Session 21 March 2015

Caledonia said:
I know that this may sound a little ironic considering some of the recent events but i for one thing is already almost sick of people like Archaea and the like e.g. Mariucz or whatever with their stupid trolling comments.

People of the forum please let us take some measures to protect ourselves from such people especially considering what the C's said about some of the most antagonistic forum members possessed by some entities.Because if we dont this forum will turn into some miserable place where we discuss nothing else but the remarks of some trolls i mean the recent cow discussion you know what i mean.Let us ignore those people or otherwise it would be just a waste of time and energy.

Dear Laura,Crew and the mods take some measures to make it so that only the logged in people could view the forum and the session because we must urgently cleanse this forum from all of the hostile elements and make it a closed circle of those who know what to say without trolling.Fear no accusations of absense of the freedom of speech because now it is about safety and not the freedom of speech and only the trolls use that line to pursue their agenda.

So please let us invent some way of filtering those who log in as it was in some closed brotherhoods long time ago. One must go through a series of tests or initiations to be admitted. And if one fails one is not allowed to join. Reading this thread i see what we are turning into and i feel concerned.

Hi Grailkeeper/Caledonia ;D if the mod's where to follow your advice, you'd probably be banned too, how about a little understanding :hug2:
Electrosonic i see where this forum is headed for and it has nothing to do with the Jews or Hitler God forbid.
I am just saying that recently this forum suffered from a monstrous attack of some of the most outrageous trolls.
If we dont take any measures now those people will inundate the forum with their stupid trolling remarks.
This guy with the predator's mind book is just a mild one and Archaea and Mariucz and the like are only the beginning.
In case you havent noticed yet but we on this thread has been talkind for a few days about some stupid cow remark and the meaning of the word flap while there are so many urgent and interesting things goinng on around us.

We must take measures to achieve the purity of the forum by getting rid of those who lost faith and now do nothing but troll.
We ve been warned by the C's and if we dont do that we will regret this one day.

Caledonia is the name for Scotland. An old name.
Yes i would be banned but only then because now i follow the rules and if you dont want any other worse than me trolling guys with some evil agendas take measures. I had no Evil agenda just wanted some questions answered by the C's. As soon as i gotthem i reformed.
Caledonia said:
So please let us invent some way of filtering those who log in as it was in some closed brotherhoods long time ago. One must go through a series of tests or initiations to be admitted. And if one fails one is not allowed to join. Reading this thread i see what we are turning into and i feel concerned.

Funny, I thought that showing one's 'true colors' via participation in this board - including dealing with and responding to the problematic characters - was that sort of testing.

How are genuine searchers going to find and discover if this group is a good fit for them if it's locked down more?
Caledonia, the forum did NOT just suffer a "monstrous attack." Just some people stating what they thought. Also, the Cs just said it's important to air these issues out. Believe me the mods and all do protect the forum from trolls. A quick look at any unmoderated forum would show that. Have some faith in the process! It wouldn't be a good idea to define trolls to broadly. A balance is always needed.
There seems to be a big danger in folks hurting themselves, a little compassion is good. I know I am still learning... as long as people are willing to listen and learn they should be given a chance. Knowledge protects.

Caledonia said:
Electrosonic i see where this forum is headed for and it has nothing to do with the Jews or Hitler God forbid.
I am just saying that recently this forum suffered from a monstrous attack of some of the most outrageous trolls.
If we dont take any measures now those people will inundate the forum with their stupid trolling remarks.
This guy with the predator's mind book is just a mild one and Archaea and Mariucz and the like are only the beginning.
In case you havent noticed yet but we on this thread has been talkind for a few days about some stupid cow remark and the meaning of the word flap while there are so many urgent and interesting things goinng on around us.

We must take measures to achieve the purity of the forum by getting rid of those who lost faith and now do nothing but troll.
We ve been warned by the C's and if we dont do that we will regret this one day.

Caledonia is the name for Scotland. An old name.
Yes i would be banned but only then because now i follow the rules and if you dont want any other worse than me trolling guys with some evil agendas take measures. I had no Evil agenda just wanted some questions answered by the C's. As soon as i gotthem i reformed.

Yeah, & now we're going to spend days talking about your remark no doubt.

It's not just about following the laws, its about following the spirit of the laws.

Your post didn't seem to have any difference in intent from the ones you've mentioned.
Caledonia said:
Electrosonic i see where this forum is headed for and it has nothing to do with the Jews or Hitler God forbid.
I am just saying that recently this forum suffered from a monstrous attack of some of the most outrageous trolls.
If we dont take any measures now those people will inundate the forum with their stupid trolling remarks.
This guy with the predator's mind book is just a mild one and Archaea and Mariucz and the like are only the beginning.
In case you havent noticed yet but we on this thread has been talkind for a few days about some stupid cow remark and the meaning of the word flap while there are so many urgent and interesting things goinng on around us.

We must take measures to achieve the purity of the forum by getting rid of those who lost faith and now do nothing but troll.
We ve been warned by the C's and if we dont do that we will regret this one day.

Caledonia is the name for Scotland. An old name.
Yes i would be banned but only then because now i follow the rules and if you dont want any other worse than me trolling guys with some evil agendas take measures. I had no Evil agenda just wanted some questions answered by the C's. As soon as i gotthem i reformed.

Have a little faith in the process, Caledonia. I DO know what I'm doing!

However, I do think that I ought to clarify something about the session. My deep impression was that the Cs were talking about really covert types on the forum who never talk about their beefs but rather send PMs to other members and, after expressing their own "I'm so good, all I wanted to do was HELP... and they were so bad to me... " then invite the other person (who they have identified as probably having a gripe too, similar to Archaea's) to complain also by saying "you agree? what do you think?"

I would much rather see such a discussion, including complaints, carried on openly. Yes, it may end with a conclusion that this just isn't the right place for some individuals, but let's allow the individuals in question the opportunity to figure that out one way or the other. And we all might learn something in the process, even if what we learn is that there are some people who have no manners at all.

ADDED: I would like to know Archaea's age and social/educational background. That will help me a lot to better understand where s/he is coming from.
Caledonia said:
Electrosonic i see where this forum is headed for and it has nothing to do with the Jews or Hitler God forbid.
I am just saying that recently this forum suffered from a monstrous attack of some of the most outrageous trolls.
If we dont take any measures now those people will inundate the forum with their stupid trolling remarks.
This guy with the predator's mind book is just a mild one and Archaea and Mariucz and the like are only the beginning.
In case you havent noticed yet but we on this thread has been talkind for a few days about some stupid cow remark and the meaning of the word flap while there are so many urgent and interesting things goinng on around us.

We must take measures to achieve the purity of the forum by getting rid of those who lost faith and now do nothing but troll.
We ve been warned by the C's and if we dont do that we will regret this one day.

Caledonia is the name for Scotland. An old name.
Yes i would be banned but only then because now i follow the rules and if you dont want any other worse than me trolling guys with some evil agendas take measures. I had no Evil agenda just wanted some questions answered by the C's. As soon as i gotthem i reformed.

Caledonia, you're far too obsessed by keeping things pure. Sometimes the fun learning comes from dealing with those people & situations that are well outside of your normal scope.
Personally i find that some of the so-called 'troll' comments generate lots of decent advice from forum members that is worth its weight in gold.
It seems from Archaea's initial post that s/he is not really here to engage in The Work, so to say. I think that is something that should be clarified. If one is only here to discuss the limited range of topics listed in the intro post below, then there should be no reason to engage with other forum members who ARE here to engage in The Work. One would think that posts from such an individual would be put only in science threads. There ARE a few people on the forum like that, who never engage with other topics.

So, Archaea, if you aren't interested in The Work, you probably ought to say so and just stick to your particular topics and hope that there is someone else interested in same to engage with you. However, I will say that your list would probably be received better on a different type of forum.

Archaea said:
Hello Cassiopaea forum.

About a year ago I was banned from posting in this forum under the user account 'Chickenmales' for a posting frenzy with noisy content. Since then I've been reading various posts on and off, and I was hoping I could re-join some of the discussions on the forum.

Given that I was a bit "off the handle" before I thought maybe I'd tell you what I'm interested in discussing on this forum:

  • Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points
  • The basic symbols in crop-circles and what they could mean
  • Castaneda, seeing energy, silencing the mind and meditation techniques

On the topic of inter-dimensional windows I was unable to find any threads on the topic, so I though if there were no objections I could start one. As for crop circles I've found about 18 common symbols that seem to be repeated though-out the phenomenon, things like discs, rings, crescents, and what not. I'm curious to know about the efforts of others to decode any meanings. As for the meditation point, there's already a lot of stuff on the forum relating to that stuff, so if I repeat anything it's probably because I haven't read that part.

As for the more "left brain" side of life, the things that I'm interesting in are:

  • Amateur elementary number theory, specifically trying to solve Fermat's last theorem
  • Neural networks
  • Physics

I'm happy to discuss these topics with anyone whose interested, however, I've had no luck in solving Fermat's last theorem. I wrote an article on neural networks for a coding website using my real name which I'd prefer to keep private. And my views on physics are not mainstream, and are very unpopular.

Also, I think I should let you know that I created another account using my "banned" email address from the Chickenmales account. The name of the account is 'Lucaea.'

because I was banned previously I'm going to wait and see how this post is received before posting anything else as I don't want to over step my boundaries.

Thank you,
Archaea :)

Archaea said:
Hello voyageur,

I haven't checked out the diet threads or cognitive threads much at all. But I've come up with some ideas and theories about diet from the bits and pieces I have read in the transcripts and what-not. My plan is to get some first hand experience with the different foods around to see if I can find what's best for me personally. For example I figured I should stop eating sugar, because it makes me emotionally unstable to some degree.

As for the cognitive stuff I read a bit on fast thinking vs. slow thinking, but I didn't read the whole thing and I haven't read much else.

I haven't read any books on the recommended reading list. Lately I've been reading some books on game theory, I read the new scientist magazines, and I recently read some books on UFOs and paranormal activity, as well as some kids books on wizards and Alice in wonderland, which IMO are the most interesting.

Archaea said:

I've read the forum guidelines and they are reasonable. I'm very conscious of what I was doing wrong last time, and I've put a lot of thought into it, so I'm confidant it won't happen again. But, if it does you can tell me and I'll listen because I don't want to get banned from posting again.

As for the list of topics I'm interested in discussing; these are the reasons why I'm re-joining the forum. However, if the diet and cognitive threads are a foundation of this forum then I'm willing to make an effort, there's a lot there though, so participation on my part in those discussions may take some time. Also I know about the recommended books list, but I'm unaware of recommended forum discussions, is there a list somewhere?

Also, I know this isn't what we're talking about but I noticed this in the forum guidelines, from Mouravieff:

"But time can also be made to disappear by voluntary, conscious effort, especially an effort of concentration. By practising the latter assiduously, we observe this phenomenon from the very first exercises. As we intensify our concentration more and more, we perceive time less and less.

"If, by methodical and sustained effort, we manage to eliminate everything from our field of observation apart from the physical or moral object on which we concentrate, and if, in addition, we are able to hold this fixed attention on a single point - which gives birth to contemplation - time entirely disappears.

"Conversely, the more man's attention is dispersed, the more time drags for him. This phenomenon is objective in itself. It is a law. Its reason for being - as well as the mechanism by which it works - will be explained later, in the Doctrine of the Present.

"It is interesting to point out another phenomenon: our ability to modify the rate of our own perception of time. This happens many times every day. We pay no attention to it, because this phenomenon occurs mechanically on a small scale. But it can also be produced voluntarily on a much larger scale."

I haven't read any of Mouravieff or Gurdjieff, but I know it's in the recommended reading :). I bring this up because I've been able to make an object disappear, but I've never been able to make everything else disappear. Do you know if this is discussed on this forum somewhere or if there are exercise's in these books?
Yes electrosonic i agree that sometimes i may sound too obsessed. Sorry my bad. Wont do that again. But it was just a friendly suggestion.

Thank you Laura for your reply and i think you are right but anyway it would be useful anyway to never let our protection down just in case. Watch out. I will try to have more faith in the Work and in the forum. Actually eversince i took this road to mental sobriety and flushed all of the former rubbish notions out of my head i began to understand that i myself could have been possessed by some entity. But now it is over. So thank you so much.

On a different note regarding what you said last session that there are no questions i at least have a few. After reading the article by Joe about the crashed Germanwings plane i believe everyone would benefit if you asked that in the next session because as i see it now from the ensuing comments many are at a loss and so am i. It could be all natural or a FFA with a mind controlled co-pilot.
Caledonia said:
Yes electrosonic i agree that sometimes i may sound too obsessed. Sorry my bad. Wont do that again. But it was just a friendly suggestion.

Thank you Laura for your reply and i think you are right but anyway it would be useful anyway to never let our protection down just in case. Watch out. I will try to have more faith in the Work and in the forum. Actually eversince i took this road to mental sobriety and flushed all of the former rubbish notions out of my head i began to understand that i myself could have been possessed by some entity. But now it is over. So thank you so much.

On a different note regarding what you said last session that there are no questions i at least have a few. After reading the article by Joe about the crashed Germanwings plane i believe everyone would benefit if you asked that in the next session because as i see it now from the ensuing comments many are at a loss and so am i. It could be all natural or a FFA with a mind controlled co-pilot.

That's ok Caledonia, you don't have to apologize to me. Your posts add to my development as much as mine add to yours.
Caledonia said:
Thank you Laura for your reply and i think you are right but anyway it would be useful anyway to never let our protection down just in case. Watch out. I will try to have more faith in the Work and in the forum. Actually eversince i took this road to mental sobriety and flushed all of the former rubbish notions out of my head i began to understand that i myself could have been possessed by some entity. But now it is over. So thank you so much.

You can be sure that my awareness of the range of dangers in my environment is pretty well honed by over 20 years of full-scale attack both directly and indirectly. We generally tend to discuss most of that "in-house", so to say, and publish very little of it though the mods are kept informed when an attack is underway. I prefer to keep my friends close and my enemies ignorant.
[quote author=Archaea]
I've read the wave and adventures with Cassiopaea (a while ago now) on the old site, and I'm currently reading High Strangeness, which I'm enjoying despite my personal antagonisms towards you and possible serious mental disease. I also understand that you've had five children, so you know a lot more than me about responsibility (I just have a dog.) From what I know of you I think you have a kind soul, so, as a deranged lunatic, I'm asking you to please spare a thought for the other nut jobs before you phaser blast () them off the forum.

You said you read the forum guidelines. Was there anything there about entertaining "deranged lunatics"? Or
[quote author=archaea]
I have a few suggestions as well on standards and protocols for banning people. I not going put them in this post though because I'm not sure anyone's still reading this , I will say though that I think this...
listening to them about how to run the forum :huh:

You are being sarcastic right? But as you said here
[quote author=Archaea]
...Is OK as a humorous statement, but I think you have to be careful when giving yourself too much power, for the sake of others.

A "deranged lunatic", "one with possible serious mental disease" may not really be ok as humorous statements, and you have to be careful when describing yourself in those terms, even sarcastically, for the sake of yourself. Nothing to do with big words and big stuff like Work or even this forum - just plain old common sense for existing on the bbm in present times.

And as for

[quote author=archaea]
This guy said he was working on an E-book about the predators mind. You said that in your experience what he was saying was wrong, which I think is OK to say or even a good thing to say. But then you tell him that you doubt anyone here is interested and to create his own website and preach from there. Then you banned him.

I think maybe you were making assumptions about where this guy was coming from. Maybe he was here to be subversive and distract from the mission of the forum, or maybe he was here to try and help discover the truth, and being insta-banned felt to him like an act of unwarranted emotional abuse.

Since you are interested in science, I would say that in this instance, you are "not even wrong", as Wolfgang Pauli might say.
Caledonia said:
People of the forum please let us take some measures to protect ourselves from such people especially considering what the C's said about some of the most antagonistic forum members possessed by some entities.Because if we dont this forum will turn into some miserable place where we discuss nothing else but the remarks of some trolls i mean the recent cow discussion you know what i mean.Let us ignore those people or otherwise it would be just a waste of time and energy.

I can see how this stirs feeling, yet this is nothing new for the forum, and that is why many hands and eyes help the overall network to learn about themselves and others. Sometimes people are undergoing their own inner turmoils and react from a myriad of programs that have become their norm. Sometimes, with some help from others, they are able to shake off their inner taints and begin to see in a more objective way; themselves and others, OSIT. I certainly count myself as a person who benefited from many uncomfortable exchanges due to personal programs and am grateful for the lessons.

It seems to me that the forum has grown not from its filtering of anything seen to be negative, its collective spirit rises to understand and to point out to people what it sees - objectively, individually and collectively. I'm trying to think of an example whereby this type of thing is not confined to a forum medium, yet to an actual situation. So if a small community or village works together and someone within acts in ways that it becomes obvious that help is needed, people listen and together act to help them or to help those around them see things more clearly - it naturally helps all. If it is someone coming in from the outside exhibiting questionable behaviors, rather than shutting the window blinds, people of the community will learn together; ask questions, offer help and await responses. In the end the community may ask them to leave - ultimately though, the lesson has not been wasted and the community has continued to learn.
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