Session 21 March 2020

I sure hope that that's the case... but sometimes I wonder if it's not just "fake" for too many people. They want to feel that they are helping the elderly and all that, but do they actually care?

Indeed, and all those people offering the elderly help with buying stuff and running errands... How much of that is virtue signalling? And don't they send the message "just you stay home, granny!!" Perhaps Granny's only joy these days is to go to the supermarket, or for a walk? But there is also genuine care, so I guess there is both.
Thanks for the session, there's so much in there that I know I'll read it over again :flowers:

Q: (Joe) Is there any truth to the claim that the reason for the measures being imposed on Western nations is to prevent them getting infected all at once, or to avoid them infecting those who are weak or elderly as per the official mainstream narrative? They talk of “flattening the curve.”

A: No.

Q: (Pierre) So what is the agenda...

(Joe) Well, what reason then are the leaders of Western nations being given that is making them agree to shut down large parts of their countries?

A: There are several complexes of agendas in play, as well conflicts.

The image being used in the media for the flattened curve reminded me that the C's had used the phrase 'levelling the playing field' in a few sessions and the imagery is kind of similar:

22 JUNE 1996
Q: (L) Let me try this: the "buckets of love and light" group say that it is going to be balanced because everyone is going to think nice thoughts, and all of their buckets of love and light are going to eventually reach a critical mass and spill over onto all the rest of humanity and all of the bad guys are going to be transformed into good guys. This is the standard version. Is this what you mean?

A: No.

Q: (L) Swell! Is the energy that is being manifested in the positive, on and around the planet, is it going to reduce the level of negativity in the beings existing on the planet?

A: This is not the point. When "Earth" becomes a 4th density realm, all the forces, both STS and STO shall be in direct contact with one another... It will be a "level playing field," thus, balanced.

14TH JULY 1996
Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled. So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?

A: Maybe. Alright, my dear, you want the facts, so we will give them to you, and hopefully you will comprehend. If not now, then when necessary maybe... Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!

Q: (L) Okay, this being one infinite school, and we all seem to be wandering around in the darkness...

A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told about them since they must be experienced?

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?," forgetitski!!

29 DECEMBER 2009

A: Hello people of the future.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Knoriha of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay… Ark was saying he was reading some predictions that there's going to be a bloody future for the US and not a very good future for France either. We'll have to find the article.
{Article located at: 2010, The Saga Continues }

A: Didn't we say "5D city on a hill"?

Q: (L) Yes... Okay, well, the thing that occurs to me as I observe all of this insanity is that this drive for control results only in destruction. The destruction is of everything that one would think the psychopaths would... I mean, if you wA*** have power over something, what good does it do to have any power if everything's dead and there's nobody there to have power over? They're killing everything! They'll end up in total control of everything, but there'll be nothing there but ashes. It's just insane!

A: Psychopathy is characterized by a supreme lack of insight.

Q: (L) So in other words, when Lobaczewski said that it's like the germs in the body that do not realize that they will be burned in the ground with the corpse...

{Quote from Political Ponerology that is referenced above:

“The following questions thus suggest themselves: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon. Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest... They do not understand that a catastrophe {will} ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

“If such and many managerial positions are assumed by individuals deprived of sufficient abilities to feel and understand most other people, and who also betray deficiencies in technical imagination and practical skills—(faculties indispensable for governing economic and political matters) this must result in an exceptionally serious crisis in all areas, both within the country in question and with regard to international relations. Within, the situation shall become unbearable even for those citizens who were able to feather their nest into a relatively comfortable modus vivendi. Outside, other societies start to feel the pathological quality of the phenomenon quite distinctly. Such a state of affairs cannot last long.”}

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the unfortunate thing is that the masses of people do not realize that they are the body that is being killed by these germs, and they're really, REALLY, not waking up.

A: Don't lose hope for your groups. They will do well if they will follow the STO way set out for them.

Q: (L) Well, first we have some revelations, and you start feeling a little hope about the Climategate thing. Then, you have this obviously transparent "false flag" terrorism attack on an airplane which then results in crackdowns that make everybody miserable. It's so ridiculous as to be beyond comprehension.

A: We once said that 4D STS will become desperate for control as the changes approach. They perceive that control is being undermined thus making them more desperate.

Q: (L) What's undermining their control?

A: Why you, yes! Collectively, that is.

Q: (Allen) So we do it by things that we're publishing, or just by being who we're being and working on things for ourselves?

A: All and more coming down the creativity pipeline.

Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?

A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner.

Q: (L) So the more positive things we do, and the more creative we become, the more it drives them to try to suppress and repress things in indirect ways to try to suppress and repress us without suppressing and repressing us directly - because that would be too obvious - and by so doing, they show their hand so to speak?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's what happens with guerrilla warfare, ya know?

(L) It's the damnedest thing I've ever seen.

(Ark) What what?

(L) The whole thing, the way the energy moves back and forth. We get going, and then everything out there gets going, and then we make a move, and then get pushed back when they make a move... But it's all a psychic, mental thing.

(Joe) It's about being aware of all the reality of the situation because I can't think of any other way that it can happen because our reach is really limited. If we are having some effect, I can only assume it's a mental and psychic thing. And the more that each individual perceives the situation more clearly, and the real truth about it the situation, then that has a greater effect. There are a lot of people out there in the conspiracy...

A: The more who see, the more that can see! And didn't we once say that it is not where you are but rather WHO you are and what you SEE!!

Q: (Ark) I just wanted to say that it seems to me that what is important is not that there is really such relation between what we or someone similar is doing, but what is important is to try, so to say, new tricks. Because old tricks are already known and taken into account and so on. The only thing that can change things and cause this butterfly effect is a new trick. So, we have to work and PC is one new trick, but we should not stop with inventing new tricks.

(L) Yeah, I've thought of some things lately. I have thought that we ought to make a project of the Fellowship - openly. It should begin to incline itself toward reporting the news with an open PC slant.

(Ark) You mean something like this Sorcha Faal?

(L) Well, Sorcha Faal is just complete disinformation. I'm thinking more like if it's a project of PaleoChristianity, we could write commentary from the point of view of philosophy and stop trying to be so politically neutral.

(Anart) Open the flood gates.

(L) Yeah, open the flood gates on that, and also I was thinking for awhile that we ought to keep the C's completely separate from PC. Now I'm wondering if...

A: No that will not do!

Q: (Ark) That will not do for the simple reason that...

(L) The C's are the inspiration for PC. They're the 10% inspiration. We have to include that 10%. I mean, I was thinking I should write an article and say that okay, I'm the founder, and the group and I came to the idea to found this organization because of this inspiration and this research which led to the study of Christianity. I've always been obsessed with studying it deeply, trying to find out what's the real story. So here it is! This is what we've found.

(A***) I think it would save a lot of energy to be able to say anything we want on all of our sites instead of being careful and picking and choosing how to frame things. We could use that energy doing something else.

(Joe) What was, "No that will not do" in reference to?

(L) That was in reference to what I just said, so no it's not a good idea to keep the C's separate.

A: Exactly. All religions that are based on truth have the true shamanic element at the core.

Q: (Ark) You said that you want to make SOTT part of PC essentially?

(L) Mm-hmm.

(Ark) I don't think it's a good idea.

(L) Why?

(Ark) I think it's a better idea to give a special place on SOTT for PC news so there will be recording... because otherwise the PC will be instantly attacked.

(L) Well, let me tell you what I had in mind. The reason I was thinking this is because they're already attacking any group that stands alone and says anything "conspiratorial". I was reading psychological papers today about how they're trying to make anybody who sees any kind of pattern or conspiracy going on as somebody who is mentally ill.

(Ark) Okay, we can respond to this. On a scientific basis.

(L) Even scientists who do that are now mentally ill! The point I'm trying to make is that if the ideas we present on SOTT are part of our religion, they can't attack them. Because they have passed so many laws to protect religions that were designed to protect the Jews that those same laws can be used to protect us.

(Ark) For this we are not at the forefront of the opposition or alternative news.

(A***) Actually, thinking about it, I think that PC would lend SOTT a little bit of protection because you could talk more about stuff freely. But SOTT may put PC people in danger because anybody that's a member of PC can be related to "radical views".

(Joe) I kind of had the impression that PC was for people who weren't interested in politics and the whole conspiracy theory things. That it was another avenue for them.

(L) Alright, so maybe I'll write...

(A***) We should think about it.

A: Wait and see how things go.

Q: (Joe) That argument that people who see conspiracies are mentally ill, you can't even back that up. Among the general population, if you cite the recent Iraq war business, it's very clear that those people who a few years ago were anti-Iraq War, now it's out in the public and it's been written in all the newspapers. So people who make that claim, no rational person would accept it.

(Ark) But then there will be new things coming out...

(Joe) You can't take anyone seriously who makes that argument. And I don't think any rational person would take them seriously.

(L) Okay…

(Anart) Is it a specific city that will be a "5D city on a hill"? Can we know?

A: Think big!

Q: (Joe) A big city?

(P*****) Big Apple? New York?

(A***) Capital city?

(Allen) Or more than just a city!

(Joe) Well, the US is the City on the Hill. Are we talking cosmic catastrophe here?

A: Eventually, yes.

Q: (L to Joe) Oh, you just looked too please with that thought! (laughter)

(Joe) No, it's just that I know if I asked any more, I'd get "No dice!"

(Ark) By the way, this is probably not so much relevant, but in the Russian news, there was the new Putin Doctrine. They are NOT going to develop anti-missile systems at all. In response to US anti-missile things, they will develop very fast and strong offensive weapons.

(L) No more defensive...

(Ark) No.

(L) Oh, they're just trying to keep us going. That's part of the play.

(Joe) What about the missile test earlier this month that was allegedly by the Russian navy that was seen over Norway. Was it a missile?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) A normal, run of the mill, standard missile?

A: Yes. What was not normal was the atmosphere.

Q: (Anart) That's from dust from incoming rocks or debris.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What about the triangular UFO over Moscow, was it real?

(Allen) Fake!

A: No

Q: (C**) It's the last session of this year!

(A***) Should we ask about the weather, or...?

(Anart) Are they eventually going to just shut down international travel?

A: Yes

Q: (A***) How soon?

A: 8 months possible.

Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport!

(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

Q: (L) You said that before... years ago! (laughter)

A: Build it...

Q: (Joe) ...and they will come!

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it was up to us to take steps to make it possible for help to come. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So there has to be a matching frequency.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see.

(Scottie) And we don't have very long to do it.

A: There is no "time"!

Q: (laughter) (Scottie) Yeah, yeah...

(L) We've heard that, too! (laughter)

(Scottie) 5D city on a hill, 8 months until international travel stops... oh, and there's no time!!

A: It will not be total shutdown and it will not be long lasting either.

Q: (L) So in other words, they'll do it. They'll try it, and something will happen and there'll be a reaction.

(P*****) Why they will shut down the airports?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) You thought you were gonna be sneaky and slide that in there! You know better than that. You know they're not gonna make a prediction! (laughter)

[tape stops] (laughter)

(L) Well, I'd say that's it! Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.
Indeed, and all those people offering the elderly help with buying stuff and running errands... How much of that is virtue signalling? And don't they send the message "just you stay home, granny!!" Perhaps Granny's only joy these days is to go to the supermarket, or for a walk? But there is also genuine care, so I guess there is both.

There are cases here where the grandparents are now suffering, just trying to find ways to have their loved ones come to the yard to visit, saying "we can sit 3m from each other and visit, and not hug"... one highly sensitive person described it as "torture" of her parents. Grandparents sending pictures of the meal they made saying "lots of food here, but we will just eat it over the next week as there is nobody to come join us".

And this is just the beginning- just how much more mental distress can these elders withstand?
Thank you for a great session which showed how close to the same conclusion at least in parts the network had also arrived at on the Corona thread. This goes to show the power of networking at how valuable the input from everybody is, regardless of how insignificant the individual posters might think of their contributions at the time of posting. But all eyes help to construct the image of the situation we are in and how to respond.

In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression.
Considering that STO only helps to those who asks given the directive of free will, means that enough people must have asked for help. As we know from before, it does not necessarily mean number of people but 'weight' of people. Perhaps this network was part of what made this call be answered by the STO forces, by us collectively sending a message out.

So, we can do our best to at least sow the seed of doubt in those who are listening, explain when we can, and then, wait and see
Very true. Just enough info or a few questions to raise the doubt in people. It can be as simple as starting by asking the question "Do you know of anybody who has died of Covid-19 or are in a critical condition due to it? If the answer is yes which is very unlikely from my queries, then the people will most likely also say that the person also suffered from X, Y, Z. Follow up questions can include questions about the need for need for draconian laws given the extremely low infection numbers and death toll. Gaby and Joe's article give some good facts about illnesses with high death toll, where lock-downs were never remotely considered. Here is the image I have in mind:

Another question is whether people really think that the governments care about the old people? Have they shown such a concern before...ever?

In light of the session, I am happy to work in a job where I have been and still am confronted with thousands of international tourists, which allows me to massively get exposed to viruses and potentially also have passed this one along :lol:
Yesterday i shared this session with my sister, she is biochemistry, and we tell "well....this is the most logic hypothesis!!!" and start to "play" with the idea. This is what we think. First, the virus is not a natural virus and there be a other strains, maybe for that some people are really sick and other are asymptomatic, if you had the old strain, this the new are more "violent" but like other flu, ,maybe for that are different sympthons. Italy is the country with more "old people" and they start saying people over 80 years are the rosk group (the expectative of life is 80-90 years old) so, naturally if they have a regular flu are in risk (?)- but for now the 4,6 % of the poblation is death.
Another point is the measures that the government is taking. at least here in Argentina "
quarantine preventive and isolation, you can only go out to buy provisions before 5 pm (in you are out, you´re arrested and give you a criminal case and a pnalty fee) if you belong to the group of doctors, police and the media is ok but with a certificate. Imagine that if you can not go out and the only contact with reality is through television .... strange, considering that they are quite yellowish and only show how the streets are and numbers.....they talk about death in numbers,. and offcourse, if people are in home there are not proof about the really situation. so, the "truth" is throught a tv.
Another issue is assimilation into the police and quasi-military presence. A few months ago, many complained because they were asked for documents to identify themselves. but now it is different, they not only give it to them but also thank for taking care of them without really having proof of what is happening. So, this is how we are, well as Laura said, with these"agents" on the balconies or terraces of the houses calling the police because individuals do not comply with the quarantine, but again theres is not really proof!!!!! and nobody ask about that!!!
the other poin is the test, for what i know there are not negative, they say "other limitation is the availability of necessary reagents, which is currently scarce, In addition, contamination or degradation can also cause problems by false positive (when someone does not have the virus but the test says yes) or false negative (when you have the virus but test it says he doesn't have it) so, the test is not very trustful...and just right now have other dates my sister sends me:
1271 discarded by the ONLY hospital that does the tests in the country.
1052 discarded due to epidemiological investigation
Total discarded 2323
confirmed 41 .... therefore, the discarded are not tested !!!
the negatives are negative or are they discarded as negative ??? very strange, isn't it?
The percentage of positive tests is managed in the range of 12.3 to 17.3 percent.
but for example, on March 22, 284 tests were made in total and positives gave 266, the other 16 are passed to the "negative" so taking into account the numbers that are quite even since they all started here, it can be said that 98% of the tests were positive. which makes me think that we have an excellent health system and doctors just by looking at the patient know that they should be tested even if they do not have any symptoms or mild symptoms.
My main concern is not about the virus, is about the political, economic and social implications, if this is known .....
Thank you very much for the session. I think many people were waiting for it.
Personnally, I started to think I might have become crazy but after reading it, I felt good. I got some surprises but it also confirmed some stuff I was thinking about.
As usual, how can one not see there is something really weird about all this story when you take a serious look to the figures and the measures...
I don't agree with you about the inconsistency you point out. I think the key that gives context is, very cleverly pointed out by Cs, in the preceding answer:
Session Date: March 21st 2020
A: Control. But a special factor entered. We are aware of your earlier discussions and questions, so perhaps we can explain.
And this is very striking, because many people in the forum asked direct questions to the Cs, many questions, so we were already asking them for the answers.
And it is really admirable that in a paragraph of only six lines Cs have answered so many questions and doubts at the same time. In fact, this is probably the first time that such a direct connection has been established between the questions asked by the forum community and the Cs themselves, which would also be an important milestone.
On the other hand, you should explain better why you see the explanation of Cs as unreal.
Your last sentence also seems to suggest that there is 'something' wrong with this session, like someone are trying to trick us disguised as STO helping. I don't know if I misunderstood. I'm sorry if that's the case.
My understanding is that STO help through the virus is not something that intervenes without consent, but that people with certain spirituality are actually calling (more or less consciously) for some kind of help, because they sense that something is wrong, even if they don't understand what, and somehow they ask for it.
Are you trying to sow doubt with weak arguments?
All I'm saying is take with a grain of salt everything.
That piece of info is explosive and striking, it's like revealing who killed JFK.
C's and any communication of this nature refrained in the past from such type of reveals.
Have checks and bounds, everywhere.
I don't believe in fundamental STS or STO in this world or elsewhere, never been a conspiracy type, but merely an observer of the signs of the times. I found great insights in C's transmissions, like nowhere else. And this session is one of the richest in such insights, ever. I don't have a problem if i find some questionable piece chaff in the wheat, I can sort it out. However, others maybe not... So again, all I am saying is be smart. Everything has a reveal, but it takes a quest. Questions every source and piece of info, "You will know them by their fruits" - that's the litmus test.
I am convinced that an event like this will ultimately pull humans together as a body and raise vibration, but I am not sure how much the damage will be before that.

Try looking at it this way:
the bricks for the response provided by Cs have already been 'seeded' and 'grown' in the network discussions through the forum. The network tried to put the whole puzzle together and had different parts to it. In fact even someone in the forum raised the possibility that the virus was actually a means of manifesting help from STO. But the decisive key that would make sense of it all was missing, almost impossible to obtain without requesting the STO help through Cs. The Cs simply put the knowledge bricks already grown by the network in place by providing the main key that allowed all the parts of the puzzle that the network had already pre-assembled to fit together.
This is no different than how Cs have always acted, the only difference being that now the interaction has expanded to the entire network. This is far from a 'free lunch'.
Yesterday i shared this session with my sister, she is biochemistry, and we tell "well....this is the most logic hypothesis!!!" and start to "play" with the idea. This is what we think. First, the virus is not a natural virus and there be a other strains, maybe for that some people are really sick and other are asymptomatic, if you had the old strain, this the new are more "violent" but like other flu, ,maybe for that are different sympthons. Italy is the country with more "old people" and they start saying people over 80 years are the rosk group (the expectative of life is 80-90 years old) so, naturally if they have a regular flu are in risk (?)- but for now the 4,6 % of the poblation is death.
Another point is the measures that the government is taking. at least here in Argentina "
quarantine preventive and isolation, you can only go out to buy provisions before 5 pm (in you are out, you´re arrested and give you a criminal case and a pnalty fee) if you belong to the group of doctors, police and the media is ok but with a certificate. Imagine that if you can not go out and the only contact with reality is through television .... strange, considering that they are quite yellowish and only show how the streets are and numbers.....they talk about death in numbers,. and offcourse, if people are in home there are not proof about the really situation. so, the "truth" is throught a tv.
Another issue is assimilation into the police and quasi-military presence. A few months ago, many complained because they were asked for documents to identify themselves. but now it is different, they not only give it to them but also thank for taking care of them without really having proof of what is happening. So, this is how we are, well as Laura said, with these"agents" on the balconies or terraces of the houses calling the police because individuals do not comply with the quarantine, but again theres is not really proof!!!!! and nobody ask about that!!!
the other poin is the test, for what i know there are not negative, they say "other limitation is the availability of necessary reagents, which is currently scarce, In addition, contamination or degradation can also cause problems by false positive (when someone does not have the virus but the test says yes) or false negative (when you have the virus but test it says he doesn't have it) so, the test is not very trustful...and just right now have other dates my sister sends me:
1271 discarded by the ONLY hospital that does the tests in the country.
1052 discarded due to epidemiological investigation
Total discarded 2323
confirmed 41 .... therefore, the discarded are not tested !!!
the negatives are negative or are they discarded as negative ??? very strange, isn't it?
The percentage of positive tests is managed in the range of 12.3 to 17.3 percent.
but for example, on March 22, 284 tests were made in total and positives gave 266, the other 16 are passed to the "negative" so taking into account the numbers that are quite even since they all started here, it can be said that 98% of the tests were positive. which makes me think that we have an excellent health system and doctors just by looking at the patient know that they should be tested even if they do not have any symptoms or mild symptoms.
My main concern is not about the virus, is about the political, economic and social implications, if this is known .....
About the balcony this is so... disgusting. Now they ask you to put a heart on the balcony with the word "Gracias". They send you wassaps telling you don't go out if you want to save lives! They sing songs about how nice it is to stay at home. They send you the video by wassap. I erase them ipso facto because all of this sometimes gives me the nausea. They put videos where people are happy when a cop beat someone who was simply walking on the street.

My father left Spain during the Franco regime. He was tired about all the nonsense, the laws, the absence of liberty, etc. He went to France where I was born there with a free spirit that my dear father gave to me. Now I am living worst then what he was living. The world is crumbling around us, for some more then for others, for some it is more hard, more difficult, but the basic is the same. And the free spirit also.

You wrote that 4,6 % of the population were death. This seems too much to me. Are you sure of the numbers? Where did you saw the information?
Try looking at it this way:
the bricks for the response provided by Cs have already been 'seeded' and 'grown' in the network discussions through the forum. The network tried to put the whole puzzle together and had different parts to it. In fact even someone in the forum raised the possibility that the virus was actually a means of manifesting help from STO. But the decisive key that would make sense of it all was missing, almost impossible to obtain without requesting the STO help through Cs. The Cs simply put the knowledge bricks already grown by the network in place by providing the main key that allowed all the parts of the puzzle that the network had already pre-assembled to fit together.
This is no different than how Cs have always acted, the only difference being that now the interaction has expanded to the entire network. This is far from a 'free lunch'.

There's actually more to it than that: I was faced with 15 pages of questions, many of which would be made irrelevant and the Cs clearly took pity on the fact that I was prepared to go through them all even if I was totally exhausted by it. I had them all on the table there with me...
I sure hope that that's the case... but sometimes I wonder if it's not just "fake" for too many people. They want to feel that they are helping the elderly and all that, but do they actually care?

Yes, there's something strange about this and it feels many are just using old people as an excuse for their own (statistically unjustified) fear. New generations are much more afraid than the old people.

Besides that Italy has high rate of elderly, they also seem to actually care more about them there. Grandparents often live with the rest of the family unit, instead of being pushed and forgotten in the nursing home.

Now they're locking the already lonely elderly up and calling it "protection", and after things go back to "normal" (whatever that means after this) they can again forget them.

The MSM fearmongering about deaths in Italy will probably permanently reinforce this attitude.

There's just something very hypocritical and twisted with how some people are behaving right now, they're turning things really upside down.

For example a former collegue of mine wrote in FB how she had to shout at others in shopping line to keep the "safety distance", and again yelled at the elevator, when two men tried to come there same time. In other words, bragging and making a virtue of a totally rude and hostile behavior - in the name of common good!
(Joe) In the last session, they said that soon things will become very chaotic and strange and that it would give many people chills. Was this situation that we're in now what they were talking about?

A: Partly. There are chills of different kinds.

Q: (L) So there can be chills that are caused because you're sick, and others that can be caused because you're freaked out! AAAAH! Next?

(Joe) So these aren't the chills then of the non-physical kind. These are the chills of the sick kind.

(L) Well, I guess sometimes you can get both at the same time.

(Chu) It could also be the planet chilling.

(L) Yup. Ice Age. Also, what happens if the planet gets the chills and starts shaking?

(Niall) And sneezing.

A: It is possible.

All the different kinds of chills - the chills that come with a viral infection and the chill that comes with colder weather can cause shivering or trembling. Then there's the panic and hysteria on the societal , the implosion of the elites and the cosmic shake up being seen in the Earth changes and the skies.

Or hyperkinetic sensate from the microdynamic to the macrodynamic:

Q: (L) When was the last time a realm border crossed as far as the earth is concerned?

A: As you measure, on Earth, 309,000 years ago.

Q: (L) What does this wave consist of in terms of energy?

A: Feeling.

Q: (L) This wave is feeling? It is a wave of emotion?

A: Hyperkinetic sensate.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: All.

Q: (L) We don't understand

A: Too complex for this medium.

3RD AUGUST 1996 - also addressing the levelling of the playing field.
A: Explain what the Oort Cloud is, Laura.

Q: (L) Does everybody know what the Oort Cloud is? (J) I don't. {explanation of Oort cloud.} Okay, so we are looking at something...

A: Now, think of how your Biblical prophecies speak of a very terrifying period, followed by an apparent renewal of normalcy, followed by the "End."

Q: (T) We learned about a "comet cluster" very early on. Now you are going beyond that and giving us a reason as to why this comet cluster...

A: Laura, please clarify exactly what the prophecies say.

Q: (L) Well, actually, "The Noah Syndrome" is primarily prophetic exegesis with a little science thrown in to help clarify why such occurrences must be along a "natural" order. [Discussion of primary passages in "Noah."] In the prophecies it is said: "If those days were not shortened, would no flesh be saved. But, for the elects' sake, will those days be shortened." Now, can you tell me what this means?

A: Not yet.

Q: (T) Where are we? We have a dark star flinging comets like bowling pins...

A: Your Biblical prophecies speak of a period of terror and chaos followed by calm, and then, unexpectedly, amidst seeming overwhelming peace and renewal and prosperity, the end.

Q: (L) Okay, elucidate, please.

A: No, you elucidate, please!

Q: (L) Okay, I would say that this "end" is the passing through the "realm border," the "wave."

A: Yes, but don't you know of the prophecies we are referencing?

Q: (L) Are you talking about the Epistle of Peter where it says the heavens will end with a thunderous crash and the earth will burn up with fire?

A: No.

Q: (L) Thank God! Are you talking about the book of Daniel where a number is given regarding the time period between the one event and the other?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Okay. I know where to go to find it and study it. So, we are talking about the number 6.3, as in years?

A: Yes, but that is not correct.

Q: (T) The number of years is not correct. (L) Okay, is it possible, since you have brought this up on other occasions, through technology, to either skip this event by creating a means of travel to the next realm, or to create a parallel universe...

A: No.

Q: (L) Well one thing we can establish...

A: What would happen if the brown star that is the sun's twin were to get close enough to be illuminated by the sun?

Q: (T) Well, if it were close enough to be illuminated, the obvious result is that it would be SEEN. People would panic...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Governments would fall...

A: And terror and chaos. And when it departs again?

Q: (L) Everything will seem to be fine! But, they won't realize that the Oort cloud has been hit! Oh, sugar!

A: And then what?

Q: (L) It is not the Oort cloud or the comets that is going to cause all this terror and carrying on, it is going to be the seeing of the illuminated brown star, which will go away, and then no one will see what is coming! And this IS talked about in both the Bible and Nostradamus - but it was incomprehensible before! Okay, how long will it take the comets to get from the Oort cloud to here?

A: Let us just say that the cluster travels much faster than the usual cometary itinerary.

Q: (T) And this is because they are traveling in the wake of a large sun sized gravity well...

A: And we have spoken of the comet cluster before, and we have told you that this time, it rides the Wave.

Q: (L) Is the wave the energy from this brown star?

A: No.

Q: (L) The Wave is the Wave. (T) So, the dark star is going to come through the Oort cloud, and it doesn't have to get too close. Any star that gets that close is TOO close. Its gravity will propel these comets in our direction. And, on top of that, they are being propelled by the Wave from behind, so they are being both pulled and pushed.

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they being "kicked" and then they get on the wave that is already on the move?

A: Yes. This time. You have had the comet cluster before in antiquity, but the wave was last here aeons ago.

Q: (L) Is this wave a gravity wave?

A: Interrelated.

Q: (L) Okay, now... (T) Well, the wave is a form of energy. (L) Yes, they once told us that it was "hyper-kinetic sensate."

A: Realm border, this is your quantum factor, Laura, so plug it into "Noah" accordingly, and check out the results.

Q: (L) Does this brown or dark star have planetary bodies of its own, other than sharing planets with Sol?

A: No.

Q: (T) Okay. No correlation to Sitchin and his "planet Nibiru." (L) If the wave is the quantum factor for the transition of the Solar System, what is the factor for the transition of an atom?

A: Electrons emit what?

Q: (L) Photons... (T) An electrical charge of some kind. (L) I thought that an electron didn't have any parts... that it is an elementary particle...

A: Right...

Q: (L) What the heck does an electron emit? (T) An EM field?

A: What did we say about gravity? What did we say?!?

Q: (T) What was it? (L) That gravity collects... (T) What you were reading earlier...

A: Read it.

Q: [Reads segment from previous session about gravity.] (L) Is gravity emitted by an electron?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What...

A: Electromagnetically.

Q: (L) What is it that causes a quantum transition? A collecting and dispersing of gravity. What is it about an atom that causes it to collect or disperse?

A: How does the electron fit into the equation of the "atom?"

Q: (L) Well, it orbits the nucleus... (T) Planets orbit the Sun. (L) The energy that an electron collects, or any other part of an atom collects, that causes a quantum transition, comes to it from outside of it? A wave?

A: How many electrons orbit the nucleus?

Q: (L) It depends on the atom. The number of electrons determine what an atom is an atom of... the number of particles it has orbiting...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And they orbit in specific shells...

A: Yes... And how does the sun relate to this macro- dynamically?

Q: (L) Okay, something from the nucleus of the atom acts upon the electrons to cause a transition?

A: How many electrons orbit the nucleus?

Q: (L) Of the sun? Are you asking how many electrons orbit the nucleus of the Sun? Different atoms have different numbers...

A: Of any atom?

Q: (L) Okay, it varies.

A: From what to what?

Q: (L) From one to somewhere in the nineties or hundreds...

A: And what determines the number?

Q: (L) Well, that is a damn good question! (T) What makes one atom helium and one atom oxygen? How do they know how to become what they are?

A: No.

Q: (T) Well, what determines the number?

A: Is it the composition of the nucleus?

Q: (L) Yeah. That's right. We forgot. What causes or determines the number of protons or whatever in the nucleus?

A: What composition would cause the orbiting of one electron?

Q: (L) One proton?

A: Now, think macro-dynamically.

Q: (L) Well, you once said that the sun is a window, or transition point to another density. Are you saying that the nucleus of an atom is also a window?

A: What we are saying is the sun is a proton and its twin is an electron!

Q: (L) Well, I am still trying to get at... the wave causes transitions in the macro-cosmic atom, what causes the microcosmic atom... what causes a quantum jump? What accumulates in an atom that causes it to transition? (T) Is it a case of accumulation, or something being given off?

A: Completion of Grand Cycle.

Q: (J) It just is. (L) No, no...

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?

Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three things causing a transition in nature?

A: Like "biorhythms."

Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.

A: Bad day if you are John D. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

Q: (L) So, does something like a three cycle event also occur in sub-atomic transitions, like the biorhythm?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, there are three factors to be considered... or more than three?

A: Either, or.

Q: (L) Can it be a random, arbitrary number of events?

A: If you wish.

Q: (L) Is it partly the observer that adds one of the factors? Consciousness?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, we see three separate cycles coming together here...

A: Everything reflects macrodynamically and microdynamically. We suggest you absorb for now; and, fear not! For it is not imminent!

NOV 28 2009
A: The wave is coming, you are teaching people to surf it instead of being dragged under and out to stormy seas.

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"!

Q: (L) So even people who - or maybe particularly people who - engage in a great deal of what Lobaczewski called "selection and substitution", there is some part of their rational mind that knows what the truth is, but because it's not acceptable to their peer group, or their social milieu, or their background and upbringing to accept that truth, they repress and suppress it and explain things to themselves in other ways. But they still know the truth. What would it be like if you have all of this suppressed, twisted truth locked up inside you that you never allowed yourself to look at and acknowledge?

(Ark) But you see this is not a separate phenomenon because when there is this amplification, there are these fears that you said, they will also explode. So the individual will be able to... the little devil will become the big devil, so it will be easier to choose, because, you know, choices will be amplified. It's not just little dark here, little this there - it's hard to choose - but they will have to decide this time where to go, and the decision will be...

(L) Extremely painful.

(Ark) It will be painful, but on the other hand, it will be clear.

(C******) But what if you're so overwhelmed it isn't clear?

(L) What if your fear is so big that...

(C******) You're blinded?

(Ark) Well, then you are lost.

(L) I mean, people that believe lies against all evidence are the ones that really baffle me. I mean, they don't baffle me in the sense that I don't understand why they do it, because I understand the psychological and brain mechanism, and I understand that's it been thousands of years, little by little, gradually, pathologically encroaching until now we live in this world where it's just literally -everything is dirty - it's just really horrible. And I can't imagine what... I mean, what about a psychopath? What about a psychopath who doesn't have emotions? How is a hyperkinetic sensate {wave} going to affect a psychopath?

A: They do have a sort of "emotion". Hunger for darkness.

Q: (L) So what it is an amplified hunger for darkness?

(A******) More darkness.

(L) But what would it do if it were amplified in that way?

(Allen) Ravenous!

(L) They'd devour themselves, wouldn't they?

A: More or less. What do you do when at your center there is a big empty hole?

Q: (Ark) But I can see how it's gonna happen. You see separately, there are these psychopaths. At the same time, there are a lot of people who are becoming very unstable. There are a lot of people who go completely crazy, that psychopaths can see something is happening - new opportunity, right? So, new victims. "They're mine!" "No, they're MINE!" And so psychopaths will start to fight with each other.

(L) Because they're more and more hungry. And then their masks will fall away, and people will see them for what they are.

A: Yes

Q: (L) It's gonna be ugly. But, we are embarked upon a new world. Okay, somebody else's turn to ask questions.

5 AUG 2017
Data)I have one more. The C's once described the Wave as hyperkinetic sensate. I would like to know when a person does work on himself, facing one's own mechanical nature and the mechanical nature of others, that also creates sensations that I thought could be hyperkinetic too. Are these two things comparable? Would a person that works on himself, is that comparable to hyperkinetic sensate that the Wave was described as?

A: It can be. A person who struggles with intense emotion and masters it is somewhat inoculated.

Q: (L) So if you experience these hyperkinetic sensate experiences incrementally or gradually inside yourself by working with yourself, and you deal with them, then you are not subject to being blown apart by the hyperkinetic sensate Wave that comes later? Well, I mean, come on! It looks to me like we're already experiencing it. Look how all these people are acting all over the planet. If that's not a hyperkinetic sensate... I mean, you see those so-called Social Justice Warriors? When I saw the screaming woman with the glasses on after Trump's election, I mean... And the rest of them? They're just acting freakin' CRAZY! So I would say that hyperkinetic sensate is partly involved with the disintegration and the soul smashing. It's like insane. Am I right there?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) It could also be related to the shooters, the Florida face eater man.

(Data) These sensations are certainly unpleasant.

(L) No kidding!

(Data) Are people ever going to ask for help, or seek out help from someone who knows how to help them?

A: Eventually the suffering will separate the wheat from the chaff.
There's actually more to it than that: I was faced with 15 pages of questions, many of which would be made irrelevant and the Cs clearly took pity on the fact that I was prepared to go through them all even if I was totally exhausted by it. I had them all on the table there with me...

Had you already read through these questions? Or some? If so I imagine the act of reading them yourself certainly subconsciously informed the C's =) I am incredibly humbled that my question made it in there.

something that keeps coming to mind is the crispr gene editting - and their use and exploration into utilising viruses, bacteriophages and enzymes for cutting and changing DNA and RNA in cells and to fight viruses and reduce infection effectiveness - although not approved yet for use in humans I wonder if this might be a tool intended for use in 'vaccines' to attempt malicious changes in our DNA - but probably not working as intended in the ptb hands.
I have to say WOW

Thank you Board Gang, Cs and mrsLaura.

I have some nice things to add to this session. I will go through the thread after.

Q: Where is the safest place for us to be during the existing and upcoming turmoil?

A: Any place is safe to the knowledgeable person. Do you have the energy and resources to change?

It couldnt be any other way when you think about it. And I will explain my perspective on the boldened part later

A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread of that which they "created".

A: Yes and this is the interesting factor: The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible to cosmic information of the STO variety. It can also enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a beneficial nature. So you can see why they are so desperate to halt the spread.

I was bombarded with thoughts of divine intervention when this all started as Ive said in some of my comments on SOTT! Seems about right ☺ Divine intervention forced "the deep state" to do stupid stuff and make a lot of mistakes. Which is backfiring on them BIGTIME!

(Andromeda) How long has it been circulating?

A: More than two years.

All these parasitic elites, the deep state, our rulling class are going down. Happening already! I heard arrests are being made in high circles... kept on the down-low... done so it doesnt draw attention. Supposedly Putin, Trump and few others are in on it and doing it too. Lets wait and see!

One question about DNA: The fall and previous STO state, the flesh, burning DNA segments. Are we talking about re-activation of DNA segments...

(L) ...that we lost in the fall?

A: Some!

I think its up to individuals to turn on their blocked parts of DNA.

Q: (L) So what research have we done about healing DNA?

Research Grigori Grabovoi!

Is it likely that this is just a headfake before we go back into "good times" for a bit longer, or does this mark the beginning of the acceleration down, down, down into famine, war, real plague and eventually the ice age etc.?

A: Some of those exciting possibilities may come into play.

I would add that it will be what WE MAKE OF IT! SEED THE NEW REALITY! It means YOU HAVE TO CHANGE FROM WITHIN! Not wait for someone else to do it for you. So thats why you need energy and resources. Cause otherwise you are stuck. Dependant on the vampyre that wants to eat you.

Lets seed it! START NOW 😁😉


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