepped up?

A: Acquisition, staging, testing of planned activity.

Q: (L) And what is the planned activity?

A: Control of absolutely everything.

Then, the following year:

9 May 1998 said:
Q: ...Okay. I would like to know
what the geographic coordinates, according to our current
grid system, that would frame Atlantis. I don't need the
exact shape, just a general box shape... the perimeter...

A: Like asking: "What are the geographic coordinates of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization?"

Q: Okay, let me get more specific: the Atlantean land that
was supposed to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean... what
was the farthest north of any any part of Atlantis that
was in the ocean, that no longer exists?

A: It is "time for you" to know that Atlantis was not a
nation, land, Island, or continent, but rather, a

Q: All I wanted was to have an idea of a land mass in the
Atlantic ocean that people talk about - where did it sit?

A: Where do you think?

Q: Well, I sort of think that the Azores and the Canary
Islands are sort of...

A: Yes, but many other places too. Remember, the sea level
was several hundred feet lower then...

Q: Why was the sea level several hundred feet lower? Because
there was ice somewhere or because there was not as much
water on the earth at that time?

A: Ice.

Q: Was the ice piled up at the poles? The ice sheet of the
ice age?

A: Yes.

Q: So, Atlantis existed during the ice age?

A: Largely, yes. And the world's climate was scarcely any
colder away from the ice sheets than it is today.

Q: Well, how could that be? What caused these glaciers?

A: Global warming.

Q: How does global warming cause glaciers?

A: Increases precipitation dramatically. Then moves the belt
of great precipitation much farther north. This causes
rapid buildup of ice sheets, followed by increasingly
rapid and intense glacial rebound.
Laura said:
A: Climate is being influenced by three factors, and soon a fourth.

Q: (L) All right, I'll take the bait; give me the three factors, and also the fourth!.

A: 1) Wave approach.

2) Chlorofluorocarbon increase in atmosphere, thus affecting ozone layer.

3) Change in the planet's axis rotation orientation.

4) Artificial tampering by 3rd and 4th density STS forces in a number of different ways. ...

It's curious, but today I've read at (Russian news) an article on this very subject (record levels of UV radiation and ozone depletion in South America). There are many English versions of this news, such as


The article is very interesting. I guess, we might all need to take some protection measures soon (like UV-filters maybe).
It looks like the precipitation in northern Europe skyrocketed around 2010-2012.

Source: _

The trends are calculated using a median of pairwise slopes algorithm. Black dots represent high confidence in the sign of the long-term trend in the box (if the 5th to 95th percentile slopes are of the same sign). Boxes which have a thick outline contain at least three stations. Area averaged annual time series of percentage changes and trend lines are shown below each map for one area in northern Europe (blue line, 5.6 to 16.9 °E and 56.2 to 66.2 °N) and one in south‑western Europe (red line, 350.6 to 1.9 °E and 36.2 to 43.7 °N).

Laura said:
So, we watched "The Day After Tomorrow" again and darn! It really depicts all the stuff going on with the weather now, only in the movie, it's all jammed into a short period, very dramatic, while it is actually happening more widely spaced in time and location; a more gradual buildup. But it really is freaky to see it there and then in real life.

Check this out:

Here's a screenshot:


I guess the odds changed dramatically since 8 years ago!

Not only was there a hailstorm in Tokyo on the 24th last month, there was a LOT of hail! Sure it wasn't as dramatic in some respects as the movie - where people were knocked dead by large pieces of hail - but we can all agree that bringing out diggers and snow ploughs in Tokyo to clear 'haildrifts' 3-feet high in late June is not normal...

I read this transcript yesterday morning, a morning where I was awoken by all the smoke detectors going off in my house at 7:20am for no reason, I had to hit the breaker to make them stop because removing the batteries didnt work. Just found that to be funny considering all the talk of alarms.
Thanks for the transcript.
July 6 said:
Q: (L) Okay, so in the next 5 years, what is the percentage of probability of the supervolcano at Yellowstone going off?
A: 58%
Q: (L) 58, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) 58 percent. Well, that's more than half, but still kind of 50/50 in the next five years.

_ said:
Super Volcano is Bigger
Posted: Jul 09, 2014 12:08 AM UTC
Updated: Jul 09, 2014 8:04 PM UTC

The world's authority on Yellowstone's Super Volcano says it's more than twice as big as scientists once thought. Does that mean it's more likely to blow up soon? Penny Preston found Dr. Robert Smith at his home near Grand Teton, and found the answer.

Millions of people visit Yellowstone each year to see its geysers, fumeroles, hot springs, and mud pots. It's the largest concentration of thermal features in the world. The park sits on top of the world's largest active volcano. The Super Volcano. Its most recent eruption was more than 600,000 years ago. All that remains is the top, or caldera.

When you come into the Park they'll give you a map and it has an overlay of the caldera. It's huge.

The scientist who knows more about the Super Volcano than anyone, Dr. Robert Smith of the University of Utah, said, "Anytime you come to Yellowstone you have to drive uphill. And the reason is this giant plume of magma, is very hot, therefore it's bullient, low density and it just lifts the surface up."

Dr. Smith has been studying Yellowstone's earthquakes and it's Super Volcanos for almost sixty years.

He pointed out, "And these giant eruptions, supervolcanos if you wish, probably last many, many months, maybe even years."

Not only that, they're huge, thousands of times larger than Mount St. Helens. Smith and his students use siesmographs to map the magma pool underneath Yellowstone's volcano, and satellites to determine how much the land swells or bulges. They found that the magma is, "2.5 times larger than we had originally imaged."

The magma movement is signaled by earthquakes. Smith mentioned the 4.8 magnitude Norris area earthquake that damaged Lake Hotel last spring.

He explained, "It's the biggest earthquake in 30 years."

So, how likely is it that the big one will blow soon?

"If we were to have another big eruption, it would affect a large area, on the order of several states. But, as I said, that probability is very, very, very, very small. In my calculations it's point zero, zero, zero, one percent."

Smith said the magma pool is not getting bigger. His team added a lot more seismographs over the years, and are getting a clearer picture of the magma.
First of all thank you for posting this transcript!

I want to refer to the following:
>>Gurdjieff's greatest problem was that there was no one to place on the step behind him<<...

I started thinking about this in context with a family situation. I think it is very important - in case you have children of your own - that you also have someone who follows on "your ladder". If you don't have a Person you will be unbalanced and always missing something. Same for the elder as well as for the younger person.

I came to that because it is part of my life right now. I close a gap that has been between my mother and me and was mirrored to my daughter- the first born (as I am, too). My daughter as well as I knew that we were contuining a pattern that came from my history, but could not handle the situation until she got sick and definitely needed her mother. And at that time I was the only available person and since then the situation changed.

What I feel right now is, that there is someone who will climb up the same ladder as I do and this makes life a lot easier and joyful - for both of us . . .

The gap between my mother and me is getting smaller. But this is a different situation, since she is already very old. I know that I took a lot from her and have to thank her a lot from what I could learn from her and what kind of gifts she gave to me - but we will never get on those close terms as hopefully it will be between my daughter and me. Its just a question of personality and she does not want it in that close way.
Laura said:
(Data) I made a calculation about the magnetic field of the earth today. In just six months in 2014, the magnetic field weakened by 10% in North America. It weakened 6 microtesla, and the average magnetic field is 60 microtesla. And ONLY over North America. In Russia and China, it appeared to have grown a little bit stronger.

(L) So it's weakening mainly over North America? Is there any significance to that?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (L) And what might that significance be?

A: Just you wait!

Q: (Perceval) Does a weakened magnetic field have any correlation to stronger likelihood of meteorite impacts or space rock attraction type stuff?

A: Or geological activity!

Whilst searching the transcripts for another matter, I stumbled upon this bit from this transcript and an idea popped in my head.

So I imagined that the magnetic field is what is "holding it together" and a weakening of the magnetic field would just let all those iron filings just collapse and not bunch up/collect at the source of the magnetic field.
Regarding the C's suggestion to look into Stem Cells with regards to diabetes, RT is running this story today from research published this week in the Cell Journal. The article suggests this is a major breakthrough and bigger than the discovery of insulin.


Diabetes breakthrough: Human stem cells altered to make insulin
In what could be a major breakthrough for diabetes treatment, scientists have discovered a way to drastically alter human embryonic stem cells, transforming them into cells that produce and release insulin.

Developed by researchers at Harvard University, the innovative new technique involves essentially recreating the formation process of beta cells, which are located in the pancreas and secrete insulin. By stimulating certain genes in a certain order, the Boston Globe reports that scientists were able to charm embryonic stem cells – and even altered skin cells – into becoming beta cells.

The whole process took 15 years of work, but now lead researcher Doug Melton says the team can create hundreds of millions of these makeshift beta cells, and they’re hoping to transplant them into humans starting in the next few years.

"We are reporting the ability to make hundreds of millions of cells — the cell that can read the amount of sugar in the blood which appears following a meal and then squirts out or secretes just the right amount of insulin," Melton told NPR.

Reuters / Lucy Nicholson

Reuters / Lucy Nicholson

There are 29.1 million people in the United States believed to have diabetes, according to statistics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention dating back to 2012. That’s 9.3 percent of the entire population.

Currently, diabetes patients must rely on insulin shots to keep their blood-sugar levels stable, a process that involves continual monitoring and attentiveness. Failure to efficiently control these levels can cause some patients to go blind, suffer from nerve damage and heart attacks, and even lose limbs. If Melton’s beta cell creation process can be successfully applied to humans, it could eliminate the need for such constant check-ups, since the cells would be doing all the monitoring.

Already, there are positive signs moving forward: the transplanted cells have worked wonders on mice, quickly stabilizing their insulin levels.

"We can cure their diabetes right away — in less than 10 days," Melton said to NPR. "This finding provides a kind of unprecedented cell source that could be used for cell transplantation therapy in diabetes."

With mice successfully treated, the team is now working with a scientist in Chicago to put cells into primates, the Globe reported.

Even so, significant obstacles remain, particularly for those who have Type 1 diabetes. With this particular form of the disease, the human immune system actually targets and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, so Melton’s team is looking into encasing cells inside of a protective shell in order to ensure their safety.

Another hurdle is political, since many are against tinkering with human embryonic stem cells on the grounds that research wipes out human embryos. As a result, scientists are also trying to recreate their work on other types of stem cells.

Regardless, the research – formally published in the Cell journal this week – is being welcomed with open arms.

"It's a huge landmark paper. I would say it's bigger than the discovery of insulin," Jose Olberholzer, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Illinois, told NPR. "The discovery of insulin was important and certainly saved millions of people, but it just allowed patients to survive but not really to have a normal life. The finding of Doug Melton would really allow to offer them really something what I would call a functional cure. You know, they really wouldn't feel anymore being diabetic if they got a transplant with those kind of cells."
Is there any correlation between gravity and magnetic fields? Will gravity increase or decrease with the lessening of the magnetic field? I was just thinking about what micheal martin said above with iron and sinkholes.
davey72 said:
Is there any correlation between gravity and magnetic fields? Will gravity increase or decrease with the lessening of the magnetic field? I was just thinking about what micheal martin said above with iron and sinkholes.

Yes, it was already mentioned in the transcripts that the unified field theory exists but is a closely guarded secret. I can imagine that if things go "wrong" then gravitational anomalies are to be expected. The field can be weakened or even reversed but these events will be highly localised. A reversal is hardly survivable, imagine water running upwards. It will flood everything. The water will fill buildings from the top and people will drown as escape in such situation is impossible. It is not fun when you lose ground under your feet.
Zenith mentioned the use of stem cells in the search for a cure to Diabetes.
While this may seem a good idea on the surface, we should keep in mind that the stem cell can turn into any kind of cell, be it hair, teeth, skin, bone or even pancreatic cells. Ideally in this situation you would like to see pancreatic cells, but if any of the other ones start to replicate, then you end up with a nasty cancerous growth.
That is the problem with your own tissue. If tissue is taken from other humans or animals, then you have additional problems with cross-species contamination and the possibility of their viruses invading, which we may not have any natural immunity to, and could result in a major epidemic.
If it works then it is a good thing, but if it doesn't then you have a disaster on your hands.
Gotta admire their tenacity, working on this stuff for 15 years.
Maybe they should take a leaf out of Dr. Hulda Clark's books.
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