Session 21 June 2014

Menna said:
Exactly and there are some nuances that it is futile to reason or try to set straight

If something is said that is totally false, as alteroru486 did, I think that giving the lie what it is asking for, which is the truth, is something that needs to be done. Maybe, alteroru486 does not know that how s/he is seeing things is incorrect. So reading several people's correction of what s/he has been thinking will help.

Also, as I said, it also helps others who may start getting into that same thinking pattern. It's all about helping others and not worrying about oneself in taking the time to do so.

There are some instances, however, such as with psychopaths that have been telling lies about Laura for years and years, where it is just futile to say anything more than what has already been said because they just ignore it. How do we know if this is another such case if we don't pursue the statement with truth and see what happens next?
Thanks for interacting with me on this post it makes sense to interact with truth when addressing a person who is off baise. However the last part of your post rang true to me there is a point and just like every situation is different. That futile point will be different in each interaction. What I was trying to get at by bringing this up is that there is a definite point where you are over extending yourself and recognizing this point is important.
Gaolea said:
He was attentive to earth issues for quite some time, but now has gone to full contemplation preparatory to rebirth in 4D.

that sounds like he is waiting for the wave to go 4D :)

I have been ready for 20 years now. Are all of you ready too, or do you not (in your heart of hearts) like at all the idea of leaving this world??
alteroru486 said:
I have been ready for 20 years now. Are all of you ready too, or do you not (in your heart of hearts) like at all the idea of leaving this world??

I don't think that being "ready" is something we can judge by ourselves. If you are so ready, how come you're still here? Perhaps it's because you are NOT ready?

From The Wave, volume 2:

Before we go on with further “Wave” material, there are some important points from the first volume that I want to bring into closer focus. It seems, according to the Cassiopaeans, that the coming of The Wave is parallel to the increase of awareness of a small number of human beings. It is rather like The Wave is increasing awareness, and then the awareness is accelerating The Wave - a feedback loop, so to speak.

Not only that, but it seems that only those people who have completed certain “lessons” will “graduate” to 4th density. As I understand it, the rest will find themselves on a 3rd density Earth that has possibly been devastated by wars and/or cometary impact, the accoutrements of civilization having been wiped out, and perhaps, though I am not certain of this, the conceptual abilities required for rebuilding civilization will have been limited by virtue of the new “cosmic ray environment”. Not a pleasant prospect for some, but for others, the idea of starting over at the beginning of 3rd density and having many thousands of years to go through many lifetimes partaking of the “delights of the flesh”, is apparently rather appealing.

Of course, with that scenario come all of the millennia of war, famine, disease, cruelty and so forth that are part and parcel of 3rd density existence. But, for some, that is just the “price” that must be paid for their personal self-aggrandizement and pleasure. The STS mode always adopts the Wishful Thinking of “THAT won’t happen to me! I’m an exception!”

Another important issue we encountered in the first volume was that of “gravity”. The Cassiopaeans have said that the STS (Service to Self) mode is a reflection of the collecting of gravity and that STO (Service to Others) is a reflection of the dispersion of gravity. What can this mean and what ramifications are implied? Is it a similar concept to what I suspected when I wrote Noah 1 and talked about “Contact Potential Difference”? Does it mean that the forces on the planet that desire to control, and who are
duping humanity so effectively, are going to actually CONTRIBUTE to the “magnetizing” of The Wave to our reality, the very thing they may wish to avoid?
And what might it mean for a person to be in a “gravity collecting” mode when The Wave “hits”? Will it then affect them differently than a person who is in a “gravity dispersion” mode?

Nevertheless, we have many other people who want to know what it is we have to learn in order to be “ready to graduate”. It seems that we don’t have to BE at a higher level in order to GO there... we only have to have learned what is HERE as thoroughly as possible. This rather puts a different light on the matter because it relieves the burden of guilt that most people labor under when trying to work to advance “spiritually”. They think that if they are not already “doing it” or capable of higher-level actions, that they are somehow at fault or defective and will be left behind.

This does not seem to be the case. It seems rather that we are supposed to apply ourselves to learning the ways and means of THIS density as completely and as well as we can. What good is it for a man (or woman) to say: “Oh! I can’t function in this world because I am really TOO spiritual for all that!” What is really going on is that the person has not a clue about this reality and how it works so that they can maneuver in the environment in an effective and useful way, to themselves or others. It’s all fine and good to want to meditate and work to improve the soul life and all that, but if there is no practical result in the real world, can we be justified in thinking that the person has yet to learn some of the lessons of maneuvering at this level? The following excerpt taken from the last chapter of The Wave, Book One makes this point in a new and different way.

Then, of course, there is the question of making “leaps” as described above - wanting to “skip over” the 3rd density part and go right back to where all is wonderful and happy and peaceful. One has to realize that this sort of thinking is more deeply STS than it might at first appear because, in the end, what is wanted is to escape the hard work of learning the lessons of this density. What is wanted is “ease and comfort” and no work.
Atomas said:
Mr. Premise said:
Nienna said:
Laura said:
alteroru486 said:
I am sorry to say that, but I have a feeling that Cassiopaeans are STS because they had not given any information that could have substantially helped anyone. That view is shared among many people that I know. What Cassiopaeans said is more or less that we were living in hell, which is easy to notice without those messages.

If that is your feeling, then you need to hang out with those other people who have the same feeling, not here. It is certainly true that those people who want to be "saved" or have everything handed to them on a platter will not get anything out of the Cs.

That is very true! As the Cs have repeatedly pointed out, they will not infringe on freewill and learning our lessons by leading by the hand and giving answers.

I never really knew about becoming a better person and Working on myself until I read the C's sessions, and, then, the books written by Laura. That is what really got me going about wanting to be a better person. Without Laura and the Cs, I would be in a very bad place. They taught me to not believe everything I'm told. To question things and look for the truth of a matter.

Being given the "answers" is abridging our freewill to learn our lessons and grow by gaining knowledge. Also, whose to say the the answers being given by other channeled sources is not a bunch of lies? Does anyone try to verify the answers, or are they all just happy to get all of these answers unquestioningly and think that they have been given the truth?
I totally agree. The C's communications sure have helped me! I'd hate to think where I'd be without Laura (Laura now and Laura "in the future").

I can only second that. During the times when I was depressed and had a strong feeling that smth wrong was going around (or myself), but couldn't find an answer what exactly it was, I found this site and became aware of Laura's experiment, her books and SOTT site. Since then this have been like a remedy or a source of fresh air for me without which I cannot imagine where I would have been now. It simply feels right to me and what I find there it doesn't create any inner conflicts within myself as it had happened with the majority of other information sources I was in before. Though the info that comes from this source sometimes looks quite shocking to me but I preffer to be aware of the environment we live in rather than close my eyes against the facts nevertheless how hard it can be to live with that. Someone close to me recently told me that she prefers to know less which allows her to stay in her comfort zone and it was very sad. But I can only respect her free will and work on mines.

Me too. When I feel desperate, lonely and angry in front of everything that is happening in the planet, when I see the others that seem "out of touch" with reality, just thinking that the crew in the Chateau exists, that they are here, working and specially doing a work that help us, I feel connected. Not just with the crew and Laura but also with the members of this forum. I really feel something that words can not explain, something very strong, I think a sort of respect, and gratitude. And I feel connected with the planet and the Cosmos. And I apply the idea of "free will" that the C's and Laura are teaching to us, very important attitude.
alteroru486 said:
Gaolea said:
He was attentive to earth issues for quite some time, but now has gone to full contemplation preparatory to rebirth in 4D.

that sounds like he is waiting for the wave to go 4D :)

I have been ready for 20 years now. Are all of you ready too, or do you not (in your heart of hearts) like at all the idea of leaving this world??

Fwiw, there is no free lunch in this universe, with just waiting nothing will happen and if something happens rather the contrary than what you expect. I would recommend that you watch again Lauras Knowlegde and Being series in it's entirety.
alteroru486 said:
Gaolea said:
He was attentive to earth issues for quite some time, but now has gone to full contemplation preparatory to rebirth in 4D.

that sounds like he is waiting for the wave to go 4D :)

I have been ready for 20 years now. Are all of you ready too, or do you not (in your heart of hearts) like at all the idea of leaving this world??

alteroru486 said:
Nienna said:
How do we know if this is another such case if we don't pursue the statement with truth and see what happens next?

Wait and see!

alteroru486 said:
MusicMan said:
I'm curious as to the motivation of "alteroru486" (reply #85) to name themselves thus, seeing as ru486 is an abortion pill.

Good remark!


:ban: :phaser: :bye:
Chu said:
alteroru486 said:
I have been ready for 20 years now. Are all of you ready too, or do you not (in your heart of hearts) like at all the idea of leaving this world??

I don't think that being "ready" is something we can judge by ourselves. If you are so ready, how come you're still here? Perhaps it's because you are NOT ready?

From The Wave, volume 2:

Before we go on with further “Wave” material, there are some important points from the first volume that I want to bring into closer focus. It seems, according to the Cassiopaeans, that the coming of The Wave is parallel to the increase of awareness of a small number of human beings. It is rather like The Wave is increasing awareness, and then the awareness is accelerating The Wave - a feedback loop, so to speak.

Not only that, but it seems that only those people who have completed certain “lessons” will “graduate” to 4th density. As I understand it, the rest will find themselves on a 3rd density Earth that has possibly been devastated by wars and/or cometary impact, the accoutrements of civilization having been wiped out, and perhaps, though I am not certain of this, the conceptual abilities required for rebuilding civilization will have been limited by virtue of the new “cosmic ray environment”. Not a pleasant prospect for some, but for others, the idea of starting over at the beginning of 3rd density and having many thousands of years to go through many lifetimes partaking of the “delights of the flesh”, is apparently rather appealing.

Of course, with that scenario come all of the millennia of war, famine, disease, cruelty and so forth that are part and parcel of 3rd density existence. But, for some, that is just the “price” that must be paid for their personal self-aggrandizement and pleasure. The STS mode always adopts the Wishful Thinking of “THAT won’t happen to me! I’m an exception!”

Another important issue we encountered in the first volume was that of “gravity”. The Cassiopaeans have said that the STS (Service to Self) mode is a reflection of the collecting of gravity and that STO (Service to Others) is a reflection of the dispersion of gravity. What can this mean and what ramifications are implied? Is it a similar concept to what I suspected when I wrote Noah 1 and talked about “Contact Potential Difference”? Does it mean that the forces on the planet that desire to control, and who are
duping humanity so effectively, are going to actually CONTRIBUTE to the “magnetizing” of The Wave to our reality, the very thing they may wish to avoid?
And what might it mean for a person to be in a “gravity collecting” mode when The Wave “hits”? Will it then affect them differently than a person who is in a “gravity dispersion” mode?

Nevertheless, we have many other people who want to know what it is we have to learn in order to be “ready to graduate”. It seems that we don’t have to BE at a higher level in order to GO there... we only have to have learned what is HERE as thoroughly as possible. This rather puts a different light on the matter because it relieves the burden of guilt that most people labor under when trying to work to advance “spiritually”. They think that if they are not already “doing it” or capable of higher-level actions, that they are somehow at fault or defective and will be left behind.

This does not seem to be the case. It seems rather that we are supposed to apply ourselves to learning the ways and means of THIS density as completely and as well as we can. What good is it for a man (or woman) to say: “Oh! I can’t function in this world because I am really TOO spiritual for all that!” What is really going on is that the person has not a clue about this reality and how it works so that they can maneuver in the environment in an effective and useful way, to themselves or others. It’s all fine and good to want to meditate and work to improve the soul life and all that, but if there is no practical result in the real world, can we be justified in thinking that the person has yet to learn some of the lessons of maneuvering at this level? The following excerpt taken from the last chapter of The Wave, Book One makes this point in a new and different way.

Then, of course, there is the question of making “leaps” as described above - wanting to “skip over” the 3rd density part and go right back to where all is wonderful and happy and peaceful. One has to realize that this sort of thinking is more deeply STS than it might at first appear because, in the end, what is wanted is to escape the hard work of learning the lessons of this density. What is wanted is “ease and comfort” and no work.

Thank you for reposting this, Chu.

What I said about the C's only telling us what we already knew, is related to this passage.
Thanks one, and all. Always pertinent information during these changing, and challenging times.

Good reminder to have some fun, be prepared, continue to clean the emotional house, and go with flow.

:D I'll be singing in the rain.


I also have to wounder if these EM burst are possibly responsible of the recent rash of almost mid air collisions, involving public air transportation. Sure puts another spin on flying.

Jul 7, 2014 Barcelona

May 23, 2014 Houston

May 20, 2014 Hawaii

May 16, 2014 Newark NY


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I read comments from alteroru 486 and some facts he stated and the questions he asks is not clear for me.He says that CS play cat and mouse,not giving clear answers.OK, they are not always everything on a platter.
He says that he was as a young man emphatic,that the money means a little and it is considered that the standard of living on the earth is poor,while the passengers on earth are suffering without good reasons.
What else do we know about him?
He should go for surgery.

Dear my alteroru 486,your standards obviously is OK because you typing on keyboard,you can go when you want to have surgery,because in Polish hospitals are supplied.
You want soon as possible to end with this life?
Suicides people do not ask such questions.then you are a fighter like everyone else.
Do not asking for sympathy because you will not get it.
All of us have got difficult life,someone does not work,someone is sick,but the easiest way is to give up and blame space rules for all.
You really think that you have learned everything,that you are ready,willing more than 20 years ago?

Exit the apartment and meet real life,fighting for yours beliefs,do not run away from problems and people because some of them can beautify your life.
I am saying this from personal experience because I have been through hell in life.

Just wait and see.
Besides being funny, the significance of Laura's statement here just hit me:

(L) So... You guys are going to have to pick your roles, and remake The Sound of Music.

In The Sound of Music, the two main characters extricated themselves from toxic relationships, Maria from the Church and Baron von Trapp from his toxic girlfriend. They found each other and then escaped Fascism through music!

Never was crazy about that movie. I'm more of a Mary Poppins guy myself, but this is cool.
Mr. Premise said:
Besides being funny, the significance of Laura's statement here just hit me:

(L) So... You guys are going to have to pick your roles, and remake The Sound of Music.

In The Sound of Music, the two main characters extricated themselves from toxic relationships, Maria from the Church and Baron von Trapp from his toxic girlfriend. They found each other and then escaped Fascism through music!

Never was crazy about that movie. I'm more of a Mary Poppins guy myself, but this is cool.

Interesting observation, Mr. Premise. Never been that much of a fan of the movie either or even seen all of the movie, I don't think. May just give the movie another try.
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