Keit said:
s-kur said:
Enough progress of his students relative to G's progress? I mean, if G have a big progress in the Work his students had to gain closer progrees in order that they "putted step behind" G.
Yes, indeed. G had a lot of quite intense lessons and experiences in his life, and a lot of opportunities for conscious suffering and working on the self. So, maybe, even if his students had access to all this knowledge, it still wasn't enough, since they didn't go through similar experiences and through similar suffering that would allow them grow in being. Maybe they didn't meet enough petty tyrants that would "assist" them in this task.
Sounds good to me... as indirect catalyst is never the same as direct "in your face" catalyst, but like therapy, sometimes you have to take what you can get.... which might be where the 'arts' come in... such as bibliotherapy..."becomes a process of identifying with another character so that feelings are released and the individual develops a greater awareness of his/her own motivations and rationalizations for his/her behavior." Which then relates to teaching/learning methods, which we all know how boring textbooks usually are, and why they are usually 'edited' and not 'written', whereas writers utilize stories, which is perhaps the 'lore' of their lives'... as "story is a basic way of processing information, and both children and adults find it much easier to remember and use material presented in story format rather than as a categorized list."
Obviously the G man tried this perhaps in admiration of his father or was it his grandfather?.. not too successfully in my opinion... not a good storyteller.. and G seemed to always be on the lookout for a different means to the ends of this 'teaching', 'by example' if possible, but if the examples are experiences of your life, the only way for others without similar experiences to understand and feel them would be through story.. thus his attempt? Seemed he was always searching for a means, like dance... a way that would work where others hadn't before. Not easy... what good is an answer without the question to accompany it? Imbalance of the ship of self if it leads to frustration et al.
Perhaps storytelling is that 'best' means for most(at least in the world of today), but then we are back to the necessary awakening to the call first... and my impression from the little that I've read of his writings is that he found those in short supply, but doesn't every group, including this one? Not everyone's life can be prepared to be totally F# up with plenty of petty tyrants to fulfill their necessary function. Most just have to make do with what they've got, and like 'Oliver', ask for more, please. ;D
Isn't he best known for what P.D. Ouspensky wrote, and thru his lecture, other writers of the time? Seems the lesson of 'letting go' applies... johnny appleseed approach... and those writers of the time only work with the bits of knowledge that they understand or develop a feeling for and push the seeds of thought and little further down the road...and as G said, or someone... perhaps the timing wasn't 'right'? perhaps for the whole tree, but.... 'a seed replanted still may grow', as the song goes... and we can see how some of those seeds have helped 'Jack' grow his/her beanstalk today. :O
I liked the changing EM field image(in my mind) of Americans' holding on for dear life.... :/ well, for their lives anyway, calling out for help as the rest of the world looks on wondering if the help we really need is for them to cut the umbilical cord and set us free, and thereby themselves? for better or for worse, because then some of them get to make their move on the top dog position themselves... more competition, that's always makes the game more fun to watch. ;) and perhaps we are already seeing that today in regards to Russia, Ukraine etc? Final decisions before the final exams... a little pushing and shoving for positions in the chain of command, especially if most of the puppets in the show don't realize WTF is going on, nor why... nor do they care, they just want it all, now... sounds very High School Musical, doesn't it? Though I'm not too sure about how Disney always ends those stories with everyone getting along at the end... seems an awfully hard mask to put on one's face too often.
But it is a good story for kids to get a taste of the bully at school, or their own personal petty tyrant, even if only on tv for a couple of hours. It's a start.