In both cases, the object is to train the consciousness to achieve higher states of mind in the face of the cold, hard facts of life in the material world; to gain mastery over the physical, programmed emotions; to become the navigator.
It is in this sense that the Cassiopaeans teach us that knowledge protects. To have a full field of awareness is to be in control of your ship no matter what may erupt into your life. Information is the bridge between consciousness and matter and without this bridge, matter and its programs – the Predator’s mind – will dominate. The body-mind of the Predator is like the whirlpool of Charybdis and the temptation of the Sirens of ancient myth put together. Like Ulysses, we must lash ourselves to the mast of our ship, stuff the ears of our rowers with wax, and call upon knowledge (nymphs) to help guide us through the dangers.
Information transcends time and space. It is, as Gregory Bateson has said, “the difference that makes a difference.” Consciousness exists prior to the physical realm which is, literally, an out-picturing of consciousness. Denying the realities of the real world – denying the reality of the naturalness of the existence of darkness, is the same as being manipulated to have negative emotions while, at the same time being taught to suppress them. It will still exist and it will back up in your system and become the chief part of your reality because, like blocked emotions, it cannot be released so that positive emotions can take its place.
Now please note: I am not saying that we are to have, express, or embrace negative emotions; just as I have never said, nor have the Cassiopaeans ever said that we are to “embrace the darkness.” Those who want to assure themselves of this fact need to go back and reread “Stripped to the Bone” in Wave 3 while making sure that their manipulated emotional beliefs are set aside. That whole chapter is about the fact that we must choose an orientation that includes seeing the darkness and giving it the free will right to exist, since it is the free will choice of darkness to be darkness. However, to graduate to STO 4D, one must increase their STO polarization by choosing to divest themselves of darkness, even while allowing others the choice to embrace it.
And, in the same way, we must find appropriate ways to divest ourselves of the manipulated negative emotions that are backed up in our systems, as in practicing Éiriú Eolas, and learn how to use our reason and will to make sure that we only have positive emotions.
With an increase of information, the navigator steers the ship by constantly adjusting the tiller in response to the information. Constant feedback is required for the navigator to do the job and that is why knowledge must be combined with self-monitoring so as to have a more intelligent grasp of what is happening in your physical system and in its relation to the reality that you are experiencing. The faster and tighter the feedback loop, the more intelligence is available to your system. The body itself is a metaphor of your unconscious state. As more of it becomes conscious, there are fewer and fewer unexpected elements cropping up in your life. The body is a battlefield for the wargames of the mind. And these games are, very likely, planned and executed from higher densities. As above, so below. To think otherwise is to suffer the stress of separation from our source, to experience lack of unity. And what is it that flows between us all, linking and communicating, coordinating and integrating all of the cosmos?
Just as neuropeptides flow among the cells of the body, causing all the receptors to vibrate in response to information, so does knowledge act on our consciousness the way the strings of a resting violin will vibrate when another violin is played. Knowledge produces resonance among different people who are unique, but unified in their diversity. With knowledge we can truly feel what others feel – not just assume that they feel what we feel. The oneness of life is based on the simple fact that with knowledge, we are all vibrating together.
Knowledge protects.